We're a baseball town anyways

we're a baseball town anyways

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Looks like a penis with spiked balls

Let's go pens

Right cause Pirates are so good


>steelers crashing and burning
>crosby and malkin in their twilight years
>lol pierats
it's over burgh bros

>getting swept by the lelanders

What happened to "WE WUZ 6 RANGZ" ?

Maybe to you nigger but Tom said he own’s your overpaid pussies.

Don't forget about the Pitt Panthers football sucking dick

last in division ftw

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At least you can look forward to the
NBA seas-

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>get dabbed on by former teammate
>spend the next 20 years under .500
Oh but muh Clemente

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what does being good at anything have to do with liking sports?
go back and bandwagon on reddit, faggot.

Pens are dead soon...Crosby and Malkin getting old. Kessel gone eating hotdogs in the desert. Jack Johnson weighing down the D..Pens are dead next.

We are on the stairway to 7 you zoomer..Steelers will be in the convo every year

i unironically think they will be good this year but yeah there's not too many years left

>We are on the stairway to 7 you zoomer..Steelers will be in the convo every year

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I feel like this team should be better than what it is
>rich history
>kino uniforms
>beautiful stadium
What went wrong?

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small market so the owner doesn't spend money so he can turn a profit on the team.

It is possible. I think they and the Jackets make the wildcard but I am not expecting much

No you're not

You mad?

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Pittsburgh is the worst place I ever lived

Why would I be mad ?

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hahahahaha you cant even do that at all. I have no where to run besides 80's accolades and shit. Fuck being a NY fan

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the guy posted this thread because Stoolers sucks and I am telling him there's no difference in Yinzers baseball

>Crosby in his prime years
>has shown no signs of slowing down

yeah the penguins are fucked after getting swept by the islanders