Official Petition

This is an official 4channel petition to move all soccer threads to Yea Forums for Football season.

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Nigger kneel was just a fad Hank, football is older, more widely played, has more money involved, is more athletic, requires a higher iq to be successful in and is more exciting to watch. If anything nfl threads need to be moved.

>requires a higher iq to be successful in
Ok Rick and Morty fan

If you armed Antonio Brown and any one of your Ngubus with hammers, i'd wager a significant amount on our boy

Only the coaches need to have a brain in nfl and even then its still a matter of brawn can take brains if they're quick enough. Real football requires technique, precision and thinking ahead from every player.

>Requires a higher iq
Antonio Brown is literally the smartest player in any sport

nobody was talking about your negro, why are you so obsessed with him?

Oh fuck off. Soccer has as much right to be here as football. Wrestling was the only thing that needed to go and its gone.

Based and footiepilled

imagine believing divegrass is a real sport

but Yea Forums stands for american sports

just change Yea Forums to eurotrash sports and move soccer there permanently

Both can stay ape jump should fuck off desu

i second this petition. soccer is not a real sport and is much more suited to be on Yea Forums

based digits confirm


Yea Forums = American sports (Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Turnleft) and honorary American sports (Tennis, Golf, Horse Racing, Boxing, Olympics)
Yea Forums = Non-American sports or trash sports (Soccer, Rugby, Cricket, F1, MMA)

In the same way that other topics had as much a right to be on their boards: Mecha on Yea Forums, Pokemon on Yea Forums, MLP on Yea Forums, soccer should be moved to its own board. It generates a ton of discussion, impressive for 90 minutes of light jogging and feigned injuries, and the endless stream of awful threads drown out actual sport discussion. /soc/ already took the perfect name for this containment board, so I guess it'll have to settle for /cer/.

Nippon dubs cancel it out

>requires a higher iq to be successful

Your faggot players don't even need to speak the same language to be successful

>and the endless stream of awful threads drown out actual sport discussion.

Oh yeah because the threads up about Antonio Brown cucking Tom Brady is actual sports discussion. Look I honestly don't give a shit about soccer. But if you get rid of it I want baseball on it's own board and golf on it's own board because I dont like those sports, and at that point we might as well break off all sports into their own boards.

>all these replies from the fatties
Absolutely seething, face it americans, association football is living in your heads rent-free

Surely Yea Forums would stand for American sports? Or have I been baited

The only reason we'd ever even think about it is because Euros mass spam it and do shit like "uR fAt LmAO" despite the fact Britain has a higher proportion of fatties then most states

no you're wrong Fat.
Yea Forums stands for "Amerilard SPorts"
you have to go out.

Doesn't the NFL season only last like 5 months? Soccer is eternal.

>Brazilian humor

This, except all soccer and Am football threads to Yea Forums

He's not joking, it's time for an intervention americans, I'm typing a very long and detailed email to Hiroshima Nagasaki as we speak detailing a break off of american sports into Yea Forums.

lel, keep dreaming fat retards, your autism is not football and soccer is the real footie


Soccer has just as much soap opera bullshit. I said it jokingly but you're apparently too autistic to get my point. Soccer generates a ton of threads, a soccer only board would exist perfectly fine on its own. The same couldn't be said about baseball or golf. The justification used to split Yea Forums into four different boards applies just as much to Yea Forums. If you did the opposite, moved the American sports into their own board, all of the tertiary sports - golf, tennis, rugby, Aussie rules, cricket, F1, heem, figure skating, etc. would get drowned out by soccer the way wrestling completely killed Yea Forums. Hell, a 3 way split would probably be best.

i propose to move the handegg threads to Yea Forums instead

The discussion on Yea Forums is only any good when there are no sports being discussed at all.
Seriously, cereal power rankings, ass/porn threads, /an/ threads, Yea Forums threads, they're all some of the best threads on Yea Forums with some of the most fun discussion

Euros should at least be forced to call it soccer. I hate when I click on a thread and it's about their girl sport.

Why stop there? Let's put all auto racing threads in /o/ (or /n/), all boxing/wrestling/mma threads in /lgbt/, all horseracing threads in /mlp/, and all ice hockey threads in /k/.