Has anyone refuted it yet?

Has anyone refuted it yet?

Attached: hi romelu.jpg (614x786, 174K)

Racism is a spook

Much like the ones complaining about it :D

Race is a spook

They would have a point if they just called every player from the opponent's team a monkey, but they specifically target the black players with the monkey chants, so that whole argument quickly falls apart.

I'm not even a SJW, but to suggest that specifically calling black players from your opposing team monkeys is not racist, is just absurd.

hes right

maybe its "racist" by the standards of blue checkmarks but is there really anything wrong with it? its just banter

you'd understand if you have ever competed or fought someone

they scream "merda" on literally every single opponent goalkick. nobody gives a fuck.

they were just breaking his balls
italians wouldn't bother to be racists

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maybe black people shouldn’t act like monkeys

4 racist comments in 10 replies, and you guys wonder why people think Yea Forums is a racist site. Weird.

Yea Forums IS a racist site. How new are you?

it's not because they're not racist that what they say isn't racist. I guess they don't think their players are good enough to win without having their opponents destabilized. the result is that they're insulting nogs and their own players.

>Poorly redacted with broken English
>We are not racists
>Please tell us what racism is, we don't know but we are also not racists
>Also, we know you don't know what racism is so fuck off, don't call us racists when we say racist shit

It's a really bad letter written by some low pleb trying to be PC and failing hard, it even contradicts itself. The only argument is we say that shit all the time, it's just bantz.
>I guarantee you that you do not know what to say to someone else
What does that even mean? Seems to me whoever wrote this is under the impression that going the relativism route will save them from racism scrutiny, which is dumb considering it's a highly specific issue, calling a black dude monkey

There is nothing wrong with racism.

>letter in Italian is translated
>muh broken english

indeed but that's not nice to insult people

Attached: 1510538986668.png (399x370, 13K)

>replies with racist meme
wew lad

>Italy is not like many other European countries where reacism is a REAL problem