/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sadttee Edition

>Countdown to Singapore GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>F1 2019 PC /f1/ League Access Code
league Info Here: archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/94148301/#94162184

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 284
V. Bottas 221
M. Verstappen 185
C. Leclerc 182
S. Vettel 169

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 505
Ferrari 351
Red Bull 266
McLaren 83
Renault 65

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without EVER scoring a podium:
170 (172 entries)

>Point difference between Gasly and Albon
31 points

>Hund status:
Ze stewards vere feige, zhey didn't penalized DieSchreiber because they vere scared of ze italianen

Leclerc: "With Vettee around it would have been easier winning"
Toto seething at Leclerc's moves
Gio the Nazi: "With results like today no one is gonna take away my seat"
Vettee is a broken man

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes Charles NICE WIN

WEC is equally as good

Mediocre race for Albon

He did the qualy with Rosanna co-commentating and it was 100 percent comfy.

Love Carrie Schreiner

In the Ferrari show in Piazza Duomo on Thursday they asked Binotto what was the first thing he said to Charles as TP and he answered:
>"Charles, I have a son the same age of you, I know how you guys behave, don't fuck around with me"

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8th for STROLL made it to Q3, had great pace, went +2 at the start and would have finished P6 if not for that punt from Vettel.

Bum pats to Carrie

Very interested in purchasing one of carrie's seat inserts. is it cruel to wish for her team to go arse up so I can buy one at the liquidation auction?

Actually nowadays most top level motorsport championship (WEC, F1, WTCR, RX, FE,... ) are utter jokes of themselves

More like
>Grazie Penaltie

lil' bob update to me

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Life to carrie and strength to her hymen

I looked on the internet, is this him?

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death to Carrie. going to tweet her this thread.

Hey Germany you guys go day.month.year don't you?

>no F1 next week
how do you guys cope

He’s definitely improving. He’s got the advantage of stability with his dad owning the team. Hoping for him to continue improving to eventually reach the upper part of the midfield.

I have no idea but that reminded me of a >Me on the left moment during podium

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Replaying some old kino races on [redacted]

tearing of the dress off of carrie pushing her over kicking her into my bathroom and then locking it overnight without the light on to carrie


it's finals time. iggs b2b

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t. lawrence

but I do too. Today looked so promissing, monza is his ground, but vettee just had to fuck it


>unironically making excuses for billionaires buying their way in to F1 drives
I hope an asteroid wipes out all life on earth including me just so it takes you out.

He still was a retard for that move that almost made him crash with the toro rosso

The team should have help him tho in that

did they?

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Just watched the race, all I can say is ricciardo is unexposable. Hulkenshit couldnt help but finish 12 seconds behind. HIDF silent. Many such cases.

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Nope, Federica chooses only the top cut of F1 people to entertain herself with

get fucked bahanig

who's the clown?

it was a pic related moment
I raged as fuck for vettee punting him, and then he did the same shit
But I have to assume he couldn't see shit, same as Vet I guess.

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The hatchet job in about Lewis Hamilton is total bullshit. He is the ultimate winner who is surrounded by a great team.

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I would ________ Hanna

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I'm tired of football 2bh, only basketball, tennis and F1 for me.

I don't know what that is but I am not gonna ask and ruin it for everyone.


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what a fucking dumbass you must be to think mercedes form has dropped

I find it difficult to be aroused by her since she was exposed as being a "but her emails" tier brainlet.

>...because they were always der unterhund
>t. oto

sfera ebbasta aka the stampede guy

Gotta get those sponsors huh

That was somehow heartwarming

>O'Shilly seething

Yeah but that just makes her desperate fall from grace even better when her first shoot is with a Mexican.

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I would like to state that, despite Bottas shagging her on their wedding night, I would still forgo all morals and plant my seed inside Emilia over and over again then watch with pride as she raises our children with not even a slightest bit of neekeri in them.

That is all.

Does the Money Badger still get paid if he has a good result?

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WEC died with the introduction of diesel, world-level touring cars have always been bad, rallycross stopped being relevant in the 80s and Formula E has kept a consistent meme status since the beginning. F1 is swinging widely between terrible and good this year and is likely to end with a damp squib when Merc seal both titles with two races to go.

It's not even politics though tbqh, it's just holy fuck how literally low IQ do you need to be to buy in to 24 hour cable news wedge issue bait?

>implying that it won't happen a lot sooner

>Endurance racing died with the introduction of a more durable fuel

I don't think Lewis can with mathematically before then, Bottas needs to rack up a few 4ths and probably a DNF in Singapore.

>diesel is more durable
Is diesel, dare I say, the manliest fuel?

Of course, he doesn't wear those shorts and shitty socks for no reason. Ricciardo literally doing it it for fees and still btfos his teammate.

yfw the remainder of Hamilcuck's career is just Lekek pushing him off the track and doing illegal shit and the FIA letting him get away with it like they did for him for the last decade

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Let's ask the airforce

LeClerc moving to Red Bull?

Imagine seething this much at the most successful driver of the modern era.

And again I reply that Emilia's ovaries have been crushed and drowned in horse semen. Her cervix is permanently stretched into an onahole for her horses and that if your baby somehow was inside she would absolutely get off in having it pummelled to a paste by Grando.

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Sauce on that? Too lazy to search myself

back off from Federica


Imagine being a paki trying this hard to look like british, hoping that by then they won't see him as an untermensch

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based bad mommy thread /d/ poster

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Can't wait when Nico "zoomer pander" rosberg posts a clip about charles being the fastest dude on the grid&lewis losing form so someone will ask lewis about it


cant blame him


just like when Max won a few races and suddenly it was the "changing of the guard" strange how that worked out

Is the tweet still up?

Lewis fans:
>"REEEEEEE why do people care if Lewis spends his spare time going to fashion shows, recording rap music, and sharing vegan recipes. He's allowed to spend his free time doing whatever he enjoys!!!"
Also Lewis fans:
>"REEEEEEE how dare Nico spend his spare time going to races and making YouTube videos about F1. He said he retired from F1, so he should fuck off. He's not allowed to spend his free time doing whatever he enjoys!!!"

Now to your god

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>"hey cunt shut the fuck up when Im racing"
not sure if hes /myguy/ anymore

fucking based

Reminder that Lando is the son of a 1/4 billionaire, and is literally Lance Stroll light tier.

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He got cockshotted on Ted's notebook

Based Finnish slags.

For Vettel to win the season he needs to win every race from now on and lewis to come 6th in ever race and 5th in 1 race. Then for every 2 fastest laps Vettel gets lewis can get 1 more 6th and lewis can get 1 fastest lap and it still works.
For Charles he needs to win every race and lewis to come 5th in every race and 4th in one. Again for every 2 fastest laps charles gets one of those 5ths can become a 4th and lewis can get 1 fastest lap and it still works.
For Amx he needs to win every race and lewis needs to be 5th in all but 2. You get the idea with fastest laps by now.
For bottas to win he needs to win every race and for lewis to finish 3rd in all but 2 races. For every 3 fastest laps lewis can finish second once more and lewis winning a fastest lap fucks it.


What an exciting end to the season :DDD

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>Charles, stop making me a wear racing suite with a 17 on it while calling me "Jules" when you cum!

>like Norris cause my dad is also from Bristol
>gets called a plebbit driver


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Prediction for the remaining races:
Singabore - HAM, VER, BOT
Russia - BOT, HAM, LEC
Suzuka - HAM, BOT, VER
Mexico - HAM, VER, LEC
Interlagos - VER, BOT, HAM
Abu Dhabi - BOT, LEC, HAM

>implying most drivers didn't have rich parents
>implying having rich parents and your dad buying a team and giving you a seat is the same thing

I laugh when people give shit to Stroll for being a pay driver. The majority of drivers on the grid are were they are because their dadies have money or because of Nepotism (majority of times is a combination of this two things)


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>tfw too brainded retarded to try and get the mpv scripts to make webm's work

gonna lick mdma and sniff ket on saturday evening and sleep all sunday

Bro.. he didn't even mention Kimi Raikkonen what are you on about

the money badger gets paid bonus money for a good result

This makes me want to kill myself.
I'm not sure if this season feeling exciting is because I've gotten so used to LewLew having championships handed to him, or if there was an unintentionally high number of meme races.
I like Bottas, but the fact that he was retained doesn't help at all. At least with O'con, there would have been some uncertainty. Either he'd btfo hamilton or (much more likely) get exposed by him. If he was exposed, at least it would have possibly made the season more exciting in a 2 vs 1 fashion, with both Ferraris possibly able to put pressure on Hamilton.

Lando mind. I was just about to post that photo in response to him getting bullied /f1/.

he seems like a really sweet and genuine lad.

Nah fuck Lando.
>Daddy is worth 250+ million
>earns a fuckload as an F1 driver
>still asks poor people for money on twitch

There's being a pay driver and there's getting your dad to buy a team so that you have a drive.

>be F1 champion
>enjoy F1
>prime of your life

Holy based

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I made a graph. I also made a spreadsheet with lookup tables and the likes so I can play round with different point systems and shit.

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Imagine asking for """""donations"""""

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>>earns a fuckload as an F1 driver

I thought Shitclaren only paid people in Freddos?

>both Ferraris possibly able to put pressure on Hamilton
It'd be HAM vs LEC vs VER Vettel is done.

>becoming a pathetic old loser has-been instead of retiring when you're on top

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You now remember 2014's double points Abu Dhabi gran prix.

And we're still unsure about FIA's decision making abilities?

Reminder that Hamilton beat Rosberg to the 2014 championship when Rosberg had a mechanical DNF in the Abu Dhabi double points race finale.
This is a FACT.

Every donation Lando gets makes Jimmy Broadbender seethe harder so it's all worth it in the end.

>Jimmy Broadbender
I have no idea who that is, but I'm pretty sure you just exposed yourself as a zoomer.

Been at work all day. Was it a good race and is vettee well and truly ruined?

Alright, alright we get it Rosberg is your favourite driver it's OK just calm down. You don't want to get yourself all worked up on your silly internet forum user!

Wasn't HAM comfortably in the lead (and ahead enough in points even finishing behind ROS) when Bossberg's engine began losing power? If anything It was the last nail in the coffin

>You don't want to get yourself all worked up

Yeah it was fun. Lots of close racing and LEC/HAM were essentially nose to tail for 90% of the race. Vettee is done, binned it all on his own in Ascari and then meme'd Stroll off. I'm starting to believe the Alonso->Ferrari rumours to be honest.

>with two races to go
HAM is basically guaranteed WDC already unless he MAJORLY fucks up in every race until the end.

Yes. But that doesn't change that what I said is a literal FACT :^)

Yeah he seems really nice. I just ignore the hate. /f1/ is a bunch of angry boomers

athletes in other sports do the same shit

>it's ok that he's scum because other people are scum too

Guess so, it is from last year as far as I remember







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>Mad about dumb people giving their money away to the rich
Don't you have some communist rally to be at?

He hasn't won mathematically yet, I'm predicting he wraps it up in Austin.

Reminder that there is no one more fun than Davide



>poor people are dumb
>anyone who doesn't think this is a le communist
Shouldn't you be giving blowjobs to "the troops" to say thanks?

Fair enough. Really wonder what this says about 2010-2013, wobbler was really a shitter

>be Vettel
>throw away a race by doing something stupid
>throw away championships by repeatedly doing stupid things
I dare anyone to honestly claim that isn't the most Ferrari thing ever.
I dare anyone to honestly say that Vettel isn't PEAK Ferrari

What did your dad do to get a visa for the states?

Quick rundown on Alonso Ferrari rumors?


>Shouldn't you be giving blowjobs to "the troops" to say thanks?







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how possible is it for ROBOTAS to win WDC at this point? he's fairly close to HWL, I'd say if he wins like 2 races and hamilton somehow ends up 3rd he would have a realistic shot at the title. Which is made even more possible by leclerc and AMX actually giving the carbabby a run for his money.

He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Remember that he won his first title thanks to a 'rari strategy blunder not so different from the ones that he's now forced to endure.

>caring this much about poor people
Shouldn't you be losing a war to emus?

Vet is quick enough it's just that he had complete confidence in his car, a car which was MILES better than anyone else. RB for most of 10-13 was like Merc 14-16, literally unbeatable barring fuck ups. Now Vet has a car which has the ability to win races but will always be pushed by the Mercs so they need to be absolutely perfect to win races, that pressure along with a young fast teammate along with the pressure Ferrari puts on all their drivers has just broken him

>mfw Vettel won't be able to score a win on F1

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He got naturalized a long time ago. I assume it was easier 20+ years ago?

Please stop being shit. Next year vettee bros

LEC is peak Ferrari - gets a couple of race wins that are celebrated like championship wins then spends the rest of the season being beaten.

>muh emu war XD
>straight to the bottom of the reddit barrel

>I'd say if he wins like 2 races

Hulk will get a podium before Bottas wins.

>larping as a rich person on Yea Forums

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Look at Lap1 T1
He wont win the championship ever.
He is voluntarily gives P2 back to hamilton

Fair enough. Pre-9/11 it might well have been.

Bitchass Is too >weakmind to challenge for the title, for this year at last. Not to mention that Toto hold him by the ballad.



Benson had an interview with Alonso where he refused to say anything then threw a ferrari branded packet of sugar at him the next day and said "make a story". The rumour is that ALO->Ferrari and VET->RB because RB don't think that Albon, Gasly or Blyat have what it takes. I wouldn't be surprised if VET just straight retires though because I can't think of any established driver that would want to be VER's teammate.

He literally shows no skill though. In Bahrain and onward it’s just awful, stop spinning the fucking car

F1 panders to niggers

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oh shit I missed that, thx user

Happy life to Sebastian :)

If poor people are too dumb to be able to manage their money properly and just give it away to streamers for a modicum of attention that is no ones fault but their own. If you're poor and stupid you're going to stay poor. Why should I care?

nah I just speak Italian

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feel kinda bad for stroll
he was having a good weekend

Which books did you use in elementary school for Hungarian?

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poor people aren't poor because they are giving money to streamers

You are now aware that this is what Vettel meant when he said he wanted to "return Ferrari to greatness"

fren, I'm afraid you got it wrong
I'm a native hunfag
I don't remember

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If lewis comes second for the rest of the season, he is still ahead of bottas by 14 points

Has anyone here ever tried to get a job in F1?

Tempted to apply for an entry level CNC position at a backmarker team for the hell of it despite having no A levels and only a PEO 1 in machining.

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no shit

Carmen Jordà, Ruth and Emilia are peak women.

>apply for a job as a CNC operator
>only experience is operating a cordless drill
>still qualified enough to get a job offer from Caterham and Manor
You're a few years too late, user :(((

Damn it guys. The drivers channel in that fucking program loads so fucking slow. The main feeds are fine but the drivers are super super slow. Anyone else facing this?

Forgetting someone?

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I'm happy for Leclerc and I'm sure he's having a great time but he'll soon learn that the cycle has simply restarted. A few race wins next year and then a season of nothing but shit in 2021.

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Red Bull will be the team to break Mercedes dominance

>Leclerc increases his dominance over Vettee
>high rear downforce cars return
>Vettee BTFO's everyone
Based Vettee playing the long game to fuck with SkyF1

matteo bonciani is on instagram

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Based boomer

I'm expecting a meme team to turn up like Brawn did, then someone else to take over like Renault for a bit

Military men are gross. I prefer twinks

I know it's fairly impossible, but I really wish somehow... in some way, hamilton crashes and gets a DNF, it would make the rest of the season a bit more exciting at least

I hate women

Pretty sure the feeling is mutual, user.

If he wins 4 times and DNFs the rest he still wins
If he dnfs once and comes second in the rest bottas wins by 4

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Like, how are poor women even real haha, nigga just suck some dick haha

Any magyar websites where could I find such books?

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This but with a hero dose of shrooms instead

Lewis coming second for the rest of the season is pretty much his trend line

Hang on, is that what's planned? Because I thought cars would largely stay the same with a bit bigger diffusors.
In my story line Vettel makes place for Big Dick Mick who then threatens Leclerc as #1, restarting the cycle but 2021 might be a bit too early for that.

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Life as a man is unfair

He sells them for 80%

>drives for Ferrari
>old and past his prime
>gets BTFO by his younger teammate
>top personality
>loves the sport so keeps driving
You are now aware that Vettel has become Gimi


>implying the Money Badger would give up his huge mid field pay cheque to drive for a top team

Yeah same. Obviously he messed up too but I don't think his unsafe rejoining of the track was as egregious as Vettel's.

Gimi is just in it for fun, he even admitted that he sees F1 as a hobby.
Could there be anything more based?

Bullshit, it was exactly the same.
The reason he was in the position was obviously different, but the reentry was identical.
>couldn't see sideways because of his angle relative to coming traffic so he just crossed his fingers and sent it

Even Lance himself said that he should have got the same penalty as Vettel

Go for it mate. Probably shouldn't even ask on Yea Forums because most people here are fucking losers who will just try and talk you out of it. Misery loves company like they say.

If you've got a dream then make it happen. And try and get away from this godforsaken website as much as you can. Although a bit of browsing every now and then isn't that bad, as long as you still have a real life.

I just want to see Gimi do great again bros :(

FIA said Vettel got a bigger penalty because he caused contact as well - his was more egregious exactly like I said.

so this seems to cover most of it even though it's old
the duolingo course could help massively too I guess
this mek,oszk.hu site has a lot of books digitalised and recorded once you're familiar with the grammar and the vocabulary

By that logic, Raghunathan hitting you when you rejoin like a dumbass because he's too shit to avoid you like a competent driver would have somehow makes you more at fault.

>now you remember this image
>remember the hype
>all five are dead.

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True, women can just pander to betas and have their tits out on the internet to make a living

>people ITT will actually forgive Leclerc for not doing a /cheeky/ donut for the tifosi while he waited for the pack to catch up

I also now wonder if that would technically be a penalty or not.
"Improper start procedure" ?

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I could see Vettee being just about desperate enough to try. Apparently he always hangs out at the Red Bull lounge when he's having rough times, so he probably still feels like he's connected to RB emotionally.
Combine that with him probably assuming RB let their drivers race it out, it might be possible.
Still don't see it happening, though.

Koszszep. I definitely need some good shit for grammar. My mom is hungarian, but she cant explain shit

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I can't even tell if this is sarcasm or the contrarian Aussie making mental gymnastics.

He left a top team for a bigger pay cheque.
By what logic would he give up that pay cheque for a top team?

i felt so bad for him geting the penalty. they had to do it but imagine getting fucked twice and doing nothing wrong initially

>bought an F1 drive
>did nothing wrong initially

*disgruntled boomer noises*

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you know what i mean :/

>looking forward to Singapore, as it can't get worst
10/10 considering it's an official press release

No idea what you're talking about, didn't watch F2, simply relaying the facts and you can choose to be butthurt about them or not.

Indeed, he was already fucked over from Seb's bad driving

>"lol y u mad tho"

He was going nowhere at Red Bull. Red Bull is still nowhere. Ferrari may have dropped in form, but at least they looked like they could have won it if they had someone who could do better than Vettel, which is why he wanted that seat. Chances are, he'll still want it now considering Ferrari might improve to last year's form again.
Really not that hard. Really makes sense he'd have a clause in his contract that could enable him to accept an offer from either Ferrari or Mercedes, you mongoloid.

He's not even enjoying sim racing anymore, Jimmer was harassing some guy on streaming about something like why he would do sim racing if hes getting chances to do some real Karting.

His kart races videos are shit, he really can't do IRL.

>Jimmy Broadbender
>literally living in his parents' fucking shed
Why the fuck do people watch the very essence of onions? Even though lando is gay he ends up being more normal than this guy.

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Lewis had a great fucking race tbqh. He should have won because let's be honest, Charles cheated by cutting the track, only Mercedes didn't raise a fuss because they know how pissy Lewis haters get when they rightfully demand other teams follow the rules. Even through all that Lewis was successful in making Charles nervous, causing him to fuck up several times.

>Really makes sense he'd have a clause in his contract that could enable him to accept an offer from either Ferrari or Mercedes
Um, no it doesn't make sense.
You honestly think that Renault would allow a "can leave for a better offer" clause when they're paying 30 million?
It's a full sell your soul tier contract to get that kind of money for someone who isn't even a WDC.

You forgot that he's literally a faggot who paint his nails.

Which one?

>Charles cheated by cutting the track
The cognitive dissonance of Hamilton fans saying that Leclerc not gaining an advantage isn't enough, and that he should have had a disadvantage is delicious.

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I haven't watched a Lando stream, is he any fun or its super serious about it?

>Rapistberger needs to score 29 points for me to win
can it be done?

I don't personally watch his stuff, but I'd take it over broadbent any day.
I just see bits like this on my recommendations because I watch iracing.

Trying too hard

>It's a full sell your soul tier contract to get that kind of money for someone who isn't even a WDC
lmao, do you realize that he left the one team that young aspiring drivers sell their souls to?
He's earning the shekels he's worth.
There's only three WDC on the grid currently, Kimi is a dinosaur and Vettel took his last championship before the V6TH era. All things considered, Ricciardo is among the top 4 drivers currently, champion or not.

based, tells is how it is no sugar counting it, unlike some other monkey on the grid

You still haven't provided any logical argument as to why Renault would pay him $30 million and let themselves get cucked in the contract.

Is lek-lurk getting his dick sucked right now?

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its like 3AM now in Italy, he is probably sleeping

1. even if Ricciardo left after a year, it destabilized the fuck out of Red Bull. If Albon doesn't prove himself, they will very likely have to resort to an outside driver
2. He had a secure seat during negotiations. Renault's alternative to Ricciardo was Sainz, who was not really doing well next to Hülkenberg. Sainz most likely would have meant more of the same. Ricciardo on the other hand knew he could get at the very least the same amount of money as Verstappen and still get the seat. Would make sense that Renault did not have the upper hand during negotiations, does it?
3. Ricciardo is one of the most marketable people besides Hamilton and maybe Max. He might even be more marketable than the two because he's not really as divisive as the other two, has some quirky personality and on top of that, is one of the best drivers on the grid currently. He's likely to make up for the money they bought him for.



>Gasly doesn't have what it takes
Keep saying that, see what happens

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HIDF = poo poo, lmao

In the last 6 years (since the turbo hybrid engines), the drivers who have won races are:


Remove the Ferrari, Mercedes and OAP/Retirees from this list, you have Verstappen and Ricciardo. There's no-one else to choose from (and outside of winning a race, there's no-one who has come even close to showing consistent form).

Why do you think Mercedes are having to push Ocon to get experience? Why do you think Ferrari fast tracked Leclerc? There is a genuine lack of talent in F1 at the moment outside of 6 drivers. Renault wanted to build a WDC team and at the point of doing a deal Ricciardo had more wins and more poles than Verstappen, less of a "bad boy" reputation and was way easier to get from RB as he was actively looking to leave.

>There is a genuine lack of talent in F1 at the moment outside of 6 drivers
or, you know, there's only 6 cars able to win

>There is a genuine lack of talent in F1
More like a genuine lack of competitive manufacturers. You said it yourself: Ourside of Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull, no once has even the slightest chance of winning a race. Even scoring a podium is extremely hard with the kind of mechanical reliability we have nowadays.

Tell me who from the midfield is anywhere near the talent of the top guys. Magnussen? Grosjean? Norris? Sainz? Hulkenburg? Perez? Stroll? Gasly? Blyat? Albon? Kubica? Russel? Giovinazzi?

Sure, there's some future potential (Norris, Russel, Albon) and sure perhaps if you put one of the midfielders into a Ferrari/Mercedes they might happen on a couple of wins but they are all objectively worse than the top drivers. The fact that no-one, in 6 years, has meme'd a win outside of a Merc/Ferrari/RB (more than 110 races) shows you that there isn't that Vettel at TR, Bottas at Williams, Hamilton in a shitbox McLaren (10/11), calibre driver.

>they are all objectively worse than the top drivers.
And how do you know that, exactly? It's not as if they'd had any chance of winning, which seems to be the only thing you count as evidence.

everyone highly rated hulk until this season
some people also rated gio
I dont exactly agree with the brit but I do think ricciardo and Kimi (the 4th and 5th best of the top 6 mentioned, bottas being 6th) would still shit all over any other driver outside that top 6

errr, I was referring to 2018s top 6 btw, leclerc not included

okay but now that makes it sound like I think those two would beat leclerc (I don't)

>everyone highly rated hulk until this season
>some people also rated gio
And maybe they'd be dominating if they were driving for Mercedes. Who can say that they wouldn't? Give Hamilton and Bottas a midfield car and see how they'd do ... wait, actually, just look back at seasons when they did have a midfield car (or, in Hamilton's case, an non-dominat competitive car): They were nowhere and easily looked worse than the average midfielder today.

Ok so we take Grosjean, who when Kimi Raikkonen was scoring wins in a Lotus (12 & 13), he did not get better than a few podiums. We can say that Magnussen is equal to Grosjean in the Haas over the last few years, so he would logically do no better. Raikkonen again has stomped Giovinazzi into the ground this year so that's 3 gone. Hulkenburg has raced more than 160 times without a fucking podium, don't tell me he's a born race winner (Pastor Maldonado has meme'd a win ahead of him, and he was driving in that era too). Norris was in F2 the year after Leclerc assraped the entire field in a spec car, yet didn't manage it only being equal to Albon and Russel. Albon is now in an RB and showing just as rapid pace as Gasly was doing (finishing 10s ahead of your teammate who started last and had to pit on the first lap, NICE). Sainz has raced against Hulkenburg and shown poorly (dropped for Ric). Blyat showed he just did not have the chops for front of the pack racing in an RB, and Kubica is gimped. Perez & Stroll are pay drivers, please do remember Perez at fucking McLaren.

Honestly there's some nice blokes and personalities in the midfield but there isn't a stand out race winner there at all.

Hamilton consistently won in a McLaren that ranged between "not the best" and "fucking dogshite" between 2010 & him leaving for Merc.

Oh and he won in the Merc the year before turbo hybrids in what was the 4th best car on the grid (behind RB, Ferrari, Lotus)

>McLaren that ranged between "not the best" and "fucking dogshite"
Sure thing, Hamiltard.
You bought his tales hook, line and sinker.

Nothing of what you just wrote proves anything. And you know that.

>linking painted nails to homossexuality
Yep. You're mexican.

?? It proves that there are no generational talents in the midfield. People go on about how its biased towards the top 3 teams (of course it is) but forget that the top 3 teams have hoovered up all of the talent right up until this year with Ricciardo going to Renault. Even a broken Vettel is way, way, way faster than all of the grid outside of the top 6 drivers.

I really hate having to repeat myself but you didn't seem to understand so I will have to say again: I'm simply relaying the facts and you can choose to be butthurt about them or not.

>It proves that there are no generational talents in the midfield.
No, it doesn't. You're comparing them amongs each other, as if teammate comparisons weren't bullshit to begin with and as if that really mattered while Mercedes wins 80% of all races (with the occasional lucky Ferrari or Red Bull win inbetween).

>the top 3 teams have hoovered up all of the talent right up until this year with Ricciardo going to Renault.
You can't just assume that no one else could possibly be talented to then use that to prove that to prove that very thing. That's text-book circular reasoning.
And you can't honestly claim that Bottas, of all people, is more talented than the whole midfield.

starting HRT tomorrow lads

Do you watch race with your Dollfie user? Didn't expect to see that ITT.

>You're comparing them amongs each other
I know, what a crazy way to rate drivers, by looking at their results relative to each other with an emphasis on fairness as they're in the same car.

Pray tell Hans, how should we rate drivers? Who has the best hair? Which one can do the most doughnuts?

Lets take a different tactic - which driver outside the top 6 do you think is any good right now (i.e. not Norris or Sainz or Albon in 4 years time).

>Pray tell Hans, how should we rate drivers?
Just accept that you can't, Nigel.
The more you try, the more you look like a retard.

>which driver outside the top 6 do you think is any good right now
No idea. And I'm not ashamed to admit that.
I just know that all those top 6 drivers have some serious weaknesses, not unlike the kind of weakness you can find in a midfielder. Every single one of them today made errors. Vettel, Hamilton, Bottas and Verstappen very obviously. Leclerc got away with a lot more than anyone would under normal circumstances.
That leaves either Ricciardo or Albon or Gasly or whoever you consider the 6th in that elite circle. Neither of which looked too great over the season so far.

It's not mine, I just hoard doll pics. I saved that one from the /jp/ doll thread today.

Attached: 1564514543078.png (497x549, 210K)

Sorry, lad, they sold the team in 2012 and were delisted in 2013. Unless you mean Holden Racing Team, in which case, that's pretty cool.

If you mean you've got a spot in Hostage Rescue Team's selection, then fuck. yes. I'm impressed. How long have you been in the Bureau? Might I humbly suggest you read Danny Coulson's autobiography, he talks a lot about the philosophy of who and how they recruit. Cold Zero, by Chris Whitcomb, is a good title too. Remember, it's not about outright performance, it's about attitude and grit. Don't fall for the old tricks like having an agent standing on the last corner saying "Hurry up dude, you're behind the pace and you still have two miles to go."

Ricci, Sainz, and Kvyat didn't make any mistakes today, and were soundly beating their teammates. Unfortunately two of their cars gave up the ghost.

>transitive propertyto non-numerical things to reach illogical conclusions or false equivalencies. For example, humans eat cows and cows eat grass, so by thetransitiveproperty,humans eat grass.
A > B and B > C a few years later doesn't mean A > C

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I doubt he rates Sainz and Kvyat as top 6 drivers, so that refutes his points more than it proves them. As for Ricciardo, true, he didn't look bad today. He's made errors that were just as "bad" as Vettel's or Hamilton's today.
So, either everyone on the grid is shit, or practically everyone has the potential to win in the right car and in the right circumstance.

>He's made errors that were just as "bad" as Vettel's or Hamilton's today.
* He's made errors over the season that were ...

Ok, so lets go back to the beginning. Let's say all that I've typed is illogical and just look at the teams.

Tell me why Ferrari chose Leclerc after 1 F1 season, over the two Haas drivers, Hulkenburg, Giovinazzi. Tell me why Mercedes have stuck with Bottas. Tell me why RB have dropped another driver back out of the 1st team and in the 2nd team have re-recruited a driver who they previously dropped from their 1st and 2nd teams. Tell me why Renault are paying ridiculous sums for Ricciardo when much cheaper options exist everywhere else.

If you just look at the decisions the top 4 teams have made it quite clearly backs up my hypothesis that there is a derth of talent in the midfield of F1.

Unless, of course the teams know nothing about how to run an F1 team with regards to driver choices and/or are actively picking worse drivers for some mental gymnastic reason.

The latter is broadly true. The car is what is capable of winning on the day, moreso than the driver. It's only in contests like today's where the superior driver and strategy make the difference, as well as grid position after the first laps. But ultimately track position matters a lot in most tracks.


Attached: ric hell.jpg (1280x720, 259K)

>>Tell me why Ferrari chose Leclerc after 1 F1 season, over the two Haas drivers, Hulkenburg, Giovinazzi. Tell me why Mercedes have stuck with Bottas. Tell me why RB have dropped another driver back out of the 1st team and in the 2nd team have re-recruited a driver who they previously dropped from their 1st and 2nd teams. Tell me why Renault are paying ridiculous sums for Ricciardo when much cheaper options exist everywhere else.
Why don't you ask those teams? I don't know how they got to their conclusions.
I'm sure you can see that Bottas generally seriously underperforms in the Mercedes (and not only in individual races), yet they are not replacing him. That seems strange if we go with your theory that the top teams always hire their best options, doesn't it?
But, again: You can't use the fact that they are driving for the best manufacturers as evidence that they are the best available. At worst, it's circular, at best it's still supposing without evidence that F1 teams are infallible when it comes to their driver selection.

>why Leclerc
He is a contracted Ferrari driver and internal politics. He at the time seemed as good of a bet as Max was to RBR when he was promoted up.
>why not Haas
Haas wanted no part in looking like Ferraris B team, they had contracts before Ferrari changed tact and didn't want Kimi. But they already had a driver in their stable that seemed there or there abouts.
He had a massive stumble in his first F1 drive, he seems to have fallen out of favour a fair bit with Ferrari. Likely internal politics at play too.
Already on contract, doesn't know the PU, looks no more promising than their own driver.

Leclerc got promoted from a mid field team last year. If you said exactly what you said last year people would have laughed at you.

Also despite being a pay driver Stroll is decent. Sainz has shown when he gets equal treatment and isnt getting fucked by Marko he performs. Kvyat was dropped for political reasons not performance and then after being dropped his performance flopped he seems a lot more level headed and if he was in the RBR car would likely perform (he has a podium in an STR for fucks sake). Riccy is considered a top driver while in the mid field. Albon is literally promoted from the mid field mid season.

I think you spelt gimi wrong there mate

>Tell me why Ferrari chose Leclerc after 1 F1 season
Because he's good, young, and Ferrari-backed? Because it's a smart financial decision? Because they were willing to take a punt on having to give him some time to get him up to speed over this season, and it's paid off?
>Tell me why Mercedes have stuck with Bottas
Because he's exactly fast enough to bring the car home in second when Hamilton wins or second when Hamilton falters and one Ferrari or Red Bull wins, but not both.
>Tell me why RB have dropped another driver back out of the 1st team and in the 2nd team have re-recruited a driver who they previously dropped from their 1st and 2nd teams
Because they refuse to recruit outside of their admittedly dwindling junior team talent pool. Because they probably called JEV and he said no. Because Kvyat impressed Ferrari as sim driver. Because Gasly impressed at Toro Rosso last year but failed in the main car this year. Because Alex is doing quite well in the Red Bull, all things considered, and at this point in the year the titles are lost and Red Bull want to have a driver who's up to speed from the get-go next year.
>Tell me why Renault are paying ridiculous sums for Ricciardo
Because he's really fucking good whether you like it or not.

Perez, Raikonnen, Kvyat, Magnussen, Grosjean, Hulkenberg, Sainz, Norris, Russel, are all very very good drivers. If and when Stroll can get on top of his lack of pace in qualifying he'll be every bit as elite as any of his peers. Drivers in F1 are some of the best in the world. There are other, possibly better drivers elsewhere, and certainly many older drivers who have so much experience they could be considered better than the younger, or less good F1 talent in some or all ways, such as JEV, Lotterer, Loeb, Nakajima, Yamamoto, Cassidy, Pagenaud, Rossi, Newgarden, or Dixon. All those drivers probably could have had successful F1 careers if they impressed more when they were younger or were in a better situation

Attached: SmartSelect_20190909-140232_Twitter.jpg (1038x1639, 562K)

based Stormbringer

Anyone have any high res images of Leclerc celebrating today like pic related?

Attached: Kimi USA 2018.jpg (7680x5128, 2.5M)

I miss the shiny Ferrari cars.

You can't really go side by side in that chicane anyway, there is just one line through it. Someone would end up spinning out or using run-off area. You need to get in front before chicane otherwise it's just desperate dumb move that is going to cost you no matter what.
And there is no such thing as "he pushed me off" if there was no contact, it just means you moved away like a dumb fuck and let opponent to use more space. There is no rule against that, you actually don't have to leave space. Neekeri just don't have balls to race, can only cruise in P1 with fastest car.

We could try asking Correa but he's on a coma
Safest way to get in F1 is to be a Bong with an Mechanical Engineering degree near their Factories near Bongistan

Any chance for a flip? :(

Have a Mechanical Engineering diploma at Ateneo, La Salle, Mapua, and UST.
Bonus points if you're part of their Shell Eco team for bonus Ferrari points (If you reach the international stage and have Gimi drove your prototype)

Attached: images (4).jpg (678x452, 57K)

Fuck. How about FOM?

Have powerful connections la
Closest thing we have in motorsport is Eurasia and Pinnacle Motorsports
Eurasia participates in WEC
Pinnacle participates in F3 Asia and was David Schumi's team when he bullied TicTac

so do you rate Leclerc or not ?

I rate him... LECUTE!

Based Tom angier calling out Charles for the cheater that he is.
Reminder that Mercedes did not demand penalties for the blatantly illegal moves Charles made, only because they were terrified of the barbaric violent Italian fans. And Hamilton despite having a vastly inferior car kept up with Charles and forced him into those mistakes which in any other track would have justifiably warranted penalties and given him his deserved victory.

MemeriTV answer to the question:"Are Mexicans dumb as shit?"

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Guise, I found a thing for [redacted]

If you're watching the PLC, press the hotkey ALT with +
>you might need to press shift if pressing the number row + key
>the ALT with - undoes it

The first step perfectly zooms out the grey border.
Pic related with zoom

Attached: zoomer.jpg (1600x900, 331K)

All the seething plastic Hamilel fans fuel me

and without zoom

Makes a huge difference in /comfy/ on my TV

Attached: boomer.jpg (1600x900, 310K)

>Hamilton driving a bad McLaren
>after 2009

Attached: 1484938364230.gif (320x320, 2.44M)

Morning, nerds.

>Morning, nerds.
Nerds for breakfast again Nick?

Jimbo here with a burning hot take

Attached: Jim from US hot take.png (1080x1356, 229K)

Based jim

Ah fugg, how will Vettee ever recover now?

Attached: 133636_2.jpg (640x640, 129K)

See I would actually back this if stewards enforced the same rules all season long to every driver. But they dont so what's it matter that driver A gets a good hand this week and a bad hand the next while driver B gets the opposite and then driver C never gets penalised ever.

The only thing consistent is that the stewards are inconsistent

What does vettels purple pillow say? E~su?

Also it's dishonest by Merc and HAM fans to cry foul over this incident when Mercand HAM have been consistently the top benefiters from stewards' decisions for years.

>The only thing consistent is that the stewards are inconsistent

The stewards are literally inconsistent - they are different stewards from race to race, so there will always be variation.

And yes. Much fucking this.

TL note: エース mean Ace

>not translating the whole thing
You had one job.
I hope Gamera eats your entire family.

Based Seb setting up for his ultimate comeback.

Based Renault lads

>no podiums man
>money badger
Truly the most JUST team in F1

>even without Vetlel and Redbull they still can't get a podium

That's because Buttass is too big of a coward cunt to ram Lewis off the road.

I hope you guys are ready, from now on it's shit, the best we can expect is that Buttass miraculously win the WDC and that Verstappen entertain us a bit.

COTA might be ok but the autistic 3rd sector fucks the ferraris
sure hope VER wins Suzuka though
otherwise it's gonna be bad, shit, boring MWL from here on out and Buttass won't even challenge Louisa because he's too big of a bitch

I went through a few possibilities assuming no DNFs here Basically if someone doesn't win all the races lewis wins.
He wins the championship if he wins the next 4 races then dnfs the rest of the season

>Eating People
The Protector of Earth wouldn't do such a thing

holy fucking based, what a cool story.

Based and truthpilled

>implying he's not protecting us by doing it

It's a bit of a read but worth it I reckon

You now remember that Brendon Hartley was BTFO by Piere fucking Gasly.

Attached: lol.png (482x481, 200K)

>Patricija will never let her foot go and swing it in to you crotch at full force
Why even have testicles? :(((

Attached: actual racecar driver.webm (638x744, 786K)

>trying not to punt this month

Damnit lad.

that's funny, 12 seconds is exactly the time Ricciardo gained on Hülkenberg because the team pitted him during the VSC (gap went from six seconds to 18)

>WEC is equally as good
indycar is better than f1 and wec

I don't mind him either. With him streaming and inviting other F1 drivers to iRacing and getting them on his stream, often they discuss stuff from F1 including reflecting on previous races. Like with Max about Spa recently. And watching them fooling around as well is pretty funny too

fuck off Bourdais

Why has Red Bull gone so shit during the summer break?

nothing will stop my boy lewis to overtake the record of cheating shoemaker, step aside zoomers and other incompetent boomers, 3 more years to erase that fucking shame from the history of F1
also 3 cheers for him remaining a vegetable till he dies

A thought:
>Fans think it's ok for drivers to be criticised
>Fans think it's NOT ok for drivers to complain about criticism from the media, unless they want to seem like overly sensitive little bitches
>Drivers complaining about criticism from Villeneuve and Bossberg is a loophole because the critics are drivers, thus it's ok for drivers to criticise them back
>(see also: Alonso sperging at Herbert after Herbert criticised him)
>All drivers are secretly sensitive little bitches who can't cope with the criticism they receive, and seethe about it 24/7

Spa and Monza are hard for them because lots of downforce and not lots of power. They'll be back in Singapore.

AMX exposed in 2 consecutive races
Albon is meh as expected

because they are shit, cant even challange ferrari

you are drawing a general conclusion from a limited evidence pool

if I criticise your post, you will definitely reply

>mfw I have the same podiums as Hulkenlel

Attached: Hulk.jpg (737x528, 63K)

You are now aware it was Alesi.

Attached: ED9E612XoAAwVhW.jpg large.jpg (2048x1366, 714K)

Reminder that there were anons who honestly thought lecute wouldn't win a race ever

Singapore GP final classification
>1 minute behind
>1 lap

what if he fell over? they should be wearing harnesses

One of my fav moment from yesterday was when the tifosi hissed and booed when merc tried to play again their dirty pitlane game

>Toothpaste GP's lead is slipping
Are they, dare I say it, Hamiltonbabbies?

>Merc got BTFO in their home crowd
>Ferrari and Red Bull got the weekend of their lives at their home crowd

>Hamilton shits the bed
>Verstappen shits the bed
based Bossberg being right


>tfw now only 51st in the global rankings
I don't have Hamilton in my team by the way and I did not predict HWL, though I tend to do better when I do

The 2012 was the Fastest Car on the grid for most of the Races. It just broke down all the time

>drivers that can't feel fear
>drivers that have out-of-body spiritual experiences when racing
>drivers that give the finger while driving one handed through a corner
man f1 sure ain't what it used to be

Attached: nelson piquet drift.gif (334x251, 2.64M)

>>drivers that have out-of-body spiritual experiences when racing
I think you're forgetting someone...

Attached: Hugh Bear.jpg (768x432, 35K)

he wasn't a f1 driver

Dear diary
My owner was a cuck again.
I'm feeling race-by-race the inner pressure that I will voluntarily go to the vet, and put myself to sleep.
I cannot cope anymore with this

Attached: IMG_20181113_112031.jpg (1165x1553, 189K)

I seem to recall merc obliterating everyone at silverstone

you expect me to know whose fucking dog this is for your joke to work?

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and that's when Russell decided he will gladly go to Williams


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Not funny

Vettel isn't going to win a single race this year is either, whereas Leclerc already has two and he is the second driver, EMBARASSING, yes Vettel should have 1 in Canada but then Leclerc should have 3, DISGUSTING.

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xd kekkekekekek KEK

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>mfw reaching the last page

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h*milton = DRS babby

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Monza isn't a good track for overtaking tbqh
Verstappen couldn't get past Perez either

Probably because he pitted on lap -1 for tyres and had them for the rest of the race, OTHER drivers could overtake quite easily including recikkardo.

>in 2019 Vettel won't win anyt-


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in the late summer of 2007 kimi raikkonen was raped by lewis hamilton youtube.com/watch?v=fzFDvZhntvQ


still not one of Hamilton's better races, Alonso beat him that weekend

MemeriTV responds to seeing a photograph of L*wis

Attached: 1545670668614.png (500x376, 96K)

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would find it highly amusing if the background had been shopped to be blackedraw logos

wouldn't really make sense since the man is white

hmm but it would perhaps imply that he was taking her there

fun fact: cavalli already means horses

I see you are more informed when it comes to interracial pornography so I let you have this one.

daily reminder that kimi raikkonen was trashed by sebastian vettel in all 4 seasons they were team mates at ferrari
>2 pole positions to vettel's 11
>1 win to vettel's 13
>150 points to vettel's 278 in 2015
>186 points to vettel's 212 in 2016
>205 points to vettel's 317 in 2017
>251 points to vettel's 320 in 2018

and in 2019 the same sebastian vettel is losing to leclerc, who is only in his 2nd season in f1 and rookie at ferrari
>4 pole positions to vettel's 1
>2 wins to vettel's 0
>182 points to vettel's 169

let's discuss how utterly overrated and exposed kimi "gimi" raikkonen is

What does this mean?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-09-10-14-43-470_com.instagram.android.png (1080x2040, 1.72M)

>daily reminder
>is not actually daily
don't do this


Attached: 1502117757790.png (640x479, 433K)

You're right, they should have sacked vettee and had gimi mentor Charles

Post pics of you feminine Penis

>following the 24 hour clock, not the 7938 hour clock
kek stop letting the EU parliament tell you what to do

it's like
>who cares about the championship, we want the masolin

F1 panders to pandas

or more precisely
>we don't give a fuck about the championship

He's French so his proper name would be Al-Esi

That's either bait or you're a MASSIVE brainlet

Sad to see Ricciardo just failing a couple of races ruined him by /f1/ standards even though he's comfortably btfoing Hülk now.

>I'm on 10 now
Mistakes were made.

Thanks bro

Attached: 1509307134580.jpg (399x582, 29K)

Leclerc's win was never in any danger.
There were Bogdanoff agents on-call in Correa's hospital ready to unplug him should Charles require further sacrifice.

Attached: thecall.jpg (851x479, 44K)

Which kind of success would be made possible by sacrificing the potato?

Should I go to the Frankfurt Auto Show conference days? Nico Bossberg and Chase Carey have presentations planned.

Can't even get the cam bracket color right

Do you have incurable insomnia or something?

Nothing if he doesn't know him personnaly. It must strike close to him to be efficient. Eventually all millenial drivers will be sacrified and only then Leclerc will be World Champion.

I hope stroll loses his vocal cords and rectal sfincter in an accident
Baby back daddy's bitch

Man, I really wanted to go this year, but can't. You should go.

Business idea: Rush but it’s from the POV of Hunt’s pet budgerigar

>The sacrifice to end the sabbatical

leglerg :D


Wet race best race

>tfw GP next week

only as good as your last race. kimi hasnt even been there and still more recent ferrari win than vettel.

vettel is post spring in the head massa tier now

No but I could heckle them. Tell Carey that Bernie was better and that he should bring back refueling or I'll have Kai punch him.

Ricky most likely lowered the engine settings once he realised that he had a sizeable gap between him and Hulk, and he had fourth place l locked on. If he pushed, it could have ended with an engine failure considering how unreliable Renault’s engine is and his own shitty luck with DNFs. In this situation, maintaining a gap and not pushing was the smart thing to do.

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Based and Fredericapilled

Attached: HIDF.webm (1080x648, 1.4M)

Based tifosi

Attached: 1535891089647.jpg (610x602, 43K)

We /SerieA/ now

Attached: Screenshot_20190909-110907_Instagram.jpg (1440x1791, 1.09M)

How does Vetlel even come back from this? Screwing up in the home GP of your team, and seeing your up and coming twink team mate get the praise and glory from Tifosi would break any Ferrari driver. I think Vettel is done this year. Either he has to decide to take a break for half a year to sort out his mental space or he keeps making mistakes till next year and he’ll be considered a mid tier driver by the 2021 refresh. Honestly, I doubt he will drive Ferrari next year.

pretty sure Hulk had more DNFs since both were in F1 (in 2017 he retired 4 times due to mechanical failures in a span of 5 races)

hardly, he first claims he watched the race and then used the exact gap of seconds as prove even tho the gap didn't consider bad luck

nevermind that two out of three of Ricciardo's DNFs this year were his own fault (""""bad luck"""")

I have take and accepted the federicapill

federica or fabrichnova lads?

He needs a car that can compete so there is actually a real consequence for his fuck ups. Ferrari are pretty comfortably in second and weren't in a position to win. Even if him or Leclerc were to win every race from here on out it's still likely lewis would win.
It's a hopeless situation he is in again for the nth year at Ferrari now.

FUCK jannies and FUCK Rakesh Bhatia.


Fabrichnova - but only until she's 32, like all Russians.

Lena Katina still looks good and she must be nearing 40 now

basedboys are still seething about lechad forcing soimilton off track

They probably give a fuck at the beginning then they don't.
I would gladly be criticized on my driving if it meant I made few millions a year.

Important reminder: Saturday this week Sophia is giving autographs and interviews in hall 5. Might get a cheeky selfie with her instead.

I demand that this is changed to Le Clerc helmet

Attached: 1549364267860.png (1297x700, 800K)

For me, it’s Natalia

Attached: 6D3CDBA3-3C86-4BCB-A196-06EDD2A6CAC7.jpg (900x1200, 173K)

As Martin says, hamultonne has a brake pedal too you know.

Russel face creeps me the fuck out

all he needs is Kubica's nose, arm and hairline to be the perfect secondary villain

what's sad is that I admitted that Ricciardo is better this season and didn't even post that thread before you did
Hulk must be living rent free in your head


Attached: federica-masolin.png (749x500, 536K)

Not federica after we saw a profile view of her yesterday in the light and the entire of her right cheek / side of face was covered in acne scars.

Post pic

Can't it was live on Sky, when she was doing the interviews pre-race.

tfw you're the pierre gasly of life in general

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Me? I'm the luca badoer of life.

it's not just that gimi was shit. it's that when he'd show up, he'd only cause problems for vettel.
probably cost the team 1-2 titles

Calm down lad, it can't be that bad.

Oxseason coming

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They've been training all year long

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Charles Leclerc has become the fifth driver to win the Italian Grand Prix in his first start as a Ferrari driver.

By doing so, the 21-year-old has ensured his name already belongs among the team’s great heroes. He follows in the footsteps of Clay Regazzoni (1970), Jody Scheckter (1979 – 40 years ago to this very day), Michael Schumacher (1996) and Fernando Alonso (2010).

The latter was the most recent Ferrari driver to win the team’s home race, in 2010. The team had gone eight years without a victory at Monza, equalling its win drought of 1980-1987. However Ferrari did not go without a home win during that time. It won the San Marino Grand Prix at the Imola circuit in Italy in 1982 and 1983. Leclerc therefore ended Ferrari’s longest win drought in Italy.

He has also joined exclusive company by scoring his first two victories consecutively. Only eight other drivers have done this. Six drivers won their first two races back-to-back: Alberto Ascari, Peter Collins, Bruce McLaren, Rene Arnoux, Nigel Mansell and Lewis Hamilton. The latter, like Leclerc, took his first two wins within eight days of each other.

If Leclerc wins in Singapore he will equal the record for starting a career with the most consecutive wins. Damon Hill and Mika Hakkinen both scored their first three wins consecutively.

Leclerc also racked up his fourth pole position, putting him level with Mike Hawthorn, Didier Pironi, Jarno Trulli and Giancarlo Fisichella. Hamilton beat him to fastest lap, taking a numerically-satisfying 44th.

Despite starting second and running within two seconds of Leclerc for much of the race, Hamilton failed to lead a single lap for the first time since the season-opening Australian Grand Prix.

Daniel Ricciardo and Nico Hulkenberg took fourth and fifth for Renault. This is the team’s best result since the 2008 Japanese Grand Prix, where Alonso won for them and Nelson Piquet Jnr finished fourth. On Saturday the Renault drivers claimed the third row of the grid, which was the best qualifying result for the team since Fisichella and Heikki Kovalainen did the same at Magny-Cours in 2007.

Antonio Giovinazzi also brought a little extra home cheer by being the first Italian driver on the grid for eight years. He did rather better than Jarno Trulli, who finished a twice-lapped 14th in 2011, and vastly better than Vitantonio Liuzzi, who in the same race took out Nico Rosberg and Vitaly Petrov at the first corner. Giovinazzi bagged ninth place, his best career result to date, unless Alfa Romeo are successful in having their German Grand Prix penalties overturned.

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why u do this

>unless Alfa Romeo are successful in having their German Grand Prix penalties overturned
Wait, this thing is still going?

supreme court when?

Then its time to make the call

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Never had a job, couldn't hack school, socially inept, probably autistic

At least I'm still fairly young

I'm sorry user

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F1 really goes bonkers with some of these records. I bet there's a
>longest time between 2nd places in the rain
or something

What are your hobbies? Something in there worth starting for yourself?

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Get a job, even if it's a shtty one. You'll feel much better and go from Gasly to at least Albon.

Is there a Lando - Sainz erotic fanfic already?

Most probably.
Hell, there's even 9/11 "porn"

>you now remember the vettee-wobbler-newey-horner fanfics

no there is not, you autistic freak.

>If Leclerc wins in Singapore

Bad advice if he cant get a job he would want to wake up for 2bh. Needs to find a drive and the something that is at least adjacent to that for a living.


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Horner mPreg was the best one if only because they tried to give him a 'realistic' reason as to how Vettel knocked him up.

The fuck is a kwab and why do I feel it's a shitty Yea Forums meme.

I like to draw and I think I'm half decent at it

maybe I'll try drawing hentai

Indeed I've tried and most accessible jobs involve being around people which is the thing I'm worst at

sep 24 is the hearing

> I will voluntarily go to the vet, and put myself to sleep.
Go to Vettel and take a nap? Sounds cozy.

kek what a bitch

>...was working under the nickname 'Vinnie Vegas', trying to make a name for himself as a big man in the competitive entertainment business of professional wrestling. After a show in Milwaukee, Nash left the show later than the others and was alone in the parking lot, when suddenly he heard several foot steps approach him from behind. Nash later described...

That's all I can post from the article, author's credit and stuff.

forced meme from Yea Forums that britbongs love for some reason

Why do europeans dress like this?

Why would the Ferrari driver wear Ferrari clothing?

Russel is actually the best young driver on the grid, better than LEC or VER in terms of potential but he is slowly being mentally eroded by Williams rexona shitbox.
By next season he will be completely broken, a husk, after finishing his 40th Grand Prix without scoring a point, leaving everyone wondering "what could have been?" as he fails to find another seat and in consequence begins a career in Formula E.

Attached: 2019_Formula_One_tests_Barcelona,_Russell_(33376134568).jpg (1745x2320, 409K)

>Badoer's record will be beaten in your life time

As if wearing a SOO bucket hat and a vest is any better

>Albon is 23 and got his ass handed to him by Russell who is now 21 last year
>somehow Albon is driving for a team that won a race this season while Russell is in the by worst car on the grid


What do Australians even wear besides beige shorts and t-shirt?

he's shit


All of that thanks to Rotten Toto

>I will feel sorry for a Brit driver in my lifetime
has taken 15 years but might happen if that turns out true

who was the previous ? herbert ?

I started watching in 2004...


actually I felt sorry for the junior driver that had ball cancer but I meant F1

Agree with Finland.

I'll forget about him the same way I have forgotten about how Will Stevens was actually a person and not just a figment of my imagination.

compare Stevens and Russell pre F1

Well it's good you've found at least something to take joy from, Valtteri.

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>drops its shit in two chicanes, making errors instead of forcing Leclerc to make them

don't zoom in if you're easily spooked, for there is a skeleton

Attached: arrow skeleton.jpg (800x998, 192K)


Doesn't mean he isn't a forgettable shitter.

He is British and he is boring. He has nothing going for him.

yes it does
he beat Albon and Norris
looking at age and experience we know he is at least better than Albon

I have asked in 2 previous threads and got no answer, so again:

Why was there hip hop music instead of the usual carmen prelude champagne music on the podium?

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society is dying

zoomers ruin everything

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I don't care. It's a positive if he fails.
I've had enough of boring dour british cunts in this sport.

Give me more Italians, Brazilians, Spaniards or Japs, even if they aren't quick.
I don't want more drivers like Di Resta, Joe, Lee or Palmer even if they are actually good.

At least Norris fits into the same bracket as Chilton. He has a personality, it's just that his personality is annoying.

Was is a one-off because some zoomer DJ was there or are they seriously getting rid of traditional champagne music? I can't find anything on the matter, it's like nobody noticed.

this isn't pro wrestling

Thats funny because he only gained about 5 seconds because of that.
Whered the other 7.5 go? Hmmmm.....

didn't even noticed desu

let's post a screenshot of the gap before Hulk's pitstop and then after Ricciardo
I can be tolerant and give Ricciardo a second because Hulk had one more lap on fresher tyres
I'm certain it was around six seconds before they pitted and over 18 after the pitstop

>this isn't pro wrestling
Get a load of this guy.

as far as nepotism and giving success to the wrong people F1 and pro wrestling are very similar, I agree

Actually that's fair, I'd still go through her like a dose of salts, if I'm honest.

Daily reminder that you should familiarise yourself with memes instead of getting butthurt by them

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current pop music is played instead of pop music from centuries ago

Classical music is just anachronistic pop music

Off season over! Fucking finally! We made it, reddit!

I knew it, those big fucking bears are ruining F1

Orange jumpsuits with numbers on the back.

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Merc Formula E driver reveal today

Apparently they are going full Benelux

I don't get it

Er, Pirelli have sponsored Inter for a very long time mate.

>imagine taking your two maiden F1 victories back to back and what you get to take home are a shitty Johnny Walker figure and a Heineken plastic cup


>Hamilton: 284 points
>Leclerc: 182 points
Oh yeah, wow, Ham must be really mad at that.

Between Hamilton and Liberty, the Americanization ("dumbing down the sport in favour of the show") of F1 has been going on for years now.

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in a hugely superior car, LEC would be dabbing on him.

hmm, when I read orange on /f1/ I immediately think of Dutchfags which is why I was confused

>Ham must be really mad at that.
Reminder that Hamilton still hasn't gotten that consecutive-wins record he's after so much, because, despite having had the most dominant car in the sport's history for six years now, he's regularly fucked up. Just like he's given away multiple wins this season already, including Monza.

Makes me think back to the AMerican gp a few years ago where they had each driver come out to almost entrance music, felt physically sick.

>B-bu-bu-but the team put me on bad strategy

Based med pack

Hamilton apologized to them after the race btw

Thought that was okay. They WERE in America after all.

deserved for watching the broadcast earlier than 5 minutes pre-race start

His managers should have got him a better seat for next year. Like Alfa, replacing Gio who is shit. But of course we've heard Gio is staying for some reason. Maybe due to the Italian connection.

Can't really show off your talents when you're in by far the shittest car on the grid.

He's what we used to do to traitors like you.

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Look at all this cope.

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Thred dies

Can't be arsed to make NEW with all those stupid """funny""" statuses and counter in the OP that have been amassed recently. Rather see the thread die desu

fuck off, /f1/ never dies


Hard to disagree.
Scott Dixon is probably the best driver alive right now but he doesn’t want to spend 3/4a if the year on the road when he can just live in comfy ass Carmel with his family.

Many such cases. F1 requires drivers to be raised In Europe and have parents that can afford to raise them racing european circuits. It’s 10x more expensive to do when you live on a different continent and school and all of this becomes more challenging to do at the same time. Obviously it’s possible but F1 pretends to be a global championship but it’s really a globally popular European championship.

I think F1 has grade A-B quality drivers at the moment while INDYCAR or WEC/IMSA has some A+ drivers and the rest of the B, C, and D tier drivers. Indycars mid field is trash. Atleast F1s worse driver is pretty good looking st Ericsson’s performance as a baseline.

Ham is overrated AF. All the evidence says so aside from his WDCs.