/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Vettel Fucks Up Edition

>Countdown to Singapore GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>F1 2019 PC /f1/ League Access Code
league Info Here: archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/94148301/#94162184

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 284
V. Bottas 221
M. Verstappen 185
C. Leclerc 182
S. Vettel 169

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 505
Ferrari 351
Red Bull 266
McLaren 83
Renault 65

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without EVER scoring a podium:
170 (172 entries)

>Point difference between Gasly and Albon
31 points

>Hund status:
Ve should do viel besser im Singapore

Kimi had a shit weekend
Hamilton thinks the black/white flag will lead to dangerous driving but the stewards don't
Toto says Mercedes always knew they wouldn't have a good car for Spa/Monza

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Other urls found in this thread:


The perspective on the Ferrari really highlights the ugly bus-aesthetics of these cars. Look at how dumb it looks with its 7m wheelbase.

I agree. We need A E S T H E T I C cars again.

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Shit thread

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>Gap inbetween nose and front wing


shit head

We need T H I C C noses

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>Toto says Mercedes always knew they wouldn't have a good car for Spa/Monza
VE DIDN'T HABEN EIN SCHNELL AUTOMOBIL he says even though they lost P1 in both races with about 1 second and were constantly pressuring LEC in both races. What a humongous faggot.

>No gap between front wing plane and nose
>still high nose
This is the comfiest config

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Sucks that it's going to be HWL for the rest of the year except Mexico maybe.

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There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. It's more aero.

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can somebody explain why Vettee's rejoining the track was somehow more dangerous than Stroll's rejoining the track? it was exactly the same move with exactly the same outcome.

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2004 McLel is still the best looking car ever

If you had actually watched the race you would have seen that the Ferrari had better acceleration out of Parabolica and was impossible to overtake on the home straight.

I guess the only humongous faggot here is you.

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Vettel crashed into Stroll, Stroll didn't crash into Gasley

Because LEC took a much wider line than HAM every single time

MP4 18 looked better

Vettel caused contact, Stroll didn't


I recently came to conclusion that i dont dislike Hamilton. I do dislike the mercedes f1 team being Totto one of the cuntiest persons i saw on my life as a sports consumer.

My relation with f1 improved quite a lot after this realisation.

>can somebody explain why Vettee's rejoining the track was somehow more dangerous than Stroll's rejoining the track?
Because he's Vettel and the stewards hate him because he's made Lulu cry in the past.

It objectively looks awful and we haven't had a good car since the early 90's.

This is the true peak.

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Good job Yea Forums

front looks too OY VEY for my taste

I don't know what you've got to be smoking to try and just deny reality because you don't like it

Mfw reading all these

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You didn't come to the most obvious conclusion that Toto only says all that shit to stroke Hamilton's fragile ego, did you?

yeah, I thinking we are back

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>dubstep classics
None of those artists are dubstep classics spotify, ffs.
Listen to the 'Sub Low" curated playlist Hungary/ UK bro.

was certainly nice seeing a top car pit without still being ahead of the entire midfield when leaving the pits

Ahhh yes what a ahitty car the mercedes, truly a wonder buttass and hamilton can drag it from midfield to P2 and P3 while losing out to pole by a few hundreds, my heart cries because of the hardships those two drivers and their stalwart team principal toto wolff have to endure.

Are you dense? LEC was almost a full car width further to the outside than HAM was every single lap. HAM barely touched the white line with his outer wheels, while LEC was well over it. What this does is give LEC more road to accelerate

It could be also an pathetic atempt to make people think that they dont have by far the best car, so that they can come on top again in '21 regulations change.

so much kino from this race!

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Now THAT’s art.

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formerly Sauber

>rainbow jets
>5 major faggots looking up

Formerly #2

>vettel's canadian victory bandiera is still up there

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>pathetic atempt to make people think that they dont have by far the best car
But no one believes that, except for the usual bunch of Hamiltards and possibly Hamilton himself.
Toto isn't stupid. He knows he can't fool the public. But he can ceratainly fool some brainlet driver of his.

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>my opinion
Maybe don't use a word if you don't know what it means.

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The entire last two races all of the team principals have said "yeah, Ferrari has the best car for these two tracks, they have the best engine and the best straight line speed"

And a bunch of seething faggots on /f1/ just can't cope with that


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We all agree that Jean Alesi is the best F1 driver if you go with the aesthetics of a career, right?

He is the perfect amount of underdog with his one win that everybody liked it. And it happened on his birthday for good measure.
Had a career spanning the 90's which is the peak of F1, drove for Ferrari and he had a Japanese wife as well.

The only thing going against him is that he didn't drive for Minardi.

Canadian "victory", you say?

Attached: hamilton canada 2019.jpg (2407x1815, 495K)

>vettel and hamilton retire at the end of this year

well well, look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy italian car

Nah, they were on almost exact same pace. Charles was faster just because he's not an old fart like the rest of them. F1 cars create a lot of turbulent air and it fucks with downforce, especially in parabolica. It's pretty much depends on tires at this point and if you can't overtake with faster tires as soon as possible then it's over. Which is what happened.

The money laundering scheme has finally ended for real this time.

Who the fuck is going to sponsor them now?

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Formerly Giada's

I counter with Trulli who actually deserved his win, stood up to a future WDC and drove for Minardi AND Caterham.




>significant exposure

no I clearly said victory bandiera


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>Formerly Rich Energy Haas F1 Team

>Who the fuck is going to sponsor them now?
Hopefully some American company

Looks more like you're the one who "can't cope", mate.


That is a good shout.
How about we give it as best of 90's and best of the 00's?

I don't think there has been a driver for 10's which is an equivalent.

Wait... so tractor cunt is in fact a person and not a tractor?

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Lighting Volt, of course

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I want a mcdonalds + usmc livery for haas.

The entire livery was based on Rich being the title sponsor, right? Has it happened before that a sponsor left and the entire livery was changed because of it?

fuck you detractorcunt

>tfw you realise that if Kubica hadn't had his injury he would have been that driver

From the Halls of Well Done Baku
To the Shores of Monaco;
We are overtaking detractors
In gravel, track, and radio;
First to fight for DRS and speed
And to keep our exhausts clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of Haas F1 Team Mean.

Will they run on Singapore with Rich energy sponsor?

So all the team principals were completely wrong? Curious.

"Victory" is part of the phrase "victory flag"

>n-no u!

Does this look like HAAS customer service? Fuck off

>effective immediately

I doubt.

Thank fuck for that, "Rich Energy" are a fucking embarrassment and should not be associated with this sport.

No. t. Fabrega twitter.com/AlbertFabrega/status/1171050258941566976

They'll sign Whyte Bikes

Oh please

t. Christian Horner

look, i didn't put it there
and the tifosi are really salty when someone merely implies it should be taken down

>having enough money for F1 sponsorship

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Don't think they'll want to give free publicity (the whole 4 seconds they appear on TV broadcast each weekend) to a brand that barely exists anyways.

I heard they make a very energy rich drink.

If I had a vote in whyte bikes board, I would be calling HAAS right now to make a deal for the rest of the season.


>So all the team principals were completely wrong? Curious.
Who cares what those fucks are talking about. It's just typical corporate bullshit where goal is to not upset anyone.

HAAS F1 is almost broke, I bet they'll take as low as $50k for the logo placement over the engine cover.
Half a million for the whole title sponsorship.


I think you're right that the dirty air probably affected downforce for following cars out of the last corner. And maybe a different driver in the Merc would have divebombed and got the move done. But it didn't look like it was easy for Merc, they suffered on the home straight.

>Thomas Maher (@thomasmaheronf1) Tweeted:
>Rich Energy might be gone, but the Haas VF19s will remain black and gold for the season. No livery change - just removal of the Rich Energy branding. #F1 #RichEnergy

How come spaniards, italians and other southern europeans are more racist than white europeans?

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Does this mean they'll be back to their normal livery for next race? I hope so although rebranding everything will cost a lot of money so maybe they'll just remove the Rich Energy logo but keep the current livery, who knows.

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Ah fair. Yeah that makes sense, it would be expensive rebranding everything.

Lower IQ

let's crowdfund a logo

Bigger dicks.

They're not more racist, they're just more expressive.


Wew lads, seriously.

More test

Did not fall into the,international jewry meme

If you'd place the 1/2 2021 scale model next to it, the scale model is probably still bigger..

Ok but why would you launder money through a money pit like F1? Makes no sense. You launder money through low visibility businesses

Black people are more racist against blacks than anyone else.

Leclerc is like that friend that you don't really like but you keep going out with him because he so incredibly attractive that just by being near him some random drunk girl will end giving you head.

Also, he makes you question your sexually from time to time.

Now THAT is an aesthetic car.

Got one right here

Attached: richer energy.jpg (800x533, 81K)

>The Clerk
>so incredibly attractive
user, be honest: Are you into little boys?

indeed, "tractor cunt" is the "eau rouge / raidillon" of f1, everybody started using it in the wrong way, and now the wrong way has become the norm.
but that doesn't mean that whenever tractor cunt is mentioned everybody should start replying: "AKTUALLY..."

I like it better this way

Attached: lurking cunt.jpg (800x533, 199K)

me too

>white europeans

spaniards and italians are OG white europeans. Germans are primitive indobarbarians that happen to live next to actual europeans


Five guys burger and fries

William Stoney - Simon and Garfunkel

They say that William Stoney owns one half of this whole town,
With political connections to spread his drinks around.
Born into society, a banker's only child,
He had everything a man could want: power, grace, and style.

But I work in his racing team
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be
William Stoney.

The papers print his picture almost everywhere he goes:
William Stoney at the opera, William Stoney at a show.
And the rumor of his parties and the orgies on his yacht!
Oh, he surely must be happy with everything he's got.

But I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be
William Stoney.

How long will it be until Autosport uploads a video of three of them on sofas chatting about "The End of the Rich Energy Saga" or some such title

I give it until later today or possibly tomorrow

Post tractor cunt's finest hours.

Attached: Beware the Tractor Cunt.webm (700x394, 2.25M)

Attached: stay out of the gravel.webm (720x480, 595K)

I dont know how to make a webm so here is the link


>Zonda :D

Attached: zonda.png (943x761, 1.37M)

I, for one welcome Museo Fernando Alonso-Haas F1 Team for 2020

What's up with tractor cunt and Manor/Virgin cars?

Attached: you_will_never_get_me_alive_tractor_cunt.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

I always assumed that was Button, I must be a dumbarse.


You mean Kimoa Haas F1 racing team don't you Fernando

b usiness idea, max and lec at ferrari 2020-2021

Thats Yea Forums glitching, and loading a completely other pic somehow.
Im not on vodafone and not even using iphone

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Somehow I believe the museum is more profitable than Kimoa. I have never ever seen anyone wearing Kimoa gear other than Alonslow

If the only engine manufacturer they find for cheap was Honda, it would be perfect.

why is Bottas' contract being renewed year after year again?

because he's a good enough bitch, mercedes are so dominant that he doesn't even have to be rosberg tier, just keep plodding along and they win both championships season after season.

Lewis likes his lil #2 fren because Nico is still living rent free in his head and pushes hard to have a teammate that will never be a threat to him

because HAM is scared of OCO but not of BOT

Because is hard to find a wingman like Barrichelo 2.0 that's good enough to secure the contractors champions in September but also cuck enough to not fuck with your stellar championship winning driver.

It wasn't renewed, his contract had a 1 year add on clause, he probably won't even get paid more than this year, ULTIMATE BITCH.

I unironically have a pair of kimoa sunglasses

Legendary dominant driver better for the brand than dueling retards who crash each other and split the glory.

Bottas is a great Jobber. He’s Carlito and Ham is the Rock. They need both to make the story work

>Ja ze wingman's Auto was schnellest of all last Wochende
So was Merc car dogshit or not?

How are they quality-wise?


What does "kimoa" even mean? Also why noone told Alonso that trying to hustle streetwear like some rapper is absolute cringe?
He could have sold organic olive oil instead (I would buy it).

Kimi and his Bwoah thing mixed.

>So was Merc car dogshit or not?
Well, only Hamilton's, of course. You can't have Bottas beating him legitimately, can you, Toto?

they are actually bretty gud.

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> The origins of the word Kimoa can be found in the Hawaiian language and it relates to "sitting and watching the sun going down together".

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they're green here la

Definitely check the Sub Low curated playlist if you're into proper dubstep though Hungary bro.

I bet the "bwoah" merch sells better than Kimoa.

But that's the point

Toto is a gigantic nazi liar, I bet the fake pit entries are his call.

do they not break like some kind of lesser, one could say a one level less quality ones?

>like some rapper
It's not a rap brand, it's a surfwear brand. It's really quite a boomer brand when you think about it. Alonso seems to think it's still the early 2000s when surfwear was cool.

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They just want to dock with that sweet, untapped Virgin exhaust pipe.
And I have to say that I really miss the Nürburgring

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>Vettee rejoining the track from grass
>Stroll setting off while already on the track, from the racing line no less
>exactly the same move

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He's Austrian, not German.
Austrians can't be Nazis, you moran.

Lando Poorris

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Hitler was an Austrian; I see no difference between him and toto except height.


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however valley of the shadows is a fookin dnb classic released on based ram records

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10/10 for that extra layer of Rainer Wolfcastle's progeny


What does she prey on?


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Career ending pregnancy averted.

mclaren is unironically back
>two good drivers who get along secured for next year
>upward performance trend
>autistic porsche guy at the wheel
>missing alonso's driving but also missing his toxicity, so a net plus
>increasing social media presence a FUCK ton
we did it, wokingbros

reminder that a street legal car manages to go up to 283 mph easily motor1.com/news/34775/ford-gt-sets-283-mph-guinness-world-record-for-top-speed-video/

f1 babies cannot even do that

Don't you have anything better to do with your time, Zak?

no because my team runs itself

They managed to make a ford gt look dull

was a performance-enhancing pregnancy anyway

The Chiron went 304 mph like a week ago.

It still baffles me why they signed him for 2020. Yeah, he's the perfect number 2 driver...or he would be if he could push Hamilton also in races, not just in quali. And to be brutally honest, Bottas' best season was 2017 and since then he hasn't improved a bit.

>Ocon and Russell would be as bad as Bottas
They might, but after 3 season I gladly see some new faces at Merc.And if it's Hamilton who is scared facing a new team mate with equal cars/support 'cause muh legacy, it's disgrace for him, Mercedes and the whole fucking "sport" called F1.

>283 mph
/f1/ is SI-units-only.

283 meters per hour? I can do better

>see mclaren
>It's broken up as fuck
>Hire Seidl
>Things start to go right.
>"I'm a good Boss"

283 My penis per hour.

Based and wokingpilled.

Attached: mclaren mcl34.jpg (1600x880, 95K)

>t. Fernando
we're not signing you again

McLaren powered by Freddos

dirty thto

I enjoyed this post

not me, unfortunately



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shut the fuck up and take that back
my Marta is better than any of the ugly whores you people post

we literally post her

F1 cars are built to go around a track as fast as possible*, not just to go in a straight line as fast as possible.

*Within safety limitations etc. of course.

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Indeed, this is their engine.

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>I see no difference between him and toto
Oh, come on: Toto is a much better agitator!

Though Im more into the earlier stuff, like the early Tempa releases

If charles is fluent in italian, and his engineers are italian, why don't they always speak italian on the radio?

Ze Shwaken mussen angst haben for ze Starke

>the fake pit entries
Why aren't they punished for that ?

because it's not explicitly illegal anymore

Villneuve says it is, each time they do that.

>The new Aston Martin Valkyrie hypercar racer under development for next season's World Endurance Championship will not be a hybrid


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Was kino hearing the grandstand booing and hissing off them when they did their fake pit call in monza

The F2004 and FW26 could still go faster than that by a longshot
Teams just prevents using them to their fullest potential is because breaking them is not an option due to the costs to create the fastest engines in F1

What do you guys do when you post here? If anything at all

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his moral compass is questionable
>deceiving the opponent team is illegal
>fucking kids is not
yeah I wouldn't listen to this dude

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leave jacques aloooooooooooooooooone he dindu nuffinnnnnnn

why aren't they just copying DPi-regs by now?

Work for HIDF

sit at my pc

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drink, alt+tab often to work stuff, listen to shitty 90s eurodance and smoke a fag

As much as I hate Toto and the mercs, this is funny as shit seeing Ferrari fall for this

Swimming or doing some electrical work, sometimes both


>swimming and shitposting at the same time
We truly do live in the future.


do a think

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FIA sperged when Alonso did

seethe, get triggered


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imagine the smell

>*into you*

bring six wheelers back

It ain't gonna suck itself

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actuallity it did suck itself, all alone behind the pack

But hybrids have dominated WEC in recent years, right? Will a non-hybrid be competitive?

Like Villeneuve says, before Spa (?) they could get away with it by saying that they suddenly changed their strategy at the last second
Now FIA forces teams to remove the tyre blankets while doing the call but nothing else has changed
The result is that you can still do a fake call with tyres that you aren't even going to use at all, and then fit the real set of tyres later
>DPi to Le Mans

nice try ballerina

>Let's be honest. If Hamilton had driven as dirty as Leclerc today, everyone would be going crazy. Especially Ferrari
>apparently Ferrari are allowed to move under braking twice but other teams are not say the Monza stewards
>There's no doubt in my mind that Le Clerk is being treated very leniently by stewards. You look at how Max has been treated and Lewis for that matter.
>How LeClerc did not get a time-penalty for dabgerous driving I really cannot understand. Oh, hang on a minute . . . . . . Ferrari, Italy, Monza . . . . . . oh of course, just a warning.
>Leclerc gets a warning flag(?), them a verbal warning, both times for blocking Hamilton, seems highly lenient to me.
>Any other track and leclerc gets a penalty. Clearly blocked lewis and forced him wide.. i like leclerc but Mercedes should feel hard done by the stewards there!!
>Ferrari driver not penalised in Italy hmmmmm
>If Hamilton had been in front of Leclerc and Hamilton had done all the same moves he would have been penalised. Fact.
>Ferrari International Assistance in full effect this afternoon. Double movement under braking. Leclerc gaining an advantage going straight on at the corner. Just following on from yesterday. FIA = Farce In Abundance.
>How much did Ferrari pay the stewards
>Sky calling Charles a champion and legend ..... Congrats Charles for the win today but you're not in the same league as Hamilton and Vettel just yet, honey .......
>If leclerc had of jumped out of his car and stabbed hamilton, he still wouldn't have got a penalty

Why are bongs like this? How do they hate Hamilton and still suck his dick at every chance?

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They're not aesthetic though, they're shit.

The pit stops must be fun.

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Sorry, I didn't hear you over the insane acceleration

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>merc unpacks the fake tyres for a fake pitstop to keep the real ones comfy and warm
just about when you think merc can't get more dastardly, they pull shit like this. Literally wacky races, except they're winning it all too.
>Toto in the middle, left

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and also both Haas' top right

>6 wheelers

Wow you guys are thick. 6 wheels means more weight and more drag. F1 cars should be 3 wheelers and have all the power going through the front wheel for perfect balance

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Seb destroys Sharl when it comes to the real stuff

They look weird as fuck. Imagine a lion with two pairs of front legs, and just one pair of back legs. Looks shit.

they should just make a six wheeler championship where every chicane became a looping and go full hotwheels

Looks sick*

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uncool xenophobic fia. bet they wouldn't bitch if reno started talking in french to their drivers.

Kino, desu. Like the creature in Avatar

I think Haas hasn't signed Hulk yet because they were waiting to see how the Rich situation evolved and decide if they could afford his salray


Based Bratias always making me laugh.

WEC already has the equivalence of technology memery, which is basically BoP, and they introduced success ballast from this year.
Actually the "who is competitive and who isn't in LMP1" is down to the political stance of ACO & FIA

fairly sure hulk is the one waiting for better options.

Lol Sharl is a brainlet

>tfw thought leclerc was polish till just now
oops haha

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Karol Leklerkowski


He's French but his flag is Indonesian for some reason.

fren what

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Like nu-Renault was French in the first place
Most of the team is working in UK, they're just here for Prost, the engine and our tax money
They said that they don't want to use an hybrid system because they would have to ubernerf the V12 in this case
Also you can only use hybrid power on front wheels from 120kph onwards so you won't get that much of an advantage in corners

Modern cars look 78645312 times better just by shortening the wheelbase

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Attached: Screenshot_20190909_191548.jpg (1080x402, 151K)

Its the tail end is culprit that look shit.

remember when McLaren won 6 constructor's championships in 8 years? seemingly you don't you mongoloid
>increasing social media presence a FUCK ton
what? how is this being 'back' at anything? do you think the big corporate sponsors McLaren used to have give a fuck about Carlos Science memes getting 20k likes?

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Imagine not having your countrymen winning in F1 since 1996 so you have to convince yourself that Monaco is France

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>Hammo pulling a Prost 1993
>Vettee pulling a Prost 1991
If either happens Hulk might be taken into account but he is wouldn't be the sole candidate and they aren't going to happen anyway.
In this day and age playing the waiting game it's as dangerous as being around Sato (Takuma and Marino)

France's Brave Charles Leclerc innit

this car is so damn hot

>Last podium
Australia 2014
>Last win
Brazil 2012

Btw while writing this post I typed by mistake Brazil 2021, someone who believes in this kind of signs might want to place a cheeky early bet

Attached: ted.webm (960x540, 3M)

>>autistic porsche guy at the wheel
inb4 SEIDL'S AT THE WHEEL is a meme

imagine being Alain Prost
>rising star of the early 80s
>Ron Dennis' chosen son
>Senna comes along at McLaren
>have to work too hard, go to Ferrari instead
>get BTFO by Ferrari after complaining about their car
>sit out 1992
>join Williams for a fraction of your old salary, tell Nige to piss off
>Frank Williams plays 5D chess and signs Senna despite an explicit deal to not do so with Prost
>Prost BTFO again
>hang around Ligier, McLaren and Ferrari for a few years
>try to buy Ligier but Guy Ligier won't let you
>eventually buy Ligier from Flavio Briatore
>run it into the fucking ground, killing Jean Alesi's career with it
>run it in to the ground so bad Peugeot leaves F1 forever
>join Renault as would-be-Lauda in 2016
>0 podiums, 0 wins

Attached: 1517060525726.jpg (827x479, 78K)

watch an italian gangster film last night and they kept calling each other cuckolds as an insult is this a common thing in italy?

I called, and got repeating digits, for mclaren podium in brazil but in current year.
trust me

just breaking balls

Monegasque isn't French.

He's still alive.

>the living legend

naah he insulted him a little bit


>They said that they don't want to use an hybrid system because they would have to ubernerf the V12 in this case
>Also you can only use hybrid power on front wheels from 120kph onwards so you won't get that much of an advantage in corners
Yes I read they only wanted to join if that rule prohibiting hybrid front axle use below a certain speed was in place. I guess for Aston it makes no sense to spend money developing a hybrid powertrain when there's probably not much of a business case for building hybrid road-going Astons. Still I wonder how competitive they will or won't be.

Lol F1 is so ducked that getting 6th place is a win.

/r/formula1.5! Come join us!

Well, it's in France, they speak French, they use French money, French VAT, French justice, it's a French military zone, etc...
Also ASM training center is literally in France because it couldn't fit in their tiny village.

Digits decide HAAS new sponsor
Trips = Sponsor will dictate the whole livery
Quads = Sponsor buys the team

Attached: 1534259967827.jpg (651x476, 165K)

They will just cover it up with black tape.

>Monaco (/ˈmɒnəkoʊ/ (About this soundlisten); French pronunciation: [mɔnako]), officially the Principality of Monaco (French: Principauté de Monaco),[a] is a sovereign city-state, country, and microstate on the French Riviera in Western Europe.
>sovereign city-state, country, and microstate
Listen to the facts, Pierre

>it's in France
Not surprised a frog can't comprehend the concept of borders.

Is Vettel just completely done and exposed by now?

Just watched Italian GP and this guy is simply embarrassing

Why is he still allowed out there at some point doing dangerous driving all the time

Attached: 3295_Relentless_Origin[1].jpg (1080x1080, 145K)

McLel are doing much better than they have in recent years. As for social media, that didn't exist / didn't matter when McLel were last dominant.

Change of colour not needed

Attached: 811hUstnCWL._SY606_.jpg (433x606, 26K)

t. De Gaule
stop trying to annex them ffs

it's going to be lada
trust me


Monaco is french territory
Elsace is german territory

Attached: prost.jpg (485x720, 484K)

Lol what French in wveruthjnf but name and only because Fr taxes are a joke

zoooooooooomers. this might be the most cringy f1 related thing I've ever read


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-09 SportPesa Racing Point F1 Team on Twitter.png (445x716, 204K)

Based stroke poster

See for yourselves what Charles thinks of the French anthem


By the way, Monaco circus tune plus Italian anthem afterwards is the GOAT happy combination.

Which creature?


this shit is over until 2025 bros

Hes still better than mostly everyone but he’s been shit lately. If only Ferrari would give him free wins like HaM gets


Attached: 1542991598891.jpg (1289x1003, 162K)



i like this based alonso

Max LEC war will be fantastic.

Yeah I think it looks good. I see nothing wrong with the raised nose. It still fits in well with the rest of the car and it's more aerodynamic.

biz idea: Jagonya Ayam! KFC Haas F1 Team

Attached: intense_dark_4_x_100ml-1205022-png[1].png (1280x1280, 1.1M)

Are they okay?

>do the thing you're supposed to do
>the thing you're only good at
>despite fucking up twice
>despite almost losing it
>despite the "rivals" only marginally behind, even at your best

>>join Renault as would-be-Lauda in 2016
podiums, 0 wins
And on top of that Renault's objective was to get one or two titles in 2020
Ocon WDC I guess ;^)
>Fucking Gelael in F1
Absolutely disgusting, never ever forever

red bull

Run by the Grimaldi family who come from Italy.

but gelel has no superlicence and will never get close to obtaining one :)

>Hello, fellow kids!

Bros I want to see based AMX on the podium again this year...

Attached: 1566243540519.jpg (524x685, 69K)

Rich Energy

Monaco anthem reminds me of the Grand Prix theme in parts.


max will win Singapore and Mexico, screencap this

Not in the way cuckold is used nowadays, it's probably an adaptation of cornuto that means you wife is cheating on you but you don't enjoy that

Singapore is the perfect place for that and as says Mexico is Max's wife
As people really like it here, wicked weasel

well fuck never mind

Attached: 1529348117093.jpg (400x396, 36K)

Look for "thanator"

Attached: come on baby don't fear the tractor.webm (1920x1080, 1.85M)

you ok mate?

the virgin spin vs the chad unsafe return to the track

He could win in singabore, but only if he can manage tyres better than merc does. Otherwise he can be on the podium of every remaining race easily, maybe not russia but that's that

>stay out of the gravel
>now he's on the grave

Attached: NOT YAHOO MOMENT.png (271x294, 100K)

So now that Vettel is done and will never win any more races, what do we think of his career?

Did he just get lucky with ezwin cars at Red Bull and all his titles are a scam?

Next couple of races should be better for Red Bull, so keep the faith user

>what do we think of his career?
Still better than Hamilton.

This guy did it for you

it will unironically be Orlen with Kubica.
t. knower

No, he's just washed up

Ah right. I've seen the movie but it's been a long time ago. James Cameron is really taking his sweet time. Also I was thinking about the other Avatar with bending the elements. That series has pretty weird creatures too

To call Vettel's early red bull titles easy wins is hilarious.

This would be kino

Attached: 61oTDGy8T-L._SL1500_.jpg (597x1500, 100K)

third time in an hour the radio has played The Bad Touch. based overnight automated programming.



It would be nice if lecute and amx had rossi - biaggi type of relationship. The one where a dude pushes the other out of the track, gets passed and is shown a middle finger. Would be kino


Attached: 9E02410E-1E34-48B9-94C4-EF57BE25761F.jpg (2400x2400, 552K)

Kosovo je srce Srbije would be even more embarrassing for them

Attached: 245212.png (720x540, 103K)

>James Cameron is really taking his sweet time.
You misspelled Disney. They bought the rights on the movie and delayed the sequel for 3 years or so. Capeshit is high priority you know.

Attached: 2789326E-244D-4096-A3C2-F9946DEE759F.jpg (630x630, 32K)

>/f1/ failing to get digits

no sponsor for Haas confirmed

I can safely affirm they are still completely shitfaced in Maranello


Attached: seething kraut 2.png (2000x1000, 587K)



F1 in kymi ring when?

Nooooo half of f1 memery would be gone then

He was okay but he's lost it in his old age.

But they were, his car was far better than the rest, and Webber was a has-been boomer.

my mom


Wicked weasel WILL be Haas' new sponsor, digits or not

t. didn't even watch those seasons


I'm aiming for quads

I should have refreshed lmao

Would be the perfect fit of nickle and diming assholes

Attached: image0.png (654x573, 354K)

>You misspelled Disney. They bought the rights on the movie
Well they bought the whole of 20th Century Fox but I don't think that has anything to do with delays.

Chicken expert going for it lads

Attached: LogoKFC.png (2000x1201, 112K)

Petrobras get

Alonso museum lmao

>not a single dub or trip

but hey, look my matching numbers

oh no no no

Attached: 1530726398034.png (1205x1153, 419K)


no dubs for this tred

Ok, Bernie will take care of it

Attached: BernieEcclestone72.jpg (1024x832, 120K)

Attached: 1406218007187.jpg (225x225, 9K)


who else applied?

Attached: nico.png (1191x719, 1.18M)

Obvious choice

Attached: 1374044521044.jpg (680x497, 110K)

RBR comfortably won the WCC in each year, and the gaps Seb had in the WDC in 2011 and 2013 were astronomical.


black bvll

it's obviously going to be gensokyo

Attached: 1530464436743.jpg (824x489, 486K)


Attached: 1447602017154.png (1140x852, 37K)

Honda exposure rating: ∞

ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Disney's FedEx Texacco TacoBell BlockBuster Haas racing, presented by WalMart ™™™™™™™™

check em

Attached: 26804842_1555921697777119_6950575375154089937_n.jpg (960x957, 90K)

Just did, attached my "/f1/ becomes relentless" video

let's lighten up a bit

2005 saw great engines, bar honda

Trump hotel

Attached: repeatingnumbersincoming.jpg (1480x832, 230K)

My deviantart page

KFC with a Whole Chicken Livery and a Hi Point Yeet Cannon on the rear wing side plates

this is embarassing. /f1/ stop trying to get dubs. that's an instruction.

>there will never be another V10 era
Shit sucks man


Attached: 1566198261123.jpg (639x635, 28K)

Haas Trump F1


Attached: 49637443_2489299071086653_1470375499665506304_n.jpg (960x738, 75K)

turbo da khorosho no glavnoye eta dusha

Not really, sure their engine is most likely the least powerful, but it's not that bad. They're still able to win races at some circuits. And their reliability is pretty good now. Kvyat's problem was just an oil leak.

black and white flag of not respecting dubs-posting

Gene pulls out because the big players will make the 2021 revolution a farce


this is just so damn ez he bringing back them titles

Just Karun's face.

That is it

Attached: DO_IT_FAGGOT.jpg (800x601, 105K)


Attached: 220px-Geely_logo.svg.png (220x128, 18K)

>black topping white

Attached: black and white flag F1.jpg (300x174, 4K)


Montgomery Country Quarter Midget Race Club

Kumakichi sponsorship.

How has no one got digits?

Attached: Kumakichi_cums_in_karts.jpg (1200x799, 153K)

Attached: nogger_black_02.jpg (482x197, 32K)

We cant help this lads, meme magic doesnt want to give haas a kino murican sponsor like M&Ms

The one and only.

Attached: tenga-deep-throat-original-vacuum-cup.jpg (2000x2000, 212K)

Dickdum's Finest Underwear

>tfw you will never taste it

Attached: 1534593994065.jpg (1200x1200, 259K)


Haas F1 confirmed wankers.

>Peak aesthetic red and white livery


>I don't think that has anything to do with delays.
When they bought Fox they already had a schedule for the next 5 years full of Marvel and live action masterpieces, Avatar was the least of their concerns.

Digits has spoken lads

LMAO based

Imagine the memes

Attached: 20151105negro-cukorka2.jpg (644x322, 74K)

based iconic Marlboro livery

You mean Roberts v Sheene type of relationship

Are you guys ready for Liberty Media's hamshit apologists throwing shit at lecute and fia, and then at Singabore: "AND LEWIS HAMILTON WINS THE SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX! THIS IS HIS RETRIBUTION FOR WHAT MOST WOULD ARGUE SHOULD'VE BEEN HIS WIN AT MONZA! ISN'T THAT RIGHT MARTIN!" ?


>not posting the OG negros

Attached: nugger.jpg (400x400, 53K)

But Seb will win singapore

Best fakin candy in world

Good ol times, when they were in every shop, even the shitty village ones

Whats that shit taste like? Looks like hard licorice around some chewy center

But Seb will win singapore

Seb is gonna win shit son. Ferrari will suck on every track from now on, maybe apart from russia&mexico because meme straight line speed, but those tracks have 15 corners, too much for ferrari


>Camilleri, talking about 2021 regs, got asked if they are ready to use their veto
>"Well, we are Ferrari"

What could he possibly mean?

Like licorice with menthol. It literally "chimney sweeps your throat", which is the slogan of the candy.

"We will not use our veto even if we could and as a result we are gonna be utter shit again. We then will threaten to leave the sport for good be obviously we won't."
Rough translation but you catch the drift.

>tfw you'll never go on kolede and get bunch of negro bonboni from the kind grandmas again

Attached: 1511329510822.png (399x388, 162K)

At this point, Ferrari will hope Vettel gives up and retires voluntarily this offseason

They need to stop wasting that seat, its all about the new GOAT LeClerc for the next 10-15 titles, they need a 2nd driver who is really bad and not getting paid much(Rosberg, Bottas, Albon/Gasly) to not get in the way of their GOAT

Vettel is a very bad driver but getting paid too much to do so

>"chimney sweeps your throat"
Hahaha, thats great. Wonder if i can find something similar here inna states. If not ill just eat a piece of licorice and smoke a menthol cig (8


So... Vettel buys Haas?

Ferrari can afford it, he will serve out his contract and be done with it.


Wouldn't mind licquerishing Carrie's chimney with my sweep if you know what I am getting at.

But Seb will win the 2020 WDC

Yes we do, my pic related

Attached: n5-limun.jpg (276x312, 75K)

Popeyes chicken

$10 for a bag on amazon. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

Do it

>Vettel is a very bad driver but getting paid too much to do so
You mean Hamilton, right?

you mistyped ricciardo there

There might be a shop with ex-yu products in your area, you should look into that
vid related is chicago

h-hello miss do you have any negros in stock?

Here a 100g pack is 70 cents lol


Attached: 2019-09-09 15_14_04-Negro (candy) - Wikipedia.png (657x94, 7K)

>Post yfw Hamilton had a 50 second pit stop at Hockenheim

Attached: gone in 50 seconds.png (213x145, 39K)

Attached: 1536693888593.jpg (1080x1349, 241K)

Schumi F

Attached: toysrus.jpg (599x337, 70K)

hopefully he is getting a brain transplant

uck off

>PARIS (Reuters) - Former Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher was admitted to a Paris hospital for "secret treatment" earlier on Monday, Le Parisien newspaper reported.

>Schumacher turned 50 on Jan. 3 but has not been seen in public since a skiing accident in the French Alps five years ago that left him with severe head injuries and in a medically-induced coma.

He'll old on until next year at least
He'll be one of the ultimate sacrifices for Leclerc WDC

The fact you're going on about taxes and military zones rather than simply stating that LeCute belongs to the french race leads me to believe you might be a N'gante or a Soufiane.

n-no... or y-yes?

quite a way from switzerland to paris

Attached: death note.jpg (1920x1080, 663K)

>French money
No sweety, they have their own Euro coins

"Charles you clinched the WDC on what's a very emotional day for you and all the people in your garage"
"Yes, I want to dedicate this WDC to Michael, he meant so much to me and everyone here. Hopefully mick joins me next years so I can sacrif....help him in his first F1 season"


once you get one of these there's no going back

Was very disappointed with mine

flashlight < death grip

After more than half a season I'm still not completely used to the new compund naming, it still comes natural calling the yellows soft and the white mediums, reds I can call soft anyway

Same, I liked it the old way.

hyper medium
ultra medium
super medium
super hard
ultra hard
hyper hard

why hello lovely lady

>not medium medium


So and so, like, having hypersoft, ultrasoft and supersoft was ridicolous, just that the colors for soft and medium were around for so much time that it stuck with me, could have kept it that way and made hard orange

Oh no, oh no no no no no

Attached: seething kraut.png (633x758, 32K)


>hyper medium
angela cullen
>ultra medium
kelly piquet
>super medium
>super hard
>ultra hard
>hyper hard

>it's real

Attached: 1520375764187.jpg (852x888, 203K)


This. Ive tried several onaholes and my general consensus is 'meh'. Maybe its better for people who havent actually fucked a real pussy? Idk

Like the fucking Vatican, but I'm pretty sure they're produced in France.

omg, you're right.
jochen rindt was the best, F

Same, I ducking hate Toto but I really don’t mind Lewis, despite the prerequisite to hate him in these threads

>but I'm pretty sure they're produced in France.
So are British passports, doesn't make 'em French, right?

>"secret treatment"

Attached: bog.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

You’re French, you’ll never be back from anything aside from being an ass fucking faggot

oh wait, contracted to a French-Dutch company, but produced in...




10 and 12 were very contested though

>rainbow flag
It’s the Italian flag you fucking retard

Attached: 1537951943716.jpg (720x720, 66K)


Based or Cringe?

>shoomey held on until rari wins one for da land

swolle strolle

Based Ferrari

the special emergency operation is to try and get his erection to go down

lmao who did this baka

activat quantum immortality

>You now remember an official FE video got banned for the same thing

>not just calling hypersoft flaccid

are motorsport-athletes suspect to doping-tests?

>mamma mia
pottery, otherwise cringe

Like clockwork.


Attached: bin8.jpg (800x534, 40K)

way too runned down idea, so a bit cringe

Attached: 1367484675657.jpg (450x430, 30K)

Hopefully no one, fuck Haas


video games related jokes are never funny

Vettel won Canada bing, because your boy needed a gay ass penalty to get P1 doesn’t mean he actually finished first.


They are gonna milk some of his sperm to inject in Mick for next year

>hyper hard
dick pill to last full race

are they gonna clona schumi?
>les enfants rapide

>milk some of his sperm to inject in Mick for next year
uhhhhh how exactly would that help?

Based Tifosi

Schumacher will replace vettel


Attached: 1564600568541.png (2048x1360, 2.51M)


What if you replace Mario Kart with Gran Turismo

It did last time out

they do everything to intimidate the enemy and push their compatriots - the number of actual racists is negligible. they aren't lowtest cucklords like northerners who don't want to be called "racist"


they tried to get verstappen but he won't budge till after 2021


You're right, you do seethe at Hamilton like clockwork.

He’ll be back don’t worry user

Don't forget that he got BTFO by old man Lauda in 1984

>beaten in 2014
>lost championship in best car in 2018
>exposed again in 2019.