What was so good about the 98 world cup?

I was 3 years old when it was held so obviously have no recollection of it. But I hear all the boomers on this board say it was the best world cup they have seen. Why?

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02 was better.


Good teams. The netherlands being fantastic in particular (but failing in the end as usual).

The goat World Cup was 1990

02 was better
Turkey finishing in 3rd gave meme potential too

Best part of '98 for me was Chilavert fighting off France nearly all by himself only to lose in extra time, great game.

Attached: chilavert.jpg (1118x1697, 303K)

Ronaldo, Zidane, Owen, Bergkamp

based fellow 1995 bro
all you have to know is the only good world cup during our lifetime was 2006

Yeah 2006 was my favourite world cup that I saw

Because we were 8

Croatia's first ever world cup appearance

Attached: suker.jpg (1600x1128, 1.3M)

2010 was better

It had everything you want in a World Cup.

>Great atmosphere
>The worlds best players all performing and not going missing like in recent world Cups
>exciting matches with lots of goals
>GOAT songs (3 Lions, Vindaloo, Cup of Life)

And also the fact that we were kids and it was pre-9/11 so the world hadn't gone to shit yet. But it isn't all nostalgia, it was objectively a great WC. The only black mark you can put on it is the one sided final.

Was 2018 really the worst one in recent memory? It was the first time I watched but I still enjoyed it. Wish I could follow some yuro leagues but time zone difference makes it hard to keep up

world cups in Europe are always kino
just happens it was the first WC for a lot of us

2018 suffered from a shitty side of the bracket
wasn't too bad, imo, I liked it more than 2010

2018 was objectively fine. Too bad the final was so one-sided.

Half of the reason why I got interested in football in the first place is for the history and I got a little sad that nobody seemed to care about France winning this time around when french fans still talk so fondly about 98. I guess winning the WC at home is on a whole other level though

from a completely neutral (alas) perspective 2018 had its moments, but I think the spectacle overall was kinda lacking. Even France which had the most exciting and technical team on paper won by virtue of very linear catenaccio

africa won the world cup

it was good because it was our last one

Attached: wewewe.png (241x647, 16K)

From the last 2 decades, it goes like this:
'98 < 2006 < 2002 < 2010 < 2018

You forgot 2014

You should see the France team in 98...

best world cup coming through

Attached: 2353112.jpg (1196x1772, 288K)

The US did another T&T

Attached: iran-usa_0.jpg (810x451, 101K)

how can you include a fucking ricky martin song and not carnival de paris

2010 was easily the worst, 2018 was probably tied with 2014, agree with your top 3 though

For me its:


2018 shall never happen again, good luck next time.
I watched all the games while I was painting a room, and I enjoyed painting white walls white again more.
>its coming home
>wins only by penalties and eventually gets rekt by a real team.

>other teams
>scared of each other in their matches, diapers flowing with poop, joke performance.

>Croatia and Belgium
>Jihad on the pitch, Martyrdom on the turf
>yet getting outed by weird france

>Idk what they were playing but it sure wasnt football. Pogba dabbed.

>The Worst Final so far, made me laugh and hope it gets forgotten.

2014 > 1998 > 2006 > 2018 > 2002 > 2010

Only fond memories I have of 2010 was our NT getting far and the hype surrounding it. But when I see highlights from that WC I get instant PTSS from the vuvuzelas, shit atmosphere, empty stadiums, wonky ball physics and endless games which ended 0-0 or 1-0.
2002 was shit because of time zones and obvious match fixing.
2018 was alright, but France played the most boring football with a great squad and the other big teams didnt deliver ultimately. Plus one side of the bracket was hilariously weak.

Too bad the final was so refballed

93 boomer here
this is the correct modern WC ranking
2006 > 1998 > 2018 > 2002 > 2014 > 2010

Kino NT
>tfw gamarra was playing for my hometown club at the time
Our league used to be so good

Attached: carlos gamarra.jpg (700x890, 149K)

