/heem/ - Friendship Triangle Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


Can I grow a full beard of this is how thick my facial hair is after 9 days? Same thickness but all over my face

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Yes, just let it keep growing. The length will cover a good amount of the bare spots.

This mutt lost in like 10 sec to Hardy. Why won't they give Hardy Niggano

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wtf is wrong with conors arm on the left pic

the one of ferg and khabib when is from?

Champ Shit Only

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>Ali in the background, fearing the Ferguson

Yeah... I think cejudo is racist confirmed

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Conor wins the rematch.

This faggot cornball no pussy getting Canadian cocksucker is a piece of shit idk why faggot Gayna White had a hardon for this worthless scrub to begin with die die DIIIEEEEEEEE

Tony Ferguson dudeeeeee

>Look at me
> We WWE now

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Coward that's fighting in an irrelevant pre-school division that should be exclusive to women fighters. he's an arrogant obnoxious midget with less personality than T-Quil Woodley. Eliminate this cartoon weight division, NOW.

Everyone forgets the Rock gives absolutely zero fucks about MMA and he is only promoting this shit because he is represented by WME and has shares in the UFC by proxy

He's is a living version of 'Mr.m Potato Head", I can't even watch a UFC event where he is shown on TV, as my daughter goes into fits; she starts screaming crying in fear at the very sight of this mutant freak.fight at a real weight division.

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typical whitey.. proud, egotistical, steals from other culture, braggadocious, no rhythm/soul, psychopathic (put on a facade but ugly inside).. only to get beat by a Brazilian!!

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seriously why don't they just midget fights at that point? it would be hella entertaining

Suarez on 2 and Ansaroff on 3 gave their places to Joanna and Waterson.What year we have?

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How old are you senpai? I could only grow patchy low test shit until I was like 30.

Shave your beard and rock a moustache, otherwise kill yourself.

Been wwe for over 10 years.

Would you?

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Holy reddit, it's fucking over.

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this proves masvidal isn't a real gangster and is a crypto redditor

b-but le 3 piece and a s-soda haha!

Conor Mcgregor talks hard yet half his pics on instagram are photos of him carrying shopping bags from stores I thought only woman shopped at. He looks soooo soft. He calls everyone a pussy...says the guy carrying a Luis Vutton purse as a gym bag. Explain that one to me.

conor you grain of sand .ufc is beach

Conor is actually undergoing a sex change operation right now, after the khabib fight he told dana he doesn't feel the same anymore, he has flashbacks of khabib humping him in the octagon in front of his entire family.

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WWF was fucking massive even a decade ago, especially with minorities. Which is funny because they had a lot of blatantly racist gimmicks like the team of mexicans who would drive to the ring on a lawnmower

yes i am a woman now but i used to be a man i dated conor for 18 months. he has no idea how to have sex and he likes me to dom him.

any good pics of Jojua?

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>shave your beard
that's haram you filthy kuffar

If any UK people are interested in CBD flower I rate uncle herb's bruce banner. You sleep like a baby after vaporising that stuff.

He obviously can't grow a proper beard you filthy mongrel, might as well just have a moustache.

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you posted this at least 5 times

kys, retard

>tune into ariel
>see this
I think we actually belong on Yea Forums...

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/heem/ is losing traction after the big event lads, makes me kinda depressed

Hes the white mayweather

>new world order
Jews are not even hiding it anymore lads

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>hiding behind a mask of a black bull
cain really took that L badly

ngannou flushed this man

>Shave your beard and rock a moustache
Thats a good advice

[Mumbles in flushed]

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Did you guys know Cyborg is dating BJ Penn

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Just 2 years ago he was considered the best HW ever by many
This sport is cruel

I was never a fan of him but
somebody please stop him flushing himself anymore, i cant watch it

Scot COKEr will sign gooby in max 2years
Mark my words

What do you think mini khabib's pussy smells like right now shit for brains (moderator)?

The face of pure fear

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He’s doing what he actually loves and is taking all the HGH he wants to recover his glass body, shut your mouth asshole

you can try DHEA, you might go bald though

He was already flushed by Werdum years ago

Kek, BJ looking smooth..

werdum just dropped him in the till. Ngannou flushed him to mexico

imagine licking her gums right when she wakes up in the morning that would be gross hahaha

dhea is the best over the counter legal steroid

lol nerds, he shocked the wrestling world by being incredibly proficient at it with just weeks of training when it takes most people years. he's excelling in 2 disciplines which is 2 more than your pathetic ass will ever amount to

shut up geek back to Yea Forums

Kek, Tony calling Khabib 'lazy'

he is lazy, still lives at home too


He's buying shitcoins, don't hate

so do you

el cuckuy is finished, there's no where to run now, his only option is to get flushed by khabib.

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>fight Gaethje in ufc 3 career mode
>he shoots for a takedown

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Khabib's wrestling will be a nightmare for Tony..

>Khabib flushing anybody
Only in your dreams

Who ate the saudi shiekh style shit last saturday?

Wait they are actually fighting for a belt? Fucking cringe, thank god ive never given them a dime and never will.

“Oh god Conor!” I gasped as the head popped inside me then the first couple inches of cock starting to fill me. He slid his hands to my hips and held me as he pushed a little more. My back arched as Conor gave me his cock.
“Oh fuck, your pussy is so fucking tight. Oh god Kylie!” he groaned as he bottomed out deep inside me. My pussy was so full of cock. He started pulling back and pushing back deep.
"Shit! It's going to be a long night, isn't it?" I moaned.
"Team no sleep." He said as he fucked me.

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More pls

If he can back Tony up against the cage consistently he can. But even then Tony is going to make Khabib work on the ground rather than just carrying his weight fruitlessly and shittily buttscooting back up against the cage

Khabib tapped

>retires conor
>drives dustbin to tears
>beats top competition
>is undefeated

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fuck off back to /hm/ faggots

psychologically flushed

Thing is, Khabib has literally NOTHING for Tony. Tony owns him anywhere.

1. On the feet. Tony pieces up khabib and his sambo SHITboxing. Khabib will not be able to find where he's coming from. His face will get torn up from elbows. His elusiveness will have Khabib crying to his corner after one round.

2. Wrestling. Okay, Khabib is good at this, we get it. But Tony is a NCWA wrestling champion and he played football. He easily has enough experience to stuff Khabib's takedowns and keep the fight standing.

3. On the ground. Tony is a KILLER here. Everyone tries to stand back up when Khabib is on them, which gasses them. Tony don't give a fuck. He will stay in guard and MURDER khabib with ELBOWS. His submission threat is like NOTHING khabib has ever experienced before. HE IS A 10TH PLANET BLACK BELT. There is no shortage of ways Tony can win from here.

4. Conditioning. Tony is a freak. Once he starts, he never stops. He IMPROVES over rounds. Khabib's only chance is to get a flash KO (he wont). Tony is an animal.

5. The X-factor. Khabib's whole deal is that he's a Russian "tough guy." I'll give him that. But Tony is a literal PSYCHOPATH. Khabib has never been locked in a cage with SOMEONE LIKE TONY!

It's time for the real champ to step up!

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>and he played football
kek, everytime

>post flushing HWs in charge of life decisions

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This is time number what you posted this now?

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Tony sounded really smart and serious
I think im gonna start pumping myself again

wtf kek

UFC unstoppable press conference backstage

He didn't flush Conor, money and fame did and the only top competition he has beat so far are RDA, Dustin and Gooby all of whom were already at the later stages of their careers.
He hasn't flushed anybody.

>played football
top kek

>there's no where to run now
>uhhhhhhhhhhh, Tony? Don't know dis guy. Dana decide who I fight next. GSP next in line
I don't think Tony is the one running.

Is this the highest IQ heem post OF ALL TIME?

Thing is, /heem/ has literally NOTHING for an autistic shitposter. The autist owns /heem/ anywhere.

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his coach was just on the jew mma show and said Tony should be next


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Based, we own /heem/

What was javier saying

Forgot to attach image reee

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shut the fuck up faggot he already confirmed he will be fighting tony next, and his head coach javier mendez said it too, el duckuy is afraid to step into the octagon with khabib.

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1st round Lando heems Khabib

Whatever happened with Evil Cowboy running from the law

>mfw kebab wrestlefucks your "sport" into oblivion

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They ignored it and he's fighting soon

Tony deserves it, tony should be next and not conor, but it's in the UFC hands who they want to fight khabib next, but that khabib doesn't want the rematch

What's up with this webm? Tony won the fight

Habibi straight up dodged the Tony question in the post show and press conference interviews, you fucking niggers. Straight from his mouth.

>not the toilet one

also first for fuck the netherlands

and has any fighter come out to post malone and if yes whom?

he also said during fight week that Tony should be next you utter mong

defend or vacate fathead

Fuck you mutt

Ok fatty, khabib just defended his title against the top contender, he's not going to say anything without advice from his coaches and father, he just wanted some time to rest faggot, it's already confirmed he's fighting tony.

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maybe he doesn't want to waste time on that faggot when he can put over a GSP charity match that will draw way more dimes

oh and fucking kek at your flag calling people niggers

He basically tried to save face. "Yeah, Tony deserves this, but Dana tells who I fight". It's a way to save face and say inevitably the Tony fight won't happen and GSP or Conor will be next.
>it's already confirmed he's fighting tony.
Where? I'd fucking punch myself in the face if that fight ever happens. Dana won't ever book it. He has a Saudi cash cow that he never wants to lose.

Rico is finished

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get fucked cazzie, literally EVERYONE is saying tony will fight khabib next.

Your country has way more niggers than mine, Ali-Abdul al-Swedinistan

Fuck off Ahmed

I unironically think Gaethje might have a shot at ending the Khabib streak. He’s the best grappling dodger in the biz and needs to improve pushing forward a bit.


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Except Quackbib

why would that taste like exactly?

your country is filled with gypsies, basically the same thing.
kek your country is way worse than mine or bulgaria

Fuck em both, I care not. Do you support any non muzzies?

this fight between 3 piece and dude weed is the most reddit fight ever put together

>bulgar mutts
>anything but turk rapebabies
he's a walking CTE

>your country is filled with gypsies, basically the same thing.
These same gypsies are leaving every day for your country

Yeah, edson barboza&al iaquinta are my boys too.

the ultimate plebbit gatekeeping fight, we can finally bully all the autistic retards back to r/mma




Children, please. All your countries suck equally.

Now post heems

>fuck, these fools speak russian again, can't even feel like i'm in america any more
>khabib gives me a stink eye for saying tony should be next. what do you want me to say, that gaethje looks real dangerous?
>and his father in abu-dhabi was all riled up, tried to control everything, even my stand up instruction. and when khabib thanked me this prick looked like he wanted to strangle me
>getting tired of this shit, luke quit because he couldn't stand dagistani smell and now i get no side pussy from moms of models he banged. can't go on tinder in my years and all these repressed homos don't want women around the gym
>you know what, fuck it all, why the fuck i'm even helping this guys,I should help my countryman, let it all fucking burn to the ground
Hey Khabib, Tony gets tagged a lot, I think our gameplan should be offensive...

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>He’s the best grappling dodger in the biz

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>having more than one boy
fucking cazzie, you've been stinking on this general since your first post a month ago

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khabib is finished

gaethje finna baste too since his manager is based ali abdulaziz.

>fucking cazzie, you've been stinking on this general since your first post a month ago
based and truthpilled

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>only having one boy
gb2r cazzie

top kek

>not having at least 1 boy per division
>being a boylet

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>following any division other than lightweight

>13 years later
>Yo ese Khabib, I'm not impressed by your perfomance, holmes.

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>not having a boy that is specifically there because you know it makes /heem/ seethe and a regular boy that you like your own

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Colbum admits he's the one ducking

enjoying that spic dick ivan?

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DJ Khaled lost a lot of weight

fuck off tojo

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>I-It isn't fair!!!!
Holy shit I am dying lmao right now. This bum actually thinks he's a needle mover with pull. Sit down and take your 100/100 you fucking dork.


How would Askren fare against Khabib if he takes PEDs and cuts down to LW?

he thinks he's being like trump playing tough in negotiations but he has no idea what leverage is

Who is this guy? I don't remember the name. Lol jk just a friendly little play on words there for ya, just a lil joke haha.

UFC, please cut colby.

foh or i'll give you the spicy keychain

Uma Delicia

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kek Tony said he read the "Tony type of guy" comments in the UFC Embedded comments section and he loved it. He really is /ourguy/

"You were interim champ. I'm now undisputed champ. Show me some respect, yes?" He asked. Before he can answer, he freezes as Khabib is in his face brushing his lips against his own. It's unexpected, but it doesn't feel weird. Again like in the fight, Khabib is demanding something from him and he feels to depressed to resist. He kissed him back, running his hand around his neck as his opponent brought their tongues together.

Dustin could barely enjoy it, before the champ pulled back smiling. "Bathe, but don't put clothes on. You look nice, like this" Khabib said stroking his face, he got up, got his hat and walked out of the bathroom. Dustin grabbed his sponge and a bottle of gel, soaping himself clean. Until all the sweat, blood and fears were drowning in the tub.

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haha so cool!! lets go tell reddit about it

Tony seems like a good guy

That's exactly what prime Goob would have done to Khalabeeb

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Wake up, Anik

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Askren is a good wrestler but he isn’t that well at submission holds, who knows.

Khabib has a surprisingly good guard too, if you watch the Trujillo fight he gets taken down but instantly throws up a nice triangle

Khabib Nurmagomedov was GREAT, don't get me wrong, but just how good Dillon Danis is?

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That's adorable how Khabib had to get his older brother to beat up his bully for him

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what do european russians think about khabib?

kino rnc defense

really though how good is Dillon Dennis?

best pic of her i could find

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>the team of mexicans who would drive to the ring on a lawnmower

not racist. just funny :)

>european russians

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War Tony

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Kek would be kino tbqh. It's either rock or pink headed Dana.

he seems like one of the only guys who physically strong enough to deal with Khabib’s grappling, especially considering the size advantage he’d have over him.

>DC announced retirement and signed a contract with WWE
Holy fucking dimes!!!

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*tips Yarmulke*

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ngannou flashed tits man

Who else here /obese/?
>Chin and cardio of Big Country
>Speed and technique of Andy Ruiz
>Punching power of Hunto
As long as I don't fight any wrestlers, I'll be unstoppable

Attached: Ruiz_Joshua_Boxing.JPG.jpg (3254x2170, 531K)

>roy nelson

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based khabib mauling roided up tibau.

100% /heems/ Kebab with dat left hand in round 2 of the rematch


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>fight Gaethje in UFC 3
>throws a cartwheel kick

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it seems the manlets have finally learned.

one of the greatest kos in history

Why did he just go to sleep in the middle of the octagon? Did he forget he was in a fight?

It's honestly funny how poony "el duckuy" cuckuson is playing tough, he's probably pissing his pants right now, he realized that he MUST fight khabib, there's no other way around it, all the running was futile, he has to face the eagle now, it's over, he'll get flushed and you will turn your backs on that spic, shit all over him and call him a can when khabib utterly destroys him.

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why is khabib still ducking him though?


I don't see the hype behind this KO. I mean wow, a right hook behind the ear of a literal who is one of the best ko in history? Yeah ok, cazzies

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Any other angles of this heem?

what do the chink scribbles say? also GSP is afraid to fight khabib.


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Same Mexicunt fanboying Tony in every thread.

is dana really not booking the wakanda vs maga fight?

lads our sport is looking like a joke

people are going to laugh at us. what should we do?

chimp shit only

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I don't think Dana wants to ruin his prospects with Colby. Marty is a potential draw in Africa while Colby is hated everywhere by redditors.

>tfw you realise most people on /heem/ these days literally weren't even around when Tony/Khabib was attempted for the 1st time

Crazy to think about. This shit has been a rollercoaster and most of you missed the first half. Probably don't even remember shit like Khabib offering Tony 200k to fight him

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Non argument,

I'm 160 lbs but I want to fight heavyweights and become the most legendary martial artist in the world but athletic commissions apparently no longer sanction fights if the weight difference is more than like 30 lbs. what is this gay shit

>colby faggington gets passed over for the real needle movers

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Kek i remember this, and people still say khabib is ducking, tony is FUCKED.

This is a Colby supporter thread leaf, move on

Colby is too cringe dawg

>160 lbs

Try the manlet divisions.

they should combine the dna of ariel helwani and adrian wojnaroski to make one super-reporter who can report all news all the time simultaneously

>leon scott
>masvidal makes fun of hillary
>i've won every fight i've won
>i bang hotter chicks
>stockton onions boy

Colby qas pure gold on the jew shiw6

Reminder to Colby haters:
>Trump juice and "in the closet" energy is a mighty combo

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You're embarrassing

lmao Colby is tearing Dustbin a new asshole and is setting up a potential good money fight with Masvidal. Dustbin is getting werk like a fool by these two

>colby telling the world masvidal is a secret trump supporter

>Afraid to fight Khabib
>Khabib didn't call out GSP until the day GSP retired
>Khabib was offered GSP at ufc 200 but pulled out
Cazzie mmamania.com/2016/4/22/11487290/khabib-nurmagomedov-ufc-asked-me-headline-ufc-200-against-georges-st-pierre-mma

That's also a sure no go when's its just days after ramadan. He would get killed by GSP in the first round or two

So what's the deal with Colby? He wanted to renegotiate the Usman fight and they passed him?

Why would this dude go fight Lawler but then pass on shit like this?

its hilarious how colby is trying to big league ufc

Afternoon, fellahs. Just wanted to share a rather amusing anecdote with me. The other day, I was meeting up with my associates, Edward, Joseph, and Bryan for a dinner. Bryan, evidently had an acquaintance he wanted to bring along, I’m always up for expanding my social circle, so I acquiesced. Now, I was told that this acquaintance’s name was Jamal so naturally, I had mentally prepared myself to meet an African-American gentleman, or perhaps someone of Middle Eastern descent. Well, everyone arrived and I was surprised to discover that Jamal was an Oriental! How about that?!

they probably trying to give him almost no money for the fight

But that was the same issue that caused him to not get Usman the first time, wasn't it? And then he fought Lawler anyway? Can't imagine that was for much more or anything, probably less so.

In many ways, in many ways.

He's not called Duckington for no reason

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Rock is probably the most recognizable person from Miami currently. Of course an idiot like Masvidal idolizes him

Kind of weird when you think about it
He's done all this shit just to try to be a drawl and UFC don't seem to give a shit and he's not treated as any more of a drawl or anything

Enjoy it fathead!

You wanna be the best you have to beat the best ayy lessgoooooo baby!!

>use gaethje in ufc 3
>taunt then front flip kick ko my opponent

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unless Jamal robbed you I don't see the point of this story

anklepick confirmed for the khabib fight

Yeah and so is Usman. Masvidal agreed to fight Usman, but Usman turned it down after saying he would fight Masvidal. Usman and Colby both believe their own hype too much.

the difference is usman is trying to be a company boy and dana is trying to pander to the african audience

Isnt it awesome when opponents become friends? Gastelum and Uriah Hall for example have the best embeddeds.
Imagine Khabib teaching conor wrestling

Because he’s not. He tries so hard to be Chanel, but he’s not smart, articulate, or charismatic enough, so he comes off as a dork channeling the bully who used to stuff him in a locker in high school. People hate fake people. Colby reeks of fakeness and desparation. No one’s interested in watching him, not even to see him lose.

That’s why the UFC won’t give him the big money. They know it’s a bad investment.

That would never happen. A friendship between khabib and Tony would be very cool to see though.

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they were friendly in 2014 i think, talking about training together and other stupid stuff

when he walked in to that PPV lately and everyone started chanting Colby sucks, that's still some publicity. Some would rather that reaction than no reaction, you'd imagine people do know him

Ah yes, the three brazilian fighters bisping romero and blachowitz


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Conor is retired

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>"big fight"
>it's another Jon Jones takes on a can episode

Yeah, but no one really talks about him between fights. Here yeah, because people are autistic and live Colby because of all the MAGA shit, even if it’s fake, but elsewhere? Seems like everyone either doesn’t care or just wants him to go away. Doesn’t seem to matter how much the UFC tries to hype him. At the end of the day, he’s a boring wrestler with a contrived gimmick that just isn’t landing.

Jon is the same guy on twitter who said he'd take on Stipe in a few months. Not sure what it is, just likes putting shit out there I guess.
Dana said he thinks Jan is next, so it's probably Jon vs Jan Blachowicz. Not going to be hard to predict that one.

Nobody talks about anyone in MMA in between fights other than autists.

Tony says he wants to fight December.
Wouldn't 3 months be a stupidly short time for Khabib to turn around and get ready for another 5 rounder?

We've seen guys take too many big fights quickly and it clearly takes its toll and hampers their performance. 2 five rounders are longer than 3 three rounders. What do you fags reckon is the ideal amount of time to wait between fights?

>Wouldn't 3 months be a stupidly short time for Khabib to turn around and get ready for another 5 rounder?
Yes. Tony doesn't really want to fight Khabib

I wouldn’t say that’s true. If you go to an MMA forum, >reddit, sports forums, etc., people are always talking about fighters between fights. Very rarely, if ever, see people talking about Colby, and when they do, it’s never complimentary.

I wouldn’t take what happens on /heem/ as standard. This place is an anomaly.

i can see the fight happen in march or april

Jon Jones vs ______________

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Khabib will never take that. He fights like once a year, assuming he’s not injured, plus after the last fight, he was talking about taking time off because of all the pressure on his shoulders. I foresee another interim belt.

Hell has no fury like a lover scorned


>Wouldn't 3 months be a stupidly short time for Khabib to turn around and get ready for another 5 rounder?
I know you're a cazzie and used to guys like Conor and Khabib waiting a full year to fight, but that is more than enough time.



Khabib's coach just said he'll definitely fight before February.

You think January/February is a more suitable time? Honestly I still think it's a bit soon. March or April is ideal. December or January leaves little time for rest
He said just give me a few days. Before the fight he was saying Tony, his coach just said Tony is next too

Only cazzie is you for not actually understanding what you're watching.

>not dotting the i
Bones has lost his touch, no attention to detail, his reign is over

I mean, unless he’s fighting Stipe or Ngannou, who is there? Reyes? Walker? They’ll get fucked by Jones.

Cant wait to watch jon point fight jan blachowitz

Imagine trying to gatekeep by saying most people on heem now weren't around for "the first Khabib/Tony fight booking at UFC 209", when they were already booked to fight before that on a fight night.
Fucking fakeass casual shut the fuck up you've been watching since 202 at best.

>Khabib's coach just said he'll definitely fight before February.
Yeah but if Tony is demanding December, he may not get Khabib
>You think January/February is a more suitable time?
It depends on what happened in the match. Khabib took no damage. Four or five months is enough time given how much he's already studied Tony's game

>nobody cares enough to fight usman

you're stupid my man, khabib always talks about doing 100 days training camps, three months isn't enough


Beatable and arguably lost his last fight

Not him but it's like 9 or 10 days less than 100 days, mathlet

>100 days training camps, three months isn't enough
how long are months in metric?

Doesnt cheat

Steroids, eyepokes and throws illegal strikes

where did i actually say that you complete retard?
work on your reading comprehension, i literally said "shit like" to indicate that moments like those were part of the rollercoaster so far

Johnson at HW, cap this

still isn't enough, the magic number is 100 lad

I doubt he's demanding December.
He wants it, but he's not really in a position to say if it's not December I won't do it.

Khabib did get stung a little in the 2nd, but fair point

This is why Khabib is GOAT. Alhamdulilah!

>He wants it, but he's not really in a position to say if it's not December I won't do it.
It's what he literally said in the Ariel interview released today. That's what I was referring to

big dagi hawg

Shameful penis size for ethnicity and stature. Should be refered to as a 'hawgette'

masvidal saying colby is jealous hes getting paid really well

Lol pretty sure he was mocking gsp (or at least poking fun).

Backpedaling, we all know what you were implying and that you're a 202er. Stfu

Its no secret, he’s posted about it multiple times. Most Cuban migrants are conservative

Yeah but Tony says a lot of shit, his management team will be smart enough to know that holding that stance will not do him any good whatsoever.

I think having a fight even taking little damage probably still does take its toll though. Especially with the pressure of the last event for Khabib.

Why don't you cry?

literally not backpedalling whatsoever, your reading comprehension is beyond shit and you say "we all" when you're the only one responding in this manner. It was clear what I meant
You're angry for no reason, tried to imply I was "gatekeeping" and basically just talking absolute shit. Before long you'll end up obsessed, might as well stop while you're ahead buddy.

I miss when champs were active taking on number 1 contenders not holding out for moneyfights or stalling division just to hold the belt longer

>Yeah but Tony says a lot of shit, his management team will be smart enough to know that holding that stance will not do him any good whatsoever.
I hope you're right and it's not Tony backing out
>I think having a fight even taking little damage probably still does take its toll though. Especially with the pressure of the last event for Khabib.
Nah, he trains all the time. He didn't get hurt, he'd be ready to go very soon.

You should watch Lawler vs Condit you missed it live

Tony has no reason to back out just because he doesn't like the date. I think he'd accept

Eh maybe, Khabib's never been the most active, a 3 month turnaround would be the quickest he's had for a long while. He did do ~4 between Edson and Iaquinta though. Wrestling is something that really does wear on the body I think. He's probably better with rest

One paycheck for conor would bankrupt them


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man i wished pettis got rocked by wonderboy
all hes doing is losing in money fights

Alright so props for bringing up a great fight that doesn't get mentioned enough. Let's put this episode behind us

No problem, I'll send you a fight pass code so you can catch up on what you've missed in 22 of the past 25 years

Haha good one lol

On a scale from 0 to 10 how pungent is the odor and taste of mini khabib's vagina RIGHT NOW? No trolling.

Dumb Muslim has no sense of humor


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Max Halloway is the man to beat Khabib. I offer you this:

>round one begins, Khabib immediately shoots for the takedown, which he gets
>Easily works Max into a RNC
>holds it tight
>Max begins clapping
>continues for 4 solid minutes until the bell
>Khabib's arms are completely spent
>tries to take a round off
>Max doesn't let him, constant pressure
>Khabib's already cracked chin is broken, as well as his spirit
search your heart. You know it's true.

Their idea of humor is this shit.

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Wrong, pic related is the answer

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Kind of dissapointing, he turned into a bimbo the moment he had the chance after all the crying he did about his "hate for antics".

khabib can't because of ramadan

how come so many welterweights call out neil magny

Khabib is lowkey the funniest guy in MMA

hate to mention mandrama but his comedic timing reminds me of Rusev, haven't watched in a while how is he doing now?

>coach coach tell this guy coach
>brotha i tell you brotha

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I don't think so. He had a lot of pressure because he was treated like a prince in Abu Dhabi and was fighting in front of his father for the first time in the UFC.

so whats that the best khabib performance?

Unironically dominating Conor

Meanwhile Santos still can barely walk

>ironically / unironically
Fuck off, you hipster faggot.


>those vibrating legs

is he running from the shadow realm monsters?


when your loss is this embarassing rematches are practically irrelevant


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The schuab elves are carrying him to the CTE realm


Nah, every picture i see of him hes drinking, hes such a mick stereotype, if he got off the piss, he might have a chance

Salty 4channers will hate this, because it's gonna be awesome and wholesome. Why do you have to be like this, guys?

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wtf is dilate

>your two biggest rivals, khabib and nate, are both in the limelight of their careers. One just successfully defended his belt in front of his father and millions of adoring Muslim fans for a 6 million dollar paycheck. The other is headlining MSG on his own terms and successfully created his own belt, something you always spoke of doing.

2019 I am.... forgotten

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It's the philosophers stone of bantz

Iirc, trannies have to stick a tube inside there fake vagina every day so that gaping wound doesn't heal.

It's what MTF trannies do to keep their medically manufactured cunts from collapsing. They more or less fuck themselves with a medical dildo

I wonder how mad gooba actually is right now. I think he's definitely given Dee the belt after last Saturday, just beaten that fat pig black and blue

Anyone else think it was unethical for Khabib to beat Conor? I mean McGregor is basically UFC's biggest draw, if he wins, the entire company wins. Khabib did the selfish thing and won, and by doing that he took food off the table of every other fighter in the company. He should have done the moral thing and taken a dive.



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Why did Schaub take dives in all his “”””””””””losses””””””””””””

>is not a mental illness anymore

Shittalking Dana at ringside while he casually handed Michael Johnson a career-ending beatdown

Johny Hendricks mauls khabib

money at heavyweight is nice but it REALLY gets GOOD when you start accepting dana's dive offers.

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reminder conor rocked khabib in the 1st 10 seconds of the khabib fight

Why doesn't he want to move up in weight, lads?

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Why should he? He is the champion of the most prestigious and talent-stacked division in the sport. He has more than enough elite contenders to fight and build up his legacy until the day he retires. The double champ shit means nothing unless you actually defend both belts and Khabib doesn't fight often enough to defend them both. Khabib can set a virtually unbeatable record for title defenses at LW until some other exceptionally dominant champ comes along, because the division is so competitive that 3 title defenses have been the record so far.

poirier, he dealt with some adversity

fucking idiot

Khabib won't even be able to beat Maia.


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Poirier fight was pure wrestlekino. I loved this performance the most.

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It's sad when that fight is the most "adversity" khabib has faced so far (ignoring roided up gleison)

LIteral manchild.


Because then he wont have his huge size advantage.

Reddit numale.

the lightweight division is suh suh suh stacked my guy

155 has no wrestlers and 170 is full of them. And they are much bigger too

Id say RDA but he’s been beaten a similar way 3 times now. I was very impressed by the Poirier fight even if he did look the most beatable because he was able to escape the danger Dustin put him in and really implement his gameplan, forcing Dustin to give up his back every time he wanted to get up. Conor, though not really threatening Khabib, was at least able to have sustained success and shut Khabib down the first and third round. He wasn’t able to mount any offense in the first of course, but still Khabib could have done better.


This card though, lads. Fuck I wanna go. I've never been to NYC. The only time I ever went to the east coast was a school trip to DC in 8th grade. This would be the perfect excuse to go. I bet Jew York in comfy in november. Problem is I already have two other trips that month (vegas for SEMA and thanksgiving at the rents'). FUCK!

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nothing but journeymen top to bottom

Reminder that MMA is where all the guys that cant box end up in.

um try again sweaty :)

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So the question remains. user, For one million dollars...

Name 1 good khabib win

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All of them. Final answer.

Well.. its kinds hard to argue with those trips

reminder that boxing is where all the guys that can't do classical ballet end up

>155 has no wrestlers and 170 is full of them
Retarded meme spouted by inbred pedorussians salty at the fact that all ethnic pedorussian """athletes""" are dogshit cans.



LW has the same number of elite wrestlers in the top 15 as WW does.

>And they are much bigger too
Wow, it's like they're fighting in different weightclasses or something.


is wrestling coach around? want any webms from 242?

Reminder that
>former multi division boxing champ kek

the person in question
wont ever fight khabib
full time fisherman, wont fight khabib any time soon
doesnt wrestle

Should have phoned a friend you filthy muslim. The correct answer was: D. I can't

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Retarded meme spouting by inbred pedoprophet worshipper from pakistan salty at the fact that all ethnic pedostani "athletes" are dogshit cans.

Is he going to fight himself?
Won't fight him
Won't be able to reach top 5 in 2 years with his rate of fights
doesn't wrestles


>Wow, it's like they're fighting in different weightclasses or something.
Yeah, that's kind of the point the Russian was trying to make, Khabib is a big LW he'd look like RDA at WW still high level, but unable to compete at the top

the lightweight division being stacked is the biggest meme in all of mma

LW has the same number of elite wrestlers in the top 15 as WW. This is the fact you will never escape. Your dogshit opinions are worthless.



cope, seethe, and cringe


>3 good fights
Neither nate nor masvidal are heemable so is it really worth going if the main event cant possibly end in a ko?

Poirier conor iaquinta barboza johnson...

Wrestling beats everything
Sprawl and brawl beats wrestling

the only fighter who will realistically fight and try to match khabibs wrestling at 155 is gillespie, and hes not top 10 and fights very rarely. at 170 you have several wrestlers in title contention. simple as

conor wins the rematch

conor needs dmt to revitalize his career at this point

Would systematically 30-26 any here

Nate pls call me

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trips for tony

I would've tapped from exhaustion way before that

winning 30-26 is a sure fire way to lose the story and possibly get cut from the ufc all together


Weili Zhang does big steroid pooing

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Based and Redpilled. It's a meme started by Toe Rogan.

>lewis Ivanov co main


Yeah theres probably 5 elite fighters and a bunch of journeymen. WW is better

Does anybody have the webm of paulo giving a salute to then punching yoel?

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I make this face and pose in the mirror every morning desu

post your mirror face

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You need to watch the full fight to understand how hard it was to land something like this through impenetrable Finnish defense

It was the first time a Muslim got a good ko so it's become overrated


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You don't know your left from right, do you?


>muh memes

I've decided to stop shitposting young.
Thanks for the (You)s.
Catch ya's later.

Attached: 12.webm (900x506, 2.9M)

Fucking kino

What rhymes with Usman?



Conor beats Tony
Tony beats Khabib
Khabib beats Conor

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literally anything that ends in -an, do you not know how rhyming works?
>young man
I could go on

You should have to be at least a blue belt to post on /heem/. Tired of seeing so many uneducated opinions in this sub.

>damn these cazzies piss me off

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>implying you're not training at a McDojo

Post yours then friend

do blue balls count?

Imagine paying for BJJ classes. Just watch it on YouTube like Izzy

I have a 2nd degree brown belt in bullshido kung-fu, so suck it.

Only one of your examples rhymes with Usman though..

>Khabib you're about to become the only champion to retire undefeated, how does that feel?
You know this what I know, I come to UFC to maul people and
*Sweet dreams begins playing in the background*
What is this?
*I travel the world, and the seven seas*
No brother I don't like this I didn't agree to this!

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t. brainlet

well I never said I know how to rhyme

I have a black belt in wing chun


That Islam has a pretty good chance against Khabib.

>harems of boys
i don't think this semen slurping general is for me

having a harem of men is literally the straightest thing you can do

why hasn't anyone called tony El Cuckold and said he's gonna fuck his wife after he beats him? guaranteed way to make him sperg out and probably cut off his leg because it's a martian listening post or something.

He would never fight him because he’s Khabib’s cumrag.

I would wear 5 sunglasses to the face off. One on top of my head, one on my face, one in my collar, one in my shirt pocket and one is a pouch attached to my belt, these I would take out and swap for the ones already on during the actual face off. This would mentally break him.


Tsarukyan controlled Islam on the ground for moments and then Tsaarukyan could barely even hold OAM


She somewhat looks decent here.

Must be the regular colored hair and the regular fancy clothes.

9/11 would let her plow.

Jon will actually retire undefeated once his bullshit "loss" gets overturned

I'm sure Conor will be ok.... That whiskey is selling just fine.

Who cares about your own belt in ONE organization when you can have your own Whiskey brand WORLDWIDE! :^)

Cyborg looking yummy

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user it's been like 10 years, I don't think it's gettin overturned

>"And you know that's always the question with a rising star like Adesanya—is can he deliver when the moment finally arrives. You know we saw what happened with someone like Darren Till in his fight against Woodley, the way he wilted under that opportunity... there's that leg kick again by Adesanya"
>"Joe, he's really finding his range with that but Whittaker has been—ooh! right there! you see!? with that slip, and that right hand, Whittaker's been finding that all night as well. Israel's gonna need to adjust to that if he wants to do this for five rounds"
>"Exactly, when you've got a guy like Robert Whittaker in front of you, you can't afford to make mistakes like that. And I think Adesanya knows that, you see he—"
>*commentating team laughs*
>"Yeah he pointed, he knew it! Props to Whittaker"
>"And you've gotta give it to Adesanya there, always a showman"
>"OH! another right by Whittaker, he's found his range there! OHH HEADKICK! OH HE'S ROCKED, ISRAEL WALKED RIGHT ONTO THAT!"
>"THAT'S RIGHT! HE KNOWS HE'S GOT HIM HURT HE'S PICKING HIS SHOTS, LOOK AT HIM staying patient, stalking Israel against the cage—OHHH!! THAT'S IT HE'S ON HIM, HE'S ON HIM!"
>"WELL AND HERB DEAN HAS CALLED A STOP TO THIS CONTEST HERE RIGHT IN THE LAST MINUTE OF THE THIRD ROUND AND PERhaps to the surprise of no one in this sold out arena Robert Whittaker has put on a champion display here in Melbourne, Australia!"

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am i the only one who thought amanda nunes looked good in the naked espn photos?

If Rob loses I'm blaming you

>BMF belt

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We all agree that Jorge absolutely destroyed Colby today right?

I havent seen it yet

>BMF belt

Attached: 3.5lbs.webm (1040x1080, 725K)

> jorge sucking up to the filthy animals

The belt shit is admittedly cringe but I'm excited for Nate-Masvidal

For some reason i thought it was gal gadot.

what is wrong with me.

You never know. It's tawlf b. mmafighting.com/2019/6/26/18717372/dana-white-wants-to-get-jon-jones-disqualification-loss-from-2009-overturned

easily since colby was supposed to mainevent the ppv

damn mizuki looks nasty

If Dana wants a title fight to headline so badly why not make for the inaugural 165 division

improved version

Attached: bouncy chink.webm (1040x1080, 250K)

What did Jorge do?


people are legitimately shook by tony, they are befuddled at his autism and that their mindgames and shit talk come right back at them

>January 2020
>Rematch occurs despite tonyfags and reddit seething
>everyone expects deja vu
>silent round 1 just a little wrestle fucking as expected
>10 seconds into round 2
>the timeline that killed reddit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-09-20-19-26~2.png (720x583, 568K)

Read off a bunch of lines written by his management

The true improved version was the user who made it only the other fighter

Colby is crying on Ariel's shoulder about how the UFC isn't paying him enough meanwhile Jorge is inviting one of the biggest celebrities in the world to his fight.

these posts are so gay

Khabitch is ducking. Again.

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/r/ that gay ass ryan hall laying on his back pic please

The Rock is a WME client who is doing his contracted advertising and you are a mark

when dwayne the rock johnson watches masvidal lose a point fight for 5 rounds to diaz, will he be man enough to strap the belt on a real west coast gangster?


Boring fight anyways. We know what's going to happen. Do you really want to see another neck crank tap out

get in my guard now

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Shameful. First tony and now poor old Conor.

Well, just watch both interviews

how tf do you duck someone you already beat?

Who is ducking who, Colby or Usman?

usman 100%
he could have taken the edwards match and he didnt

What interview broski

They're both faggots. I miss Woodlet

well they almost stripped snoozeman so i dont know

Cazzies don't know this and don't care either way. When they see Masvidal getting the belt wrapped around his waist by the rock, he'll be up there with McGregor. Keep seething, Colbycuck.

The sobbing kike show

I thought it was Usman but after the Colby interview now I don't know. Sounds like he was being greedy and not just making the fight. We'll never know how these negotiations go on and that's the worst part of analyzing this shit.

How can Khabib even compete with a fighter of this caliber? Absolute dominance from Tony "El Cucuy" Ferguson

Ok. Thanks

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Woodley was awesome and got snaked by this pretender bum.

Colby ducked Usman. Usman ducked Masvidal.

Does anyone have the link to the summary of Matt Hughes book? Trying to find it.

thank you, brother

If a fighter is white, I root for them.


If a fighter is American, I root for them

who wants to be a millionaire was a multiple choice format

Conor is most dangerous in the rematch. Khabib knows this

Define white

Nobody cares. Masvibum is a reddit meme journeyman that will be forgotten yet again when he loses on a whimper yet again

some European breed

There’s only one right answer

said he doesn't like colby anymore because colby was mean to jon jones

Daniel Cormier, Phil Davis, Alistair Overeem, Demetrious Johnson, Jon Jones

Honestly take away khabibs wrestling and what does he have? Not much that’s what

I wrestled for 10 years where they don't arbitrarily give out belts

Colby admitted he fucked up negotiations on Ariel's show. He said the UFC made a lowball offer and told him to take it or leave it. He left it. Now, we're here

Usman agreed to the Masvidal fight but that was after Nate agreed to fight Masvidal

Honestly take away Floyd's boxing and what does he have? Not much that's what

> "fucked up"
> will be fighting in december 7 for more money

It’s a huge hole in their games

Take away BJ Penn’s defeats, and you have an undefeated fighter

>will be
He's saying that's what he wants. It's not guaranteed ya goof

Take away Tony’s wrestling? Ok he still has his striking. Take that away? Ok he can still meme kick you. Take that away? It’s wing chun city for you, baby.


Tony trains on a mountain.


Take away the judges in the Jon Jones match, and you have Thiago Santos as champion


Colby said he wants more money, so I don’t really consider that ducking. He was the interim champ, on a 7 fight win streak, and took a fight on short notice for the UFC to save a card. As long as he isn’t asking for anything outrageous, UFC should pay the man. In my opinion, it’s Dana being a low balling cocksucker that’s holding up the fight. He is going to do the same shit to Ferguson just so he can shove Conor back in the title picture.

paul felder bout to make a dent in that top 5 bro he finna dab on khabib too

>Le can't walk man

>Just barely make top 5
>Title shot
Come on

Take away Rockhold's boyishly good looks and what do you have?

Take away the judges and Santos still can't walk. Santos was the only one who got knocked down. In a fight to the death Jon kills that cripple.

>2 losses to barboza


For sure but I disagree

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don't jump to conclusions my man, khabib is on the table but he finna dent that top 5 first then dab on khabib after
lmao felder hater detected, time to embrace the future kiddo.

How many suicides will we see when Tony gets choked out

>He said what he deserves
Which is probably a lot but his PPV and Tv numbers have been shit. He's not a needle mover so he'll continue to get lowballed. He better release his paid escorts

I started balding at 12 years old

you're too high test for this world

That's kinda funny but no. He gave everything he had and barely squeaked out a win.

id beat hardy if they let me in the octagon with a gun

depends on how many voices are inside Tony's head when he off's himself

If bj Penn beats khabib, he would be the first man to beat khabib.

Not as many as we would see if Khabib gets chocked out. Muslims are more prone to suicide obviously. Just look at their vests.


Diaz bless

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This man's brain is rotten like ancient cheese. It's like watching a mental patient.

including a pro boxer who spent years specializing with a fat slurd called "bIg CoUnTrY" YOU have to be kidding me, go watch wwe or shop back at walmart

not even an old scottish man would buy that whiskey, cope

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