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Jesus fuck refs get on the fucking whistle

First for Shitcinnati having terrible sports teams

get it together hawks

they call them the cardiac cats for a reason..

Cincinnati is a terrible place full of terrible people

Because they're always getting arrested?

stop giving up so many yards

nah the people are great it's just the sports teams that suck

Secondary is getting murdered


.all this shittalking as the Bengals embarrass this Seahawks defense

Join the /nfl/ game chat

Get in here bengal bros

at least its not cleveland

>This shitbowl gets another thread

the bengals patchwork OL making the seahawks DL look pedestrian.

Andy gasing and exposing this defense to win the game in a 2min drill. Just watch.

pretty cool huh

>two linemen fucking retire
>ones out 4 games for PEDs
>one is injured
and still, -only- what, two sacks on dalton?

oh come on


He was fucking hugging him, what more do you want?

>that's pass interference

jesus that is some horseshit

based refs

That is a weak fucking call

That's pretty obviously PI

>mfw I'm old enough to remember the AFC Divisional game against Seattle in 88-89
I don't know why I keep thinking of it, but I do. I was like 10, but goddammit that was amazing

that absolutely was pi

That may or may not be pass interference

Sure, why not.

Fucksakes, the first game of the season and the Bungles are already getting treated like the retarded kid in class

Based Rams making it to the only way people will accept a PI call is if the defender tries to decapitate you

>dbs finally make some outstanding plays

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He got a hand on the ball

>already has his hands around him with own personal weight shifting onto the receiver

that looked clean to me

>He didn't draft Carson
Lol gayboys

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>Xhecucks mad about refball

he had the man wrapped up BEFORE the ball got there, that's PI

see and here's the balancing holding call, dont worry its fine guys

>thinking the penalty would change anything
All it did was extend this scoreless drive

Flowers is bad, regardless of how bad that PI call was

I'm a Bengalsbro and the PI was ticky tack as fuck

>Bengals outplay Seattle for most of the game
>still going to lose

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flowers and shaquill are both pretty garbage.

>Willis was unable to raise his arms to even attempt the catch
>people will defend this

>this sport
>jizz jalunking

Clowney is overrated


Why are the seahawks defense tackling each other?

c'mon fat randy

He's defended 2 passes, has a sack

this but bullshit happens to us so much i cant feel bad, especially against the Stoolers.

zac is relying on the defense to get them a 3 and out then win with a fg in the last few seconds

Considering the rest of this game it's a reasonable plan

>Still cant get it in after refball
This is why I pray for patriots to Death Star the league

>that play call

the big question: is wilson worth 130 million? this 7 minute drive will tell us.

big percentage

Now don't get sacked every down.

thats kind of how I felt before he got to the hawks but I'll see how he does here now. so far he looks alright

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did that defensive pass interference get overturned? i missed it

no, bengals could only get 3 from the drive


This is the Bengals in every game they don't get blown out.

need to bring that down lockett

Run run pass punt

If the salary cap were higher, he'd be worth it.
At the current salary cap? No. He's good, but he's not good enough that after subtracting his cap hit the GM is going to have enough money to build a contender around him.


Pass run pass punt on this one, there's some variety for you.

welcome to the nightmare

playaction pass run pass but yeah i understand what you're getting at

Russell Wilson

Fuck no.

status update: wilson NOT worth it

Lockett should have had that tbqh but the offense is still stagnant


granted if lockett catches that ball (which was put directly into his hands) you're saying he's worth it

wilson secretly wants cinci to kick a field goal so he can make a game winning drive

And now it's Eifert time

I gotta hand it to Wilson. He cashed in at the right time and got paid. He's actually really good. But he's not great, he takes up too much cap space, and the Seahawks will almost certainly never win another Superbowl with him.

batted down

Seahawks D coming in hard now.


That's like 4 passes that have been batted down now

Game status: Bungled

hell yeah

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the DL has blocked more passes than the secondary. take that in for a moment.

>mfw safety

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Get ready for two run stuffs in a row

Bungles are seriously punting?

Go Hawks!

Bengals D have to do a thing now.

Why punt tho???

The ghost of David Fulcher haunts thee

They still have a chance if they can stop the Seahawks

Taylor wtf are you doing

need this stop right here

also probably 4th down as well

>why put your opponent with no oline in their endzone

pls bengls

the bengals arent gonna win this are they

>they keep posting the undefeated in september and home opener
yeah the script is in boys. the seahawks lose.


Not anymore, Taylor just shat two back to back timeouts for no reason and the defense is getting gassed

Of course not, it's been a closer game than I expected though

at this point, probably not

great game by the bengals though, losing by 1 when everyone thought you'd be blown out is a massive improvement over years previous

based carson

Carson just fucking manhandling the bungles d what a monster

>why give the opponent the ball back knowing there's a good chance you won't get it back

not fair, bengals D has been fantastic today, kept the hawks to something like three or four 3 and outs. hell they just did it with about 7 minutes to go in this very quarter

Why seahawks offense so bad outside of Carson?

Bengals win 23-21

Even if they can stop them, they're still going to have to put an 80 yard drive together in less than a minute. That was a bad call in an overall pretty well coached game. It's gonna be a L but they looked a lot better than I was expecting.

Dubs and Erickson runs it in for a td return.

If they really do, god bless the team, because Taylor really screwed them here at the end


they'll have what, 30 seconds left?

if they do this, i will eat a cigarette on stream

the seahawks are actually going to put this on their secondary. the secondary that has given andy dalton 400+ yards.

yeah the seahawks have lost.

all of them are literally whos

Why not try for the 1st down? Your defense been getting dunk and dink the whole game.

They don't need to, there's simply not enough time left for Cincinnati to capitalize

Bengals will have like 20 seconds and no timeouts and a shit kicker. This is over

because there's a big difference between 25 seconds and no timeouts, and a minute.

Go Bungals I must see this

They can do it lads..

How many of these heartbreaking defeats must I endure

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just drag it out even more

wtf is going on

ah shit here goes the refs, gg hawks, hope you have a good season

Good job Taylor, you definitely didn't need those timeouts that you spent. I can't fucking wrap my head around it.


I think he got it off

Should have gone for it, Bungles

Dalton wins on a hail mary

Will the steelers put up 40+ points on the hawks next sunday 10am?

Hope you guys have a good season too.

this season?

Dalton ALWAYS seems to have a problem with losing games because of defenders making him armfumble.

Dude needs to LEARN to get that shit out

Bull. fucking shit

gg see you bengbros next week

Did anybody win this game? They both look like complete shit.

Terrible call.

Terrible call

jesus fuck, that game


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refs that's a bullshit call but thank you for the win. bengals deserved the W though. 400+ yards on adny dalton is insane.

couldn't win by 2.5 could they fucking shithawks

Turds. Good luck Seattle good game time to finish my 12 pack

What an ez game gg no re

Holy fucking refball, that was not a fumble.

Seahawks fan here: Terrible call.

lol wat

As a seahawk fan that was not a fumble. ggs though

GG Bungle Bros. If Dalton plays like he did today for the majority of the season they should be in contention for the division, or at the very least a WC

I dont see it but I guess I'll take it

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lmao that fucking call was confirmed

gg ez

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fuck off tranny. you suck.

Lol we all know the NFL is rigged but wtf. How obvious.

bengals looked fantastic, compared to what they were projected to look like
minor mistakes cost this game, and this scoreline should give the team a ton of confidence, knowing they can make that many mistakes and still have a good shot at winning

LMAO. fucking manlet QB barely beat the bungles.

bengals have the moral victory.

Good luck Bengals. You guys looked really good to be honest. I'm sure you'll be fine.

>Seahawks fan here
Only plebbitors say shit like that. You have to go back.

As opposed to someone from Ohio lmao

Who gives a fuck what it was, don't have the game decided by your final drive with 10 seconds left in the fucking first place lol

It's not like the Bengals would've won if that call went different anyway

Sure, heading back to /m/.

Here's you.

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The small market team always gets buttfucked unless it fits the narrative. Catch you guys next week when we do it all over again.

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Prior to this game the Bungles were one of two teams that owned a winning record over Wilson. The other being the Chorgers

ugliest win ive seen for teh hawks

But Hail Marys are fun

we thought the same shit during the first half and then andy threw up a fucking TD to end the half.

>fumble call not overturned
I wanted the hawks to win, but that's bullshit. Refs gonna ref.

Almost gave me a scare. $50 survivor pool and picked the guaranteed. Would have been pissed if I lost in the 1st week.

Yeah because Dalton had NEVER won with seconds left on the clock before... Fucking horseshit call and everybody knows it, if they wouldve lost anyways give them the opportunity to fail fucking cowards.

Anything can happen in 10 seconds faggot this shit was rigged

GG bungles, you bungled it somehow against the worst o-line and db corps in the league. literally 1 point and a minute away from winning. Thanks i guess

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absolutely awful, terrible performance.
I know they started out slow last season but this offense was just painful to watch
Now on to pittsburgh and a visit from the saints

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Fucking lost my teaser because of that shitty fluke Hail Mary at the end of the 1st half. Fuck that asshole scrub safety on the Seahawks

Refs hate Ohio today. Hopefully they get into a terrible accident tonight for that.


>Bengals would've won if Bullock had just made an easy FG

welp gg

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nah. stakes would have been different.
the last 3ish minutes were pure clock management

and refs handing the seahawks the game for blown calls.

seethe harder

smd with your mothers lips

revenge for that bullshit PI call

seattle here, i had to look it up

wow it really is small . CUTE