Why do people equate New England to boston when in reality its comprised of multiple states?

Why do people equate New England to boston when in reality its comprised of multiple states?

Attached: colorful-new-england-states-administrative-political-map-84040992.jpg (1300x1356, 117K)

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Because Boston was the original city the Patriots represented, but I’m sure you already knew that.

People outside of New England don't appreciate that fact.

Americans on average have a very poor sense of geography.

Because Boston is the largest city within that region? Ya dumb bastard.

Because it’s your biggest city and your spiritual, financial, and cultural hub?

People shouldn't group the Pats in with the celtics or Bruins though. Those teams belong to boston but the Pats are regional.

Why the fuck does it matter? Who cares?

Except everyone in New England also roots for the Celtics Bruins and Red Sox

Maine seems like such a comfy state. Does anyone have any experience living there ? I'm getting tired of this Florida heat.

Why? Foxborough is actually south of Boston geographically.
>inb4 muh semantics
Bait or retard btw?

You will miss that heat and sunshine far more than you would imagine. Winters in New England are hell on earth

Boston is the capital of New England

I'm from Maine. Go live on the coast. The people are kind and the food is tasty. It's the comfiest state in the world.

Doesn't most of New England support Boston sports teams?

How are Portuguese immigrants in New England?

Also, Boston makes me laugh because the Portuguese word for crap is Bosta

>Pork ‘n Cheese
Add eggs and your country would be named after a nice breakfast

If they're called "New England Patriots", then why are they based in one stadium and one city?
Shouldn't they play their home games in at least one other New English capital?

Just wait til you find out where the New York Giants and New York Jets play

Bob Kraft hosted a friendly soccer game to raise money to “fight antisemitism” in May, when the Chelsea players should have been resting, that resulted in a possible career-destroying injury to Ruben Loftus-Cheek’s achilles. Good luck getting that guy to sacrifice his own shekels to placate a few thousand hicks in Maine by having the Pats play elsewhere

Before building a permanent home in Foxborough, the Boston Patriots spent ten years playing in half a dozen stadiums around Boston.
When they built their first stadium outside of Boston, they wanted to change the name of the team to the Bay State Patriots. Someone realized that that would make them the B.S. Patriots, so they went with New England instead. It's just a name.

Because Boston MA is the 9th largest television market in the US. The next New England city on that list is Hartford CT which is way down at 33rd


More money. If they called themselves something like the Boston Patriots then New England states would most likely gravitate towards the New York and Buffalo teams. Having it be called New England means you can support them without feeling like a Band wagoner

not true. ct roots for ny teams. i dont think they watch sports in vermont.

By a wide margin
People also forget this whole region is about the size of Wisconsin

Only southern ct roots for ny teams

Because the Patriots have had 6 Super Bowl Duck Boat Parades in Boston MA, not Skowhegan, Maine

They are all regional, retard. That's how American sports work. Regions are represented by their largest cities. If you don't believe me, look at which teams are shown in on tv

Except the Pats belong to Boston. They’re a Boston team 100%

>boston nowhere in the name
>dont play in boston
Sure thing sweetie

cuz people are retarded.

>Pats belong to boston
>Mfw I live in Rhode island and to go from North Providence to Foxborough is a shorter drive than Boston to Foxborough.

That's why I hate CT people call themselves Pats fan, half of those fuckers are Yankees fan and Pats fan,

If not for the goddamn Puritans and their bullshit it could all be one state and the team could be named after it.

How was your drive to the duck boat Parade?

>I live in Foxboro
>I walk across street to Pats game
>hur dur they are the Foxboro Pats!

literally seething

You’re not trying to imply Providence is a legit city are you? That city can’t even keep their next door neighbor Paw Sox in business, they’re leaving for Worcester MA


Was definitely considering the coast. The only part of Florida I like is that I'm close to the ocean.

Who fucking cares? Da bears are going to absolutely destroy the shitriots if they meet in the superb owl. It's going to be a repeat of 77-0.

>inb4 m-muh fudge packers
fudge packers don't even qualify as an nfl team anymore. they're absolutely washed up and garbage. Last year should have proved that da bears have taken back the fucking nfc north


But the Bears just lost to the fudge Packers

Most Europoor football teams draw the majority of their support from surrounding regions since our cities are filled with people who couldn't care less about any local stuff that isn't an established in 2018 craft beer bar

you are genuinely retarded you really think people in New Hampshire don't like the Bruins or Red Sox because they're called Boston and not New England

It's the only city in New England that dumbasses have heard of

There’s a whole bunch from the Azores. Kinda funny actually, it’s either the Central Valley in California or the eastern cost in Rhode Island or Massachusetts

Isn’t surrounding regions in the netherlands like a 10 minute bike ride from city center?

New England could really be one state with Boston as the capital, it wouldn't even feel out of place or too big if you removed northern maine which nobody lives in anyway.


>every state in New England supports the Patriots

Attached: SB.jpg (618x475, 35K)

That’s every state in new england but conneticut my kiwi friend.


Attached: ramspatsmap013119-FEAT.jpg (775x515, 48K)

Find Boston on this map for me real quick

Attached: 8103469903_2cd83fda61_b.jpg (770x1024, 252K)

Why did ND go for the Pats here?

Just because Wentz wasn't starting?


Attached: 1200px-Vermont_in_United_States_(zoom).svg.png (1200x743, 294K)


Oh shut up we all know vermont doesn’t count

what's going on in the north-east here

>based on geotagged twitter data

There's a fuck ton of trees, rivers, and lakes.

Trees and moose

it's Stephen King country

nope they are all shit teams and they are all bostonian