The age of wh*te QBs is over. The age of the BULL begins now

The age of wh*te QBs is over. The age of the BULL begins now.

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Holy shit maybe I should get hooked on coke too

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>Implying it means anything when you’re beating the lelphins

I didn't watch it but I just saw the score WTF
Was he that good or is it just the Dolphins being?
They're talking about records broken for the Ravens

It is OVER for wh*toids

Keep dreaming nigger

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*smacks lips*

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jesus look at the neck on this lad
imagine how thicc is his big black cock is



Based and BLACK. the wh*Tes are def trembling in their shoes rn

Miami Dolphins are the affirmative action of football teams

Seriously, is this down syndrome?

need some nice lamar jackson memes pls

Lamar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Faker Gayfield

Dude will still get btfo against Bradys old ass

you only played the dolphins doesnt count

now you remember Ravens once had a chad QB

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>ak on the front
I bet this nigger has never properly fired a rifle in his life.

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too true

I like RG3 tho. He doesn’t act like a nigger most of the time.

if ur gonna blackedpost do it right

Get a load of this faggot. I bet you get mad people play Call of Duty too


Even RG III knows that Estonian girls are the best!

If they wear gold chains with an ak on the front in an attempt to seem like they are a gang banger, yes I would. You’re the kind of guy to offer a 3rd string lineman your wife just because he’s black. Get cucked low iq faggot.

thats Kodak Black’s chain

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How many black QBs have won a super bowl again?


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RG knee earned his white women though, suprisingly intelligent for a black dude and the league treated him like shit for some reason.

Russel Wilson

I feel sad in my soul that you know who Kodak Black is

>literally some who
You are black arnt you?

I wouldn't be surprised if he had a good amount of white blood in him. Doesn't look very black in his features.

Also congratulations. There are officially 2 in 53 years. Truly the era of white QBs is over.

what? He’s a popular rapper

isn't it almost bed time gramps?

'sup cracker


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I'd drink your sorry little lily white ass under the table zoom zoom

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You cannot spell crap without rap. Im most likely younger than you shitbird.

going to the liquor store today, pull up in the lane next to a woman in her 50s listening to some fucking jungle music smiling and bobbing her head

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thanks for just joining retard

you can keep all the liver cancer to yourself

>tfw 22 year old boomer
Time flys by so fast.

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>tfw your bull forgets to leave your water bowl in your cuck cage
maybe he’ll spray his cum in my face, im so thirsty

It always amazes me how niggers love chains.
Makes me wonder about slavery and all. Seems like they rather enjoy being chained.

though of:

OK pussy. Sorry you have shit tier genes you cracker ass motherfucker.

This guy is gay

Is that a Pittsburgh fan I am detecting?

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it's the fuckin dolphins

also,/pol/ and /x/ should look into Kodaks clones he's too hood and non-pc for the "industry" that they keep trying to clone and mame him

*smacks lips*
*chokes in playoffs*

What's wrong with black women some are super hot

This is the funniest shit I've read on here in a long while