Antonio Brown to move in to Brady's house

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You think he'll left Brown sleep with Gisele to keep morale up

When AB first signed with the patriots he had 11 dollars in the bank. After they won the Super Bowl, Tom Brady bought a new car. Antonio Brown bought the Oakland Raiders

Gee. I wonder how this will turn out

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The American Dream



he can't do any worse than the Davis family

and now he'll have a hot dinner in the form of Gisele

>tfw based Tom civilizes the little shit

>tooooooooom ab shit on the carpet again!

Did Brown go to the game or stay home with Giselle?

>hey Giselle.. I dropped my soap in the shower.. can you pick it up for me...

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do you think if he tries to eat a non-alkaline food for dinner Tom Brady would kick him out?


Naaa Brady functions bigly on nigger cum. He has his own “cow” now. *wink*

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Why would you trust this man to be under the same roof as your children?

>all the seething posts itt
Seriously I want each of you to post your teams W-L record against Brady

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>Mommy and Uncle Antonio are naked wrestling again...

0-0 because they've never played based Tom.

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My team is 9-8 against Brady. We have beaten him more times than we have lost.

that face you make when you’re shooting your thick white ropes of cum directly down Giselle Bundchen’s throat

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Why do so many of you Americans have a cuck fetish?

Large influx of non-whites and Redditors on this board since 2014

1-5, but we beat the Pats in the Owl three d'cades ago so I don't really care

who? Miami?

But the American non-whites are probably Hispanics, right? Why are they obsessed with black dong?

Because, despite both being minorities, they're in many ways polar opposites

Imagine being a broncos fan. Lmao. Just lmao


So... not gonna post that w-l record? Seethe

why the fuck is this allowed

I don’t get it

>tfw when Cam has never lost to Brady

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Breaking News: Tom Brady Exposed!

Hours after a dominating MVP Super Bowl performance, capping off a perfect 19-0 season, Tom was rocked by a stunning video released by teammate Antonio Brown. The video, posted on Instagram, features Brown having sex with Tom's wife Giselle. Brown also shared the video on twitter, where he said "ain't nobody mvp but me"

Bill Belichick has responded to the controversy by saying "I did not instruct him to do this and had no knowledge this took place"

Patriots fans reacted by saying: "It's perfectly legal to film this, he was just in the wrong position"

We will continue to investigate this breaking story.

is he gonna take over kissing brady's son?

now i know why americans think christ will return in america of all places. america needs to be saved.

>everyone suspects him of being a bull for brady and gisele's cuck relationship
>he's actually a gay pedo
would be kino desu

It's not real. It's just meant to troll sensitive /pol/ weenies.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting newcuck

He was reportedly up in the box with the Jews.

Shut the fuck up pussy ass bitch before I kick your teeth in

>implying Tom would waste testosterone on Gazelle
>implying Tom didn't move AB into his house to get his hounding wife off his ass for sex

You guys are the goofiest group of motherfuckers I've ever met, I swear.

>actual niggers posting on Yea Forums
We didn't gatekeep enough

The hatred for Tom Brady supercedes the shame of posting cuck shit. Half of the NFL is literally zero fun for all of the teams except them.

Because WWII was lost, user.

If that's Giselle, she's a Brazilian model.


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A gay pedophile turns out to be a cuck, all sponsored by the NFL.

says the leaf who’s country mostly voted for trudeau

>AB fucks Giselle
>Brady kills him
>Tarantino makes a movie about it 15 years later

If you're going to try to be smart at least know how our elections work (I know, "Who cares about Canada lmaooo"). With that said, there's no reason for (You) to be asspained. I never said ALL of you, I asked why so many. I don't deny for a second that Canada is giga cucked, but if one is to be honest there's no country on earth that shills more anti-white and pro-black shit than the US. The easy answer is that you're on a death spiral since any group that had slaves and then goes on to put that same group on a pedestal is likely destined to die off and lose its power, but it's more than that; it's almost like a lot of you see them as superheroes or gods or some shit. It's weird.

who is more cucked?

>his wife NEEDS to be blacked, literally in the prenup. several pics of her on the cover of highend magazines of her indulging the craving

>raising his bastard child from another woman 11 years older than her and 6 years older than tom

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Most consumers of cuck stuff aren't white or black, it's hispanics and asians. Like most blacked subscribers are indian/pakistani. Idk what the logic is, I'm not a psychologist.

isnt AB gay ?

God I hope Tom Brady lurks Yea Forums kek

No, that's OBJ

We been known he's a cuck for years. To every man his own I guess.

Would make it easier for him to fuck Giselle