>Former Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher was admitted to a Paris hospital for 'secret treatment' earlier on Monday, Le Parisien newspaper reported.
>The French newspaper said the former champion would undergo treatment based on stem-cell transfusion by French surgeon Philippe Menasche.
APOLOGIZE hes coming back to expose frauds

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Other urls found in this thread:


>wakes up
>checks how ferrari is doing
>demands to be put on sleep again


>special treatment is euthanasia

they gonna harvest his organs

Just in time to replace Bottas.

>(((Secret treatment)))

Let's """"treat"""" him until he runs out of his money.

they want to clone him

we can rebuild him
we have the technology

Why are you guys making a thread about this, just respect his privacy and grow up.

>implying back-to-back Ferrari wins didn't bring him back from the coma

haha look at this homo

Great, he'll be awake to see Hamilton break his record

who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Leclerc brought him back to life

and be ready to take it back

Are they gonna put his mind into vettel's body?

they already put it into Leclerc

I thought most of his brain got damaged. Some bishop who visited him and who didn't give a fuck about the family's wish to keep his condition a secret told the media that he barely reacted to his presence.

ultimate unterhund move

That secret treatment? Euthanasia.

they don't do self driving cars in F1

Pretty sure French neurologists are what landed him in that vegetative state

Ferrariwinslol is inbound

vroom vroom vroom

An american camera did fatass

You know what they say, live fast, secretly die unconscious of brain trauma in a French hospital.

im pretty sure he's landing is what landed him in that vegetative state

Americans need to pay

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>he believes celebrities deserve the right to basic human rights and to die with dignity
Bet you voted Remain too you pathetic cuck


>Spend all your money to keep vegetable ''alive''

He was misdiagnosed and given the wrong treatment by state employed French (((doctors)))

What was your favourite moment from Schumacher's controversial F1 career?

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Austrian GP 2002


Jerez 1997


>That didn't work Michael, you've hit the wrong part of him my friend

Trying to kill Barrichello in Hungary.

They are putting him on that reputed concentrated fetus juice treatment.

>schedules to return in 2020
>he's actually unironically back
o shit

brain implant, they gonna use his son's brain to prevent any rejection

americans are so autistic, stay in that other thread fat faggot

When he humiliated Hill

Based. I hope it works.

This is actually a body double in Paris. The real Schumi has been awake for the past 2 years and is training at secret ferrari facilities for a comeback.

Allow me to call this fake and gay. If there was a treatment that could heal him it would be in China, not in France

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my guess is therapeutic handjobs

*blocks your path*

Attached: schumi-block.jpg (480x360, 15K)

They’ll put his brain in a car like knight rider.

Best comeback since Lauda, based Schumi.

What do the Frenchies know?