When will they actually be "back"??

When will they actually be "back"??

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digits are how many years til texas is back

Thursday, check em

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god is real, and he hates texas football

theyre kinda almost back
good enough to be top 25 all year, just a little overrated to start the year

can't really say much bad about the LSU game, that's a great team with playoff ambitions this year


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>good enough to be top 25 all year
user, their stadium could burn to the ground and half of their players could get suspended and they'd still be ranked at the start of the season.

Nah, they've sadly gone the way of Miami and faded off into (((relative))) obscurity.


I was 2 seconds off from quads

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Probably never again. If you go to campus everyone is a dyel Asian or nerdy white. Their push for a top 5% admittance has really cut out most of their would be student base. The future frat boys that would buy season tickets are dying off and going to Texas State.



Never unironically
USC and Texas still aren't back and it's been 15 years

this is why you filthy urbanite austiner

something about this guys face makes me hate him so much. he looks like the kid who all the teachers and parents love because he is aw shucks around them and super polite but bullies the shit out of the nerds and only has sex with passed out drunk chicks


Brings up some traumatic memories for you, doesn't it user.

nah I was a stoner who played JV sports and had a GF in high school. something about his raccoon eyes, and that his enthusiasm seems to come from a place of smugness and entitlement rather than being a genuinely positive dude. it's not a REE CHADS thing, the biggest chads I've met have actually been really nice dudes who have no reason to be shitty

>not going to a ghetto public school & getting into the top 5%
Get good amigo
Also everyone in Texas applies for UT so it'll be hard for regular frat bros regardless

dubs and texas finishes 5th

Every year thousands of zoomers are falling for the preseason rankings scam.

t. faggie that went to UT once to give head to Tyrone

If digits we win Big XII conference, finish 4th, win our bowl, and faggies don't win shit and remain irrelevant for years to come

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I give them credit for scheduling that but as always the NCAA system is so poorly run you get punished for scheduling good games.