/afl/ - possible F edition

rumours going around that the guy killed in this car crash was Danny Frawley
unconfirmed right now but start posting F's

>Friday (SF1)
Geelong vs. West Coast Iggs (MCG, 7:50pm)
>Saturday (SF2)
BrisBASED vs. GWS (Gabba, 7:25pm)

Attached: danny F rawley.png (620x400, 250K)

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I have the news on and they are confirming an "AFL identity" was killed lads
fuckin hell

oh shit RIP

who gives a shit? why do people pretend to care lol?

spud here. is my car alright?

Was spud a good guy? never watched him on fox footy

Just found a pic of his car on Twitter. It’s the exact same car from the crash.
He’s dead lads.

Sticky when?

Spud more like mashed potato amirite

Anyone have any Danny Frawley stories?
Early 2014 I was in the members' area at Caulfield racecourse in an out of the way, sparse corner just by the exit away from the attendants trying to hid smoking a cig because I lost my day pass and couldn't get back in if I wanted to get to the outside. Danny Frawley walked past on his way out with a couple of his mates. He looked at me and said to his mates "They'll let any poof in here nowadays" and they all laughed while walking away.

Toby Greene about to get off with a fine I reckon

Can't say I was around when he played but definitely heard the Frawley name. Riperoo m8

As in didn't follow footy not underage b&
t. 1998



Straight up confirming it's Frawley lads



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>toby greene fined 7500, free to play against the lions
this will go down well

My parents went to a taping of Bounce earlier this season and got a selfie with him. Seemed like a decent bloke.

how sad

pic related lads
that's his car. same rims too.

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Sad day if true lads

Holy kek.

>afl creates a story to hide the real drama of greene getting off
Typical Gil.

/afl/ coming through again lads

A day after his 56th birthday too


>basedbane going to go out straight sets
>that grub Greene ok to play
>spud RIPd
Harsh comedown after the high of last nights Ashes victory

For what purpose?

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Yeah confirmed its him

they use the same CGI on his nose as they did for superman's lip in justice league lmao

his nose has been broken and fixed so many times, fuck knows what they filled it with

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Those kind of cars are so shit, they just flip instantly if you come off the road

Damn this is too far, someone lost their life here. Maybe I'm just too old for this edgy 4channel, I'm out.

If this has brought up anything for you, I just want to remind you that we're here to list 13 11 44.

Will he be buried or planted?

Suddenly everyone on Twitter is a lifelong Danny Frawley fan.

>Bumped my car into another on the way out of the driveway this morning (they haven't called back)
>All these news reports on TV tonight about crashes and traffic blues
The fuck is happening today?

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>not looking behind you when you reverse out
why do you have a license dickhead

Usually do but it started hailing out of the blue which got me for that vital second

Lern2Drive Danny Dumbcunt

Jesus SEN is dire listening right now. Credit to Andy Maher for being an absolute pro. Soldiering on when he sounds completely devastated.

I reckon Frawley killed himself.

>single car accident at an intersection
Seems a bit suss.


and his bday yesterday

based quads never lie

Yeah just tuned in and it's hard to listen to, kudos to them.

AFL delighted with this news. Won't be any news stories over the Greene decision.

There was one poster here who really liked the bounce, feel bad for Jason Dunstall too, seems like they were really close.

This is fucked, he was genuinely such a nice and loveable guy. Why him

Gill probably orchestrated the whole thing

probably fair enough as there is no conclusive vision

lmao, why do you retards think it's all about whether or not fingers made contact with eye?

Then what is about? It didn't look like anything suspension worthy.

wtf he was a mental health advocate, didn't seem so compassionate when he called me a poof. Also now that I look back on it one of his mates walking with him was Michael Christian

claw gripping face
pushing bontempellis head into the ground with all his body weight while pulling his hair
the charge was labeled serious misconduct for a reason you mong.

Why are you getting upset again? None of that is suspension worthy and it never has been.

Anyone checked on Straffo?

none of your posting is doing anything to disprove the notion you're a complete idiot

You're the angry freo retard aren't you?

he is still jobless


he disavowed spud due to his homophobic comments


Fuck Frawley.

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why no sticky yet?

can't say I'll miss his media work, he was consistently terrible and carried by his mates for decades

but sad for his family, he did seem like a good bloke

Bounce was god awful tbqh, but had a bit of a laugh and wasn't bottom feeding scum like everyone else in the media.

Does anyone remember Danny Frawley lunging to punch Tony Jones when they cut to an ad on the Sunday Footy Shows ages ago? Was that a joke or for real because I don't think he was on after that

oh noinonopno

He was utterly elite at triplem, because he had decent people to bounce off. Bounce is a disgrace of a program

What monday night footy show do you guys watch? Talking footy, footy classified, 360 or on the couch?

Cmon Jason...

im not victorian, no none.

in order of quality

afl 360
footy classified
power gap
on the couch

not even ranked because it's literally unwatchable: talking footy

self driving cars when?

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not the time mate

rip spud

>not even ranked because it's literally unwatchable: talking footy

Really? I actually quite like Carey, think he makes better observations than most.

i like it how all you can do is mindlessly assume when you've been exposed lmao

fuck off. fucking never

Would argue strongly that talking footy is easier to watch than on the couch

>jason dunstall doing badelaide's review
just keeps getting worse for them, going to do a shit job and adelaide will still be stuck with roo, burton etc

>mfw self driving cars
>mfw remotely inject suicide software that floors the car into a wall

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Guess that confirms it, not sure why you start seething for no reason at all. All I said was that his actions weren't worthy of a suspension and that's hardly controversial, take a moment and reflect on your actions m8.

go Frawley yourself softcock fag


>Guess that confirms it
whatever helps you sleep at night, moron. at the end of the day, you're still a complete idiot with no argument.

Whichever one has Jonathan Brown in it

Will Bounce actually improve now?

You sperg out every week though, are you unhappy?

Will bounce is part of the bounce a lot northwest group which was purchased by Bounce a lot northwest in 2019 to become one of the largest inflatable company's m8

Hoping this means some Sharni Layton and her gap tooth, also hope the golden fist continues.

everything but on the couch

I just want to release my thoughts somewhere i feel safe to do so. I’ve struggled with depression for a couple years and have seen some great progress, my medication works well, i don’t see my psych regularly now, i have a long way to go but i’m getting there. Today news hit me extremely hard to the point where i’ve become a aggregated and flashback to wanting to slam my car into a tree. I have a great support network around me who know a death like this brings on bad turns in my mental state but some people don’t. Today is a great opportunity in great sadness to look closely at your mates. If you see a mate not behaving their usual self it’s a big sign that they may be struggling too. Ask them how they’re going and show that you care.

why do so many people like neroli meadows?

iggs by 22
giants by 9

tigs to unfortunately take the flag

because she's not Kelli Underwood

It getting cancelled is a massive improvement.


wonder if that was the last thing he said

Spud unironically didn't like her.

Rip spud going to miss listening to you on radio especially the old days on triple m with bt/jb/Lyon and the chief always made footy more entertaining and genuinely one of the good guys

Condolences to your family and friends

Afl do the right thing and make the golden fist a serious award

>missing a wing


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What make is that, doesn't look overly safe.

That stop/start hail this morning was weird.
>not that I'm claiming to be a meteorologist but it must have been four bursts

Why does SEN keep talking about lifeline, did he do it on purpose?

people in geelong eat mexican food?

It feels kinda gay being attracted to that one.

spud had depression because he grew up around some traditional families where men were still respected as patriarchs and then compared it to the modern world where you're supposed to be some homer simpson clown.
i liked him after hearing his back story, (even though as a media personality, he was pretty average).

I know what you mean, that bogan accent does something to me.


real compassionate mental health guy coming through!

His comnentary and analysis was actually quite good, professional guy. It was impressive for him to be able to distance himself from the Homer Simpson act of the Bounce to be deadly serious and command respect from his media colleagues in his other positions.

Certainly the last thing he heard.

Is the user who got on Bounce with his waifu last year here?

they put it next to the footy oval for when the melbournites venture down to the cattery

/ourguy/ has spoken
would it be in bad taste to picket the funeral?

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karma's a bitch

Too early?

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Car crash seems like a risky way to suicide.

t. Lu Ping

Even barrelling into a tree at 150km/h seems like a risk. Don't hit it well and you're just paralysed.

Don't reckon it's suicide desu

it 100% is but sure stay delusional

I haven't read at all into it desu, he just didn't seem the type

kek not bad cheeky cunt

Wait til after trade period.

He had documented depression.

gonna default dance at the tree lads

freotard here, glad I made such a lasting impression on this mong that whenever someone calls him out he instantly thinks of me.

wut he has a publicised history of depression

Well there you go

Has anyone actually used lifeline? Is it any good?

I'm too proud to use it tbqh

mashed potato jokes aside, F to Spud.

It just seems to always be the line that's used after these tragedies as if it's the best all and end all for suicide prevention. You'd hope it'd be decent.

As a general rule, I'm skeptical of the quality of anything government administrated and funded, but you never know.

i would put money on him being over the limit or very hungover

spud by name spud by nature


scherri-lee had some nice pokies while presenting her weather short earlier lads.

Vale spud frawley

kek underrated

Coincidentally (Potato) Chip Le Grand saying he offed himself.

he's just mad that spud called him chip le grand-aye


>spud is gone

Ah shit. What a way to go.


Wasn't he depressed? Someone on Bigfooty also said he was on radio earlier today sounding miserable and reminiscing on life.

>Browny apparently choking back tears on Fox Footy tonight
very sad.

Reckon I'd go by carbon monoxide if I were to do myself in, or deliberately overdose on heroin, heroin is Kino

Touching tribute from fiveaa

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Certainly wouldn't drive into a tree. Would be last on the list.

One of the worst ways to do yourself in IMO

>celeb dies
>someone posts lifeline links
every time, wonder if these people actually believe they're doing something

Unconfirmed? It says it right in the fucking title

articles get updates on the fly silly kraut

>AFL 360
only dweebs like that fucking dickhead Whateley. Terrible show.

long-drop hanging from a secluded bridge for me, call the local cop-shop beforehand so some sap doesn't get traumatised by my shit-dripping corpse

>watching 360 for whateley
you're doing it wrong

Patty mills finna score 50 on the frogs

Australia 2016: WIN

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God dammit

odds on this was Hillary, very sloppy! Sad! #arkancide

Yeah I remember those Triple M broadcasts back 5 or 6 years ago. Fucking hilarious banter and piss taking. Miss those days. RIP Spud.

Gonna need the clip m80

*be’s dead*


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based Dazza F making /afl/ the most vibrant its been in months

how death-mogged must Neale Daniher be feeling right now

When I first heard the news and it was presented as "much loved afl personality dies" I just assumed it was him. Figured ah oh well hes had a good run in tough circumstances.

Why couldnt it have been David King or Kane Cornes or something instead of spud ;__;

Basedbane tbqh lads

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>Beteasy doing a double your winnings if your team wins on Friday night
>It's only doubled up to $10
What's the point

SHALL be going to the game again with mum, hope fagan yocks that greene cunt.

I wonder how they know it's suicide. Slamming into a tree is an impulsive method to choose, so I doubt anything would've been left behind or anyone told. Possible evidence at the scene pointing to suicide wouldn't rule out some kind of health issue or falling asleep.

Hoping for a Collingwood vs Richmond GF lads, it's time for Pozzbourne to explode.

>Degenerates vs muzzies
I know who I shall be rooting for on this one

So betesdy doesn’t lose too much money.

>jack martin nominating Carlton
interesting career move moving from gc to the blues

Pretty obvious if someone just lines up a tree. You're not gonna be going 200km/h if you're asleep or have a heart attack.

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in awe of the size of this lad

>That fog

No way that isnt suicide

Are the tyre tracks from Spud's car or an emergency vehicle?

They call me The Potato Masher.

I'd fucking kill myself if I had to listen to Andy Maher lol

He had depression because St Kilda were never going to win a premiership in his lifetime.

What did he even say?

Does anyone think it's suicide? looks like speed head on with a big tree.

trees are strong as fuck

Yesterday I didnt.

Today I do. He picked out the only tree on that road and went straight into it without even trying to turn away. 100% suicide.

It's pretty much confirmed he killed himself.

think he couldve braked lad
thought if he slowed he would live
or if he skidded to the side he's tip the car and die anyway

>A tranny is mentally ill
Who'd have thought

>Danny Frawley
>Trevor Barker
>Maddie Riewoldt
>Dean Bailey
>Jim Stynes
>Neale Daniher
>Troy Broadbridge
>Colin Sylvia

Saints still have a way to go to catch Melbourne for the title of most tragic club

>Colin Sylvia
Wow I legit never heard he died

He wrapped himself around a tree or another car out in the sticks as well last year.

man depression is a hell of a thing, this guy had the absolute life -- champion player who got paid a fortune just to fuck around in the media a few hours a week, wife and family who loved him, lots of mates

and he still decides to kill himself

I have absolutely zero going for myself but no way I could kill myself, would ruin my parents

Shan't let /afl/ die overnight, Romanian bro do your thing every now and then pl0x

*dabs my respects*

*Frawley flosses*