Tied 7-7

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope saqoun barkley gets a career ending life altering injury this game

Eli "i'm not even the best player on my own team" Manning.

Very rude sir.

seething zeke cockcucker


I bet you do, Cowbo.

Eli "The Greatest Quarterback of Al Time" Manning

>This fucking game

Attached: weew.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

He's never been the best player on this team.

that's not nice

Attached: 533461-pete_hines_05.jpg (795x960, 52K)


Join the /nfl/ game chat !

Reminder Saquon has already achieved more than Zeke.


> no the fix was in dont call it

Texas is getting raped by another hurricane this year and I hope your mother drowns in her living room during it

Reminder that the Dallas Cowboys are the first team in the NFL to represent the LGBT community

Attached: Screenshot_20190908-170043.jpg (1080x1920, 766K)

Fuck off tranny

Is there anything Barkley cannot do?

Regularly owns the Cowgirls, Iggles and Deadskins on the football field.

Regularly owns the polfags by sleeping with his beautiful white wife.

Go for it pussies

im making chicken wings

>some british faggot talking to me about football

some pakis are raping your sister get them off her

Yes WE DEM BOYZ we are back


Giants are getting refballed so fucking hard

>intentional grounding

Attached: 1448332857312_0.jpg (300x360, 8K)

I'm sure glad jerry paid the refs too

Eli "I have 2 more superbowl rings than your last dozen QB's combined" Manning.

Attached: DAB or whateva.png (472x636, 320K)

hahaha holy shit Eli is ass

But he's speaking the truth


this explains why most dallas fans are homosexuals

Dilate Vagiant tranny

>Eli "Not very good at playing quarterback in the NFL anymore" Manning


Attached: come on1.gif (281x295, 2.97M)

Can I have some...

Wew senpai dak and Zeke are little babies

Attached: refball - partybus.png (647x636, 543K)

whats fgucking new

>Eli "Currently playing better than Pat Mahomes and Dak Prescott" Manning

>summertime lover


Seething Cheatriots fan detected

Never forget 18-1



>refball in Dallas
why am I not surprised

Count to 6


That spic probably does so much coke.


Is there anything more gay than a dallas fan who also happens to be a liberal?

If you were ref would you not have called the int grounding??

The perma obsessed Xeagles """fans""" since 2018 that have nothing better to do than shit up this thread because they're coping for almost losing to the Redcucks

>all those starving third-world Africans wearing "PATRIOTS UNDEFEATED SEASON" gear

Attached: tears.jpg (227x220, 25K)

Yankees and its not even close

>playing better than Dik Pusstwat
You're setting a pretty low bar, my dude

The Raiders probably have more criminals, per capita


You're either a Giants, Redskins, or Eagles fan.

Stop with the reverse psychology faggot shit. IT's bad enough EDP445 does it every fucking week.

Barkley was in the vicinity

I thought Dallas fans were libertarians or conservatives

The Yankees are indisputably the greatest sports dynasty that's ever existed.

>not knowing the line of scrimmage rule

Dallas is full of illegal immigrants and their white keepers now

Attached: 1556163938711.jpg (1080x1350, 1.85M)

that applies if the ball passes the line of scrimmage.



I hate my life

i'm so happy bros

I thought this was supposed to be an easy game for the Cowboys?

Austin is the LGBTQ city in Texas, and they are undoubtedly Eagles fans.

Raiders and Patriots.





Is it thicc mexican girl postin time?

Attached: download.jpg (474x474, 35K)


Is this real life?

That's disgusting

I love boning fat girls so much.

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Come in Giants. Take your swing.

Attached: 1567734272544.gif (317x460, 3.34M)

Attached: 4t4t4g4.jpg (672x434, 23K)

>name is "gallup"
>is good at galloping
>plays on a team called "Cowboys"

Attached: thinking.gif (512x807, 469K)



Attached: 1550596813101.jpg (768x1024, 81K)

based. can we contribute to their legal fund?

Classless and childish comment. Grow up user

After since this refball, the Cowshits have been rallying

Breadpill me on Dak, why is he so good?


Because Skip said so.

Because the secondary sucks and there's no passrush



Death, taxes, Jason Witten killing the Giants in the season opener

>goo goo ga ga ME LIKE ASS
redditgles fags out in full force tonight

Giants with junior college tier tackling


Witten is a legend. Not a boyz fan either.

40yr old are a man score 69 TD’s against NYG soft defense lolololololol

Where are all the Gnatfucks so I can laugh at them one at a time?

A long time ago the US Naval Academy had a player on their football team named Wave Ryder. Never forgot that.



Attached: 1544150697170.jpg (1080x1350, 64K)

So who should the Giants get with the #1 overall pick in 2020?

And now they're perma seething that we're in line to bootyblast them TWICE

>user hating on another user
go play in traffic faggot

>refball kills Giants momentum
akin to clay vessels

>it's buzzing in Arlington
He forgot to mention the crowd noise fake and amplified on loud speakers.

When did Dallas start using a train horn for touchdowns? Did they copy the Astros?

Fat ≠ Thicc

Attached: 1567308184224.gif (200x274, 550K)

Holy fuck the Giants (minus Barkley) suck absolute tranny cock

>Jason Witten catching a flying piece of pigskin in 2019

stop posting your hambeast sisters

>getting dabbed on by 50 year-old ESPN commentator
lol gnats

Jason Witten looks even slower than he did before retirement but he still makes defenders miss because of his route running.


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>Thomas covering Witten

Never send a malnourished jungle pygmy to cover a based Aryan God

How could I POSSIBLY get a girl like this?

>Dallas Touchdown
>Country music bumper

Like clockwork

I am willing to bet Texas Live is just as loud. Was there for a preason game and fans were screaming.

Refs screwed over the Giants, how unexpected

10/10 visual

Attached: 06DFFE4E-A009-4F1E-9C27-8D00B92C779C.png (830x728, 338K)

kys chubby chaser

>Meet grill
>Feed the hell out of her

Attached: 181c22202706b8609bb79036bab4c040-imagejpeg.jpg (1305x2320, 3.08M)

Seethe and cope

>obsessed Turkroach enters thread
Imagine almost losing to the Redcucks lmao

based quads
fuck dallas, fuck country music, fuck spics, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, and fuck niggers

Attached: 1536800437006.png (1000x1000, 115K)

Exacerbated by the fact that the Giants defence would struggle to tackle a pop warner football player

Dallas winning off reffball again

of course cowboy fans fuck fat chicks, why am i not surprised

he is the tim duncan of football. nigga is just spicy on his route running and his blocking is decent and he just does basic shit really well.

>58 year old jason witten in the year 2032 still on the 2nd string of cowpucks

Cowboys super bowl bound
Who can stop us?

Attached: 1567877231779.jpg (256x256, 15K)

She's not even fat though

Dem boys winning

Which one of Dallas' transvestite cheerleaders sucked ref cock?

What did I miss?

thread theme

Pretty based place to drink. I wouldn’t go there for a NFL game and their fans. Baseball and college football is fun


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Multicultural Dallas fans.

do you waddle when you walk

>t. Zeke crotch sniffer

Don’t bother changing the channel, Coral, I got your update right he-

Attached: CF98BBB0-391A-4A72-A058-EF1EB5011062.png (500x599, 235K)

>hating the based cowboys
Jew York is full of tranny freaks, hippies, and shitskins not to mention the rat plague

Fucking ruined;

Attached: the architect.webm (960x960, 2.93M)

looks fat to me

deceptive angles

Bro I'm a fat fetishist and I can tell you she's fat. Not a bad thing at all though.

Attached: ff69a27e-4224-4d2c-b850-0e76758a728d.jpg (720x720, 90K)

Jason Garret

Saquon is unironically better though

>fuck country music
Agree on everything but that.

Attached: 5AB923CE-7274-4FC9-B115-0102AB295471.jpg (1018x1024, 159K)

this is so fucking disgusting. her wrist looks like the michelin man

>almost losing
no, >we were pretending to be bad

Texas is bombarded with illegals and tattooed Cubans. The cities are full of yuppies from's no different from New York.

>there are actual giants fans

imagine the smell

Attached: EAkaRbJWsAA1jZv.jpg (400x400, 28K)


America's team, THE Dallas Cowboys, are THE hottest team in the NFL, have the best team in the NFC BY FAR, and are looking TOTALLY UNSTOPPABLE.

as soon as you're done shitting your diapers like a cucked bitch, go ahead and let me know how hard you're seething. tell me all about your impotent rage you fucking loser ass wipes LMFAO.





WE DEM BOYS *dabs hard on you crybaby retards*

Attached: NOOOOOOIggles.png (1026x1255, 716K)

Classless and childish comment. Grow up user

Bro i'm fucking eating here.

Based giants fan



gas fatties


>reddit spacing
>Dallas fan

Go Boys!

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the face looks almost exactly like a girl i had a thing with in highschool yet i know for a fact she isn't this thick

Barkley was open. Wtf?


stop posting fatties you dumb titfag

>mfw my best friend is a THICC latina with huge tits, a pretty face and good teeth
>mfw she has a child and a boyfriend
>mfw i want to cum on her titties

Attached: 1297550418641.jpg (126x95, 3K)

Don't be, we're getting higher draft picks


Attached: 1555965585187.webm (608x872, 785K)


Is this how Dak will look in the future?

Attached: A6496AD9-AF0E-4B01-8E01-6B7B8F252D10.jpg (2455x3432, 1.02M)

kris richard is fuckin based, i hope he stays long term

how the hell can a cuckboys fan call another fanbase soi

>the defense and Oline are trash. clearly this is the running back's fault

Eli is senile be nice

>brown skin
>brown eyes
>brown hair
please spam a different thread with this mexishit goblina

Win a ring this century, faggot.

Why is fag Aikman and Joe Buck allowed to commentate Dallas games when they're clearly biased?

This, but unironically.

Is this scooter mcgruder

not at all. delusional cowboys hatred knows no bouds

Don't be gay. You know damn well you would go balls deep

Attached: 1559298921045.webm (640x640, 1.43M)

Gnats pls win

Attached: E1F3FD2F-BFA0-4BC3-B3A0-2826BB732AAD.jpg (822x1024, 91K)

Attached: 894249AC-F60B-46B0-843B-AF982082E0C6.jpg (500x500, 44K)

aikman loves the cowboys but he's not the smartest guy so he goes way the fuck in the other direction when he's commentating on games

joe buck is a faggot and I hope he ODs


fake tits and she's a dumb fucking whore
fuck her

What the consensus on this white braphog?

Attached: 1552421500330.jpg (900x1200, 193K)

Dallas fans and the team are inherently weak and feminine. Football is an outdoor sport yet they play indoors on fake grass. They even heat up the stadium in the winter like pussies. They can't even play real football. Even their crowd noise is amplified. Weak ass fanbase and team.

both are top 2 backs, but Elliott has a top 3 o-line and Saquon has a bunch of nobodies
Just like how Barry was better than Emmitt Smith

I’m onboard with this.

Now THAT is thicc

Attached: 1565206915562.gif (300x170, 427K)

as a sidenote, this is Kyler Murray's statline

Attached: 1559235794136.png (1080x187, 103K)


8.4/10 would dump my entire load inside

Fucking gross. Who buys DVD’s?

daniel jones is unironically going to have a better career than kyler muray lmao

African American male here. Would hump and dump.

this hamilton guy is getting bullied every single play, just take him out of the game already

>15 minutes time-out for avatarfagging
there's powerful niggerdry at work here. Also ditto.

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Toll pending

Still can't do it
>You forgot QB and HC

Just imagine the smell bros
Yea we know

>this is Daks best 1st half ever

Truly pathetic

Giants have a shitty secondary.

too much cellulite, legs too short.

This. win or lose cowboys are gay af

Why the fuck is Hamilton playing

She's perfect.

Hand and time stamp now

He'll get one eventually. He's gonna be wasted on this team like Calvin Johnson on the Lions.

Nice throw Dakota.

Find Madea Boo 2 and I’ll give you a prize anons

she's probably a butterface atheist who fucks nigs
far from perfect

How is the new offensive coordinator for the cowboys

>nfceastfags can't dab on DEM BOYS so they lowkey post other shit
Just kys lads.

Attached: 1537188569863.jpg (1080x1066, 96K)

Way to use your head Carter

The next McVay/Shanahan

Stop, I don't want to jerk off rn

Is Jason Sehorn available? This whole entire defense can't fucking tackle.

>I ain't never met a nigga smart enough to work a personal computer.
>Not even a Macintosh.

Attached: ruckus boomertime.jpg (1200x628, 65K)

>dem boyz
sounds gay and sounds like youre trying to be black

That's wife material right there

>only argument against Dallas is insulting the fandom as per usual
Keep seething faggots.

Attached: 1566125983238.webm (640x800, 1.12M)

tf is wrong with kellen, running is the cowboys strength, not passing



stop posting braphogs ples you're just reminding me of how lonely I am

That missed too many men penalty shook the Giants.

Ah i see the nfl flew in the refs from the browns game.

No we need a mix of everything

fuck niggers fuck women

Says the wetback.

Your typical Dallas fan right here everyone

mix being the key word, barely ran the ball at all so far

A more accurate statement has never been made.

Attached: 1490307792859m.jpg (1024x936, 153K)

What do you think the gnats planed for?

what's a bra phrog?

Attached: 1512465825395.png (1000x1248, 1.16M)

Good grief, should could snap your dick off with her pussy muscules

Attached: 1557687504930.webm (960x686, 1.55M)

Why are Cowboys struggling against one of the worst secondaries in the NFL?

Because Kitna has worked with Dak. Plus Dak has new weapons. I'd be throwing it too. Build that two TD cushion then run it down their throats later.

Fake and gay

Nah. The Giants are just bad. Trade Eli. Get a pick for next year. Play Jones. This defense is gonna be the downfall and when they get behind early they're not gonna be able to stretch the field. It's gonna be dink and dunk to engram and Barkley all season

There really isn't much the Giants can get for Eli. He's getting old and he has a big contract and everyone knows the Giants will cut Eli at the end of the season anyway, so who would trade for him.

It's not fake if you all literally say it. White kids trying to sound black.

18-23, 231 YDS, 2 TD

Exactly. And this scrub wants more money. LOL

Do fat chicks get tattoos because they think we'll take them more seriously or something?


If you're a dicklet

Literally no arguments

You walk into your father's bedroom and find this, what do you do?

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Can ANYONE stop the Cowboys this year bros?

Most cattle get branded too

eli is based, fuck off

Attached: 1557681204276.png (1254x1771, 407K)

I'm drowning in flags


Tell this whore to leave and bang my father

Yes, mami. Just like that.

Seethe and cope

Summertime lover~

>looks like the Giants jumped
I'm bout to jump myself.

Attached: peace.jpg (657x788, 58K)

so many fucking penalties

>name is Bess(ie)

Kellen Moore is based

>when Dallas has Mexicans representing them

U r so mad white boy

Attached: 1544699078414.jpg (966x1200, 208K)

I don’t like football anymore guys

I think it's more Eli wants to be a giant for life. Jags just lost foles but with his 88mil I don't they can take on his money. He's gotta be worth a 4th to a team that needs a qb. Colts have been rumored. But they just signed brissett. Eli has what? 7 yards per attempt? I'm a huge Eli supporter and I still think he can play but he has everything stacked against him on this team

Giants defense looks shook. They are so confused that they are jumping plays to get an advantage. Cowboys in control for now.

It's gonna be another rough 4 months bros.

Attached: giants-sad.jpg (749x499, 130K)


Attached: bobby b2.jpg (500x364, 36K)

Reminder that she's suppose to be a comedy writer. Also, look at her, you just know she's into anal.

Attached: bess-kalb-photo-u1.jpeg.jpg (650x649, 49K)

Please stop, this is making me want trap pix

This is what you get for being a gnats fan.

Should have chose better.

This Giants D is division 3 level

the eagles will destroy both of those shit teams

Attached: onamission.png (1080x843, 2.04M)

Nah, as a matter of fact you're just proving my point on how multiracial the Dallas fanbase is. Keep it up.

Attached: Giants_and_NFC_East.webm (512x384, 2.52M)

And what's the problem?

iktf breh

Attached: 1552766903925.jpg (1079x1347, 328K)

Dak is a dark horse MVP candidate

We must endure for that #1 pick

Nazi punks fuck off

Not with Daddy Foles.

That user wants only white cowboys fans.

>I think it's more Eli wants to be a giant for life.
Mara is also a coward who won't even allow the coaches the entertain the thought he traded or benching Eli

He's from /pol/, ignore and sage.

Mount Union would hang 100 points on this Giants team. Wouldn't even be a contest.

as a jets fan, at least we have an Elite QB to look forward to

Heeeeey, Reddit! Goy my onions and clove cigarettes in hand. How about this game, huh? Upboats for everyone!

She doesn't look like that anymore, that was at least 20 years ago


Look at the stadium lots of white fans

They're going to come back against the Cowgirls, bro.

How the hell do shoes get tangled like that?

Darnold choked like a dog in the last drive and he threw for less than 200 yards

the fuck are you talking about retard learn to write

But there are Mexicans there too.

And then shit the bed against the bills next week.

Get your gay ass off of here.

>Dak is a darkie

Attached: 1565834246333.jpg (500x810, 55K)

This guy is the next McVay

Attached: jess-haynie_dallas-cowboys_3-reasons-why-kellen-moore-should-not-become-offensive-coordinator-e15480 (2718x1680, 595K)

And that's a problem

i smoked 7 little cigars yesterday (first time ive smoked tobacco in 6 months) after swearing off it for the rest of my life and now my throat is all fucked up

You know it boi

Attached: 0D1F1F63-BCA4-407E-A5FE-342D7444C95F.png (791x896, 171K)

How much do you think this guy charges for a haircut?

What the fuck are "women"

Attached: 1564967150643.jpg (571x822, 44K)

There's no problem. It's a problem when Cowfags make Jew York comments yet have one of the most diverse fanbases. They're hypocrites

>supporting the gnats

Shiggy, boys

Attached: 1553007900058.jpg (1280x853, 148K)

>That time she got butthurt because one of her "friends" took her to an expensive Italian place and she couldn't read the menu so they wrote a whole article about how rich white people food is bad because retards like her can't read the menus
I actually felt kinda bad for her at that point, what a shitty thing to do.

I'm writing? I thought I was typing? I meant without. Carson hasn't played a full season since his rookie season correct?

Who /wants both teams to lose/ here ?

Nothing wrong with Mexicans, trust me bro, they are fine.

Attached: 1567493366642.jpg (500x810, 74K)


Cuz u gay

Femboys and traps are life, family

Attached: 2D7A796A-DAAC-4E68-A507-A3C227ED7C70.jpg (480x360, 7K)

Fuck you too, nigger.

Her posts are jokes right?

Dilate, tranny.

They're like you but have bobs for some reason.

NFL oddities: shoe laces locked together

Dak is fucking elite niggers

Shoes tied together in a perfect union.
Is Tiki Barbeer dead yet

fuck off back to réddit with your mexican spam

Bros wtf?

Is Dak actually Elite?

They're pissed your wall bill got lost in the mail.

Attached: 1562282600051.jpg (799x1200, 106K)

Kill me



Attached: 1567966383754.png (400x563, 98K)

That happens when your team is popular and successful but still more white people than Mexicans

Agreed but I think he deserves that respect.... To an extent. You can't bench him in the first 4-6 weeks. Especially if you wanna trade him. After 6 weeks if they're dead in the water then go to Jones and give Eli the last home game or something.

They spent all that money on defense last two years and it did shit. LB core and secondary are atrocious. No tackling. Can't cover. O line is still trash. No matter who is back there they're gonna get beat up. They gotta find a way to play Jones at some point.

Baker got E X P O S E D

All my sports teams are shit, I have no meaningful relationships, I'm a retard, literally nothing to live for.


Attached: CqRYzWCVMAEtlpK.jpg large.jpg (480x416, 35K)

She's the one who probably came up with the whole concept

Hey Dallas, thanks for killing Kennedy.


>hot lace-on-lace action





Attached: cowboys punch.gif (684x646, 1.2M)

Giants literally no defensive pass rush

>Burn every braap barn to the ground!!

Attached: 1493163613512.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

Game over

I hate this guys, see you after 5-11 ;_;

Attached: 18926548-B093-4726-9551-09FB3DEFE5C6.gif (350x300, 432K)

This isn’t fun bros, GNATS aren’t even trying.

MVP Season and will be the highest paid player in NFL history as deserved. You heard it first based Bahamabro


We got to build the wall in our southern border

Damn, Dak can throw??



>21-7 in the first half
who else here /wanna die/?

Attached: stronk wammenz.png (476x357, 278K)

amari cooper is not julio jones, what the fuck are you saying troy

What's Mike gonna start with tomorrow? Jest or gnats?

Attached: image.jpg (768x431, 47K)

Daily reminder to Cowboys fans that calling somebody "your boy" in prison is a code word for gay lover

how's it feel being gay?

t. narco

What's the song the Boyz play after touchdowns?

Where are all the Gnatfucks? Where's the shit talking?

Attached: IMG_20160309_230502.jpg (800x770, 191K)

Giants because he's been feuding with Gettleman all Summer


Attached: 1562556152094.jpg (2730x4095, 2M)

Too easy cowbros



Well at least I'm not a Mexican so I will always be superior over you, regardless of whose favorite NFL team wins today.

Dak mvp would be based af

Jesus fucking Christ I hate the fucking cowboys.

Attached: 16562-22061.jpg (320x240, 10K)

Well, it was a fun season for about an hour.

are they drinking beer on the sidelines

Attached: D9B0AF2E-E7CC-4A9B-A987-350E9E8287A5.jpg (2552x3398, 980K)

We're just saving ourselves for the second half.

Attached: 1567352374288.jpg (720x531, 40K)

>those Kyle Murray stats

Drogas! Trabajo!

Attached: 1564540809487.jpg (640x596, 39K)

Bro delete this

>tfw you get to watch the cowboys silence the haters, and get to hear your bitch scream your name

Attached: 1536277536222.jpg (374x452, 34K)

Based cowboy hater


Attached: 1561529541375.webm (700x700, 2.9M)

Hell yeah I would.

Kellen Moore will lead the boys to the owl

With the way the Giants are playing, I'd say it's Miller time for the cowboys

Black Quarterbacks really are taking over. How long before white boys are completely removed from pro sports?

Attached: be.jpg (3264x2353, 2.04M)

Go cry somewhere else.

a game with all drunk players would be an upgrade


Eli sucks

Giant pull ahead to win it, keep in mind this time last game Eagles were 0-17.

Are you a castizo?

That's actually your bitch, right?

No we are all seething indios

>2 possession game
>shit talking

thicc latin girls. WE DEM BOYS

Attached: Untitled.png (633x916, 970K)

10 years max.

Having the cowboys play drunk would be a great way to level the playing field.

Dallas fans only talk shit when they're winning though. None of you have the backbone to represent your time through and through. When the Giants were winning at first you were all silent.

God Bless you.

Not soon enough

Nice coping kek

yeah we superbowl now

Attached: gunslinger mode activate.png (884x535, 777K)

that bitch is a jew, isn't she?

Two possessions is not two possessions. I'll explain later.

Christian McCaffrey

do any >gints fans actually think they can win this? the team hasn't been good in a while

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Seitokai Yakuindomo S2 - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.48.976.jpg (1920x1080, 664K)

About 20 years when Brady retires.

Espanol solo, hombre


And now you guys aren't saying anything. Shut up, be humble.

No they talk shit when losing. But you guys are like LOL why talk shit when you're losing idiot?!

holy shit Eli fucking sucks

Fuck white people

Kellen Moore is based

Those are for the refs

Can you blame those white women? Black men are superior to white men, it's an obvious choice to make.

Nothing personal, kids.

>tfw live in Odessa with Latina dime pieces as far as the eye can see

Sup guys. This the cuckposting thread?

Lmao Dallas has been shit since forever fuck off

Yeah. Party in Dallas.


Horrible woman.

little guy wont last 3 years.
Sad reality for white boys

>cowboys thread
>full of anti-white spics
lmao every time.

>mfw from Midland
When's the next mass shooting?

Attached: 398983093.png (316x317, 175K)


Nah, thats water

We're still here though lol. This happens every game. And none of you are home fans.

do people unironically think NY is still relevant?

Attached: 1559265595266.gif (500x432, 1.62M)

>down by 2 TD's
>get the ball back at the half
>it's all ogre
kill yourself faggot

Pat, dude come on.

Holy shit ELi fucking sucks dick

smegma or whatever that coaches name is is shook as fuck lmao

I've actually hung out with this chick a couple times. Pretty cool

>"""""game of the week"""""

>tfw no mixed gf who's ashamed of being mixed

Giants and iggles fans turning thread in to race baiting thread.

Nah, he’s just too old.

Halftime faptime

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Prove you're a real Dallas and post where you were born. Or I can't take any of you seriously.

I think it’s just every day in Odessa at this point.
>you will never live a humble life in Balmorhea with a qt mexicana

>be a fucking coach
>don't know how challenge flags work

Attached: is this faggot for real4.png (491x585, 56K)

>mfw only have keeth left

I remember Balmorhea. They have that nice river pool with the fishes.

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I'm from Amarillo. I do nothing but run a cowshit farm, and I don't even have cows.


toll: paid

how much of a whore is she

cowcucks are all frontrunners. the fact that you even think some are literal texas natives makes you a retard

Texas used to be part of Mexico that has to count for something right?

no you didn't loser

I hope some of your relatives get deported.

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dak can't pass WELL, that's the problem

Seriously nigga makes me wanna root against the Cowboys.

What's wrong with black women?
They are hot

Does Mesquite count?

god I’d fuck aoc

Yup chadboy fans going ham on the gfs of giants fans that came down

North Richland Hills. Fort Worth Native.

But we've been here since 1640?

Latinas are hotter.

No. Prove YOU'RE a real Dallas.

based coalburning jewess

Attached: fef.jpg (960x539, 135K)

Why is Eli still in the league, he's fucking awful and autistic

>debt consolidation

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Who /plano/ here

>Latinas aren't hotter
ftfy whiteboi

It’s still rightful Mexican clay on temporary lease to the burgers.

In my opinion we should give Texas back to Mexico along with the rest of the border states, including California. Texans aren't willing to defend their land anyway. Why do they deserve it? They have the nerve to call themselves patriots and even call their football team "America's team", but there's nothing American about them.

I know but still why all the successful negros want white gfs?

/Garland/ here

Our friend, the Comanche Springs Pupfish

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Born in Midland, living in San Antonio.

No, i'm not gonna root for the Toxins.

New thread

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pls leave headless poster


Why are we posting whores here if they will never hang out and sleep with anyone of us?

Because it's the most popular team in the league despite being shit for so long

nothing out of the ordinary really but there's a lot of whores in tally. She worked with a mutual friend at a place called gvo and they would be at afterparties sometimes.

Arlington, Texas, nerd



Fuck Texas Fuck the Eagles. Fuck everything. Eli is gonna snap both collar bones running it in for the W and then Danny Jones takes over to cement the 2019-2026 champs. Eli to the hall of fame, Jones to be elected president. I am not a crazy person.

>all soibois fans are spics

Attached: golden.jpg (272x248, 33K)

Texas used to be spanish like 200 years ago, so i guess that counts

Well, that excuse works for the whole league except east coast teams above florida

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Edmonton Alberta
Been living in Texas for 27 years now

who dis

>not even one play into the second half

Attached: really nigger I haven't even finished my coffee yet.png (306x306, 112K)

Whats up with fkags tonight, i've watched a couple games as a warmup and the refs are flag happy

Your mom

>they haven't converted on third down yet this game

Keller, TX

trying to show off big ref penis

I'm a Texan before an Americuck you flaming faggot.

I knew there was a reason I watched sports other than trying to fit in

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People remember now that >we have a good defense now, right?

>field goal



Daniel Jones when?