Riddle me this, Yea Forums

Riddle me this, Yea Forums

Why would the Raiders give up Antonio Brown for absolutely nothing when they had weeks to potentially trade him?
What's the worst-case scenario there, that he completely tanks his trade value and they end up having to give him up for nothing? They already did that
That he's a giant distraction? They're going to be lousy anyways. At least that'd have people talking about them

Why would any team agree to this unless the fix was in to begin with?

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maybe they're just retarded

because everything is WWE. How can you watch NFL and actually believe these guys are competing against each other. The Pats have been crushing the AFC for 21 years. It is impossible to be that good that long in a competitive sport.

Al Davis was the poorest of all the owners back in the day. His net worth was 300 million. His kid who got the team legit looks like a window licker.... was told by the NFL, we stole your dads blueprint for developing teams....now is his payoff, we are moving you to vegas and giving you a new stadium...do as we say and you will be a billionaire.

The NFL told the raiders that they still need the pats relevant for all the SUPERFANS in NE and around the USA that just love tom brady and the pats system that is so different from all the wife beating face kicking other teams.

So AB get sent to the Pats so they can still win for all the fans and bring eyeballs each sunday.

How do people still watch this shit? I just tried watching the cardinals game for that QB that was talked about for the last 6 months.....He is down 17-3 at the half.

one more thing. If the NFL was not fixed Tom Brady would actually get smashed by defensive players.

The actual proof the NFL is fixed is Payton Manning could not run, turn his neck cause it was fused or throw a ball more than 7 yards and they handed him the lombardi trophy.....

But he is so awesome in commercials and on SNL which is another commercial.


>AB signing with Patriots
What the actual fuck? BB is the absolute madman, but I don't think it will hold. Josh Gordon and Antonio Brown on the same team is too much to handle.

>The actual proof the NFL is fixed is Payton Manning could not run, turn his neck cause it was fused or throw a ball more than 7 yards and they handed him the lombardi trophy.....
That team had an elite defense. They carried him to that title

Why would a team want to trade for him and pay that massive contract? How retarded are you?

Because if they don't it doesn't hurt the Raiders in any way at all so they might as well try?

All those behaviour problems of both weren't real, just elaborate acts

>If the NFL was not fixed Tom Brady would actually get smashed by defensive players.

well duh

refs literally look the other way when it's the cheatriots, then ask tommy for autographs after the game


If you had 0 credibility at first, that sealed it.

We got another retard here. Yeah it wont hurt the Raiders, if they traded him. It would hurt the other team. Somebody would have to pay him that big contract and not that many teams can afford to because of the salary cap. That is why nobody wanted to trade with the raiders! It's better to wait for the release and not give up anything in a trade and to sign him at a cheaper price. Exactly how the Patriots just did it.

>We got another retard here.

Yeah, you clearly
Why would the Raiders give up anything in a trade of AB?
They can literally just do the same exact thing they just did in a few months at the deadline
They have nothing to lose for trying to trade him
Would any team be dumb enough? Probably not, but you never know.

after the publicity, people were offering nothing for him, and time was a factor if they wanted to save face on the contract.

how do you fake a catch? do you think players are told to not catch passes?

You shamelessly let the defense interfere so you can get big market LA into the super bowl

Based schizo is correct that the reason the Pats have stayed good is connected with the other owners being window lickers.
All the revenue sharing, drafting, franchise tags, and salary caps in the world won’t prevent retarded management from fucking up. Almost all NFL teams are run by complete and thoroughly braindead idiots.
Dumberer Davis Jr. Is just the start. Look at the $(ers new disgusting stadium or the other business swindles going on. The on the field product is the last thing that gets what small amount of bandwidth is available to these organizations. The Patriots and a very few others are the exception.
The next time you wonder how a team can perennially be such a failure, ask yourself if you know the name of the owner. I’m looking at you, Cowboys.

>dude what is a defense

Let’s review:
Jerry Jones builds a giant stadium and only is disappointed about not getting to the SuperBowl for that reason. Meanwhile, he does nothing to prevent his quarterback from getting ded and keeps hiring based retard coaches that won’t question him.
Nuff said.
Dan Snyder is too worried about being un-PC that he doesn’t care that his team has been synonymous with shit for 30 years since his owl winning quarterback got broke in half.
I could go on.
Most of these faggots are too worried about getting taxpayer funded stadiums to enrich themselves and managing their own celebrity to do the job they should or get the fuck out of the way.

lol, he just tied it with a 2 point conversion!!!

defense does not win championships...... it makes you great. offensive and defensive coordinators sit next to each other in the sky boxes. That is what wins championships.

Keep clinging to fused next payton and be sure to stock up on nation wide insurance with your papa johns xxxxxxtra large while watching snl.