Why are NFL teams rewarded for losing? parity doesn't exist in the league anyways

why are NFL teams rewarded for losing? parity doesn't exist in the league anyways.

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NFL has more parity than any professional sport

Fuck parity let the strong dominate.

>Pats in the Owl 4 out of the past 5

is that a good thing? any upset won't be a big of a deal since every upset isn't that impressive because everyone is so close in power

Patriots are geniuses (evil ones, but) at playoffs.
How many of those years did the Pats have the best regular season record?
Parity, my friend.

Patriots went ten years between their third and fourth owls

>made 2 Owls in between

>let the rich dominate

Did they win them retard?

The richest owner is Kroenke since Allen died and he's only won one owl

he's won 0

The Rams sure have a stacked team though

They need to rotate the divisions every 5 years.

>won by 3 against an offense with one good player

Pretty sure he was still part owner during the St Louis years

Parity is a fucking retarded concept, the best NFL was when people who gave a shit tried to win. Now the Eagles, of all teams, have a championship.

not necessarily that the richest are always the best. Imagine no salary cap, what happens?

You end up like the NBA and MLB where literally all the talent winds up on like only 4 teams

Yeah the Browns have certainly been rewarded for having losing season after losing season

There's no salary cap in soccer and things still change from year to year some teams get better others not

nobody has ever dominated the sport like the patriots before though so its a recent thing, nba and mlb are much more lopsided. If you actually know about sports thats clear. Especially considering mlb has no cap and the cap in the nba is a joke.

>cherry picking

They still went twice. There are how many teams that have never even been to the big dance, let alone win.

Parity doesn't mean no skill gap.

Yeah but unlimited spending keeps the very top teams apart. Even a pretty good team like Valencia has no shot at the champions league. With a salary cap a team like the Rams can go from last place to the super bowl in like 3 years

>There are how many teams that have never even been to the big dance.
Only the Jaguars and Texans

American sports are pyramid schemes designed to make owners of sports teams the most money possible.

See also college sports where coaches, administrators etc make hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions in salary while players don’t even get paid.

You don't know what a pyramid scheme is

This unironically

parity existed before goodell

To increase parity they should impose a cap penalty against the conference champions. This penalty would decay over the next 3 seasons.
The NFL should also allow teams to trade their draft picks for a portion of another teams salary cap to add on to their own, for an agreed on amount of time.
Don't know how this would actually turn out, but it might create some really interesting boom and bust cycles among teams.

Parity of opportunity, not parity of result

Can you ever remember a time when Celtic didn't win your meme soccer league?

The Patriots have literally already won the owl

College sports are straight up slavery, they aren't even subtle about that exploitation

>this thing I voluntarily agree to do and can quit at any time is slavery


God forbid that a team would suck and the owners would need to put in further investment to pay better athletes for the team to get better or even worse, risk devaluing their assets or current revenue if the team got relegated to a lower division.

Can’t have that of course that’s why there is a system where the teams who need the most investment get given it automatically in the form of a draft every year with the best athletic prospects forced to play for the worst teams.

Don't get the obsession with parity. Look at sports history.

It's greatness that's remembered and draws the biggest numbers, not mediocrity.

Nobody wants to watch mediocre teams who sneak in play. They either want 2 great teams slug it out or a David vs Goliath story.
