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Soccer is for fags

Great player

Named after Marco van Basten

Spoiled, he thinks he's much better than he actually is. Questionable work-rate too.

>spanish people

he's half dutch mate

Didn't he die?

better than Gordisco at least

he would be a starter is a lot of clubs, but the competition is huge in real madrid and it's hard to justify picking a benched player for the national team

the spanish joe allen

He's dead for one year at least.

Is he REALLY half Dutch? He looks more swarthy than most full blooded Spanimoors.


>all Dutch are ary-

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Better than Mbappé.

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tier: jlingz

whitest spanish person on the planet

Is that Asensio or Rodri?



his mom was pretty dark for a dutch woman

he's shite, ian.

About as good as someone like El Shaarawy, not good enough for Real Madrid. Comparing him to Messi was ridiculously delusional.

He simply doesnt have the numbers of an elite striker.



Fuck I'm old. These guys are retired and younger than me.

Didn't he tore his ACL during the pre-season