H-hes a running back!

>H-hes a running back!
>Black QBs are shit!
Apologize right fucking now

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go to bed Old Gay

> celebrating like you won the superb owl vs the lelphins

>inb4 it's the Dolphins
Yeah I want to see your favorite qb put up those numbers

Hollywood Brown carried him

fucking kidding me ravens are so delusional. You played against a college tier defense. do it against someone is good

Seethe and cope

delusional ratbirdfag

>Seethe and cope
read my post again retard

This guy threw 6 TDs in a single game last year. Why is lameme not a meme anymore?

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Im happy for Ravens.
but the dolphins might actually go 1-15-1

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ok, based and redpilled friend

He looked really good today. i was genuinely surprised even though he was playong against a team with bo real strengths.

(((they))) just want to make this guy a thing so badly, him and Dak both stadpadded so well today so you know espn is going to virtue signal hard all week now.

Check your maths

So far from competing for a SB that you celebrate endlessly over beating a tanking team. Lmao.

>thinks he's good for running up the score against the DOLPHINS

Dumb migger running QB

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Running QBs are a meme. If you want success with a running QB, you have a window of about 2 years.

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Based 006.
>for Baltimore James?

literal racist right here

They'll lose the bye week.

Im the only person in here to date multiple minorities so no.


so not only are you a faggot you're also a coal burner? jesus christ just die.

No I am cool with the tanking

Baltimore-fag checking in.

Browns fucking suck. Steelers getting BTFO. Bengal losing a foregone conclusion.




fuck off faggot

Old Baysed


>has good game for a nig qb
>against the Lolphins
>the Lolphins
>people think he will finally break the cycle of retarded nigger qbs in the nfl

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He essentially admitted the running back meme is inside his head. In any case dabbing and running up the score on a shitty team is nigger behavior, Dolphins may go 0-16

Dak had better numbers..

>go 6-1 first season
>bring ravens to playoffs
>btfo dolphins with 5 touchdowns
>faggots still hating

>btfo dolphins with 5 touchdowns
Clemson could do that to the Dullphins

Dak didn’t standpad you idiot. He barely even threw the ball in the 4th quarter.

>demolish a team tanking harder than Gruden's 2018 Raiders
>We da Chemps!

Playing an actual team next time

Rayne's not black so who cares

Isn't Old Bay a white supremacist though? I'd think If anything he'f be upset over Lamar leading his team

>Be neo-nazi
>Be retarded
Do you even watch sports or did you just wander over here from /pol/ to rant about j00s?

he's a nigger regardless. too scared to go play with the big names at reddit he has to be a mod pet here.

He is but pretends to burn coal

How long into the season before he gets exposed?

sp btfo as usual

Threwpicksky will retire before the next season starts. Screencap this.

Reminder that you cannot post in this thread if your team has not won a Super Bowl this past decade

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all that cunt does is statpad you inbred cowgirl bandwagoner fuck

and he had nothing to do with it. glad you said decade though because it's been a while old bay.

This isn't me being cute, Alabama would beat the Dolphins this year.

lot of assumptions made there big guy

White people are cancelled.

just imagine what clemson would do to the dolphins then considering they are 10x better than alabama

True facts. I have literally not seen a white person in like 2 years. It's wonderful

You being a neo-nazi is a fact. All neo-nazis are retarded. The rest of the post was a question, not an assumption

you can post in jail?

lmao this is why i come here

Yeah we have wifi in California. All paid for by white people's taxes. So nice of them to keep giving us free shit after we drove them all out

I'm a neonazi because I turn on my tv and notice that espn is pushing black qbs just because they are black? Okay whatever you say you retarded shit gobbling tranny. Thanks your the (you)s doe

good. rot in hell you worthless piece of shit.

Dak is way more of a legit qb than this bum.

Everyone laughed at me when I said he was better than Baker. Who's laughing now?

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I definitely can get on board with that, Dak is good enough to get them over the hump and the offense the cowgirls run is really built well around his skills set which is avoiding errors so he could maybe steal a ring or at least make it far. Lamar will be a back up or a wr in 5 years though.

Old bay is a “DEMONrats (sic) are the real racists!” cuckservative, I.e. 90% of trump supporters

his over/under passing TDs this season was only 15. fuck

5 against Miami, 6 against Arizona, and 3 across the remaining 14 games
Cap it

>I'm a neonazi because I turn on my tv and notice that espn is pushing black qbs just because they are black? Okay whatever you say you retarded shit gobbling tranny. Thanks your the (you)s doe

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Lamar is a good humble kid but the way ravens fans talk about him always makes him come off like some arrogant dindu by association. I'll be happy for him if he improves but you need to stop playing the underdog card and admit that he had a rough time last year

Lamar future NFL MVP

COPE Whitoid

Lamar will win multiple Super Bowls

>6-2 is a rough year

Seethe more

How do you even know if I'm white you retarded nigger? You really should take some time off of and see a shrink you fucking loser.

>doesn't reply to me directly because I thank him for the (you) like that means something

seek help you waste of human DNA

Cope harder faggot

and then you'll turn your xbox off because mommy says its dinner time

Me in the bottom left