The nightmare of Nigeria

Attached: 1567900688080.jpg (474x415, 27K)

wtf is this real?



Mi bro
El dembo

Attached: IMG_20190812_214024.jpg (1251x791, 64K)

dwarves > midgets

Attached: meci.jpg (540x521, 12K)


nah lad in every fight i've attended the midgets have always won

More tiny



Microscopic mesi is the GOAT

It's not real. It's photoshopped. This guy keeps posting this picture. I've debunked it so many times recently. Notice how pixelated his verion is compared to my one.

Attached: 2019-06-15t221058z-1841575986-rc1fd69b6470-rtrmadp-3-soccer-copa-arg-col.jpg (2442x1653, 2.36M)

nice shop idiot

bigger messi

retard thats so fake it hurt kys

Here is another picture from the same match. Notice how Messi is similar size to James in this picture as well.

Attached: hj8kh-1560685417772.jpg (1279x885, 219K)

This image is clearly doctored m8


>seth effriken benter

everyone knows james is 10 cm tall faggot

What exactly are you trying to achieve by posting all these fake pictures?

every fucking time

Attached: Screenshot_20190909-142313.png (1080x1920, 1.64M)

this picture is fake as FUCK

its this statue honoring the efforts messi did against chile? Is this why they call him a magician?

The Summoner of the Serious Saffir

Attached: Tiny Dancer.gif (202x276, 1.79M)

wtf.. i thought blacks were lazy as fuck but honest and yet ehre you are making such a meticulous photoshop to fool everyone into thinking messy is tall

>this microscopic manlet was scientifically proven to be twice as better as penaldo
How the literal FUCK can TWAIN and Penaldo ever recover now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

based south african of truth

>south africa
Germanic heritage confirmed

Reminds me of amerismalls. Is it a common condition in the new world?

Attached: amerismalls4.png (1182x677, 934K)



americans grow horizontally infact

He did the thing!


Attached: article-0-1E3D98A900000578-910_634x436[1].jpg (634x436, 49K)

thank you for your service


lmao its so funny divegrass bros! its because the photo of little messi isn't real but the picture of big messi is! but we say the opposite! so funny!
europeans are reddit.

Look at those pixels

Attached: IMG-20190902-WA0014.jpg (1024x748, 89K)


BASED autistic afrikaaner

Attached: messi.jpg (460x569, 51K)

>Messi used Minimize

jesus christ just imagine

>ronaldo in the background


go away with your shopped pics newfag

>messi in the 2019 champions league semi-final

>2 goals

>Still gets btfo'd

Attached: IMG_1421.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Dembele is trash, bingo bongo

Why is it always chicanos, lads?


Attached: 1565745287427.jpg (539x960, 44K)

Brcause their mexican part knows about football and they see through the fraud, contrary to full burger that knows nothing about the sport and thats why the idolize the system babby mental midget choker.

the ball for comparison is based if you didny laughto this you got no eyes

would you tards stop giving this nignog so many (you)'s already. he's a reddite that strokes his 2 inch clit every time you reply.

>messi in 2014 WC final
>messi in 2015 Copa America Final
>messi in 2016 Copa America Final
>messi in 2017 CL Quarter Finals
>messi in 2018 CL Quarter Finals
>messi in 2019 Copa America Semi Final


>messi whenever you need him

Hello twain

Attached: 1555484389963.png (814x806, 76K)

there should be an island in the pacific called Micromessi