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He is reaching Faker Memefield levels of bust

They should have just kept Josh Rosen

>murray and mayfield bust
>only thing that could make me happier is if mahomes and trevor lawrence bust just as hard

Arizona is where QB prospects go to die. I legitimately feel bad for all the guys they've drafted over the last decade. Poor sods.

Mutthomes yes but fuck off T-Law is GOAT

Ryan Leaf must be jumping for joy now.

Hes' no longer the biggest bust

>African American Football Quarterbacks in the National Football League

>They fell for the nig qb meme

>claim they’re working on a top secret brand new offense to unleash the powers of their new midget qb
>show the most basic bitch vanilla shit in preseason because they don’t want to tip anyone off
>real games start
>it’s fucking nothing

Why do teams keep getting away with this?

>only thing that could make me happier is if mahomes
I don't doubt it, you're the Australian Chargers fan that was talking all that shit about what a bust he was in the 2018 preseason, you and I had a back and forth about the fact that you'd be proved to your face that you're a hater retard, I'm the guy who played football in high school that triggered you with the mere fact of it, being a beta who felt the weight of his own athletic incompetency weighing upon him. Remember you were going on about, Boohoo, this guy thinks because he played football in high school he thinks he knows more about football than me. So not only are my balls bigger than yours but so is my brain. Naturally, when Mahomes not only doesn't bust, but wins MVP with a top 3 QB season, you'd eternally seethe. If I were shown to my face what a bitch retard I was I'd seethe too. But it truly couldn't be me, since I'm not so insecure in myself as to wish misfortune on another man. Stay hating and mad and utterly inferior in every way.

>letting an encounter on Yea Forums occupy your headspace for over a year

wrong person, im a greenbay fan.

What a weird thing to try to posture about, I'm not retarded enough to forget something that happened within the past three years.
>doing your hardest to posture anonymously
Yikes. I wonder what drives you to this?

>drafting a midge qb

Yeah I'm sure, the archetypal Australian Packers fan that HATES afc quarterback Patrick Mahomes (??), checks out. Pussy.

You don’t know what this means

Not him but you have to stop taking this so seriously. I don't recall shitposts from 12 months ago

Not at all, you total fucking retard.
Literally google the definition of posture, you'll find one of the definitions being:
>behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead.
Which ironically you're still doing, and still failing.

>Lincoln Riley tricked the Heisman committee and NFL two years in a row

please don't reward his meme system a 3rd time

He looks like a child out there. Trying to throw over grown men

>You don't know what this means
lmao the confidence in saying this and being painfully wrong, I hate pseuds

who would have thought this fucking midget could pull off his shit in the grown man leagues?

what do you want me to say? bitch trushitsky is gay? never been a chargers fan m8. you spewed all that stuff to a guy that you thought you had an online tiff with a year ago

I'm saying there's no reason for you to hate Mahomes if you're an Australian Packers fan. Makes a lot more sense if you're an Australian Chargers fan, right? And wouldn't it be convenient for you if you weren't?

Y'all need to apologise to kylie

Well this thread aged poorly

midge isnt elite, patricia stopped playing 60 minutes of football

Yeah he's not elite yet but he's looking preddy good

No, he'll get exposed by a good team

Hey guys, Murray is great, he didn't lose

The Lions are who we thought they were, and they let Kyler and the Cardinals off the hook.


based manlet of prevent defense exploitation, defensive coordinators are quaking

And the only one they let leave before his career was murdered was Rosen, except they sent him to the one and only team in a shittier situation than they are