For months and months people from this shitty little non-country and their American muh heritage allies have shitposted...

For months and months people from this shitty little non-country and their American muh heritage allies have shitposted their obnoxious shit meme all over the place.

Tonight, it ends.

Attached: 1200px-Ulster_Banner.svg.png (1200x600, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that's right. it'll cease to be a meme and instead become reality


Only 1 thing will end this international break, and that is Germ*ny

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German fans are singing outside my house right now. Should I offer them a beer?


But seriously, the most racist person I've ever met in my life was northern Irish. He goes
>"where you from lad?"
>Oh I'm from NJ
>Oh damn that's near Philadelphia and those damn coons isn't it?

>british beer

if you hate them, sure

The American clingers really make me want us to lose, fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off.

Weird meme but okay.

tell em to fuck off and ireland rules

wew, a red right hand

sorry, I only recognize German or at least continental European beer as real beer

guinness is absolutely disgusting to me, too

All I have is Harp and Hop House.

That's because Germans put Rubina in it

Grim opinion

That's a sad way to look at it tbqh

The only thing ending tonight is your credibility as a decent fußball nation.

first post best post

based cousin


>a fucking B league team

>Being associated with Philly and not New York
South Jersey is moving up in the world to get the respect it deserves

germany are in league B too

I believe that was his point.

shit taste


What a faggot.

We're planning a trip to Ireland next year (one week)
So far we're planning to stay in Dublin for 2-3 days and then go to the Western shore for 3-4 days

Is there any good reason to go to Northern Ireland as well?
Is it even going to be possible after Brexit?

serious answers would be appeciated

We went this summer, I don't recommend it. Stay in the Republic; rent a car and drive along the coast, Cork, Killarney, Ring of Kerry (can be skipped, tourist trap), Limerick, all the way up to Galway.
NI doesn't really have anything that the Republic wouldn't already offer.

not everyone here even likes stouts, we've good other beers or cider if you like.

Go up the north and see the Giants Causeway it's worth it and you can do it in a day or book one night at a local hotel nearby.


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>their American muh heritage allies

Americans are horrible little pro-IRA goblins, they don't support the Unionist chads

they were fine with supporting terrorism until they got osama'd.

It spawned more from ignorance that from loving terrorism. The IRA were raging after the Enniskillen bombing because the yanks realised that they were cunts.

tiocfadh ar la

Donegal is ROI and if you shoot over to Portrush/the Causeway it's gorgeous


wow "the punisher" of Norn Iron
Germ NT just become a gigantic joke


Does Will Grigg still play for Norn?

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Fuck p*pists, fuck y*nkees, and fuck g*rmans

Attached: 2678953539_49b88c4e9f_b.jpg (1023x408, 183K)

lol germany is shit though, you'll probably have a poor performance

Free the occupied 3 counties

we don't drink warm beer on this island of not Britain.

I disagree, Ring of Kerry is really beautiful.
My personal tip is to drive around the Dingle peninsula. It's a beautiful drive as well. Plus, you could visit the distillery in Dingle. They produce some top notch Gin.

Hope Northern Ireland beats that multicultural shithole the "German" team has become.

t. Kevin-Ronny

Gonna enjoy watching the billy boys seethe. Their nation and football team won't exist much longer, I won't even be able to enjoy watching them fail for long. Maybe 1 more tournament qualifiers. 2 at most. Tick tock.

Sorry, I confused warm beer with warm sheep's piss. My bad.

is kevin a common name in germany

your best player is a halfbreed

The Kraut fears the Ulster.

Attached: ni.jpg (800x600, 97K)

Killarney is a nice town to stay in out of tourist season when there's snow on the mountains, it's gorgeous.

not even german just visiting on holiday, you retarded niggers.

The worst thing is that even if we lose Löw still won't fuck off

Been up Carrantuohill two times and shit is cash.

have sex then

It's a name for lower class people

you should pay more attention to the smackhead-refugee thunderdome happening on your streets, mexican

i see, thank you

United Ireland doesn't necessarily involve any kind of merger between or dissolution of the current FA's here.
The NI team is better served by being embraced as one of our own, thus ensuring the further marginalization of sectarian extremists. We are all Irishmen, even those who are in denial of their own inherent Irishness.

already had. funny how that's the only thing you africans have on your mind. no wonder your continent is infested with aids.

im 30% british so im supporting NI

fuck g*rmans

Germany is the Vettel of Football

Löw is the Merkel of German Football

Based Nigel Parrado

>no wonder our continent will become african soon.


>only western europe
serves you degenerates right. get fucked by the bbc's you invited to your countries.

fuck off europe you fat fuck

>this obsession with BBC

have sex

>and their American muh heritage allies
What? No I just like shitposting and "tick tock germany... tick tock" is a legitimate funny meme.

sad trips of truth

nice webleys

Would actually be ok with our NT not participating in the Euros if that would get Löw fired. I hate this fucker so goddamn much.

and get whom instead?

unless you can get Heynckes or Hitzfeld out of retirement, there aren't any good German coaches available right now

You need a Dutch coach

>Northern Ireland? not a real country bro, what are you Br*tish? actual humans are aware there is one united Ireland.

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trips of preemptive cope

Surprisingly, Northern Ireland's most hated rival is Mexico.

this would cause bigger demonstrations than any political problem


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Don't get your hopes up, we will get a unspectacular 2:0 win tonight

>live beside Windsor park
>ni fans and germans are dancing together inside the offies
>look on Yea Forums
>Germans are raging at NI with an undying hatred
What happened?

These posts really make me cringe

How can you be so butthurt over a joke from a tiny country you're about 80 times the size of in terms of population?

>actual humans are aware there is one united Ireland
>under British rule

Attached: 400.png (500x500, 307K)

>Is there any good reason to go to Northern Ireland as well?

You can do a tour of all the locations used in filming Game Of Thrones, if your into scenery and shit like that.

Attached: GOT_winterfell_NI.jpg (748x499, 40K)


Absolutely based OP

one part is real life, the other part is the internet

Welcome to Yea Forums the internet is the next door down

common pebble always flock together, but the elite echelons of nations do war against each other, simple as

It's just friendly banter, Kamerad

Where can i stream the game with an Irish commentator?

Here's a sky sports stream with Iron pundits:


Thank you very much

Ulster bros, I just recently moved to NI. Any way I can watch this live for free? I refuse to pay for a TV license.

Don't you have Irish commentators?

Never mind, just saw Thanks

>Not even singing Deutschland uber alles

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I never paid attention, do Scottish, Welsh and NI sing God Save the Queen?

you lads ever heard a northern irishman say 'see you here now' ? 3 of the 4 words sound the same.


>the anthem of Norn Iron is Dog Sage the Queef
>not "Oh Danny Boy the pipes the pipes are callin"
i will not root for them anymore.


tried this for myself and it is true


Lol fucking boomer

Irish-Americans are mostly from Ireland though. They're catholic swine.

Arent alot of Americans who claim theyre irish actually of Scots-Irish descent especially in the South?

Reminds of the story some Irish user working for Bord Failte told me about an American tourist with the surname Cromwell unironically asking about his "Irish" heritage and getting upset when everyone started laughing at him.

That's a copypasta lad

Scots-Irish means Presbyterian, they don't eat meat except fish.

why don't they use this flag on their main Wikipedia article?

found the time traveller

It's not their flag, but you already know this.

well Scotland does
and Wales too

how come Northern Ireland is the only country being neglected of their right to showcase their own flag?

They don't have their own flag, officially they use the Union Flag.
The flag in OP is a mixture of the English St George's cross with the red hand of Ulster and the crown with a meme six pointed star to represent the six counties, it was used officially I think for a few years back in the 1950's.

>thread about Norn Iron
>see of Ivory Coast flags

