Serious question. Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck do we do about this team...

Serious question. Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck do we do about this team? Should the NFL unironically step in or what? This shit is getting ridiculous.

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the Pats run the NFL, not the other way around, and don't you forget it

Rest of the NFL needs to stop being such lazy fucks and step the fuck up

Nfl should step in and hand us another Lombardi

Epstein's files should be unsealed, that would solve the problem pretty quickly.

Git Gud scrub.

NFL should take away their draft picks, suspend Brady for 4 games for deflating Raiders and Stoolers brain with no evidence just like they did for deflategate

The weak should fear the strong.

Post your teams W-L record vs the Brady pats. 0-4 here. So please save us daddy Goodell.

0-0, the Alouettes de Montreal have never played them. Not a bad record all things considered

A NFC east team will cuck them again, don't you worry.

They want him to win 7, Goodell is a shill


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>one game into the season
Mental illness.

One or two more seasons and Brady retires.

Bills and Jets are almost as good, they will make them drop games, Pats will probably lose to a lot of NFC teams, they might get cucked out of winning the division

>there are no "bad" teams in the AFCE

This is your brain on potatoes.

Stop firing your head coaches and co. after 1 bad year. Stick with a QB unless he shows real regression. Draft smart. Stop overpaying for luxury positions. For example, meme edge rushers who get 15+ sacks but are irrelevant most snaps/plays. It’s better to have a farm of tier 2/3 players rather than an elite player and dog shit depth at that position. Finally, hope you draft a decent quarterback with a decent basement and above average ceiling.

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You can’t stop them.

The Patriots are one of the greatest dynasties of all time, nobody is denying that. But........ Imagine if Brady had eight rings, going 8-1 in the Owl. The ONLY thing that has stopped the Patriots from becoming the unequivocal, undisputed greatest American sports dynasty of all time is Elisha Nelson Manning IV.


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Have you seen their fucking team dude? Its not a hot take. They have easily the most talented offense in the league (Josh Gordon and AB playing for the best QB in NFL history), a top 5 defense, insane roster depth in virtually every position that matters, and the best coach of all time. They're picking up right where they left off after last year and just humiliated the team that has traditionally been their toughest AFC competitor.

Obviously there's a lot of question marks; its a long season and anything could happen. But every team in the league is shitting their pants right now and for good reason.

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what would be a greater dynasty even with the L in 2007?

>old man brady throwing pinpoint accurate 40 yard passes to athletic freak josh gordon
>defense holds a good offense to three fucking points, after doing the exact same thing last year in the owl
>just signed the most talented receiver in the league, playing alongside a phenom, the returning superbowl MVP, and a five-time pro bowler

>hurr its only been ONE GAME u never kno the entire team could get injured and BB could die of a stroke
>u can't have opinions or make predictions until the season is over cause anything could happen

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Celtics, Yankees, Lakers all come to mind immediately.

I hate the Pats but the rest of the league should try getting good. Bunch of stupid dumbfuck chowderhead front offices across the league. Yeah, the Pats do have an unfair advantage in having Brady and paying him under market value and him using steroids and all of that, but most of the rest of the stuff they do, any team in the league could do. Even teams with fantastic long-term QB play can't replicate the Pats success, because they're idiots.

>muh anything can happen this season

You're right...Gronk could come out of retirement and Nkeal Harry could be a top 5 WR

>there are no "bad" teams in the AFCE

The Celtics one doesn’t count when they were playing against literal milkmen and part time dentists

Ah yes, I too remember that time when Larry Bird went to the finals 9 times and won 6 titles

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He’s talking about the Bill Russell dynasty, idiot

Literally who?

Yeah the NFL is going to ruin their chance at having the greatest football team in NFL history just so happen to come into existence on the 100th anniversary

90s Bulls

The Patriots one doesn't count because they were paying the quarterback absurdly below market value.

>being this much of a zoomer

Disgusting. Kill yourself.

>and just humiliated the team that has traditionally been their toughest AFC competitor.
Belichick's Patriots are 12-4 vs the stoolers lol

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They are elite until Brady and BB retire. Nothing to be done but wait it out. Freak occurrence that two GOATs came to the same club at the same time.

Terrible equivalency. The level of competition was just way, way worse in the Russell era of basketball. Literally he had one team to worry about, and that was Wilt’s. Those rings don’t even count in today’s era.

over a short term maybe but the longevity of the pats is what's so impressive. if Jordan's bulce had stayed winning into the 2000s maybe they'd measure up

Only father time can save the league

The Bulls went 6-0 in the Finals, my man

>i say it doesn't count because reasons, but you cannot do that


Terrible insult to Bob Pettit

The difference is that your reason is just nonsense. If the dude wants to take a paycut to play there, that’s his prerogative. All other QB’s could do the same, but they don’t. Having extra cash could help all those teams, no?

With Russell he just played against bad competition. Patriots are not playing against bad competition.

ever heard of a little guy named Oscar Robertson

Obviously he meant in terms of sustained success dipshit, that's why Pitt is always jawing about playing NE in the postseason. It doesn't matter anyways cause NE has owned everyone for the past 20 years

You asked a question and were proven wrong, deal with it. Throw out Rusell's Celtics and you still have the Yankees and Bulls. Fucking next.

>not understanding the Brady is not bound by the laws of mere mortals

I can sense the yinzer salt through the screen

Wrong again. You're sensing hick salt.

Its because they're the only team in the league with more than 1 person with an IQ over 110

The NFL did step in already. They were a Cardinals tier laughingstock until they were handed a free ring because the name Patriots and 9/11, and then the owner's best friend stepped into the commissioner role and the last 15 years has just been them seeing what they can get away with

>the Bills and Jets are almost as good

>the owner's best friend stepped into the commissioner role

Yea they're best buds, except for the time where he fined NE hundreds of thousands of dollars and first round pick for the most minor rule infraction of all time. Or the time where he straight up lied to Kraft, fined NE $1 million and two draft picks, and suspended Brady for four games for something that literally never even happened at all.

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I don't follow football at all but it's hilarious seeing the league seethe over them year after year. They all thought Brady would retire by now and even their dirty tricks to have him removed didn't work.

he lets Brady get away with blatantly doing steroids tho

Yeah and that bestie fucking hates you and does his best to try to fuck you for something didn't even happen

You mean NFL let their golden boy Peypey gets away with HGH

>i don't follow football at all, but every year when I follow it....


I'm seething because all the records Brees holds are probably going to be passed by Brady since he's never going to let someone else hold those records and Brees will likely retire after this season.


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Can't be arsed to find the Brady era w-l record but we're 3-10 vs them all time including a superb owl win vs them in 1985.

they're not even that good these recent teams would get booty blasted by the 03 or 04 Pats it just the rest of the nfl is terrible

>brady refuses to sit
>goodell """"suspends""""" him during meaningless games they'll win anyway
>backup QBs draft stock soars and they traderape the niners
>cheater gets to come back fresher than everyone else

I don’t know much about nfl, but it seems like this team is like the fc barcelona of nfl

Don't hate us because you ain't us

They have had nearly 20 years of dominance, no other team in the history of the NFL has done that and it's extraordinary likely no other team ever will

I only watched 2 games in the past few years and it was their SuperBowl wins.

It's just hilarious to watch people seethe over the Patriots. Rather than actually managing their teams well, they all just get assblasted about the Patriots' dominance and immediately call for 'Daddee Goodell patriutz OP plz nerf'.

All I heard for years is dumbasses insist that Brady's arm was dead, he's old, etc and now that he has actual, legitimate deep threats, he's throwing fucking rockets multiple times throughout the game.

Amazingly, they cheat and skirt the rules even more than FCB.

You act as if NFL general managers post on Yea Forums

What the fuck is wrong with Patriots fans?

>until they were handed a free ring because the name Patriots and 9/11
i love this meme let's give New York's biggest rival a title because of 9/11

>2nd round pick
>they traderape the niners

I just really wish their was a control season for Brady and Belichick. Like if there was a season where Belichick didn't have Brady and still won like 11 games or something with a scrub-ass 3rd tier QB. If only we had that we would know how truly elite Brady is.

If, IF, IF they are found tampering with AB then Belicheck needs to be banned for life, Kraft needs to be forced to sell the team, and they need to be forced to move cities.

Maybe if they did read online opinions, they'd finally understand why they keep getting their asses kicked by the Pats, rather than constantly reasoning it away by "muh cheaters".

>brady goes down
>lose division with an all-time stacked team
>miss playoffs

yeh went well desu

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and Cassel made the pro bowl with the Chiefs

go back to /x/

What exactly is /x/ about that post?

have you seen him? even a 7th is too much

Hire more black QBs.

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implying the season is scripted for the patriots to win.

Its simple. We kill the Brady

he could have got much more

what is it with the raiders specifically? why do the patriots constantly shit on them?

>be one of the best wrs in the league
>play on one of the worst teams in the league

and you're surprised he wanted out?

Tom and Bill sold their souls for the wins and when the time comes for them to pay the Patriots will suffer 100 years of sub .500 seasons.

Only if Belichick went to playoffs without Brady for one season during his HC career. Not even winning SB, but just making playoffs

Hasn't he just pissed away 30 million dollars? Who gives a fuck about a football team and whether it wins. Money is important. And hes hurting the league. And the Patriots are hurting the league with this jesuit bullshit. I don't give a fuck about football anymore. Thats how bad it is. You all can have football. Im a wrestling fan now. Enjoy the anthem kneeling. In wrestling at least when a nigger starts kneeling during the anthem the John Cena music starts playing and you know the guy is in for an ass whoopin'. Yeah, fuck football for a myriad of reasons. Im a wrestling fan now.

the were terrible for pretty much their entire existence until this run

just like how alinity never got banned for yeeting her cat
pats will never be punished for breaking the rules

>I'm a wrestling fan now

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he got 15 million this year and will get paid again after the season

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In what way did I imply that?

>Yea Forumsie
Imagine being a zoomer, fan of the current WWE that can't draw DIMES like 90s WWE.

not even close. Barca's dominance has largely been financial. NFL is meant for parity, dynasties aren't supposed to happen. Whereas in europoor football every top league is a 1-3 horse horserace, due to overwhelming financial advantages.
What Brady and Bill have done is probably analogous to winning 13 UCLs and going to 17 finals in 18 years.

You know wrestling is not a sport, do you?

>Browns gifting them Josh Gordon, Jason McCourty, and Danny Shelton for pennies
>Lions giving them Kyle Van Noy
>Eagles giving them Michael Bennett
>Saints giving them Bradin Cooks that one year
>Colts giving them Dwayne Allen (lol) and Philip Dorsett
>The Rams after losing the SB to the Pats trade like 4 times with them in the draft

Tell teams to stop picking up the phone when they call. Won't solve everything, but your own team probably contributes small things to help the Pats improve.

Yeah and if he didn't fuck around he was going to get 30 million from oakland guaranteed. But why should a nigger in america worry about getting money? Football is more important.

Yeah I think its gross. I don't think he should be able to act like that, or just go to whatever team he wants. That hurts the business, and players should be able to see that. FANS see it and they are a bunch of marks. Players should be about the business. AB, and The Patriots want to win football games woohoo, but they're hurting the business. And thats not winning.

I don't give a fuck its all entertainment.


he's a dickhead but i dont blame him for not wanting to play on a shit team

Which Yankees? As a group, or any specific era?

The whole reason AB engineered the trade to NE was for the goodnight kisses. He didn't have a good relationship with Ben because Ben's kinda a dick. Derrick Carr is a real nice guy, but he never once offered AB a goodnight kiss. People talk about winning SBs and that's a great bonus, but AB just wants a QB who appreciates him enough to kiss him on the mouth at the end of a hard day's work.

Emergency backup countries need not replyTrue about goodell
Lay off the Fentanyl
This among all others; Dance for us silly athletes, dance

1994 as coach of the Browns

Do you really want that dumb nigger to make 15 million less dollars? Just in guaranteed money? Why are you even talking about winning and losing, and the quality of a team? And you think wrestling fans are stupid? FOOTBALL fans are stupid.

And if dumb niggers want to make 15 million dollars less money then fine. You know who else is a dumb nigger? Tom Brady. That dumb nigger has been playing for a discount like his whole career. Muh 'I just want to win'. They need to get rid of the salary cap if all the best players are just going to end up on the four best teams through hijinks, and players are paying a premium to the owners just to be able to win. The thing is Im not going to watch it, I cant watch it, because all the hijinks have left such a bad taste in my mouth.

Jesus Christ

>Yeah the NFL is going to ruin their chance at having the greatest football team

implies that the NFL wants the patriots to win somehow to coincide with the 100th league season. Like they could step in if it was another situation, but not in this precise moment when the greatest team of all time has a chance to put its name forever in history.

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Lmao. As a Pats fan I kek'd heartily at this thinking of how many teams must get so asshurt how we turned their nobodies into big names.

Imagine whining about a sports legend actually not being greedy. Why would he need the extra fifteen? Dude has endorsements and has his own brand. Unlike an Aaron Rodgers, he always views himself as needing to prove himself and not be an arrogant asshat.

>implies that the NFL wants the patriots to win somehow to coincide with the 100th league season
Why wouldn't they? Potentially the greatest QB ever retiring and winning a superbowl on the 100th anniversary would be perfect for them and it looks like it's going to happen. Why wouldn't they want that? It's just like Manning winning the owl and retiring during the 50th superbowl

>Like they could step in if it was another situation, but not in this precise moment when the greatest team of all time has a chance to put its name forever in history.
Like when everybody knew Manning was going to retire and was caught using HGH the same season and they brushed it under the rug because the storyline was too perfect? Do you even watch football?

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I don't see why people haven't adopted the Patriots as their second team. I did right after they won their first Owl and I've been on the ride for 5 more Super Bowls ever since, despite being a Texans fan. Feels good.

>what the fuck is wrong with patriots fans?
>proceeds to MUH CHEATERS!

Lmao you child.

bye bye Kraft

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Hot take but the salary cap makes them harder to beat. Without it some team could just buy up a shitload of players and steamroll them. The patriots essentially play with no cap because Brady is paid pennies.

It’s interesting how risky it is to play for NE, NE is run like a military and many players say it is not fun to play for them, unless you win the owl. What happens when you don’t win the owl? Actually how did Belichick manage to hold the team together between 2004-2014?

it's not some magical thing, other franchise qbs could do the same thing if they cared more for team than for $$$

Easy to take less when his wife is richer than him.

oh poor me, I only make 15 million dollars instead of 30 million, I'm really in the poorhouse

That’s really how almost all players think though, not even how I necessarily think. I guarantee their next qb either won’t be as team friendly, or as good.

>why would you NEED an extra 15 million
Take the money and give it to a charity then. Don't just LET Robert Kraft have it, you DUMB NIGGER.

Anyone notice the big overall decline in middle linebackers and how the patriots exploit the middle so much? It’s not a coincidence they struggle against teams with talented middle linebackers

He already started taking less money even before he met his wife

just enjoy it.

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I feel like a couple of teams should just be beating each other up, the consistently awful nfc ones anyway

because ben has the big jew

Wait til Tom retires. If it's still a problem after that, move the team to St Louis

In 5 years who do you predict will be the new elite 4 of football? It was Brady Manning Brees and Rodgers for a very long time.

My guess is:
1. Mahomes, great coaching and can make almost any play
2. Lawrence, has all the intangibles you could possibly want and has a very quick release
3. Wentz, big arm, great at reading defenses and has great intangibles, just needs to stay healthy
4. Wilson, most dangerous dual threat qb due to elite passer traits as well as being very quick

I don't know what I want more: 19-0 or 18-1.

Cards Dwarf

you're too young to remember boston fan butthurt if you wouldn't pick 18-1 every time.

>not including Brady
cope faggot, he's immortal

cry more faggot


Fuck Buffalo get your shit together

18-1 was glorious but I think the butthurt would be much better with 19-0 now.

18-1 came in a different era when I wanted to see the giants fall to see smug boston fans cry.

Now I want 19-0 to see the butthurt of fans of other leagues screaming for parity.

Newsflash: people don't want to see parity.

Whoops I mean the Patriots.

It's amazing to realize that the Patriots were a few plays/minutes away from having nine Super Bowl wins.

Imagine not being from New England

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Is it wrong that I now have more respect for Bob Kraft because for years I've had a massive, raging fetish of middle aged Asian women?

back to /x/ loser

Brady will still be elite in 5 years.

So they got eliminated in earlier rounds every year?

Bunch of known cheaters desu
Tainted rings, plastic fanbase
Good football died after the 90's

Just leave the patriots to us

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How'd that go last year bub?

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he'd have to score at least 5 TDs to beat the chiefs, and 3 or more against the chargers and the broncos. Carr was going nowhere with Cooper who made Dak win like 7 straight games lol.

we lost both games by a combined LESS THAN A TOUCHDOWN so it could come down to literally a play or two here or there.

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Just like peyton did to brady

Fuck the pats. What nigger lovin cuck team. The NFL commission was afraid of the Saints beating the little pussy bitch pats last year that's why they blatantly made that bullshit call with the rams.

Los Angeles doesnt even deserve a team either. It's a city of divided spics and fags.

9-8, 3-1 in the playoffs. Feels good man.

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>winning a bowl
>with Andy still being the HC

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>we lost both games

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well they win that playoff game if the Chiefs weren't retards and released Hunt for tapping a woman with his foot or if Dee Ford doesn't line up offsides

the only reason The Saints were in that game was because of a bunch of bullshit calls against the Eagles

your team DID beat brady in the superbowl, right?

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>being so scared you have to pick up the 2nd best receiver in the league when you already have JOSH FUCKING GORDON

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kraft paid TMZ for the release of that vid. chiefs didn't want to sacrifice draft picks to keep Hunt when RB is kinda expendable position. they released him to damage control and secure the future

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Didn’t Kraft already get nailed at a Chinese handjob parlor in Florida? Did nothing.


yep bro you just summed up why the pats are so good in one sentence, if only all teams could follow this one sentence like it's the bible then they'd be good

you fucking retarded faggot

The Jets and Bills are absolutely not as good as them.

They just added the most flamboyant homosexual in the league to a team that went 11-5 last year. The rest of the NFL will be just fine.

There aren't, though. The Jets, Bills, and Dolphins are all average teams without the Patriots involved. They're not good teams, but they're also not as terrible as teams like the Bucs or Lions. You'd have to be an oblivious casual to think otherwise.

unironically not watching anymore of this season until playoffs. whats actually the point. even then I'll ONLY be watching the pats games

Tom brady probably makes more on endorsements than salary. So winning gives him more endorsements (his wife as well im sure) and so he may actually make more this way. Just not directly

Dante Scarnecchia is also a huge advantage.

He can always cobble together a good line with random mid round picks and cast offs. Those few years he retired Brady was getting pummeled left and right. He comes back and they have a good line again.


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80's islanders, won 19 playoff series in a row.

Easy to take less when your team pays a company you own

>pinpoint accuracy
Kek half his throws should be called for intentional grounding

>manning winning the owl
superbowl 50 was won by the defense user, manning was average at best that game

Success breeds jealousy.

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If they win 3 more they'll be 9/11 so you'll never forget

As a Pats fan, the only reason I'd love to see a perfect season is to watch bitter Don Shula kill himself. That asshat whined like a bitch every time the Patriots broke one of his records. That's why he was so happy about 18-1.

This has been said for what, 15 years now? How many more beautiful throws must he thread through a needle to end this dumb meme? Dude is literally one of the most accurate, gifted passers ever.

Will racism win again this year?

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It'll be near impossible for him to receive the maximum for the current deal due to the incentives built around the bulk of the signing bonus.

Hopefully Mahomes takes less like Brady does to help the team out. He has big endorsement opportunities like Brady does.

I don't know much about american football but why Patriots are considered racist? I like them just for this pic Please explain to an europoor

while the pats can't win in mile high donkeys can't win in foxborough so it's a fair trade

gay post

Brady, Belichick and team owner Robert Kraft have had the faintest amount of association with Donald Trump in the past, and they refuse to apologize for it, so they're evil by association or something.

Thank you based burgerbro. Just one reason more to support them.

you have the reading comprehension of a donkey

Lol. A true average team is some crap like Bungles and Dedskins and they would shit all over Jest, Bills and Memefins

Giants are 3-3 against Brady including two Superbowl wins.

Safe to say they haven't destroyed and dominated everyone. You got smoked pig.

The Giants have lost their most recent match ups against the Patriots and this season will be no different. Holding Bowl 42 is so far in the past at this point you may as well bring up Flacco's brief period of dominance against them.

>every year for 18 years

one day they will learn


really hard to be a dynasty when you have a payroll double the average team

The Steelers fan in me wants to hate them.

But the white man in me says Sieg Heil.

>the patriots made lemonade out of lemons
>that means the punishment was secretly intended as a reward by the commissioner

image being this assblasted by the pats success

>what is 2000

>be highest paid player on team but not demand top of the market salary and create a legacy that will be remembered for generations
>get the most possible money and fail on a national stage drawing the hate and anger of the fanbase that once supported you

tough choice but obviously 30 million makes you objectively twice as happy as 15 million

>im poor and jealous of others successes so naturally successful people secure in their choices should think like me and not for themselves

>if things happened differently than the result would be different


if goodell had any balls he'd suspend AB but he won't do it. this shit would never fly in the nba

anybody with common sense knows there was collusion/tampering, the social media consulting to get released, the signing with new england with extra 1 yard/ td/1 catch contract happening right away, sharing the same agent as gronk, who tried to get him to go to new england this whole time

AB ran the long game here and every fucking owner should be shitting their pants, including kraft, because this completely undermines the CBA, expect a rule change or a lockout in 2021

There was no collusion. The Raiders just didn't want to pay him. The Raiders thinking they could manage this guy was the only travesty that took place here. The Patriots can absorb this kind of drama because their organization doesn't change if one player whines. Rosenhaus knows whats best for his clients and that's going to a team that will make him shut up and just play football.

there definitely was, it's just that it's impossible to prove in the modern era with burner phones, and going through proxies of agents, "my team members," "rumor i heard on social media", etc

the raiders couldn't manage him because he didn't want to be managed period. it was all a fucking act. guaranteed there will be no drama for the "pats to absorb" because it was manufactured by AB to not want to be in oakland

Maybe if Shittsburgh and the Oakland Grudens weren’t retarded, the season wouldn’t be over one week in.

>raiders thought they could manage AB

Lmao what the fuck are you talking about. The raiders did fucking nothing to AB. HE came to training camp with fucked feet, the raiders didnt make his dumbass do that. The raiders didnt make AB throw a bitch fit about a fucking helmet that he KNEW a year before hand that he'd have to change. The raiders did nothing except try to punish him for not following his contract like any fucking organisation would do. Fuck you for making me defend the raiders faggot. Only a nigger would defend AB right now

>you will almost certainly get to see Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft die in you life

Feels great man.

Leave the Patriots to me

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>be a young kid
>listening to the Patriots on the radio while doing yard work with my dad
>game's over
>go inside
>mom says "how did they lose this time?"
>this is the way things are
>have Drew Bledsoe autographed football in my room
>get Madden 2000
>start really getting into football
>start watching the games with purpose next season
>Drew Bledsoe goes down early
>he's not coming back
>why oh why did I choose now to start really being into it?
>6th round draft pick enters the game to take over
>is pretty good
>is excellent
>takes them to the Super Bowl
>this is amazing
>next year
>be 14
>Patriots just won their second owl
>dad says to me "son, if they win another one in the next few years this could be a bona fide dynasty!"
>they win literally the next year
>that's it - we're among the greats
>who needs Bledose? we've got Brady!
>QB controversy officially over
>like Pittsburgh, Dallas, San Fransisco and Denver we have our own dynasty
>Patriots get to the owl again in a couple of years
>possibly the greatest team ever
>they lose
>still a great team
>is it still a dynasty though? they haven't won an owl in so long
>10 years after my dad said those words to me they win spectacularly against Seattle, which looked to be the next real football dynasty
>Seattle becomes irrelevant
>win two more after that
>realize this has been a dynasty lasting nearly 2 decades with the same QB
>they're even better than they were in 2007
>they're unstoppable
>Tom Brady will never stop
>the Patriots will have a 3 decade dynasty and there's nothing anyone can do about it
it's been a nice ride, fellas

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Oh come the fuck on user. AB has always been crazy, but how he has been here lately has been EXTRA crazy. I dont know the extent of the collusion. But if you dont think at the very least there wasnt something along the lines of "Hey AB I heard if the Raiders cut you the Patriots would sign you." Then you are very naive.


accurate and based
you're not the kiwi we know

>Implying Patriots being consistent for 18 years is worse than having PSG, Juventus, Barca/Real, Ajax, and Bayern locked in for the championship for decades.

>biggest rival

2008 is even better

collusion is a two way street
yes it's clear AB wanted out of Oakland, but asking for a release isn't against the rules

Spurs are gonna make the playoffs for a 23rd straight season in a stacked Western Conference. Imagine if Bellycheck had nearly as much competition in his career as Popovich has had.


Or imagine if Popovich has as little competition as Bellycheck. Spurs would easily have >10 rings.

PSG were irrelevant until very recently.


>he's so fucking good that decent teams look like "no competition" in comparison
cope harder

fucking buffalel

killed the fanbase completely