49ers @ bucs official game thread

7-0 $(ers already

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Other urls found in this thread:


Special teams jesus

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fuck man is this the only thread

Anyone post the “so you’ve ruined your life” Simpsons cap with the bucs flag?

based jimmy

strim were?


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how are we feeling about our bucs this season lads

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>Visiting the rockies
>turn on fox to watch 9er game
>the cowgirls game is on

I fucking hate it here

Stream user

That was an uncatchable ball.

Shouldn't be pass interference but the refs might call it anyway because of the rule changes.

Also, changing this to a challenge call was one of the dumbest things the NFL ever did.

Based user. Thanks!

>just throw it up to Mike Evans lmao

are we the first team to challenge pti this season?

yeah I got your stream right here
*unzips dick*

7-9 at best

Pulled the jersey

i feel good and then I remember there's a 3 week stretch of LA, New Orleans, London.

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Join the /nfl/ game chat

Winston throws almost as well as he shoplifts

>saints getting BTFO last year changed a rule and got us a first down


You think she let Jimmy g cum on her tits or she let him fuck her in the ass?

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Great more flags


With our defense, not hopeful


Jameis is shit

>porn star
>does anal on camera
Do the math user

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Thanks for that linebacker, Bucs.

He seems good.

i just hope mccoy shits on us when we play carolina. kwon's off to a good start in that capacity. otherwise i don't have expectations. at least if this team is terribly bad again i can laugh at them

her vids are terrible.

jameis winston has been a starting nfl quarterback for 5 years

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Has Jameis completed a fucking pass yet?


Holy shit Tampa I feel bad

Bad jameis today


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I unironically like the song


It's looking good but the Bucs might just be that bad.

Hey no flags!

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me too but don't tell anyone

i actually grinned when i saw that ad, it's cute

Her daughter has a nice body too bad her face is 4.

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Can't wait to see how the refs extend this next drive for the Bucs.

who is this anus winston fella

don't worry bro, we won't win this game

how the fuck has jameis been here for 5 years

I hate the niners, but I think this is a very winable game for them

I know. Doesn't make getting fucked by the refs feel any better.


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>mother has to sell her body getting fucked and used to get by
>daughter only has to sell her body posing

Beautiful progress between generations.

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be jimmy
3rd and long: te screen pass
3rd and short: run for a loss

dafuq coach

Do you think her daughter ever watches her videos haha

At this rate, their great granddaughter could become an administrative assistant

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You all will likely win, but the refs haven't made any bad calls outside of initially missing that PI on Sherman.


>former party member betrays you

Oh come the fuck on, ejected after that?


Fucking vaginas

it was a bad slide and it came late

The NFL is fake tho. Its sports entertainment


Lmao enjoy your player miners

one of the clearest dirty hits in teh history of the league

kwon deserved it


Gtfo Kwon

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Play football. Complain about head injuries.

Box. Complain about head injuries.

What happened to football?

Kwon is such a faggot for that seething the Bucs didn’t resign him

kwon deserved it but that first quarter is TRASH

Jameis is looking like JOSH FREEMON

hey now
Freeman won 10 games once

come on man don't insult josh, he's probably lurking here right now

Naners are killing themselves with bad play calls and dumb penalties

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He's doing coke in Guadalajara

>nanners secondary

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>Naners are killing themselves with bad play calls and dumb penalties


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I'm fine with sacrificing this season to shed ourselves of Jameis finally.

Hah, I guess you could say they're playing FLAG football

How you guys doing? Are you still shit or have we taken that spot from you?

guys holy shit rojo is good

Come on, get the ball to oj howard.

I’m /cautiouslyoptimistic/

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i forgot how insufferable these bucs trip faggots are.

give that ball to ronald jones to keep

first time he's looked like a legit football player on this team

>I’m /cautiouslyoptimistic/
Seems like we're in the same boat for now then.

the fuck was that winston sucks

lmao, this is gonna be a rough ass year for cards fans I think

Brate is so good. Poor him.

god dammit
hold on to the ball oj

Dat pop up fumble, let’s go Jimmy G!!

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basketball American victim mentality and ego

Why did the Bucs waste everybody's time with that drive?

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Built for BBC

gross nightmare world

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Fuck you demar Dotson you useless faggot.

Bench his ass arians

dude this game is fucking dumb

The issue isn't so much the head injuries, but rather the fact that the NFL tried to downplay those injuries for years.

Now that that shit is out there, they're trying to look like they're doing something about it, when the fact of the matter is this: There's nothing that can be done. Football is a violent sport where someone's head is impacted on every single play.

>he keeps running it
Just tuned in, can jimmy not throw for shit or something?

Is there a worse OL in the league than the bucs?

He can only throw to Kittle

Jimmy GOAT

The cards and the dolphins would like to have a word with you.


Saw that a mile away



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>WOP olo
So, who we drafting at QB next year bros?

it's over bros. time to tank for tua...

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are bucs defense elite?

>ronald jones did something
>hargreaves did something

And there goes my optimism, top 5 pick here we come.


Good god is it faptime yet?

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>paying wop degen porn addict busts


It's possible.
I think the secondary is way better than anyone expected going into the season.

>tank for tua...
No thanks, I'm tired of memes.

Atlanta’s line is terrible for a playoff team

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Stuck at work RN Bros, who's winning?

Why don't the 49er's just sign Kaepernick back on the team, I mean the only time they've been good this century was when he was QB.


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this game is a fucking mess

Kill me now

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our run D is decent bros.

America's enemies

bucs lead 7-3
bucs got a pick-6 and niners got their field goal off a blocked punt


We had the 2nd best defense in the league back then m8.

Man fuck

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Thank you based refs

Damn it we still suck

We should have never left San Francisco. As long as we stay in Santa Clara we will never win a super bowl.

fellow ninerbro here, I agree

49ers are getting bailed like all hell by the refs. They better win after all these shit calls.

>being bailed out by refs
Man I can't believe how low we've fallen.

>that bucs-panthers ad
What the fuck

The real crime was Jeb! York siding with Baalke and firing Harbaugh.

cocksucker refs


>run the ball
>get 2yards
>run the ball
>get 2 yards
>continue running the ball
Looks like shanahan has given up on jimmy by this point.

I'd give anything to have Harbaugh back

Naners got no run game today!

refs are ruining the game

Get ready for the annual Tampa Carolina tard-off

Both these teams would lose by 60 to the Chefs or Pats

Nick Mullens time!

The refs are literally controlling this game. Shit is hilarious.

Just a reminder to you 9er's fans: your team gave almost 140 million dollars to a guy with less than half a season of NFL experience just because he came from New England. You know that even if he turns out to be brady lite, you've screwed your team for half a decade, right?

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Alabama would booty blast both of these teams

Bucs run defense is too good.

Harbaugh was a false prophet who got rid of Saint Smeth. Mike McCarthy will be our next HC.

Wtf is up with these flags today? I bet they're going to pay for it on practice.

Most of the contact was front loaded. He's actually not a very big cap hit after this year.


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Just fucking pit nick mullens in, at least I can justify his shit throws with the fact that he was an udfa, and not someone we traded for and paid $100+ million to.


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holy shit, this game is embarrassing
t. bucs fan

how are the 49ers keeping pace with this ineptitude

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based flagbowl

which team going to shit themselves more

they didnt give him 140 million guaranteed dollars you fucking mongoloid, they frontloaded it and will have very little cap penalty afte rthis year. that photo is a good representation of you.

>49ers vs. Bucs
>49ers vs. Bucs with a penalty called every other play

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Refs are determined to not allow any offensive TD's on either side today

He's almost 14% of their cap every year. Tom Brady takes about 1/4 of that per year for his team. It was and is a pants on head retarded contract and they deserve the pain it will bring.


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>H-he is only taking up 1/6 of the teams money you m-moron! We're going 7-9 this season!


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At least we can all be miserable together.

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Fuck this imma go shitpost about global warming on /pol/

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This game is pure spaghetti

Why is our defense saving our ass?

We're supposed to be an offense first team.

I can't complain too much because they're keeping us in this game but the offense has been discouraging.


Keep in mind the cap will rise every year. His contract doesn't go above 27mil/year in the next 3 years. And if he really proves to be shit they could cut him. Comparing his contract to Brady is dumb since Brady always takes team friendly deals since his wife makes more than any QB does.

>these are NFL teams

haha based


>how are the 49ers keeping pace with this ineptitude
I've honestly been dead inside since the moment tomsula was hc and fucking gabbert was our starting qb. The whole shanahan hire just gave me a little tini bit of hope.

toxic football, I can feel my liver failing watching this

what a shitshow

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fuck brate is more reliable

They're a little rusty.

It's better this way, remember how annoying the bandwagoners were during the Harbaugh years? Winning is overrated.

did 49er fans have expectations coming into this season? fuck i feel bad

Not really.

it's going to be another long season

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Go stalk an underage girl

I fucking hate that nigger jameis loseaton

We were expecting the offense and defense to not look inept.

The defense exceeded expectations and looks good. The offense hasn't proven that it isn't inept.

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Our OC was the reason.
Byron Leftwich sucks ass

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I was talking about the 49ers.

that's a relief

defense has looked stout as fuck but yeah. kind of expected more from your offense considering how well your wide receivers match up against our young secondary but this is wop's first legitimate nfl action in a while, so i can see cutting him some slack

go seethe over 5 year old drama

oh wait

>have expectations coming into this season?
Not really, was hoping we could get a top 3 pick that would be traded for more picks in 2021.

Bit of an interesting game to start the season, desu. Two subpar teams that will end up 3rd or 4th in their divisions, either matching their records from last year or performing worse.

Meeting up for this one game, and then, parting ways.

Long journey ahead for fans of both teams.

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Faith is all I have left

I am dead inside


based and comfy

The 49ers can still finish second.

The Seahawks are looking very beatable against the Bengals right now and the Cardinals might be the worst team in the NFL.


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Nick Mullens > Jimmy Fuckboi

what toiletbowl will top this game this season?

Its always feels just when a team fumbles when they try some bullshit screen pass on 3rd and long, fuck you air it out or fuck off

it's unfortunate that one of these teams has to win

there can only be one 0-1 and move closer to a top 3 pick

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It could end in a tie

Jimmy confirmed for gay retard


How do I tie a noose?

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that would be perfect

The 49ers need to at least go 8-8 this season or the offseason is going to be one of those ones where they blow it up.

I'd imagine that Bills Jest game was also a shitshow

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Good news bucs fans.

We are one year away from

No Licht
No Jameis

That's basically our Superbowl.

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half time fap time

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Bills looked outmatched pretty bad but the jest did jest things in the 4th, actually turned out to be a decent game

one less niner fan

t.raider fan

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raiders are the joke of the league right now at least

How's Antonio Brown working out for you?

>t.raider fan
KEK, I'm still laughing at those AB videos, you faggots are the biggest cucks in the league.

>Raiders fan

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I miss 2002 lads...

post some thots, times running out

did you guys know that marcus mariota threw 3 td's to 0 int's against the electric browns defense today

who did we take first overall in that draft again haha

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>Harbaugh pls come back, I'm sorry.

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Sorry m8 I'm too depressed to do anything right now.

I can't believe some beaner gets to eat her ass

Mariota is kind of a lateral move from Winston.

tier 3 from tier 5 is kinda an upgrade

nah, it's better than a lateral move but not to the extent that the titans will win an owl with him

I can't go back to those Harbaugh offenses.

If you were going to bring anybody back, it'd be Fangio. That guy is a wizard with defenses.

It doesn't matter what year it is

The bucs have a cosmic identity to shoot themselves in the foot

the only way this game could be worse is if Dick Stockton were calling it

Fucking finally they're letting the wop throw the ball, you know like how a qb is supposed to do.

>5 yard out
Also nice repeating digits

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don't know why you guys hate the wop, he's already thrown for a TD this game

at least gholston is having a good time

Why do the 49ers keep going back to these running plays that get 0-1 yards?



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Bout fucking time

Because my gf wants to fuck him. She probably masturbates to him.

Our hc has a personal love for his 2 rb system, that relies heavily on running the ball.

Harbaugh knows how to build a team. His overall record with two mediocre QBs is amazing

Bucs corners are still shit. Why do I bother watching this team year after year?

Jameis will respond by throwing another pick

This game is a train wreck, home many fucking penalties are there going to be?

Because if we don't, nobody will.

Scot McCloughan brought in most of the talent Harbaugh won with.

And Fangio was the one who made the defense elite.

Harbaugh was responsible for Greg Roman and the 49ers offense that was easily the worst part of those teams.

Ha ha

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heem slippy

How did you know????


Lol checked


why jameis still the guy ?

Oh Yeah !

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hey alright >we still suck

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Put in Ryan Griffin

aaaaa buccaneer football is back baby

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AHAHAHAHHAH 49ers 22-1 baby!

>college teams make mistakes
>hurr amateurs

Wow these nfl teams sure are professional and mistake free


Guess >we're using next years first round pick on a QB again.

What are you talking about?

Even if the Bucs offense is terrible, the defense at least isn't a liability anymore. Last season they wouldn't be able to take advantage of a weak Bucs offense.

Our offense looks troubling but Jimmy G did just throw a nice looking touchdown.

We have the same amount of interceptions this game that we had all last season lol. Things are looking up bros

Bring in Ryan Griffin

Has either interception been Winston's fault?

>thinking Richard Sherman was the sole reason that INT happened
I wish I could be that blind

I love Fred Warner.

Here comes the fsu fans making excuses again.

Winston is ass


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The first no, the second completely.

You want ANOTHER nuke?

UCF would bootyblast both these teams

How are the niners winning

Good for Bosa.

It's the Bucs

Your playing the bucs

>officials not in position

Offense, defense, special teams.

Making plays.

Because the other qb is jameis winston

Bosa for the sack. Life is good.

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The bucs are even worse than us

did you just see how the bucs oline literally did not even attempt to block?

woah, winston making cam newton look""elite""

We may just nuke Tallahassee instead

Donavon Smith has got to be the worst LT getting paid big money. Dude is shit.

are nfl refs the worst refs in sports?

Fuck the refs

That would improve the city

jimmy should take a paycut and let them bring in a elite rb

lmao, since when did retards start hating Harbaugh?

Everyone knows quarterback was the biggest issue those years. Alex Smith truly is the definition of a game manager. It was the same exact story in Kansas City. He was never even Kirk Cousins tier. And Kaepernick can't throw accurately worth shit.

from this game alone, is it clear that the 49ers' defense improved over the abomination that was last year's?

Shanahan thought Jerick McKinnon was going to be that guy.

He hasn't played a game since signing with the 49ers and will be on IR again this year.

That's not Jimmy G's fault.


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It's the bucs, so no.

im saying from this point forward senpai

Fuck you Sherman

These Refs are on whole other level. Lol

>that image
when you end frenship, this is what u do

come on D
stop the coal mining nogs

aaa why'd you have to let them score

Has anyone seen my pet crab? I can't find him anywhere

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these refs are unbelievable
bring back the replacement refs

I don't hate Harbaugh, I love Harbaugh but bringing him back wouldn't help the 49ers at this point.

His stint at Michigan has made me doubt him as the one who made those 49ers great. I mean, York definitely should've picked Harbaugh over Baalke because that guy was absolute trash. But I can think of 3 people more responsible for the 49ers success in those years than Jim Harbaugh.

Frank Gore made that offense work at all, Vic Fangio turned that defense into an elite unit, like he has with every defense he's coached since then, and most of the talent on those teams were from when Scot McCloughan was bring in talent.

Jimmy G's cap hit isn't very large from this point forward. That contract was front loaded, we've already absorbed most of the cap hit from it. There's nothing about his contract that should prevent us from bringing in good talent in free agency.

It's also why we can move on from him quickly if he doesn't work out.

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thats good to know. im not saying he's total trash btw

Hi guys I'm from the East Bay. Livermore to be exact

Well it's over 9ers bros we loss

Those robot football characters are gay

I'm from Richmond

Remember when the Seahawks were "49ers" rivals? Cringe

>spent entire 2015 offseason posting this
where has the time gone bros...


(such a fiiiine girl)

Well, they're always division rivals no matter what.

I prefer whites

>corporate sports
>rivalry, passion

>this is america's game of the week
wait what


I like you.

Pleasant Hill checking in

Mexicans are white

everyones tired now, i don't know how deep id look into this. 9ers offense better get their defense a rest.

/eastbay/ is best bay

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I don't know what this message is attempting to convey

south side san jose here

Its ogre now

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>Anywhere in Northern California

I picked the absolute worst time to try to quit smoking

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Why'd you start smoking?

Don't give up!

I'm smoking like a chimney because of this game, and it's fucking gross.

Why do whites from other states hate California so much? But love to come here? Also why do hate California whites too?

Our state's history is a tale about whites conquering the mud people, and we will do it again.

>nfl rules

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What's the bigger shit hole

California or Florida

The mid west and mid east

Florida, without a doubt. California is definitely in the top 5. Florida is in a league of unrivaled shithole

Not him but smoking is cool and there is no proof that it is bad for you (giving you a slight cough isn't a big deal).


The worst thing you can say about California is that parts of it are like Florida.

I see you have never been to Missouri or Alabama

jesus christ, 49ers's defense suck hard

Smoking makes you cool and is for alpha winners

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i seriously can't tell which fanbase is more miserable in this thread

LOL I thought Jimmy G was supposed to be good.

It's cool bro we lost already. Nothing new

I speak Spanish. I don't now how. I can just speak it. It's over for us here

Yes good looking. He brings out the roastie and gay fans.

Just buc my shit up

Then why do they have the same amount of interceptions this game as they had all last season?

Hola pendejo como estas?

Ryan Griffin better fucking start next game

> incoming 49er 3&out

ford and bosa look outstanding

What an absolutely terrible 4th down call. Offensive calling looks like shit.

We should have never let go of Alex smith

Whole game full of horrible play calling

Byron dumb asshole Leftwich is the OC

None of us can ever truly be miserable as long as we have our good friends on spuh.

This game has to be the worst game I have ever seen

I was jinxing the buccs. You're welcome

Tebow is run out of the league but the shitshow that is winston gets to keep playing


Tebow doesn't deserve to be in the league.

Kaepernick is better than Winston though.

Tebow wasn't really given a chance in Denver because he was drafted by McDaniels. Other teams don't want him because he is too popular to be a backup.

Hi! I am new to 4channjng and football fantasy. I have chosen Janice Winston for my quarterback, can someone please tell me how he is doing today? Thank you!!!



>offensive holding
lmao starting this season off right

Tebow had to preserve his brain so he could be the future of republican politicians

Run da football

Tebow got several chances and proved he can't play quarterback in the NFL.

What kind of play was that?

49ers just got dabbed on

>shanahan keeps running it and getting 0(ZERO) yards

This. He was definitely good enough to be a back-up based on his play, but nobody wanted him as a back-up due to his immense popularity.

There is zero fucking chance that we don't blow this lead

>too popular
>didnt get a chance
That's pretty much it desu. It's pretty sad that a player who is a good guy could be so universally hated that he doesnt get a fair shot, doing well with what little play he was given

I'll say this for Tebow.

He's about as good of a quarterback as Trubisky.

When was the last game where neither team deserved to win this bad?


Do declined penalties still get counted on stat sheets?


At this point it's just a fucking toss up on whether we choke first or the bucs do.


Highschool football is for low iq dumbdumbs. I took AP classes

>too dumb for AP classes
>couldn't play football for health reasons
High School sucked

>I watch college football because they want it more

Seems like Cappa shouldn't be starting yet. Can't always find small school diamonds, no matter how much you force them to play.

big brain Arians throwing away points

Glad we decided to throw up easy points

Nothing wrong with that statement

The last owl was so bad that I actually didn't give a shit the Pats won it and I fucking hate that team.

Coulda been tied if we didn't get cute

Or you could just do both. Pic related

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Defensive stop and I think even king dumbass can win this game

Couldve been winning if Winston.threw that pass earlier when the wr was open. But he sucks so.he waited too long

>49ers already trying to throw an interception

I still remember when Steve young got concussed in Tampa bay

Grap cannot lead a receiver going across the field. He's elite at leading them up the field on streaks but those crossing routes....

God I fucking love this dude like you wouldn't believe.

Young will always be my favorite player. Most dynamic quarterback of all time.

Redpill here:
Jameis Winston is the best black QB

When will this fucking meme end?


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>both players lower helmet for the collision
>only defense gets flagged for it

Gronk 2.0 to be honest

>defense lower head bad
>offense lower head good

That's russel wilson for now and probably mutthomes in the future.

look, it's the Wilson isn't black meme

Mutthomes is not black

Those two are not black.

Oh boy, it comes down to the 49ers defense which has looked worse as the game has gone on.

>2:21 left
>a touchdown wins it
>jameis playing for that big contract
Looks like we're losing this one lads.

If by we you mean tampa then yeah

His dad is literally the average black pro baseball player from the 90s

Fuck you

Holy shit, the defense saved our ass this game.

How did this turn into a defense first team again?


Started out the game thinking the Bucs and the 49ers are on the same page, but fucking hell, lol, Bucs fans, your team somehow noticeably sucks more than the 49ers.




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i hate this team


Like I said.

Winston is fucking garbage

talk about posts that aged poorly


Jameis winbust is not a good qb



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Nice one Tampa lol

And that's been obvious for some time, soothsayer

Winston passed it right to the 49ers

He’s not garbage you sorry ass motherfucker now go fuck off and watch your own chink sports fucking piece of shit

My God can Winston just be cut? He is so fucking bad.





>And that's been obvious for some time, soothsayer
It was obvious since 2014 when he was at fsu

yep. your dubs confirm he was illegitimate from birth

5 fucking years and he's still doing this shit just fucking move on already

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Chill out with the racism

Cool it with the racism bud.

He's complete and utter garbage mate. Dude hasn't gotten any better since that terrible fumble in the rose bowl.


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1td 3 int lmaooooooo cut him

I'd brather have a shit QB with no hope than have Aaron Rodgers and watch the front office fuck the team up for a decade. Feels bad bein a Packers fan.


fuck off faggot


>tfw bucmeme hd sex before me

Hello niggers

Did you know despite being only 13% of the population niggers commit over 50% of violent crime in America?

Yikes and cringepilled

I'd rather have Blake Bortles than Winston desu

>in America
Similar violent crime rates no matter where they live.

>when your QB is so dogshit you have to resort to racism

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You no better shooting up schools and watching black men fuck your women.

fuck off nigger lover go to reddit they hate racism too

The 49ers are playing their back up D-line?

Racism doesnt exist

Please continue with this racism

BLACKED is only succeeding because of pajeets and spics from South America

I'm a pats fan lmao

I've seen him in person, I know. Have yourself a good night, Japenese user.

Hey, why don't you go to Reddit, bro.

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Yes please do 3 yard check downs with 1min left lol

Whatever makes you sleep better

>when your qb is so bad you make witherspoon look competent

here, i saved you some effort. whine about racism there fagtron

>t. Staff Sargent David Johnson

The mascot calling for a PI was hilarious

>actually linking Reddit

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>t. $20,000/yr bank teller

Good game Tampa and thank you Winston

You suck so much dick Jameis

You lost us this game and you are smiling and grab assing the enemy.

Loser bucs still losers

So all 49ers needed was just to fix the pass rush and they are suddenly good?

k you guys, you have no idea how jaded I've become in the last few years, me expecting them to blow it is fucking normal.

It was the biggest issue last year before Jimmy G got hurt.

>How did this turn into a defense first team again?
We were always a defense first team, I mean just look at the Harbaugh years the only reason we were so good back then was our great defense.

We were a defense first team until we were just a bad team.

And then Shanahan built an offense here and we were an offense first team where the defense was a huge liability in his first two years.

Suddenly the defense is winning us games when they couldn't stop anybody last season.

Imagine what could've been, we could've had fangio on D and Shanahan on offense.

They're showing the cardinals game now and those fuckers are a 2 point conversion away from taking it to OT.

How is Jameis still a starting QB? This guy is a bust.

Well they can't replace him till the end of season when they draft someone.

He's in the last year of his rookie deal - they picked up the 5th year option.This almost never happens as teams are eager to lock up young QBs on a 2nd contract, but it's also true of Mariota.

Winston is still the same dumbass he was at Florida State, literally nothing ever changed with him. I don't see how you can build a consistent winning program with him flinging it around the way he does.

Garoppolo sucks is why.