Atlanta Falcons @ Minnesota Vikings Game Thread

Vikings collapsing

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Dubs of truth

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Cleveland's no longer Super Bowl bound

Fuck Michael Vick

did fox give vick a job?

Ya like dags?

>Vikings collapsing
they're running out the clock. the game is over.

>Vikings give up a touchdown
It is over. They have given up the game, they have given up the season


the y intercept in that case is b, not mx + b

>back to the olden days
>game from 2002
jesus christ


Yeah right? why the fuck are they putting this guy on TV???

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I was legit surprised they put him on TV

why do people pretend Julio is elite? he's a nonfactor more than half of the games he plays

I wouldn't mind them talking so much about him if they called him "JuJo". That'd be funny.

he has a propensity for not showing up when playing the vikings

Said I wasn't gonna tell you again

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Wait a second I stepped away for a minute.
How do the Falcons have 6 points after that touchdown? Did they fucking DOINK the extra point!?

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They went for 2

he's going into his third season on fox
he's popular with blacks and players

went for 2
didn't get it

Is this a /sci/ thread now?

Shows what I know lol

Even if we forget about the dog stuff, he just sucks as a commentator. He sounds illiterate.

Almost as embarrassing as getting blow out.

You could just say he's popular with blacks

Wish he had done to him what that cartel guy had done by that pit bull.

Fucking refs just let this game end

>automatic refball

he was mostly on cable

>Da joker babay

>o line
Pick exactly one

holy shit only 10 pass attempts by kirk? that's insane

the 11th would usually be an INT

when you can run the ball, why bother passing


>garbage time statpadding

>gave up 2 scores
Damn, we may have won the game, but morally we lost this big time.

it's backup playing dude but yeah we have no depth at all

>cheese free lives in vancouver

>super fans

To celebrate this Vikangs win here is a random instathot

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>he thought I was serious

Haha time for kneeling

>neck paint cam

i knew you were fucking around, but it's true, vikings have no depth


That’s wrong and you know it.

Defensive depth is there
RB depth is there
WR and Oline is not

>Foles injured
>Browns are fake news
>lol Falcons
>lol phins
>skins choking early
>Antonio Brown becoming a patriot
Season is already shit

>poo peenum

This is correct

FUCK this gay ass team will win just enough to not get a high draft pick. I hope Quinn, et al. get fired after this season.

>Talking ill about the man who willed the vikings to the NFCCG

Upcoming NFL Draft should have good OL

*and DL

Well fuck my ass we just drafted 2 in the first fucking round. Mathews and Mack are first rounders too.