/FIBA/ Basketball World Cup 2019

Dominican Republic - Lithuania
Czech Republic - Greece
France - Australia
USA - Brazil

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Czechs. I am sorry but it is the end of the line for you.

we got this in the bag
r-right guys?

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doubt it. we gonna win by



I think you will win, but I'm not sure if it will be 12+ points.

At least we have not become a joke at basketball yet.

Damn, just read that mother of Vasilije Micic has passed away, which probably means he will go home leaving us with one PG.

if we ever collapsed in basketball the same way we have collapsed in football, people here would legitimately kill themselves


Calathes on meth or what?

Γαμω την Παναγία του σkουρτοπουλου kαι του πιθηkου του Παπανιkολάου

>calathes scores one three-pointer
>proceeds to raise his ego and shoots (and misses) more three-pointers

every fucking time


what happened to your football?

it took us 2 weeks in the tournament to play relatively well?
its too late.
the czechs are shitting themselves coz they re playing a theoritical favorite but the more inside the game we are and the difference isn't >15 points the more confidence they will take


it all started with a theofanis gekas missed penalty back in 2014.

Lost to Feroe Islands

We were always Lithuania tier, just were lucky to have a golden generation and two good coaches.

Also, we are so bad at rebounds

shut up demoralization shill

What is current situation for Greece? What needs to happen for you guys to advance?

Your whole country must be crazy after that 'refball" vs france.
I ve lived there so I know your ppl probably chimped out and are still chimped out.

>last of the golden generation retired after the 2014 world cup
>current players are not only average, but also completely indifferent whilst playing in the national team
>most of them probably hate each other as well
>no good youth academies, best clubs in greece are filled with foreign mercenaries
>greek federation brings literal who managers because they also don't care

i mean we were never that good to begin with, but we got our head so far up our asses that were just crashing down spectacularly now


beat the czechs by at least 12 points

5 days ago I would have said its an eay 30 point win for you but these Czech fuckers are here to troll the shit out of this tournament. Imagine they make it to the semis.

We were literally never good. We just had good strategy that got us further than we deserved despite no real skill.

We dont have a good coach to play with automatisms andtake advantage of the smar tmasses calathes sloukas n giannis can do.

we would steamroll the tournament maybe barely lose to usa so far. but instead when they play zone vs us to just remove giannios form the game, it's over.

We also had disciplined players that cared enough to execute that strategy. For all the shit players like Katsouranis and Samaras got, their replacements have been beyond shit since 2014.

that's not true. you were B tier european team. now you are dogshit like us. you also have good league.

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papanikolaou is so trash

Czechs are playing smart team basketball, they have a good coach, one of the most interesting teams in the world cup.
Satoransky and Balvin are balling.

Antetokounmpo is not the mvp of the NBA with the NT because he cant be utilized as there are no 3 point shooters. So the zone vs him literally kicks him off.
He just plays as a very athletic guy who can jump higher than anyone else for rebounds and has the balls to go 3-4v1 to lay up.

We have better players than this but coach insists on using these boomers.

>you also have a good league
that's because olympiakos, paok and aek have AT BEST 2 greeks in them

>you also have good league
Top lel.

>Fortounis , Masouras , Tsimikas , Koutris , Bouchalakis
ve been key players of Olympiakos these 2 years

>Pelkas, Limnios, Paschalakis , Giannoulis were also key in last season for Paok

players each.

how the f did we play so good for 15 minutes and were +9 and now we look like shitte. Our players are anxious af. It's over.

Your coach is the reason this team is playing so poorly.

He doesn't know how to use Giannis.

Welp it's ogre

Fuck papanikolaou and Olympiakos

bourousis and papanikolaou are SO bad

they literally can't move, bourousis is 15 kg overweight

Pelkas is giga trash and Limnios is an eternal sub. Bouchalakis is the worst player in our NT and Koutris isn't in the plans

Ενώ Παπαγιάννης kαι Παπαπέτρου είναι παιχταραδες ε;

That's not what "literally" means.

he can't move

watch his movement in the field

every step might be his last cause he's a fat fuck

time for our secret medicine

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Coach is a tavern owner

Παπανιkολάου θα σε περιμένουμε στο πάρkινγk του ΣΕΦ μουλε


>people were hoping we'd beat the czechs by 12+
lol we're not even gonna win this match

>muh Ελληνιkός Κορμός
>muh Back2Back
Useless overrated "talented" hacks. Turned into basketball players by Spanoulis and Printezis

Balvin trying the dream shake lol

These players just don't have the mentality it's so fucking obvious. It's not the coach or anyone else they just get outskilled.

what is the size of that czech giant guy?

thing is that printezis spanoulis papanikolaou calathes n bourousis 5 years ago were probably the elite of euroleague.
promising players like mantzaris and papapetrou as well.

Problem is that 5 years ago was 5 years ago and today none of this is true.

>Greek commentators blaming the ref


this. but indeed refing is bad for both sides. this wasnt even a free throws foul.

>oli i ellada ine o calathes

Bourousis was always overrated, only had one great year in Baskonia. Spanoulis-Printezis was the best duo in Europe for many years.
Papanikolaou peaked at 23, has only gone downhill ever since. Never worked on his fundamentals. He had a decent 3p shot and defense and both of those have stunk

tick tock

he's having a good game tho

wish the retard coach didn't take him out for so long

The game is over.

gg to lithuania for winning against a zimbabwe-tier team lmao

greek free throws lmao

How is Sloukas missing FTs this tournament?

I'm gonna watch that game on mute, can't stand the fucking commentator.


I hate him

I'm waiting for the choke now.

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Thanasis never dropped his performance from game 1 to now. Really underrated.
Will never perform over 8 but he will also never perform under 6. Needs to work on his defence to 3pointers he just jumps like a goat and gets the fake shot instead of the real one.

>the choke republic

>he thinks it's CZ that's gonna choke

umm, just look at what happened after the first quarter

hellose vs choke republic
who wins.

dream is over


it's over

>the long rebound

why are the blackies and the amerimutt the only passionate ones?

brazil might win usa.

Satoransky needs to step up, these role players wont do shit.

0% chance we have varejão


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the guy that played giannis man to man better than any current nbaer?

mpourousis looks like he has osteoporosis

without bourousis we made the comeback.
wtf is wrong now.

resting anteto with 4 fouls

put papagiannis they dont have that good players to make him look clueless like usa... bourou is either there for the 3 point or just resting the rested players.




oh no no no

Fuck fiba and fuck jews

Antetokounbros mad.

What are these lidl refs

how was that even a giannis foul tho.

This fucking refball

Yeah, that was bullshit, looked like Balvin didn't set his feet.

Just score 2 3pointers in a row, lol

whos second if greece win by less than 12? brazil or czech?

fuck off ioannou basedboys

flop republic

Czechs advance.

Tm jew

they're called flopia now


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Well that depends on whether Brazil beats the US or not

These refs are fucking terrible, it's embarissing for a world cup tournament.

We might qualify but damn, these players are trash
I miss diamantidis and kill bill

they won't tho

Why is fiba referring so bad

Literally thank our coach for this. 4 points for czechs because he can't control himself.

sounds like a greek player lol


Fiba keeps embarassing themselves.

it is a greek word
it was the coaching stuff not the coach himself

and what do you do when you see 3 mistakes in a row favoring your opponent? You act cool like meh it happens bruh 8) ?

I aint saying that they are favoring the czechs on purpose, just that they re bad.

Who the fuck cares. This is the world cup not some local tournament. Whoever he was he should be fired.


Greece, keep trying 3 point throws and you'll lose.


Satoransky again close to a triple-double.

Coach is trash, players are trash, we also got refballed

Based Bohacik, what a killer. Their best player today.

Sloukas is beyond bad

It would have still been winnable if that fucking retard kept his mouth shut.

Why the fuck wasn't printezis playing
Skourto should stay in china if he has any sense of decency

>ohhh sexi ladee
fucking chinks

If someone told me that Poland and Czech Republic would be in the top 8 I would have slapped them. Going into this tournament I had them both in the bottom 12 teams or so.

>le hellenophobic referees
>fiba is anti greece
>jew conspiracy to eliminate greece

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In every sport it's the same, our victim complex is out of this world

>η μπαλα χτυπαει προφανως στον kαλαθη
>ιωαννου λεει λογιkα ελλαδα

giannis was wrongly fouled out
like it or not

Calathes hit 4 threes lol

χάσαμε γιατί δεν πήραμε πολλά μαkρινά ριμπάουντ

they really are bad though

It's ogre

gg czechs, you're a likeable team, hope you do well against france/australia

we shouldn't have choked against brasil

Nice refs fiba.

>jew conspiracy to eliminate greece
y tho

>tventi sevn pojnt tu

rules are shit desu, point difference is retard and the format is retard too.

Greece deserves to lose in this Championship...

shut up cuck, fuck the czechs

and fuck the kikes too

I am at work so I'm watching it muted but every time I look at my phone, they're video reviewing something. What the fuck.

see flag
because it's always >the joos

Satoransky played a nice game

both of you should consider killing yourselves

i didnt mean to quote you actually, it was an accident

Ref at the base line after time out. LMAO

Two rebounds and one assist away from a triple double.

what's your favorite/least favorite ioannou meme, fellow greeks?
for me it's
>του πηρε το πορτφολι

i remember when i was like 10 i cried when we lost to russia because the gommies who bullied my family won

>if it wasn't for refs we would be through

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Saint George Printezis

το μαkρινό ριμπάουντ

Greece should aim for 81-81 and then try again lol

>Νιk Καλάθης, με αυτό το... δάkρυ όπως λέγετε αυτό το σουτ

Calathes having the best shooting game of his life.

σλουkι λουk

200 IQ strategy


If USA win, Czechs advance?
>the city of Grease

does that work?

Look at this roster, only 1 player playing above domestic league level. How the fuck did they do it???


>nooooooo, you can't just eliminate greece

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That's actually a good strategy.

Pushed by refs and good three pointers

ofc u do. congrats man well deserved.
pipinka prasatko dobre noch , prdel jebany

fucking shit players relying on free throws


i think point difference counts from regular time, not too sure though

It actually would have...

you go into overtime and instead of having 1 minute to get a result you have 5

Why does reddit hate Ioannou

>imagine losing to shit players

I'm fapping to Little Caprice tonight

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because he speaks the truth

>pushed by refs

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Thanks, I actually don't follow basketball that much, but I thought it might work since the game USA-Turkey went beyond the 4 quarters after they were even

the refs were on your side slavshit

Pretty sure it's been tried and ridiculed the whole sport, so they set point differences only count on regular time

They share the ball, everyone knows their roles. They have a great leader in Satoransky, too bad Vesely and Schilb got injured they would play even better.

Just watched the replays my man. Refs embarassed fiba in most games so far.

I'm Greek and by the way Greece has played up to now, I would have been for the Czech as well...

Ι had a czech gf while living in Lithuania and I would ve sent her a message saying fcking czechs has became a routine for Greeks but they fcking ruined my plans.

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you either didn't watch the game or are a fucking retard

>albanian larping as greek

>muh refs

if fiba was to rig the game, why wouldn't they rig for the greeks you fucking idiots

a) having the nba mvp antetokounmpo in the next stage would be very beneficial for the fans
b) the secretary of fiba is greek

snap out of your bubble you fucking incels


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Thanks coach, and most importantly, thanks referees. Nice """world cup"""


>i'm greek
>german flag
back to /int/ ikibey

Based Larentzakis always gave it everything with Thanasis and they were considered the 11 and 12 player. Maybe 10 and 11 if you count vasilopoulos who wasnt really here.

Nice meme.
Were the refs also responsible for the loss against Brazil? Were the refs also responsible for the horrendous FT percentage? Were the refs also responsible for our coach being a chimp?

>shit players relying on free throws
You know free throws are important, right? You may also know that we missed nearly half of our fts today. Who is to blame now, cuck?

its just game

calm down greeks lol

its not jews, its not refs, its not your imaginary czech gf its just that you scored not enough goals

>I used to post for 6 months with the Lithuanian flag
What tthe fck is your problem, people leave this shithole anda that's a good thing.

why do redditors get so butthurt and every time we don't get a call it's a jewish conspirancy against greece? chauverism in sports is a big issue in this shithole




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Actually I'm sure the FT of Sloukas the BR player threw out of the basket was supposed to count
Same thing happened in Lithuania game.
Refs were embarrassing all around

You don't get that a Greek may not live in Greece any more, don't you?

we just like yelling at each other, it's all in good spirit
we are a bit pent up from yesterday's football game as well

Cause it wasn't just one call. It was 10 different calls. There is no conspiracy but the fiba refs are insanely bad, as shown countless times in other games too.

No, no and no.
They were responsible for giving 2 non existing fouls that removed our best player from the game and generally siding with the czechs.
Did you even watch the fucking game?

Do cute Czech girls like Greek black cock?

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ofc he didnt

I'm out of the loop, guys: Why do we hate the Greek coach? I mean, when I look at him, I hate him as well, but why more?

honestly not really

we are quite racists

mantzaris was 12

just give us the cup, already

Yes they do. She also told me I look and act a lot more masculine than any guy of our age group (she was 2 years older than me).

Also she liked my big nose.
I made her think that being 177cm actually makes me above average in Greece (which it actually does) and that I am tall for my country (debateable) and that we are all hairy with big noses.
She thought she hit the jackpot unironically.

Athough i hate spain, spain destroys you.

>our best player
>not printezis, calathes

read this
your girls think you re feminine af

thanasis was

I watched the game, i tend to not eat the garbage Ioannou is spouting.

Daily reminder that your dream team with lebron and everything lost 101-95 in 2006

americunts are a cancer in the baskeball world and i'd support anyone else before you

now thats pretty seething.

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ok :)

well I hope it makes you feel better after today game

This. Wish he played more.

nah it makes me feel bad coz I wanted to marry her unironically idgaf about the today game.

so why are you talking about your imaginary czech gf in thread about basketball on korean image forum?

Why did it end bro?

I don't listen to >Ioannou either but I have FUCKING EYES and what I saw was the refs sucking czech cock like their life depended on it

LeBron and Carmelo were 22 at that time, they had little experience especially in international basketball

coz I ve been depresed because I can't be with her for 6 months and that sex is not the same if she is not the other one.
clearly I just need somewhere to talk to you fcking pipinka.
and somewhere anonymous really helps.

race mixing traitor

you get the bullet



fuck sweden

It ok, Stravo. I'll let touch you the cup when we are done winning.
Im 1/256th Greek myself :^)

Ι'μ μου υσινγ προξυ μυ φριενδ, ι'μ γρεεk

Papagiannis is the worst basketball player i ever had the displeasure of watching.
The guy literally doesn't know how to play this game, it's obvious that his coaches have been pushing him hard to reach this stage from a young age just because he is tall and fat.

He can't shoot, he can't run, he can't jump (despite being so fucking tall), he can't defend, he can't take rebounds, steal or block. He is always in the wrong spot inside the court/doesn't know his position when defending.

The guy is literally useless meat and dumb as fuck.

Papagiannis, Mantzaris, Vasilopoulos, Papanikolaou, Bourousis and Papapetrou were dead weights. Thanasis is a much better play than all of them (if nothing else, for his energy and passion alone) and yet he played less than most of these guys with the exception of Mantzaris and Vasilopoulos who came for tourism and to fuck chinese prostitutes.

Lastly Skourtopoulos deserves death.

because we both stopped our research in Lithuania. I tried to find work in Czech rep but apart from the fact that htis the hardest language you can imagine for someone from this corner of Europe, there is also army duty which kinda means I need to wait 2+ years to be with her.
I had to continue research in Greece for a while and that is calculated to 1 year, so 1 year this +1 year army this wouldnt last even if I found tickets twice/month.

remember when greece was rangebanned at one point on Yea Forums
wouldn't it be a shame if that happened again

when I play in the next tournament we will win gold



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Incredibly big-brained post. Very proud of you Dieter

work on your shooting first, charalambopoule

You can find a job after 5minut you lended here

We have 400k open positions and 190k unemployed people and they are mostly gypsies or hankies just collecting benefits

Czech is not mandatory at all in Prague or Brno

>i wish i was in milwaukee right now

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Then use those >FUCKING EYES and see that push or no push our coach is shit, half of our players played like shit and we deserved to be out of the quarters.

I don't really get why Greeks hype up themselves so much before every tournaments? It's been like a decade (since Papaloukas&Diamantidis retirement basically) that Greece has been a decent quarter finals candidate but nothing more. So why the hype? I mean, look at the 2005/2006 rosters, there's barely 2 guys of the current team who would make it (Giannis and Sloukas). No way Calathes would make it over Diamantidis, Papaloukas and Zisis. Sloukas would get a spot with Spanoulis. Giannis is a given. No way old Printezis would make it over Fotsis and Kakiouzis/Dikoudis. And Papadopoulos, Tsartsaris and Schortianitis would steamroll Papagiannis and the fumes of Bourousis.

Cool fanfic you swarthy manlet

I am not looking for a random bs job dude. I have Bsc in Chem and Msc in Food technologies.

They will prefer someone they can communicate than me. I will not work for 15000 crowns/ month.

Czechs wouldn't try to win the game and risk a possible tie, so they would still lose by 1

Bitch it might be.

And yet we still beat the czechs and brought the ameriscams to their lowest score.

The only problem was we lost to the brazilian monkey subhumans cause we underestimated them, and the referees got giannis out early and that's proven wrong.

But yeah grease so bad, fucking third tier shit team.

They would because now they re wiating for the brazil vs uninterested usa with 2 players out result.
They win the game they can even end up 1st.

USA>rest of the world

We were favorite for semifinals. Instead we got out same way Lithuania did.

I agree with the coach on one thing. Tyler Dorsey dumping us and Koufos not comming literally blew the team out. Mantzaris and Papanikolaou wouldnt be part of it.

Czech girls love Greek islands

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Did I say that we didn't play like shit or that the coach isn't shit?
Shit team or good team we should have won with 12+ points if it wasn't for the refs

thats exactly why they wuldnt give a fck if they lost to brazil.bring them france or australia they got em

>write "It's been like a decade that Greece has been a decent quarter finals candidate"
>read it as "But yeah grease so bad, fucking third tier shit team."

They give a fuck bro, they have a streak going on since 2006, it would be a shame losing to Brazil.

rip Greece

Hello Black Brother

Mantzaris should play more, he's a decent spot shooter and could fit with Giannis.
Papanikolaou should play 10-15 minutes max and only for defense.
Papapetrou is just average, he should get more time though.
Bourousis and Vasilopoulos are boomers, shouldn't even be on the team
Papagiannis is trash but it's not like we have anyone better

I left spee after we lost to spain, how bad did you roast us

They have McDonalds in the Czech Republic. With your education I bet you could find one that would let you clean the bathrooms and mop their floors (after business hours) if you convince the manager that you aren’t a typical lazy Greek bum. Hopefully no pre-hire credit checks though

lol you are βλαξ we were fucking trash in the tournament, got exactly what we deserved


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>have bad credit
>try to get a job to pay off debt
>sorry you can't get a job you have bad credit
this really happens in America?


Antenokoumpo is white.

Greek BVLLS are the only ones that can beat the US. Mark my words, they will be undefeted until they run onto greek BVLLS again.

they'll lose to brazil today, i just know it

no, they won't

I might learn Czech, hope it's not that difficult

it's also mandatory to love ice hockey though

Don't worry greeks, we're going to cuck everyone out of olympics next year


fucking referees threw the game, I hope they loose their job. Those two fouls were total and utter bullshit.

Not gonna happen. Greeks aren't relevant enough. We even have cucks itt saying the refereeres dindu nuffin rong.

Should FIBA double check this shit? Even live at the game? Or ATLEAST after the game is over, go through the replay, to make sure the game was clean and right? We are talking about the last matches right here... I might sound like a sour loser, but that is just bs.

they did not

I've read about a case where it actually happened in women's basketball in France, a very long time ago. A team scored on their own basket to get the overtime as they see they couldn't get a big enough margin, to get 5 more minutes to get the right margin. Which they actually managed to do.

The other team was extremely butthurt, and they changed the rule so that this wouldn't happen anymore.

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Let’s go lads

if we're eliminated by a team that has joe fucking ingles in it i'll kill myself in shame

France finna bouta get jingled

why is israel basketball team not the best in world cup but in europe they have best basketball clubs

Something similar happened in football in a match between some caribbean islands or central american nations, not really sure. Anyway the rule stated that if the game goes to overtime, the golden goal scored counts as two. I'll search for it on youtube and post.




you can check and see from whom the got btfo'ed in world cup.

Found it







Okay, Greek friends, let's cheer for Turkey now.

is Joe Ingles the most Australian man alive

when is the elimination stage starting?
this pointless shit is boring

Why do they hate Bogut so much?

I never understood why the Chinese got so horny about Giannis by the way...

that would be delly

probably this one

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he decided to stay with the team in china

I'm used to commentators mispronouncing our names all the time. Jokić is an all star,first team all NBA player and they still couldn't be bothered to learn.
But this guy on the Serbian TV that's doing the France- Australia game is the absolute champion. It's like he's doing it on purpose. You can really tell that this guy doesn't stay up till 5 AM to watch the NBA.

Don't know whom to support

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both are ugly

we're playing against argies tomorrow

Needs more Reclaim Hong Kong banners.


race mixing = bullet

no exceptions

have sex

have sex

Put pole, slovak visegrad refs in a czech game to target the black greek mvp. A hell of a joke.
Go to pol and hunt some homeless refugees pathetic scumbags....A joke for the ages.

jesus christ what a fucking horrid defense on both ends

bullet it is then


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even in the NBA circles he is known as Greek fraud

>there are more white players in USA team than in france's

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that's already the case in all sports, what did you expect ?

both based


france has less white players representing the nation than USA in every sport?

The slow scoreboard is kind of triggering me desu

France - Boomers very evenly matched

same. dumb chinks

none white people are also french
who cares

Lithuania is one of the few countries that I respect basketball wise, and one of many reasons is that you don't fix your roster problems by giving passports to niggers.

I want a cute French gf

>greece died for this


Varejao schooling Brook Lopez.

Litterally not a single turnover for France in the 1st half. I don't thin I've ever seen that.

same feelings from me, lad.
International competitions are great because you get to see people from different nations can play, what's the point if a country just pretty much buys players from all over the world, it's like watching clubs play

I don't know whether the game between Turkey and New Zealand is fun or boring to watch...

I don't consider giannis any less greek. A small amount of foreigners can be honorary that's how I see it. Key word is small.

don't watch irrelevant games

Nigs don't know where Lithuania is

Giannis was born in Greece. I am talking about giving passports to players for quick roster fixing.
For example Lithuania is a very good overall team, but has a subpar PG. And instead of giving a passport to some nigger they play with what they have.

Based Aca Trica hahah


She went to my uni, don't know how she fucked up enough to get into porn, she could of got any job with those tits


who's the greekest? Giannis born in Greece from illegal Nigerian immigrants and who speaks Greek, or Calathes bor in the USA who doesn't speak Greek after 10 years spent in Greece?


But she's a successful and well-known model now, she has probably made more money than anyone else in your uni

Tfw America loses and Serbia still sees them in the finale

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Lol Gobert getting fucking jingled

Just woke up

The US is confirmed for the the next round, right?

usa will win the whole thing as always

> that cringy chinkpop song during timeout

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Fournier on fire

Serbia wins the whole thing cap this and check em

btw guys
whetever you do
don't ever google fournier

Why are you even still here?

I might fly to Chicago just to kill Felicio

They're both greek. Calathes has the dna which is very stable. Giannis tried very hard to be greek even when he moved to the nba and didn't have to. He earned it. There's no greekest, they're both greek.




He also served in the army, was born here, baptised in greek orthodoxy, speaks greek fluently, plays for the national team even though he might hurt his career, and just wants to be greek. I don't see why he shouldn't be.

only turned up for 5 minutes, the guy turned a retarded pass totally wrong, was the only fuck up?



B 3 Y N E S

Didn't he say he considers himself nigerian and not greek?

I like Baynes so much.
t. A Celtics fan

Soft as always. Ball slipping from hand, not looking when receiving the pass. Ta triste torcer por esse rapaz, mais fácil colocar o Yago com 1.60 na 5

that's all very nice but don't you consider race as a part of greek identity? When most people think of greeks they probably imagine white man with thick dark beard or something like that lol.
Not saying that the guy isn't greek, just curious of how greek see their ethnicity

Lol Jingles with the staredown on Gobert

Ingles shittalking to Gobert based

No he didnt

are we eliminated if we lose?

No, you're just fighting for the first place in the group with France.

>Giannis: “I grew up in a Nigerian home. Obviously, I was born in Greece and went to school in Greece. But at the end of the day when I go home, there is no Greek culture. It’s straight-up Nigerian culture. It’s about discipline, it’s about respecting your elders, having morals.”


based us guys

No we just have to play USA then Serbia instead of Czech Republic and Spain.

You both already qualified
The only reason why this match might be significant is that the loser plays USA in the next round.
Assuming they win over Brazil now.

I don't mind him aknowledging his nigerian heritage. I mean, it is TRUE.

But he wants to keep associating with greece against all odds. He was here this summer. He played for our team when his knee was injured. Yeah he's nigerian but he wants to give to Greece, I'm not gonna say no.

Greece is one of the most heterogenous countries in the world. You have gingers and you have near niggers. I'm a ginger with a basically black brother and I know we're related and nobody got cucked cause we think the same way and have the same quirks.

seems like USA has no chance to win quarterfinals lol


holly shit baynes

bring back andrew gaze desu

Aussies need to respect the ball
The turnovers are killing them

>I'm a ginger with a basically black brother and I know we're related and nobody got cucked

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imagine losing to aussfailia in basketball ahah

Is France one of the top teams? Please respond.

its over lads to win against this usa you need very good 3 points and make they fell pressure on their offense.

at choking? yes

Match of the tournament so far.

delly lol

faggot gobert, glad this cuck is never called to the all stars

>Greece is one of the most heterogenous countries in the world. You have gingers and you have near niggers. I'm a ginger with a basically black brother and I know we're related and nobody got cucked cause we think the same way and have the same quirks.
This applies to all balkan countries. I always cringe when i see ignorant outsiders try to force their meme constructs on us, or even worse, our own people falling for their memes.

This ending feels too much like an nba game, they should try to differ themselves from that.

Fournier hits the game winner

>NOOOOOO you can't win you have less blacks

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LOL nice choke. good luck against usa with that performance


Imagine being you.



I'm glad the Boomers won.
France didn't deserve to win vs Lithuania.

zoomers btfo

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MILLSY exposing the cucks

rudy "waaah why am i not an all star" gobert

France will rape USA lmao


some of those fouls did seem a bit harsh to be desu

maybe france didn't deserve to win but litva sure as shit deserved to lose

Well, yeah, next stop stop missing shitloads of lay ups. And stop being shit at defending against 3 pts years after years.

I don't follow the basketball, but how did a team of blacks lose to a bunch of whiteys and mills, is mills that good

Virgin frogs vs CHAD BOOMERS


abbo blood

Seems to me Australia, Spain and US are the best teams in this comp

Spain vs Australia semifinal confirmed.

s e e t h i n g

I'm starting to think that Jokic is developing into a choke artist.

lmao who's that disgusting slag

hot brazilian sideboob


I wish I was, I'm just pretending. I'm numb.

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We're not longer in the WC for this. Hope it made you happy.

More like Poland vs Czechia semifinal confirmed

Missed the game. Is France's basketball team full of niggers too?

Most are handsome (admittedly) mutts

not white but not full nig

Some nigs, mostly quadroons.


keep showing her

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>when it hits you that we are currently watching a LEAF sport

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I would


I was searching for this

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Green men finally beat Franch

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meanwhile, nobobdy noticed, but Turkey lost to New Zealand

lol leafs couldn't even get past the first round in their own sport.

Against whom will we play now?

why did they randomly start with the titilating content out there? Is she someone's wife? I thought the game was at least alright.

If you want to win at sports, don't invent them. Or make sure you're the only one in the world to play it like aussie rule or netball.

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Your disaqualification.

Welcome to Boomertown kiddo

meh, at least we won't lose against Spain in semi as always


They've been showing beautiful chicks the whole time. They repeatedly showed some chick from Spain.

>England between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
What's abnormal ?

have a kewtee

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We lost to the thing that got humiliated by czech and usa. Definetely biggest choke in the tournament so far after usa choking against turks

The game was not that great dude. I can't believe we died for this. We deserved it but still I think our team was better than this czech/br shit.

It's coming casa

Blake Schilb will hopefully heal up.

How many years away is Bruno now?

You're just not as good as you think you are

still way better than you

If only. Czech guys are rarely attractive and deffo not feminine

You are BAD. You got BUTTFUCKED. 120 million monkeys or however many there are of you and your team is still shit. We did better than you and we even were really close the first half. Shut up and accept you got where you did through luck.

gayreek delusions

Remember our choke is still a win, Agamemnon.

then explain how we easily beat czech while they destroyed you.

>le population meme
Then China, India, Bangladesh and Japan should be superpowers at any sport.

Well, you definitely needs Greek players actually being important players in your clubs (or in European clubs), like Diamantidis, Papaloukas, Fotsis, Zisis, Papadopoulos, Kakiouzis... were. Nowadays, bar Calathes and SLoukas, you only have a bunch of useful pawns playing as support players for foreigners in Pana and Oly.

But then again, that's the way European basketball has developped in the last decade. The wet dreams of Obradovic and co. is probably to have 12 cloned players, all being 17 mpg, 8ppg, 2apg, 3rpg, playing automatic pick&rolls all game. EL coaches don't want to be music conductors directing artists, they want to be someone turning the key of a music box playing the same automatic music perfectly again and again.




Still worst than US, Serbia, Spain, France and fucking Australia. Im still wondering why greek fans believed that they were the favourites. The turks had the same delusion




Boomers are coming

managed to keep amerimutts under 80 while barely playing. Yeha i wonder why

m8, it doesn't work like that in sport.

some years ago, Hyère Toulon beat Pau Orthez in the French league. Pau Orthez beat CSKA in EL. CSKA beat Phoenix Suns in exhibition. Suns that were only barely beaten by the Spurs in WCF.
By that logic, Hyère Toulon > Pau Orthez > CSKA > Suns = Spurs. So I can confidently says that year, Hyère Toulon was the best team in the world.


Dang bros, has anyone fallen harder than Plumdog? He went from bretty gud last international tournament and a quality NBA player, to not being able to get minutes for our worst USA team ever.

That was a comfortable win........HAHAHAHAH. You fucking serious? 12 points would be ridiculoius. 7 means you got buttfucked. And seeing all these results from BR etc really makes me think it was just bad luck.

I sure hope you've prepared that rope frog cuck


Argentina - Serbia
Spain - Poland

USA - France
Australia - Czech

as always, Spain finds a way

That idiot used to play for my team. What a fraud.

>my team

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We did a fantastic match against Serbia but I still can't discard the possibility of choking, even against Poland
>tfw can't bring myself to be optimistic
Semifinals will probably be Spain-Australia and USA-Serbia

what did you mean

I'm from Barcelona, now living in Dublin

You moved to Doublein so you could live better?

>we are going to choke against Poland

don't we?

I'm doing a postgraduate degree in trinity college
>live better
Life in Barcelona isn't bad at all (certainly cheaper) but I felt like trying something new

tell me more about Malaga province... is it nice to live there? are there mudslimes?

I dunno, never been there
I've been many places in the world but as far as my own country goes I've only gone as far as Huesca

why is that may i ask?

I don't know user I guess my parents were more interested in traveling to other countries than to other provinces during summer holidays
There are places in Spain I'd like to visit someday, just haven't gotten around it yet

okay i thought it might be because you are catalan and stuff

what about muslims in spain? are there some strong muslim communities?


>with nearly two million Muslims currently residing in Spain,[15] a significant portion of whom have obtained Spanish citizenship

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I don't know how it is in other parts of Spain but at least where I live and where I usually go in Barcelona the only muslims I see are the ones running kebab joints/24h grocery stores and the ones selling beer in the streets in popular nightlife areas

>Muslims selling beer
Isnt that prohibited?

When I'm walking through the street and I have some towelhead in front of me I gather some saliva and spit silently on the back of their third worlder robes since I can't beat them to death without going to jail.Seeing them stained with a little of my saliva calms me a bit and so far I haven't been caught.

I doubt they give a shit

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