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Roids kicking in

I want to fuck Xisca edition

Imagine putting it into Roidal sloppy seconds

Nadal’s sister is cute



As if he's ever had sex (uncle Toni doesn't count)

Easy for the GOAT

fuck americans

Damn, Medvedev is the best of the "next gen" and still cant do it.

Here's to another 10 years of the big three.

How is that Rafa gets to have TWO wives?

She seems dumb as a rock


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Attached: HoF.png (322x342, 141K)

>implying you wouldn't go first while he's busy arranging bottles

Man that was a great match


>more space between 2018 and 2019 than between the other years

federer is still the GOAT
don't care lol

Give me your expert analysis, Yea Forums: What went wrong for Medvedev?


>Fedfags on pooicide watch

Attached: IMG_20190909_040905637_BURST001.jpg (4096x3072, 2.96M)

Yes, today's match was nice and all, but remember we need to keep equal pay for women.

It's not fair, this was supposed to be when us zoomers win

This Nadal unironically the kinda nigga to let you go first on a chick because of his OCD

Which part of Spain are you from lads?

Attached: spanishs.gif (500x322, 15K)

because spanish names conventions

Attached: gabenposter.jpg (3328x4992, 1.42M)

God I hope that fucker never wins a slam

>win just another GS
>still have the H2H

What will be the Fedecucks excuse to still call him the best ever?

Went two breaks down

>already moved on to boreball
kamaaaaaaaan i wanted to watch the speeches

Federedditors SEETHING

Attached: tennis masters.png (1411x1071, 2.7M)


That doesn't look straight...

Attached: wtf.png (874x496, 414K)

dios mio, EL TORO de las baleares

Nadal is the GOAT, his role in this match was to lose

Rio Grande do Sul


Attached: IMG_20190909_031226.jpg (259x194, 10K)

Quintana Roo, Espain reporting in.


This match was immense.

What a battle

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Suck shit balding Russian faggot.

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I hate you so much

>malfunctioning djokobot
More like Big 1

>having to switch to ESPN 2 for the presentation

Kek this is fucking everyone who streams

>combed his hair and put on some vest for marketing purposes
always the businessman
this is the best final in some fucking years, goddamn.

Played too much in the tournaments leading up to the USO, then had a much more difficult draw

Tbh I thought I was watching espn2

100% Majorcan


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Based Ljubicic

Donostia-San Sebastian

Autism wins!)))

Stfu, nobody should care about women's sport.
It's you who enable them to get what they want.

The spacing of that looks completely awful

The independent republic of catalan

God I hate modern women

>federtards seething

Fuck the russians
Arriba España

Attached: 20190909_03_13_56.png (310x163, 9K)

Except this year the men's was unironically the worst match out of the two


How does it feel serena played 8 hours on court all tournament and Medvedev played nearly 30 and they get the same pay.


>62 winners for nadal
>75 winners for medvedev
>both less than unforced errors
that's how you know it was a good match

Even better

Actual "major" ranking

Nadal 18 (12 French, 2 Wimbledon, 4 US)
Federer 14 (1 French, 8 Wimbledon, 5 US)
Djokovic 9 (1 French, 5 Wimbledon 3 US)

EMERITA AVGVSTA, capital of the LVSITANIA province

Attached: merida.jpg (1024x512, 190K)

I have been a Nadal fan since 2005 (and I have posted on Yea Forums about as long). Glad to see him doing well

Attached: vamos.png (1087x584, 860K)

Nothing. Nadal is the better player. Med was better than expected.

Med converted a bigger percentage of his break points. Nadal won more points in total (164-177). Deserved victory.

Attached: nadal_wins_lol.jpg (1067x600, 187K)

Nothing. Why should I care? I don't play tennis professionally.


I'm worried medvedev will never get another chance like this. It's not every day 2 of the big 3 get knocked out before finals.

>nadal crying
>wow look at all that hair i had
no but seriously good for him, I wonder if they would have played that if he lost

kino shot

Having combined events was a mistake. The PGA and FIFA were smart to have different tournaments so the women can't piggyback off men's success

>Nadal won more points in total (164-177).


Virreinato del Río de la Plata - Intendencia del Paraguay reporting in

At the same time I am happy Federedditors lost but also sad Medvedev didn't win, he fucking deserved it.

This is kino

Nadal is crying watching his majors

kek based

He will have completely open draws in 5 years though

Being a slav

He came too tired on the final match, he played a ridiculous amount of hours leading to it. But maybe his tiredness makes him more focused or something.

this has been a pretty amazing year for slams

Couldn't they color Emerson picture?

Nadal is the GOAT, end of story.

Mi españita siempre gana

nadal is ugly both inside and out

>that thousand yard stare
completely kino

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It’s never worth it when (((they))) win

There are Slavs in there though


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>mfw Rafa gets #20 next year

Frauderer fans on absolute suicide watch

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Calm down tiafoe

>it was his turn!!! ;_;

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This guy is not your average zoomer he'll be around for a while. Dude is LEGIT

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that Medvedev is a mother?

Nueva Granada

Seems to be working for him though

>JP Morgan CFO

Jeniffer pizza

He's about to retire in this upcoming speech causing a crowd riot

nadal (off clay) can't beat djokovic or federer anymore but at the same time he's become a lot better at beating anybody but djokovic or federer

Based nico

I fucking wish

>that 2015
Thank god it's over.

we wuz tennis

those kids so awkward lol

switching to the niggercollide now

white momma

>mild boos
>medium claps
fucking apex kek

Attached: rambo.jpg (2097x2802, 555K)

Haha hahahaha booing the umpire during the presentation

lmao the ump

I had sex with your mom earlier. Not bad I give her a 5/10 she needs work on her oral skills but was willing for anal so it wasn't all bad.

Truly immense battle

Modern gladiators, no other sport can compare in terms of individual strength being displayed.

Attached: darkerthanblack_gloomy.jpg (500x281, 23K)

>retiring before 2020 RG one slam behind rawjuh


Fucking crowd. Tennis used to be a classy sport, but now it's become a game for the proleteriat.

Also USTA is corrupt as fuck.

>booing the umpire

Hahaha fucking animal crowd based

>Rogers Cup
>there's no Roger


faker nearly killed the sport in 2015-16

>booing the umpire
us open confirmed for the worst

>retiring before 2020 AO

>Andreescu wins
>Washington NFL team loses
>Cowboys win
Pretty good weekend up to tonight

Oombelieble match

KyrGOAT has that one in the bag la

>Fucking tickets costa $300 minimum

Eat shit antifa

>Washington NFL team
>not the redskins
cringe and bluepilled

suck my dick antifa

God Chris mckendry is annoying get her off the mic

I just wish that the big 3 would retire already to speak in honest terms lads

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From Rioja

gaytee tier

>watch boomer dominate tennis
>change channel
>it's a boomer dominating handegg
When will zoomers step up?

I fucking love this crowd

i like seeing these old men continue to dominate
i want it to keep going lol

>New York jealous of the big strong conservative umpire
No surprise there




>big 3
>malfunctioning djokobot
It’s just the big 1 now

>The way you're playing, it's a big joke it's very tough to play against you
Kek, I like Medvedev

>I had sex with your mom earlier. Not bad I give her a 5/10 she needs work on her oral skills but was willing for anal so it wasn't all bad.

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>"which means you are 2"
what did she mean by this?

nadal is single handedly keeping the big 3 era alive, his last 3 slam wins have been against youngsters medvedev and thiem

>tfw have Med's hairline

Possible roiding reference?

Onions español
¿A que quieres que te gane?

Attached: IMG_20190909_031352.jpg (1080x604, 43K)

>loving the jew yorkers

And watch fucking zoomers losing winners shots everytime?

>trying to patch things up with the crowd
ehh, I guess.

Based Russian tennis man

This dude is fucking based.

Yo medvedev unironnicaly has 100 speech

medvedev you legend

You think these people can afford tickets for these sorts of finals? lmao


Only know I realize that Federer is only considered the GOAT cause he is 5 years older than Nadal.
Rafa will easily surprass his Grand Slams number

This dude is hilarious.

Yeah Medvedev is based and redpilled

jt the dadlet reindeer was molested by his dad and if trump ever saw him he would probably tweet out 'sad!"

Holy shit how based can Medvedev get?

Fuck I closed the stream, what did he say in his speech ?

federer on pooicide watch
he will be passed next year lawl

what a great soul


Not in that sense (money). Everyone in the crowd is a classless asshole for behaving the way they did— especially when they started shouting on key points— which is an extremely effective tactic to throw people off.





Attached: oy.gif (399x299, 2.17M)

Sound lad is Damiil.

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proleteriat is a mindset, retards

Go to a mental hospital asap.

They should let him say some things in Russian

>"I think you're going to have a nice and long relationship"
>"with the crowd in New York"

Dan is a good dude.

but muh election

Fuck off, chinky you clueless slitty

t. Mohammed curry

Crowd would have a meltdown

*taps microphone*
"fuck drumpf fuck jews and most of all fuck the janitors. thank yu all and good night"

You can have all the money in the world and still be trash af

Medvedev speaks better english than nadal

If any of the zoomer can make it, it's gotta be Medvedev.
He's got the aura of the future champ.


Get a dad or a male figure in your life to stop being a numale ASAP

>3rd worlders attempting to ""bant""

its easier for russians to speak english than spanish to speak english

what a fucking hell of a match
was it Nadal playing bad or Medevedv too good?

Medevedv reached almost every ball today
if only Rafa beat Federer at Wimbs this year, it would be 2-2 h2h on grass and maybe equal GS count

whatever, you can not change what is happened, only prepare for future


Based Nadal
Have sex Incel

The city of

>and every other zoomer kid that will never beat anyone of the big 3

Will you buy a Tecnifibre racquet now, Yea Forums?

Attached: Montage FightSmart Tecnifibre_ 19_06_19.jpg (590x592, 81K)

extremely low iq take

As long as it stays like that you're good

Med is legit.

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Nadal won on his experience and a little bit of cheeky gamesmanship.

Literal chop suey chink calling people third worlders because he doesn't understand what proletariat is. kek. Kill yourself, you yellow manlet

>Played too much in the tournaments leading up to the USO,
yet today he looked as fresh and fast as Nadal

he reached every ball on the baseline, HOW?

>literally 10 years of hearing Nadal, Federer and Novak tell the second place "dude you'll definitely win some in the future"
>none of them do
>some actually retire without winning

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kyrgios has beaten them all


No, Mendevev could've won, but he didn't.

It's extremely demoralizing for fucking 50,000 people to be cheering against you

I'm surprised that he even got the two sets he did.

>Buying a loser’s racquet
No thanks. Come back when he actually wins a slam

This match will be analyzed for years to come

>spent 20 years on tour having to give speeches in english
>they're still completely terrible and incomprehensible

>when you remember polygamy

>tfw nobody uses Prince anymore
At least Andujar made it pretty far. I use his same racket.

Attached: gondolawallpaper.jpg (1625x1117, 897K)

the crowd loved medvedev today

Nadal the goat!!

youth combined w/ mental toughness

;_; rip

Have a dad numale

Thats spanish people in a nutshell for you

go suck some more muzzie cock, you subhuman lmao

Medvedev has broken his limits to make it possible, he was playing like a God in the latter parts.

correction: it's easier for Russian zoomers to speak English than it is for Spanish boomers.

This desu


Lots of them are modest qts. Look - european athlete women

Medvedev isn't even that Russian he's lived in France forever
Also I kinda understood nadals Spanish


Attached: 01___PGZGOG6.jpg (500x667, 140K)

>hes allowed to speak spanish
>but medvedev isn't allowed to speak russian
feels rigged man
spat out my tea, thanks user

>if only Rafa beat Federer at Wimbs this year,

If only Federer converted 2 championship points against Nole the last Wimbledon...

Casually puts 8.5 million in his pocket

Why does Nadal get Spanish time and Medvedev doesn't get Russian time


>2009 Wimbledon final
>"Well Andy, I've suffered some tough losses too lol"
>10 years later


Attached: 1523318504555.jpg (598x448, 111K)

it was not that good for me(many mistakes), but very intense and toe to toe

>Implying it’d make a difference
Rafa is winning AO and RG next year so he’d reach him regardless

I doubt at this point Nadal cares how much $$ he gets.


Predict total GS for the Big3

Federer 20
Nadal 20
Djokovic 20


QUICK ....

10/10 for me


That's why he was booed on key points.

Fucking New York retards couldn't handle a little trolling from Mendevev's end, so they made it a point to make his final match as psychologically difficult as possible.


Attached: Siegebreaker.jpg (600x453, 52K)

Did nadal cheat on his partner?

>that thousand yard stare

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If you want to bet and support on a zoomer, you should bet your money on Medvedev.

Would've been a 10 if Medvedev had broken Nadal 3 times to go 7-5 in the last set


You're a fucking chink, kek

why no AO?

>wasting everyone’s time with a 5 setter
Automatic -1. Other than that 9/10

some of them are nice, some of them are fucking cunts, it's difficult. But an archetype of the modern women is disgusting

9/10 because fuck Nadal

he aged liked guy from Crawler
like he cut a lot of weight

>daniil didn't roll over and die like everyone else

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Attached: domination.png (940x474, 842K)

Fuck you Nadal.
Damn so close medvedev.




>tfw gonna finish near the top of the bracket
Thank you based GOAT

t. SEETHING federedditor

it is interesitng how Federer started to beat Nadal after the age of 33

what keys did he find?
what Rafa lacked?

>didn’t get the job done
All for nothing

>Finals over
>no more GS this year

>black hole starting to grow bigger

What now? Empty life is empty...

Attached: flyaway.jpg (200x200, 8K)



Time for Patriots vs Steelers

He made nadal play the best tennis of his life. I'd say this is a moral victor.

Did you see the wimbly final against Djoker? Whatever fed found, it certainly wasn’t roids. Otherwise he’d have a pretty shitty dealer

Why are poos so obsessed with Federer? I've noticed every fucking Indian in my office is violently against Nadal and talks about Federer like a 16 year old school girl talks about Chad.

Attached: Indian selfie.gif (480x480, 1.91M)

nadal won

no u

the things is, Rafa was a favourite before the SF started(look: bookies and analysis, he looked more solid this grass season than Fed), but Federer was not a favoutite before a F vs. Djoko

Looking forward to WTA finals this year, Andreescu could really assert her dominance

He changed his racket. Wasted most of his career using a toy one.

Attached: 010316-TENNIS-Roger-Federer-of-Switzerland-PI.vresize.1200.675.high.15.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

>uso is ogre
>the only watchable thing left is the laver cup, atp finals or #nextgen finals
Literally the worst part of the tennis season

Attached: 1567847893402.png (800x574, 193K)

that mallorcan accent

based pajeet retard


>moral victory

Calm down Hans, just issuing the reminder.

We need to make sure we treat both genders equally. Men should not be paid more than women.

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What happened in AO 2017 final? Was Nadal leading 5-2 in a fifth set, like today, but then lost the set and match?
how could he lost to old Roger?

>DaNIIL Medvedev
>Has won exactly 0 (NIL) grand slam
Coincidence? I don't think so

Federer is the best tennis player ever. Nadal may surpass him in GS titles (dubious), another player may come in the future and win 40 GS, but those who saw Federer play will remember him as the GOAT.

lmao. slit eyed cunt. try suicide

>people shit on nadal's english when hes much more animated speaking spanish

Attached: USOPEN19 22.png (2400x1350, 960K)

>watching a rigged sport

>Hasn’t beaten him since 2014 (except once on clay)
He turned into a mental midget against Fed

>another post-slam doldrums episode
>back to one thread a week
>can't even shitpost because you started wagecucking

Attached: 1484537560802.jpg (1000x666, 266K)


They also admire Germany, the Netherlands etc
All the poo skins and unfortunately people here are like that

Is it that Daniil can't hit winners or that he doesn't try to all that much?

lol no

>yfw you could be a tennis pro player and play with goats, win some big prizes and be famous if you started as a child playing tennis
>Now you are a boomer with debs and neet life

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you can post anytime gaytee you're just a casual that only posts during slams and was molested by your dad before he died


Have never watched that and will not.


getting embarrassing, why don't you put your time to better use and prep some sandniggers

nfl started, soccer as well, nba soon

How likely is it Nadal will overtake Federer now? I'm not sure he can win another US Open; can he win another 2 French?


Just like pele/Maradona...now is Messi/CR7

Attached: USOPEN19 23.png (2400x1350, 1.23M)

Who's gonna beat him in the french?

roger owns the fraud
roger just chokes against bums these days

>can he win another 2 French?
Nadal winning French Open? Gee, I don't know dude.

you also need one in a million to one in a billion talent

The question is who will beat him in the AO

A Thiememe who isn't playing the final after literally two consecutive days of Djokovic

traitor! You should be shot!

Thiem, Djokovic.

Only the people who are rich or get sponsored make it to the pros.

Especially in the US.

Can someone explain to me why only 3human beings dominated this sport for years and years

It's hard to do it when you hit the ball like the hunchback of Notre Dame.

omg an orthodox Ethiopian poster

god I want to dick barbera so hard
its those pearly giant teeth

Djokovic? Like the player who has beat him like every single fucking time?

how many french open's nadal wins is unknown. He could plausibly win 4 more.
and during the next 4 years he has a chance to win any non-clay slam if he doesn't face novak or roger. He would have won 2018 and 2019 Wimbledon if he didn't play novak or roger...

How likely is it Djoker still overtakes both?

Nope. Watched Federer play, he was not even in the same league as peak Nadal/Nole 2010-early 2014 . It was an "upset" anytime he managed to beat em

Federer may be aesthetically pleasing to watch, that means nothing unless you can WIN to go with that.

The big 3 will not be judged by this late career stat padding. They'll be judged by the "Big 4 era" proper ( 2010-2013) when all 4 were competing for GS at their peak and Rafa and Nole were simply a cut above. Even Andy was more consistent than Roger

La obscuridad everywhere.

Lol. Both of them have inferiority complex against Rafa in RG.

They were men on a mission

He has easily another 3 RG wins

Attached: big3.jpg (734x370, 86K)

No interest....all I have left is Vuelta (cycling) another week, and then a bit ski jumping.

Ah yes, the casual take

current gen are all mental midgets
and they weren't men on missions

that was federer's slump period and he still whooped nole at 2011 french open, 2012 wimbeldon and 2010 and 2011 us opens only losing to fluke chokes.

Onions indeed.

What Rafa has to do, to become better at hard courts?

Just cause Djokovic kept complaining about muh wind

top spin
outlast his opponent with pure stamina

Who /PereSampras/ here?

conche de tu madre pelota


Attached: USOPEN19 24.png (2400x1350, 1.32M)

That wasn't me also I still shitpost from time to time when I get the chance to during wagecucking also why haven't you checked in yet

spanish is a very cheerful language

then there's us with the melancholic version

Evolution of shared rivalry

They share a bond of rivalry that made them improve so much over time that anybody outsides usually does not stand a chance.

brazil portoguese brings some life back into that melaholy
but tell me, why would you consider your language melahcolic? I know shit all about it.

Seething Oriol

Attached: nadalhelicopter.gif (600x338, 2.44M)


Kys Boris


>no edit of 9/11 right after he makes the face

Was it one of the best 5 finals?

looking at both of them at the net is horrific.
a 23 year-old who looks 40 and a 33 year-old who looks 50.
high level sport, not even once.

>Onions español
based filter

Attached: 1551970209453.jpg (500x440, 103K)

While you get to look """"good"""" for another 10 years, withouth ever making the money.

>cheating on his eternal gf

As if I wouldn't instantly give up my hair to be Baldal.

there's always some autist on /int/ who can answer to that better than I do

Nadal cramping so no game schett matts

oh, it was a reference to other posts saying Nadal had 2 wives (the blonde one as well)

I want to tongue babsis 40 year old asshole

I would say yes

his sister?
que cojones?


I don't wanna visit that nightmare board

7,7, 10/10 finals tho

What was it meant to say?

why do you suppose the effort/enjoyment ratio is any bigger for a member of the big 3 than it is for an upper middle class guy like me?
sure, they have the money and the glory, but do they even have time to enjoy it properly?
I think my life is way comfier than Nadal's.


Fed is a leftist cuck.

fake news

S o y
It means I am in spanish

I think it's because the Indian tennis tradition is very much rooted in s&v, or an attacking game in general (Amritraj, Bhupathi/Paes, etc).
broadly speaking, they like "aristocratic" or "elegant" looking tennis, just like the brits.

Kek, no

Is rafa the most successful agnostic in sports?

I thought your retarded opinions were only restricted to Porto vs Benfica matters.

Rafa, Joker, and now Medvedev are the RW heros we need.

Yes, hahahaha,

British Raj fucked their minds up

Thought he was a rightest cuck.

it will be tough for novak to get 20 when he never makes another final

not a football fan, so you must be talking about someone else.

Fuckin epic win.

What if the US wins then2022 world cup?

>muh leftist boogeyman
kill yourself fatass

yeah, you'd be all defensive if you were the user I was thinking of

I like to mess with him


Welcome to Bull Airlines. This will be a safe trip, no?

Attached: rafa's at the wheel.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)

>This entire post

not really

More like, why didn't the steroids work stare

Nadal had bigger problems with it then Medvedev.


Great match, but it's not like it went down to the final game to be decided.

You’re delusional

To be fair both got hit by the crowd. That crowd was bipolar as fuck.

People post alot of meme nonsense but Medvedev is by far most legit of the next gen. Just hope he doesnt crash and burn out of AO but he's not a fluke

Whelp, no wonder you're depressed

Berrettini will develop a backhand and become the next gen GOAT

Attached: 1557344661630.png (900x676, 410K)

He's right, you're just assblasted about 19
>muh crowd is at fault!
kys retard

Yeah, the first final that felt like there's a future after the Big 3 and the Williams sisters

Get well soon.

Keep yourself safe too user!

>anything other than smug centrist

Opinion time (Romanian ed.):
Will Halep pass Andreescu in the rankings ever again?


Attached: Trăiască România!.jpg (818x816, 267K)

Less than 30 points behind her.

Nadal's rivals in nine of his GS finals won: Puerta, Berdych, Söderling, Ferrer, Wawrinka, Anderson, Thiem (x2) and Medvedev.

god they are ugly

Nueva Ibero-Catalonia kikeria Barcelonia


Attached: 1565011716896.jpg (1200x692, 214K)

Whats with the fucked up spacing?


I lost three hundred on Med but tbqh I ain't even mad that was too good of a match, besides Rafa's delay tactics

Who is going to deny him at least 4 more RG?

Thiem? Zverev? Andreescu would have better chances than those clowns.

It's over. He will overtake Federer and reach maybe 25 slams. My only solace is knowing he'll get his punishment. We will read how his heart imploded in his sleep for reasons that obviously had nothing to do with doping, like those retired Norwegian cross country skiers dying without warning of heartstrokes and brain aneurisms before turning 50.

please don't stab Rafa in the back.

Lol don't worry. I want to see him lifting trophies at 40 as a bald, roided mess. Maybe that will make people ask questions.

Berrettini has one of the most unreliable forehands I've ever seen. It's all short arm whip action. That shot will NEVER be reliable. Screenshot this


what is /tennis/ opinion on Bianca Andreescu?

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Romanian woman genes. The more money she asks for, the more unhappy she gets.

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dem thicc thighs tho

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sweaty legs

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You'll see them once a year if you're lucky. It's time to go to western union and wire some money to her relatives back in Romania. And get some groceries on the way.

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Big fan of this image.

based gypsies with their weird incestious family bonds. Praise her father/grandfather for granting us a look on this body!

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why are romanian women so ugly
it's not fair bros

You tell me

Probably need more copper in their diet, that's why Romanians are so busy at getting it all over Europe


Sorry I had to sleep lads, work calls. Glad to wake up to a Rafa win after bailing at that 4th set though.

Really hope Medvedev lives up to the hype

>Nadal has now won the most majors of any man after the age of thirty
What did his knees mean by this? Are they really after Federer's record that bad? Hope so.

Well congrats to Nadull
Really wasn't expecting him to still be that good out of clay, he better win the ATP finals one day to be in the GOAT discussion though
Hopefully Medvedev keeps getting stronger, he seems to be the only zoomer with mental strength

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When in the fuck did jockowitch win 16 grand slam titles??? Shit, i thought he had like 8.

foxy lewds when?

>Forgetting Matteo already
Tsk tsk

The Djokobot era is articulated in chapters when the bot wins everything
The 3rd chapter just ended

Medvedev lost because the crowd started cheering for him. He should've flipped the crowd off again in the 5th set

Whenever but not wherever

please tell me medvedev won lads

Medvedev won

He won the crowd over

>there are no male players born in the 90s who won a grand slam
>not only there are female players born in the 90s who won a grand slam, they already had time to become washed up

Wine vs milk.

100% Albacete, making a living in Madrid

>caro is playing
>no boris the florist posting
Did he die?

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What does Mladenovic's mom do at the tribunes lf Caro match?

And her brothrer is here

there we go

[spoiler]she fucks Thmeme[\spoiler]

god i wish that were me


I checked if Mladenovic plays after Caro on the same court - no.

So why is a mom and brother here? Cheer for Caro???????

joe root is a discount ian bell who was a discount michael vaughan

i hope nadal dies

literally and unironically have no idea what that means but okay

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He won Kyrgios' heart

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Cry me a river

I'm 37 years old.

Is it too late to start playing tennis, lads?

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this isn't ukraine

no you can play in usta circuit tourneys or just sign up with a local racquet club

The future of the United States of America.

Tennis isn't really a very popular sport here. It's got a strong niche following but the overwhelming majority of people don't follow it.

Most of the kids that were on my high scool's tennis club were asians.

If only you know how bad things really are

a full strength patrick rafter would have stomped this entire tournament without dropping a set


nadal is a piece of shit as most spaniards are

>today is a wta day

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the weak era is now. a pusher winning on fast hard court . sickening

Puerto de la Cruz

Lose weight and stop seething, filthy amerimutt

The past few years has been a super weak era.

I am so impatient for the next majors. I just want Federer to win goddammit.




So which one to watch?

Clearly Nanchang

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Gain employment and stop shitting up the sport

>ywn eat her out

He's a big guy

Working right now, why don't you try the American most famous sport? Also know as
>get shot

nadal hasnt even looked good this year . its fucking tragic medvedev didnt win. i was expecting him to win in sraights


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fellow federredit fans i hope youre busy formulating your damage control plans.i have an essay open on MS word right now

More like /pennis/. Cos its fuckin gay sport


Why she so cute?

>booed by USO crowd
>disliked by RG crowd
>hated by /tennis/
>treated nice at Wimbs
why so?

>nadal hasnt even looked good this year
he made 4 GS semis and 3 finals, last time it was in about 2008 or 2010 maybe

but yeah, he struggled at AO-2019 and spring series(mostly due to injury and non playing competitive for a like four months before AO 2010 also)

>for a like four months before AO 2019


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Boris do you have vk?)))

In term of level he is far from his best year, same for Djokovic and obviously Federer but the rest of the tour is just dogshit overall

So we're in the weakest era now, no??

Safin and Roddick would be living legends if they were playing right now without the big 3

new thread:

Medvedev was clearly holding back his offensive game. It was probably fixed or he was there only for the entertainment purpose.

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mutts and frogs are not people