You now remember 2015/16 season

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>Man United didn't even score 50 goals

>the fucking potters above chelsea

>Sunderland scraping survival as Newcastle relegated
>That god awful Aston Villa team
Leicester winning the league really overwrote those shitty performances

i don't remember anything about faggotdive because i'm not a 3rd world retard who watches a bunch of dainty tulips prance about a field in front of a bunch of fat, drunk retards. kill yourself, faggot bitch.

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>soton almost made Europa


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2 of Leicester's losses came from Arsenal too.

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wasn't Tottenham 2nd for like 35 games?

That season is the sole reason why Leicester is my backup just in case City goes to shit. Will definitely cheer for Leicester immediately if they manage to pass City in points though. I’m a former Liverpool lifelong diehard who got sick and tired of dying every year btw

go fuck yourself

>falling for bait this poor

fuck off back to r eddit you slack jawed weak postured faggot


They did

I pour my fucking heart out on here and you have the nerve to call it bait. You should both be ashamed of yourselves


Hilariously Arsenal were the only team to beat Lestah twice. They then got a major injury in Carzola which ended it.

Especially Villa.

I'm gonna be honest, I was on Arsenal's side because everyone could see that was Wenger's last chance at glory

>Spurs finishing 3rd behind Arsenal after acting smug for the entire season
Still make me giggle.

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They were never close

People like to go on about Moyes and Moises but Van Gaal really fucked that club up, didn’t he? I am nearly certain United would be in a better spot right now had Moyes continued.


Seriously what the fuck happened that year?
>tottenham still couldn't win the league when everyone was shit

If they weren't so shit they could have saved everyone from City dominating the League

Wtf i just wanted to make the same thread day ago

I just COMPLETELY forgot about that miracle for a two years, i dont know why

Vardy, Mahrez, Kante... *sips*... that was a team...

Crazy to see that all three relegated teams are now back in the Prem but Sunderland who scraped survival are struggling to get out of League One.

Arsenal were off the pace early on and only finished second because they finished strongly while everyone else fell away.

>4 Man City
>6 Southampton
>9 Stoke
It all seems so long ago

>ranieri comes to a random shitter team and wins the league first season
>mouyes comes to manure next season and immediately starts talking shit about first season expectations
I was already losing my patience with the man by this time but that was the final straw. Nobody can make the first season argument any more.

Ah, the season everyone got exposed. Fun times to be a neutral Yea Forums shitposter, shitting on every big PL team day in day out.

I wish they won the CL too

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I think this season exemplified how much the league was missing Alex Ferguson. Top clubs got lazy, PL performance in Europe was embarassing. It has fortunately recovered now I think.

ah yes, the meme year in every sports and political events

>going in on Manure when Lelverpoo and Chelshit finished 8th and 10th