

Attached: 22.jpg (1200x1662, 230K)

Why does he wear pants that are tighter than hers

How much do you think she gets paid to be a beard ?

they are literally not, retard

they are certainly smaller in size lel

I've never thought this nigga was gay, he just has that bizarre swarthy Med metrosexual thing going on. you look at the chicks he gets with and they all look like generic brunette porn stars. if he were gay and trying to hide it he would have some celebrity GF or date chicks who are model-types and not braphogs


You blind?

not only they arent, you seeth every second of your life you arent him

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thats a fat pussy

>when your gf's legs are fatter than yours

Might have to be careful, she has landwhale potential if they marry and settle down.

still think its a beard

shes not american though

are you a pedo lad?

any latina has landwhale potential, it's in their genes.

How much toddler pussy you think the kid is drowning in?

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>He doesn't like women with bigger legs than him

Not sure if just low test or fat

She is not Latina, she's from Argentina.

( ._.)

What a faggot.


Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series

>women has bigger legs than him

not sure if low test or dyel

Based VTM larper

I didn't know he was married to Magneto

Nah your take is just awful

>oh she thicc, I mean just look at those thighs
>penaldo has bigger thighs than his wife

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why so many yanks itt?

im not even the guy who originally posted that comment, just its so fucking obvious

maybe you should just get your face out of messi's crotch for five seconds then

maybe you should go back to mexico

Cry more Paco

fuck you you piece of shit

Based woman using her moist fuckholes to get money and shit from dumb men

>if they settle down.
She's already had his baby and she's practically the mother to all the other test tube kids he has. He can't leave now without getting JUSTed by child support.


Because that's mens 'fashion' today for some reason

It's poor man's fashion. Go check out high fasion cat walk. People don't wear skin tight jeans. They wear the same trousers, slim cut to wide, they wore 30 years ago. Ronaldo is the perfect example for
>you can't buy style
He'll never stop being white trash, no matter how many hundreds of millions he has earned.

Based. Fuck them fake-ass "latins".