T-minus 2 hours until the real game everyone wants to see starts today.

Get in here lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

Preemptive have six to all the haters

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I can't believe I'm rooting for the Stoolers. The Patriots are such a disgusting organization.


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fuck u nigga i ain't scared

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were gonna fuck you guys up

I've always hated the Patriots just like any normal football fan, but the way they went about getting AB was absolutely despicable. Knowingly inviting a mentally ill cancer into your club just for another target for Brady is ridiculous and shows they will stoop to any level to win. It's far beyond disliking them now. I now hope the whole organization goes down in a plane crash. Sincerely.

>its gonna be another "Tomlin blows the lead towards the end of the 4th with a series of shit play calls" episode
Hate these ones

>seething this hard
Calm down user.

joke's on you i've been numb to getting raped by the patriots for years

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dude its just a game lmao

Taking this shit too seriously.

Fuck Cheatriots

Fuck Bellicuck

and fuck Nigger Brown


Y'all got played hard boi. Can't blame a guy for wanting to join a team that actually wins superb owls

Been a long 10 years for you losers huh?

the amount of seething that will take place tonight is probably going to set a record for game threads.

Tom Brady is a system QB and 97% of his fans are transgenders

I'm gonna make the gamethread so don't make one I will do it


Why are New England women so cute

This is true

Because they don't wear burqas like you're used to?

Isn't Pennsylvania part of New England?

This is what flyovers actually believe

No you irrelevant piece of shit

Antonio Brown


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He is really adopting The Patriot Way

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Off subject, but HOLY FUCK Kyler Murray is absolute trash.

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>Pats surpass the Stooler’s SB wins this year, taking away the only thing they have left


I'm going to laugh my ass off in the post-match threads when the Steelers trash Tom Brady by double digits

Brady has literally, LITERALLY never lost a home game to the Steelers.


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I'll screenshot your post and make it the OP of the post-match thread myself.


You won't, because the Steelers are going to lose.


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Yeah because they got red balled out of a win in 2017 with the jesse james catch. Steelers mouth raped their shit last year and will rape them again tonight.

After the pats signing AB, the Steelers are going to go pure psycho beast mode on NE. It's not even gonna be close. Take this to the bank.

>now with rudolph the brain will never get unleashed

We'll never know the true power of Mega-Mind. :(

For me, it's the St Patrick's.

Cards GM down-low sending apology flowers to Rosen's agent.

brady goes down with ankle injury and is out for the rest of the season, screencap this

Pretty sure Ben has almost never beaten the Patriots.

>pats have the best wr corp ever assembled
>will run the ball on 65% of snaps
just preparing you

Patriots literally have no competition this year except for the Chiefs. If they beat the Chiefs again in the AFCC, there's no NFC team that can measure up, Brady can easily be getting seven this season

Brady lost his fucking mind. He invited Antonio Brown to live with him while he settles in. In his home. With his wife. And his children. Jesus fucking Christ.

Eagles fan reporting in.
Going to be a great game, I'll be a neutral here for the keks.
I think she's so fucking cute.

At the risk of sounding sour grapes, they literally get ref-balled strait up the ass every time they play. It's ridiculous. They literally even had to change the rules league-wide because of the time Jesse James got ref-fucked.

Yes! I am a fan of the New England Patriots!

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You're talking as if Brady lives in a hovel like you do. Odds are Brady invited Brown to live in a guest home, he won't be literally in the same house as Brady and his family

2017 wasn't at home you retard

Yea, I'm thinking this is based.

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Pats are gonna blow these bums out worse than the Ravens blew out the Doffins

Damn Michelle Tafoya is SEXY!

>Mike Garafolo @MikeGarafolo
>#Patriots LB Kyle Van Noy is inactive tonight because his wife is in labor, source says. The team knew from early today this was a possibility.

>Mike Garafolo @MikeGarafolo
>#Patriots LB Kyle Van Noy is inactive tonight because his wife is in labor, source says. The team knew from early today this was a possibility.

>Mike Garafolo @MikeGarafolo
>#Patriots LB Kyle Van Noy is inactive tonight because his wife is in labor, source says. The team knew from early today this was a possibility.

19-0 means more to Brady than his family

Goodell is gonna have to implement the mercy rule to stop the slaughter the Steelers are going to unleash tonight. This is a fact.

is this gonna be a delusional tripfag thread once again?

What a fucking piece of shit bum

I'm so fuckin hyped lads

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are you fucking kidding

Apparently so.

Yeah, fuck him for wanting to be with his wife while he gives birth to their child.

women must pay

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Tom Terriffic is a based Trump Supporter.

Like most threads involving boston sports teams of course

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Join the /nfl/ game chat

Steelers are going to lose 100-6


I hate those socialist cocksuckers. You're just a massive faggot to think VanNoy needs to play a fucking game while his wife is in labor. Guy isn't going to get paid today so it's not like he's robbing the team

>while he gives birth to their child

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What's up with Van Noy?



Can't wait to get a preview of teams my Cowboys could face in the super bowl

go patriots

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brett favre played on the day his dad died. these zoomer faggots need to get theyre priorities in order

why cant blacks have normal names

t. basedgoy
fucking 0 reason for him to be there and not doing his fucking JOB


and antonio brown will be super bowl mvp and hold up the trophy

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retards like you said the same shit when they signed ochocinco

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this shit is so fuckin gay man, gonna send it to my buddies to piss them off though

I have to be at work in 90 minutes

literally no one said that for ocho because he was washed up

Good luck Mr. Brady

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Damn picked Steelers for my Loser's Pool... Will Pats still win bros?

>Patrick Chung cocaine possesion
>Robert Kraft soliciting street whores
>Everything about Antonio Brown
>literal gangster murderers at tight end
What an absolute scumbag organization from the top down

holy shit what a cuck lmao

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that'd be 50 minutes there slugger, what are you from brockton?


B/a/sed /nesn/friends

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>cocaine and hookers
sounds based

Post rare Tomlins.

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a menace to society but fun to watch

The Patriots will lose

darkies gonna dark

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Great, now the fucking Argentina fag is back.

It wouldn't be a typical NE season without an early loss or few.

Wasn't the game supposed to start 15 minutes ago?

ravens are winning the owl

Case in point last season when they lost to the Lions


Go pats

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just ignore him

you're off by an hour my polynesian friend


It starts at 8:20 est

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Lol, it never fails to crack me up to see BB dressed like a hobo

I'm happy football is back.
Here as a neutral.


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And those losses to the Chiefs.

Get fucked Bradyfags

Big Ben is going to drill your shitty defense



19-0 this year boys

I guess you believe that degenerate scumbag behavior should be rewarded?

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Without the AB drama, the Steelers will be unbeatable

This game is already accelerating my pulse like crazy

What the fuck did Brady mean by this?

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this post didn't age well


Gronk must be so mad that Tom has a new bestfriend


He doesn't give a flying fuck about his own family. Color me shocked.

>america's pick
lol this'll be fun to watch throughout the season

he wants to pass his superior football genes into brown's anus

Patriots TE matt lacosse is a turbo chad

you heard it here first