Lions anguish thread

lions anguish thread

why are we still doing this to ourselves

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post yfw the loins. kangs and burrs welcome as well.

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Lions just wanted to cement their rightful place as worst franchise in the history of the league over the cardinals.

Patricia calling that timeout is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever seen watching football. Are we sure this guy is supposed to be a Belichick disciple? Bill would never do anything that stupid.

bring back Gym Shorts

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>spend 4 hours watching a game that ends in a tie

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>hire darell bevell, a man with 4 L's in his name
>act surprised when he fucks up

Patricia and Bevell have to go. Quinn too, almost every pick he's made has been either mediocre or a bust.

which timeout? when the Cardinals were driving to tie the game? he didn't call the one on their 3rd and 5 first down that would have iced the game

Last time I checked they were up 24 to fucking 6. Only the lions can blow it that fucking hard in the 4th. I tell myself to walk away but I keep coming back.

the announcers said that only the head coach can make a timeout from the sideline

bevell called the timeout

i feel bad for stafford at this point. fuck the ford family for ruining careers


patricia had to approve it, otherwise they got refballed yet again

Jarrad Davis is hot garbage. He whifs tackles and can't block for shit

He didn’t call it

timeout screwed it

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they showed video of bevell running calling the time out and Patricia was looking fat and oblivious

They absolutely got refballed

All players on the field in an NFL game, as well as the head coach (but not assistant coaches or sideline players), are permitted to call timeouts.

Yep, Bevell's timeout had to be approved by Patricia so both fucked the team. Patrcia is fucking retarded to have gone through with it because you can clearly see he was watching the field the entire time


>Live in SE MI for 3 years
>Decide to attempt to finally get into football and root for the Lions
>This game happens
Everything is terrible

God dammit I hate this stupid fucking team so much but I can’t stop watching year in and year out

good thing i managed to stop caring about the loins or that game would have hurt

I feel awful for Matt Stafford. Imagine playing your ass off just to have your left tackle and obese, retard of a head coach do everything in their to make sure all your efforts are wasted.

Megatron and Sanders were right and Stafford should follow suit. Why put your health on the line for this amateur clown show of a franchise?

Can't cover
Looks absolutely abysmal at center so far and can't run block for shit
Stone hands and doesn't fight for the ball
So far so good. Time for the loins to ruin his career. They looked like they were trying their best today with that garbage tier run blocking.
Same as above. Only a matter of time before they ruin his career.

The most frustrating thing about the loins at this point is not the fact that they're an inept, shitshow, of an organization, it's that this inept, shitshow of an organization is still allowed by the league to ruin the careers of GOAT and HOF tier players.

>Mfw Loins give up 18 points and tie

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.500 > .000

stafford just needs more time. you can expect a guy to have it together in his 11th year

It's a trap

My dad is 69 and still waiting for them to have a good year. I want him to see that before he dies. Is that really too much to ask?

Clever but you still have no wins like us little loin. .500 implys a ratio of 1 win to 1 loss, not half a win as you seem to think.

>mfw Bears give up three draft picks to draft a QB and lose

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you can have him

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Well at least you didn't lose

As a Packer fan, all I feel for the Lions is pity. I hate the Vikings and Bears, but can't bring myself to hate the Lions. The rest of the division has pain, but nowhere near close to winning one playoff game in 60 years and having TWO HoFers retire in their primes.

Stafford was elite in that game. The head coach actually blew it by taking the ball out of Stafford's hands.

>still being a stafford supporter

>lions anguish thread
Not even mad. This shit used to drive me crazy now I just admire and laugh at the spectacle of the whole thing. All these years I thought the loins were just bad when in actuality they make losing an art form that should be studied.

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