/cyc/ - Vuelta a España, Stage 16

No rest for the wicked edition.
La Vuelta ciclista a España 2019
Stage 16
Pravia - Alto de LA Cubilla. Lena
144,4 km

GC Top 10 after stage 15
1 Roglič Primož Team Jumbo-Visma
2 Valverde Alejandro Movistar Team +2:25
3 Pogačar Tadej UAE-Team Emirates +3:42
4 López Miguel Ángel Astana Pro Team +3:59
5 Quintana Nairo Movistar Team +5:09
6 Majka Rafał BORA - hansgrohe +7:14
7 Edet Nicolas Cofidis, Solutions Crédits +9:08
8 Kelderman Wilco Team Sunweb +9:15
9 Hagen Carl Fredrik Lotto Soudal +9:44
10 PERNSTEINER Hermann Bahrain Merida +11:39


/cyc/ velogames league:

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Since Monday isn't rest day, the stage wasn't as entertaining as it could be despite three big climbs. Regular controlled breakaway, orderly ride from GC teams. Decisive attacks saved for the last climb. Kuss attacked 6.6 km to go, with double intention either to win the stage or to carry his captain Roglic later. He was fortunate enough and took the win with enough margin to high five spectators at the final 200 meters. Valverde attacked a bit after Kuss, with 6.2 km to go, but Roglic was very strong so they rode together to the finish. Mini duel between Pogocar and Lopez ended up in tie, they both lost 31 seconds to Roglic. Quintana became the victim of friendly fire and lost the most - +1:36 to Roglic.

DNS - Mezgec Luka (Mitchelton - Scott)
DNS - Bevin Patric (CCC)
DNF - Hansen Jesper (Cofidis)
DNS - van Goethem Brian (Lotto Soudal)

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ah, on podium at last.
btw, today's stage will be televised in full.

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Also today:
MVDP is a fraud Tour of Britain, stage 3
Berwick-upon-Tweed -- Newcastle-upon-Tyne 183.2 km

Trentin won the stage yesterday and also took overall lead.

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Blue autist changed his name?

looks like it

>DNS - van Goethem Brian (Lotto Soudal)
correction - DNF
do we have first victims of time limit?

I hope Astana to make their move on the first climb and then a MAL attack on the Cobertoria.

Nah it was announced during the stage yesterday that he abandoned. Didn't even know he was in the race desu

Just want to wish you all a happy should've-been-on-a-sunday stage. Still thinking if I should follow the stage (text) or avoid all news and watch it fully this evening

Britain's comfiest coastline incoming.



>using gears

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teehee I`m still the leader

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please tell me if Valverde starts in green or worlds. He is 3rd in the points standings, behind Roglic (1st in GC), Pogacar (1st in white). But Valverde also has the WC jersey which appearantly takes precedence in stage races if not the actual leader, which would mean Quintana would wear it.
Also, appearantly the prize money is split between the jersey holder (Roglic) and the wearer (Valverde or Quintana). That's interesting stuff

start when

Weird about the prize money but maybe they want to avoid one guy/team getting everything.

Did you call Sir Dave
Nairo wears green as 4th

>aderlass racing

Also good job bodga.

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And we're off. Comfy watching the whole stage

to answer your question

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G. Bennett and some of the Jumbo staff are sick apparently. OSHI-

Any aussies in this race?

Ketone overdose

Today Superman will rise from the ashes like Vino

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>Aussies in Tour of Britain
>Aussies in La Vuelta


This mad lad. And O'Connor was 6th yesterday

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thanks lad

>also thanks for the ashes

Miguel and Nairo looked so sad in the interviews yesterday, especially Quintana, he looked like he completely gave up.

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How is the weather in your country?

12°C and raining here, have been like this for several days now.

Haven't been out riding my bike for 5 days, my legs feel weak and atrophy is setting in.

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Buy some rain gear you pussy.
>b-but my bike will get dirty
You're not gonna make it

hot as fuck here in Florida
first cloudy day in a while but still humid as shit and already 85°F at 7:00 AM
morning run gonna be SWEATY


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I have never believed that I would make it to begin with.

Temp 13C
Wind 20-30 kms
Little bit of rain and it`s 10.14pm

chute the bouhanni

Attached: GP de Fourmies 2019 Ackermann simpose au sprint chute de Bouhanni.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

20°C and sunny. Last bits of Indian summer here.

another carry on for Lopez?

Thinking about buying decent shoes and flat pedals, but seeing how expensive those Five Tens and flat pedals are, switching to SPDs is really attractive.
Both SPD pedals and shoes are less expensive.

And I can use it in the future, if I am still alive and invested in a road bike.


m520 is dirt cheap, durable and perfect for beginners from what I heard.

7°C on my morning ride. Good temperature, not too cold but cold enough for winter gear

Regarding winter gear, what gloves do you use that protects you from wind and the cold, but yet are not super thick?

Biggest problem riding in the cold are the fingers getting numb.

>winter gear
Very jelly. In winter, I sometimes ride at -27 and look like snow ninja. Riding at -30 and beyond is not very viable because it feels like there's not enough oxygen in the air.

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Year of the bird

kek i dont ride below 10 degrees and jogging at 0 is also shitty cause i either freeze the first 15 minutes or sweat too much in the end

Is this b8? How can you be a fair weather cyclist in Germany?

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looks like society is back in fashion

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>6.6km elevation

What a beast.

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24° and warm and sunny just to start spring!


>just want every day of my life to be 8°

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how can other zoomers even compete

>green jersey still in the peleton

Man, I love those classic bikes.

>kinda fat and terribly unfit, live vicariously through cycling grand tours whenever I can

h-how do I get started on cycling?

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Quintana attack coming

Buy a bike and start riding the motherfucker

I am not to concerned about getting wet, but all the clothes will get dirty, the bike will get dirty and you have to wash it after every ride.

Fucking brutal.....and all that with only 230W, not even close to his FTP.

Buy bike then ride.

>vote for conservatives because increasing wealth for a minority elite is more important than protecting the environment
>environment gets fucked
>ThOsE fUcKiNg ImMiGrAnTs

Democracy is a bad idea.

Get the new Wahoo Bike and youll never have to leave your home

Coldest here I get to ride is usually like -7. I commute through the year, now is an annoying period because you're in your winter gear for the morning and then you're too warm for 15-20° back home. Super annoying. Can't wait for October/November when it becomes consistently cold

I have a special mask I wear when it gets below -20 both to avoid freezing my face and to warm up the air I'm breathing. Still riding at -30 isn't really fun in any case because the bike will be so frozen.

Cycling will burn through calories faster than any My 600lb Life golem can eat them so that part should stop being a problem fast if you stick to it.

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As and have said, buy bike, ride bike.

Most importantly, LOOK AFTER YOUR DIET. Otherwise you won't have the energy to cycle effectively and shit calories do nothing but keep you looking like shit.

That's what winter bikes are for. Do you not wash your clothes after riding in dry weather?

>Magnus has daughters

Giant sweedish cycling gfs when

What I love about Bernal is that he doesn't strip his power data like a bitch. It's a Chad move to leave your power data public and show others you don't care if they know what your power numbers are because they can't match them anyway.

E-Bike Bernal

yeah, me too. I use one in the pic related. It really suck to be near-sighted and having to wear glasses though.

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Virgin is not gonna make it, isn't it.

>It really suck to be near-sighted and having to wear glasses though

I- I have a feeling something might be wrong with Roglic guys. He looked weird on this climb.

tour britain neutralized?

Quintana jumped, jumpo pissma's response was late, but they've managed to close the gap still.

He will crack on the next climb and loose 5 minutes

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literally going to move to one of these comfy Asturian towns and live as a hermit when I retire

how long is that train?

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>the state of Spain
>Literally ruining the vuelta

>dangerous descent coming up
Jumbo-Pissma in suicide watch.

and only now they start again. wew

what are you talking about? this happened in bongland

i was just wondering what would happen if a train came during a race the other day. so they stop the race for a bit until it passes?

It's not so rare an occurence, even for big races. E.g. happened at Roubaix a couple of times in last 10 years or so.

Jumbo strolling up the mountain

Froome would attack at least...........

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>even Sam Bennett is sticking to the peloton
Sunday was yesterday guys

Brouchard leads KoM by 6 points now

I was wondering how was keeping it that long.

keen for this descent

>using newspapers

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>no saddle
lol is this the start of some weird porn?

>using saddle

>using saddles

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I have a pair of Specialized winter gloves.. Got them as a christmas present years ago. Cycling gloves can be stupidly expensive though. I have seen some for over €100

These look like they good be good value. I have some Altura stuff and it's pretty good for a cheap price.

Fuglsang to win with 1:30

Plz let a Shimano car push Gaylord Hart into a ravine

absolute state of the moto cam

Tattoos are haram and degenerate. Dubs and inshallah Roglic will crash


Based Allah

based ag2r

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wtf i love bardet now


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>the absolute state of MVDP

>4 riders on my team is in the break
This is it guys. Today is the day I make a 1000 points.

this Sunday I will be in Madrid to see the last stafe of la vuelta

I have 3.

some low-hanging clouds on the mountains

>some low-hanging clouds on the mountains
This is very common in that area of the Basque country/North of Castille

Boomerverde will pay for his effort yesterday

how long until we get sick off the coming Lotto Jumbo dominance?

Quintana backwards attack any minute now


we may never know


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incredibly comfy climb

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>wins the stage with one rider
>increased lead in gc with other rider
Other teams btfo, no one can stop >us

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i already am

>ass category

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for me, it's duck category

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fuck astana
fuck tao gamergate hart
what a shitshow
gonna hate whoever wins today

I hope it's Brambilla

did Kirby just say that Hart won yesterday?

Vino4ever lads


Hes marking fuglsang for 10km now, strong today

Brexit means brexit



anyone but Tao
anyone but In*os

All Ineos riders are skeletons

T.G.Hart is such a fucking shitter holly fuck

>Astana train
>Lopez ends up dropped

Seen this episode before

they are riding for 2 or 3, pogacar might blow because its his first 3 weeks



Soler please save Quintana

Nairo with another jojo performance

>Fray Lay
Jesus christ Sean Kelly is retarded

Now Jumbo are all skelly too.

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Bye bye

No podium for him

Do it for Lulu


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Perseguidor won't make it

Majka gonna usurp Can'tana's spot
Soler doing great work for Boomberde tho

bye bye britcùck

Do a >can'tana sign

Tao you looser

>Movistar tactics

Guys, how does Majka do it? Has he even ever won a GT stage? Yet he's always in the top-10 or even top-5, but never seriously considered to win.

Soler is Movistar tactics incarnate this Vuelta

>Has he even ever won a GT stage?
Pretty sure he won a stage or a couple of them in that TdF where he won the Mountain jersey

He's won a few TdF stages and mountains jerseys a few years ago



Imo he should go back to that


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Movistar will finish with nobody on the podium

Boomerverde BTFO

Yes but after he went to Bora his job seems to be top 10 GC more than stage wins



I hate everything


Based Birdsong
Fuck Gegenhagen
Fuck Ineos
Fuck br*ts

Based Birdsong

Basadissimo Birdsong.

>spanish team
>wins the giro because they don't do retarded trident shit
>fails the vuelta because of movistar tactics
Classic Movistar

Fugl a based

Roglic bridging the gap

based Roglic

Hope Movistar looses everything

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>Taco GingerGrin Hard

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Fraudlic wheelsucker

dropping el boomer and catching up to that zoomer attack was pretty impressive tho

oh come on, he bridged all attacks by himself
not his job to attack when he has the lead

Are you actually retarded? Roglic is the opposite of a wheelsucker

literally has zero reasons to attack

Quintana MIA

Pogo car is a fucking beast

Quintana you lazy piece of shit.


gonna be out of top-10 by Madrid

Pogocar vs. Bernal in the future for sure in the GCs.

>The favela of Quintana


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>you will never live here

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As expected from yesterday's interview, Quintana as given up.

Based Fuglsang. That fucking cunt Hart deserves a career ending injury. I hope Ineos' hotel gets bombed tomorrow.

>Birdsong looked like he was wanking

based and fuckineospilled

i beg your pardon

I love saying "Jakob Fuglsang" out loud

why does everyone hate Hart? What did I miss?

very based

he's a cunt choker too

>betting on valverde
>when he always dies in the 3rd week

Movistar """"""""""tactics""""""""""

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>not instantly hating any I***S rider, especially some suddenly out fo nowhere young british starlet

Majka takes 5th from Can'tana

Fuglsang is a late starter, 1st stage win in a GC (outsides of the ITTs).

Called it yesterday what's my prize?

For 3 seconds, yikes.
Quintana is already thinking about his home in colombia he probably doesn't give a shit anyway.

>Fulsang suddenly 13th

Hey he can top 10 lmao.


I want to live in anime

Soler is wasted in this team of shitters.

GC provisional

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Is this the worst top 10 ever in a GT? Who the fuck are Hagen and Pernsteiner. Edet is shit too

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Lol, you are right, not even ITTs won, so really his 1st overall GC stage win.


figured fat Viviani won't ride road race

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fraud afraid of getting exposed even harder, now he can just pretend he's good again with his euro title

My second favourite Austrian rider, right after Grosssssschartner

Slav domination

>Cofidis in top 10

for me it's Pöstlberger

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press F for Virgin's ambitions

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why Jakobsen harassing a midget?

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Are those shoes /cyc/ approved?

/cyc/ approved for sure

question is if the UCI approves

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Netherlands roster for WC road race.
Mathieu van der Poel
Niki Terpstra
Bauke Mollema
Dylan van Baarle
Mike Teunissen
Sebastian Langeveld
Jos van Emden
Pieter Weening

Marianne Vos
Anna van der Breggen
Annemiek van Vleuten
Chantal Blaak
Amy Pieters
Floortje Mackaij
Lucinda Brand
Demi Vollering

(wtf, no Wiebes?)

Kelderman should be ashamed

kys my man

He really should.

But Hagen and Edet especially already gained multiple minutes by cruising along in the early breaks.

I am most disappointed in Wout Poels. What an embarrassment

Poels is one of the major arguments for handing over Dutch Limburg to you guys

But then you'd lose the only based bit of Netherlands for cycling with hills

>Dutch Limburg ? Never heard of it, you mean German Limburg home of groß Tom i suppose

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generally a question for all Dutch people here
there is a rumor that TJV bus caught some infection? anything serious?

I bet this fraud will be the only rider to score 0 points in Madrid

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its not fair that these shitters steal a place from attacking pro conti teams

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>tfw have him on my team
Never getting got by this fraud again

>tfw even Navarro and Boasson Hagen have scored now

I'm just glad I'm not last desu.

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Sorry lad
but you should've known he's a fraud whenever he's not superdomming for one of their REAL leaders

One of the worst in recent memory. But back in the day, not even too long ago, no foreigners even turned up for the Vuelta

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What year is this? 2003 or something like that?

2004 and Valverde already mr Top 10 in GC

Will he ever retire?

It's funny, Valverde is based and the best rider of his generation and I'm a huge fan of him, but Movistar want to kind of focus more on youth (again) with guys like Soler and Enric Mas but Valverde just keeps winning so in a way he stunts their growth

For me its Contador

I'd say next year will be his last. Think he has a two year contract though

>rating a guy that never won a classic

yikes. For me, it's objectively the 7th most succesful cyclist of all time

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Aleksandar Valverdic

remember when Valverde had hair?

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just a short time earlier

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>Spanish are mosaicists

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Holy shit, Van Petegem seems like aeons ago and Valverde is still racing. Don't recognize the guy in the middle but I guess it's Astarloa?

Oleg is the hero we need but don't deserve.

look at this bullshit, Ineos is sponsoring the next attempt to break the 2 hour barrier in marathon this time. They have a car driving 10 meters in front of the runners to """pace""" them. Bet the real reason is drafting

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actually it looks more like 5 meters

Marginal gains

Yeah no shit it's for drafting. They did the same thing last time when Nike set up the attempt. It won't be a official world record if they get it.

Surprisingly our danish frens got the most points today followed by the Tao guys

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Damn it's close besides the temple fag.

Bertie still in better shape than these two GC chokers

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>Clenbuterol for your hair

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>Sean Kelly is the third most successful cyclist of all time

Also fooking hell that Merckx domination

>reddit biters getting btfo

Kelderman getting back the group after his mechanical. Danish Eurosport commentator: "Kelderman passing Meintjes' office"