Why was Zidane considered better than Figo? Figo was the better player

Why was Zidane considered better than Figo? Figo was the better player.

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why are penaldo fans always faggots?

get out dicklet

Figo's face is so normal it's weird, same with Trent Reznor.What the fuck man?

Who here a grower?

i'm the opposite, fairly big flaccid size but average hard-on :(

Pathetic desu. I am like 4 inches flacid and 8 inches erect.

I always thought reznor had an odd face - not ugly just unique. May be the nose.

Figo have prettier wife.

figo was a chocker in international competition

>hairy legs
>hairy arms
>shaved chest

What a Faggot

No that's pretty normal. Its only strange to shave arms and legs(arms especially). No one likes hair in the chest you poo.

>no one

only millenial and zommer cucks turned chest hair into some sort of a taboo, back in 80's and even 90's chest hair was seen as manly.

do you have to train everyday to have that body at his age?

this is a bit depressing for me, you can only look that good when you are 50 if you dont need to work

I am very hair on my legs and arms but have little hair on chest. The fuck is wrong with me

thats good, not bad

do you have a full beard?

I mean can you grow a full beard? cheek hair and shit?

Also Figo's daughter is superior

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all that hair on your chest and youre stil a smelly dothead

t. paki

figo has 3 daughters

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no sons?

>Figo is married to Swedish model Helen Svedin. They have three daughters – Daniela (born in March 1999), Martina (born in April 2002), and Stella (born 9 December 2004)
image figo's household smell...

What a weird bulge. He must have a fat dick but normal length.

this is a disaster.
don't make me post a daughter pasta thing

just look at that, peak Iberian BVLL performance there

now we end up with zoomix


The fucking United States embarrassed peak Figo in 2002 World Cup.

It's very common for CHAD's to only have daughters. It's how God/Destiny/Karma punishes them.

Look at this fucking faggot, lmao

You don't shave anything below your neck, period. Maybe your ass, but that's it

I shave my penor and surrounding areas, and my nipples.

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Figo was dogshit in big games

bear mode

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why would you shave your nipples , that sounds horribly painful .

Lmao chest hair, in reasonable amounts, gets me going kid. I always drop about 2 buttons after 8-9 beers at wedding receptions and haven’t struck out yet. Shave your back hair though

Absolute state of my day drunkenness.

Wish this was acceptable in Anglo countries. People just call me wog instead of revelling in my masculinity.

There's loads of players who were better than Zidane from that generation, but Zidane gets overrated because muh WC and muh volley

>zidane was overrated for delivering in the grandest stages

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Zidane never lost to Americans in the World Cup though.

why can't the english beat the americans in official football games and wars?

nice freudian slip, faggot

t.That Messoyfag that has Tsu living rent free in his head

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I go from microdick to 6.5ish

He Has Risen