
Australia won by 185 runs.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We did it lads.

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Congrats Aussies, had your fingertips on it all the way 2bf.


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happy tbqh lads

Does anyone have a webm of Smith fidgeting about on his own while the rest of the team wait for the Overton LBW review?

did he always do this? so weird. dont even see the benefit of copying the shots of english tailenders like he did at some points.

I think so. He is high-functioning autistic I think, a Messi-type.

>everyone who behaves differently to me is autistic

Attached: wat.jpg (313x286, 34K)

Business idea: after a tailender plays a shot, he hits himself really hard in the face. Smith will copy this action, but won't be wearing batting gloves and will thusly injure himself

more than possible

Haloooo (i'm not girl)

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congrats to our friends from across the tazzie

Will NZ ever play test

Shall get your World Cup on the way back

Give it 50 years and no-one will.

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Was snowing cup holders in the party stand while Buttler and Overton were together, hilarious

2 against England
3 against Australia

two test series against you after a grim 5 game t20 series

Business idea: Australia agree to forfeit their victory in the Fourth Test, thus giving England another chance in the Ashes. In return England will give their worthless pyjama cricket trophy to the seething Kiwis.

>5 game t20 series
let me out

Genuinely curious to get antipodean takes on the future of test cricket. Does it have a genuine chance in the future all considered, etc.
Even a lot of the old guard think its days are numbered

Why don’t they cancel T20I
Fine for domestic stuff where no one takes it seriously
Pointless for the international spherr

its here to stay
we have a habit of making test matches thrilling

Rest in Peace English Cricket

July 2019 - September 2019

It's hard to foresee The Ashes coming to an end. And that alone will keep test internationals at least on life support

Won't die here

it's just the NZ board tests don't make them enough money so they only schedule the bare minimum

it has a following here but the problem in NZ is that theres no people here except for Auckland. even le rugby gets almost no attendance unless it's an AB's game but it's still popular. I don't think it's ever going to be lucrative here unless we build some venues that people will want to go to and again sky is a culprit here, I've literally not once seen test cricket on fta in my life.

still massive here

I don't even see how T20 is remotely more watchable, cheers for answering though I was curious

Money pumped into the other forms is what makes me most iffy on it, shite like The Hundred just has too much money behind it and even if it doesn't steal the best players outright, it will fuck their mentality from test into T20 (English team is a big indicator of this)

I suppose too there's the added worry that even playing it abroad is a big, expensive, upheaval

Good to hear

I look forward to the ultimate evolution of cricket; the 1 ball innings.

This is the thing, like where does the 'we need to attract an audience!' shite end?
Cricket will never be football (soccer) and it shouldn't try to be. It'll always be a bit niche, at least in the UK.

with 300 innings

Best of 7 series?

They've been saying tests are dying for years. Surely they're in better health now than eg 80s when it was Windieswinslol, 5 draws per series on the subcontinent, England and Australia both shit and South Africa banned

Based sebbo

People have always said "test cricket is dying" "people don't want to watch it in le current year" "it needs to adapt to compete with modern sports like football".

Despite that test matches sell out instantly and always generate a buzz, every year.

Just let the boys at /hoc/ know the good guys won lads

Don't lie to the (somewhat) good people of /hoc/

and all the stadiums are total shit for cricket in auckland

The key to this isnt test cricket... its raising the standards and appeal of first class cricket. Bring in the 5 day first class game too.

Next time you tour poo peeland they'll be at you as well, and it will generate interest for when theyy tour bongland. A bit of drama between anglo countries is fine, the pakis not so much

imagine not winning the ashes on home soil lmao

england are now new zealand levels of shit

Brought some cricket virgins to some test games this summer - absolutely loved the tension and the boozing. Duty of the Anglo to keep it alive

I'd definitely like to go to a match sometime, need to learn the sport a bit more though

reckon it should be law that at least 1 match per series has to be on terrestrial television and it can't be the last match if its a dead rubber. there you go test cricket is saved

Based and sebbopilled

True but then why not at least air that? There's going to be so little interest in it that Sky can afford to hand it over.

Ashes should be FTA outright imho


Attached: so_true.png (373x159, 13K)

So fucking true
Based sebbo

>implying we're on New Zealand's level

If any fellow Engbros are feeling sad, don't worry! It's less than a year until The Hundred(TM) begins!

What stupid cunt with a Media degree from Brighton was put in charge of naming the teams for the Hundred

>Southern Brave
>Welsh Fire
>Trent Rockets
>London Spirit

Absolute dross

How soon before Poochie has to go back to his home planet? Two seasons?

Probably Andrew Strauss' nephew who was too thick to get into any other career.

The 20s are going to be a grim decade.

the cheltenham average

Imagine feeling sad about the ashes when you won the cricket world cup

/r/equesting Madoka user shop some Windies caps on Homura for me as I am too much of a shitter to do it myself

Also, Atelier-user do you still use /cric/ ?
Have some questions if you are.

The Ashes means far more, I won't even cope about it.

>arsetralia retain the ashes
>still below NZ in tests

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Is anybody actually even interested in this test championship?

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Windies don't have any more tests for an entire year what kind of double triple nigger made this schedule

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>india on 120 for beating the west indies twice

why would a huwite man want to live in trinidad?

>Jack Leach is our only all-rounder

Dey hate dem windies bla

idk ez booty I'd think

Reckon England will become interested in them as soon as they figure out they can best Australia despite not winning the ashes.

>Implying trinibro is a fucking wh*toid dog
Have some respect

*investigates the expatriate life in Trinidad for american lawyers*

Isn’t he just sebbo on VPN?

No that's just the NZ user being silly

Attached: cutiepie.jpg (767x890, 149K)

oh, my mistake. i didn't think it was the samuel l jackson usage of nigger.

should be the london stabbers

Based. How easy are Trini girls?

Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this.' Well, you're dead now, so shut up.

Ram raiders.

On a scale of 1-10 I'd say -4

For me


We'll play tests with you lads whenever you like, doesn't even matter if you smash us it'll be good experience for our lads.
Also, I know where Phil Simmons used to get coffee when he was over here coaching.

quite eloquent.

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad.

I'm interested in Ireland being allowed into the fucking thing next time around.

How do you replace the Hundred™? For me it's:

-Revert to the T20 format which is already recognised, successful and not as much of a horrible bastardisation of cricket.
-Have county sides with an established fanbase and reputation. Keep the 8-team structure but have more divisions with a pro/rel system in place, in order to fit all the counties in and not exclude large parts of the country.
-Abolish the Vitality Blast which is now a pointless duplication. This means that first-class cricket can co-exist with whiteball, as all T20 will be compressed into a few weeks.

This proposal contains integrity.

For me, it’s eliminating all white ball cricket.

You let the fucking Madoka thread die again

for me, it's only commuting into the city to watch a sportsball game if it lasts less than an hour in total

not necessary as it has its place. For example if you've an 8 team t20 competition even with a full round robin it's only 14 matches then two semis and a final, teams can easily play 3 or 4 games per week so the whole thing can be done within 6 weeks leaving the rest of the season for the longer form. t20 doesn't even have to be played at the hight of summer either.

Honestly there should be a campground for people traveling for red ball matches. Like that should be the gimmick. Travel from the country and spend your week at the market town, and go watch the cricket while you’re in between sales.

I think they need to stop having t20 as a side attachment to the county clubs. Just do with t20 what they are trying to do with this hundred lark, player draft, city/region based franchise, get the marketing right. The same way the BBL or IPL does it


Any form of cricket that’s not tied to a county team and which doesn’t support red ball cricket is inherently illegitimate.

You've missed out the best ones:

Northern Superchargers (for some reason it wasn't felt necessary to put 'Leeds' in the name, even though this is not the only Northern team)
Manchester Originals (genuinely no idea what this is referring to)
Birmingham Phoenix
Oval Invincibles (not to be confused with the other London team. The one that actually has London in the name)

TV and streaming are better potential revenue sources, if we could get the Indians to give a shit about county t20 just imagine the youtube ads revenue once there's 100k watching it live.

>Oval Invincibles

Attached: bradrm.jpg (570x474, 183K)

Also lads, wouldn't it be fun if we had a couple of sides from Ireland in your t20 pyramid?

>"Northern" Superchargers
>I have to travel 90 minutes south to get to headingley

I know they were never actually going to put a team in Chester le street, it's why the franchise city shit is bollocks

t20 is literally just a bash and a giggle, it doesn't make red ball cricket any better at all, just get the best players in the world here for a month each year to get the kids interested in cricket, maybe they'll take up playing for their local cricket club and move into county cricket then.

The Hundred™ could merge the two London franchises together and have one in Dublin instead. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have 2 out of 8 teams in London when the 8-team format already makes it impossible for millions of fans to get to games? As if it was too much bother for people living in South London to get to Lord's.

Some clever clogs was looking at population density maps and trying to figure out why soccer makes so much money. It's stupid because it is flying in the face of the history, tradition, and most importantly the culture of the sport.
The hundred will only succeed if it can attract more new customers than the current amount of support for the county t20 (which they've made worse and less appealing than it ought to be).

Not to be rude but I'm not interested in having a The Hundred team as I think it's shit.

Not to be rude but I'm mostly seething about the Hundred rather than seriously considering the interests of Irish cricket.

oi ivan what was the name of that pommy fag you used to talk to from lastfm

Hundred unironically going to kill the already wounded county game

the problem is the ecb ballsed it up right from the start, if they did it franchise based from the start we wouldn't have this problem, now the ship has sailed and they're trying to make the hundred what they wanted the t20 blast be in the first place. complete incompetence.

Perfectly understandable old boy :^)

What stage of grief are you on bros

why don't they try to promote the county game? no team even has a decent highlights package on youtube or anything, just one camera fixed on the wickets and some amateur commentator. I'm sure if they promoted first class rivalries like Lancashire vs Yorkshire or Middlesex vs Surrey on the tv it would take off. You could hand it to the BBC for free they're gagging for any sports content.

Acceptance since the first test

The BBC would only show it if it was gay female paki cripple cricket

What cricket needs to do is introduce 5 day first class franchises with limited amount of teams that county players compete to play in. Limit counties to list A and first class friendlies. Get leagues from different countries to cooperate so county teams can tour first class cricket in the off season. Problem with cricket is that theres such a short fucking window to play it in.

don't be silly, they already show lower tier rugby league

ive said this many times. first class too boring too many draws. make it 5 days not 4.

can play all year round in Dubai, just saying

I'd watch it, would also love an excuse to go up Ireland

Same here I'd like to visit the Windies and following a cricket tour down there would be great craic.
Phil Simmons used to drink at Starbucks in Malahide, and he's an absolute gentleman too.

I don't liek criket

no no

i luv it

Put cricket on the national curriculum in primary school, commission a series of illustrated childrens books that centre around cricket, give them out to schools, make sure every school has equipment to play cricket in PE. Simple as.

We also need legislation mandating that cricket be on free to air TV.

Unfortunately we'll probably have to wait until an Islamic Republic is proclaimed before we have a government willing to impose cricket on this sinful divegrass-loving nation. Not too long now inshallah.

Congrats Aussies.

Suddenly England is a fantastic ODI side and a subpar Test side.

Hope I don’t do a Joe Root in my bed tonight

These are the posts. About a decade ago my local non-cable channels would show us international cricket, be it our games or random international ones. Miss it tbdesu.

Clearly sebbo ffs


maybe if you've been in a 4 year coma

Bad Guy by Billie Eillish was a massive summer hit for me. Intoxicatingly catchy though its difficult to say whether thats because its genuinely good or just incessant, but you cant mark something down for being enjoyable. Some praise must be given to her moody, atmospheric production and delivery (and also music video) which is not too common in female pop and hopefully wont become reduced to vapid cliche over time through her irritating zoomer audience. There would be nothing really much more to say about this sparse catchy hit (which may be where Billie's inevitable childstar-downfall may lie in the future) but for the interesting lyrics which have not been commented on much by ither reviewers. They are vague enough to be interpreted as about anything and nothing, (as with many mainstream hit) with disturbing sado-masoschistic effect, but this songs' lyrics feel to me like a rather ironic and sarcastic (maybe submissive?) statement about how abusive, dominant, patriarchal males project negative images onto their partner's identity: gaslighting - he's not the bad guy, she is. For instance whilst some interpret the "seduce your dad type" line as disturbing for the sake of it (Shes not yet 18), I think this may be also seen as a classic case of men chastising women for being sexy jail bait.
If this is the case then I think this may actually be a very interesting and well thought out song beyond just being an irritaringly catchy commercial hit. Her dark sound would no longer be simply vapid moody zoomer emo cliches.

And also a song that many /britfeel/ incels could learn from. Yes, (YOU) user.

Attached: billie-eilish-bad-guy-vid-02-2019-billboard-1548.jpg (636x421, 33K)

shan't be reading plebby b's neurotic ramblings about things no one cares about

Her music sucks but I'd suck her teets tbqhwyf iykwim wink wink

The four horsemen of the apocalypse

the album is a bit rubbish, has three good songs. For some reason it reminds me of the Ting Tings, I mean beyond being one hit wonders with a few hits. Same attitude or somethinbg


I thought I was listening to one of her songs but I was actually listening to Maya Hawke.

Tim Paine is an ashes winning captain.

Attached: Big Tradie.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

Why are there no world class English bats
We have just one bat who averages over 40

>In Smith's last nine innings against England, his lowest score was 74. Against Root as captain he averages 135.8.
The redeemed SmothGOD
The coward Joe Root

this is actually a crazy stat lmao

Attached: blacked.jpg (1328x2036, 373K)

le 135.8 and out man

Fitting as Meme Archers wanger looks like it’s made of Poot

It Begins


how do we feel about short pitch bowling lads? I don't want to be a reddit pussy but I reckon banging short balls at 140kmh over the top of leg stump is a tired gimmick and not worth the risk. either you don't play at it or you do, in which case the margin for error is tiny. there's room for it in limited overs games imo but I never liked seeing it in test cricket, if you bowl short it should be on middle or wider

boo that English friends

Attached: c28.png (996x868, 599K)

>Root will become the first England skipper since 2001 not to win a home Ashes series.
what becomes of the coward now?

Attached: England_Cricket_Team_-_The_Ashes_Trent_Bridge_2015_(20417951192)_(root_cropped)_(cropped).jpg (472x620, 282K)

>monumental achievement for australian cricket
>one thread on Yea Forums
>no aussies to be seen

based dead as fuck and dying more by the day board

Toilberg calls lad
/realcricneets/ will be around after midday
WE did it lad

well tbf i dont give a fuck about red ball cricket

bring on the based BBL

based zoomer

Clearly based and rent free lmao

so fucking based


Attached: ohnonononono.png (830x974, 250K)

He should have the balls to admit that he isn't up to the job, but he won't. Will continue to be a shit captain and his batting average will continue to fall. Sad!

Anyone have webms of Steve Smith fidgeting and generally being an autist?

realistically who could take his spot right now

reckon they just remove root and chuck ollie pope in right now and make him captain

Looks like an arrow pointing to the arsehole of a domesticated farm animal such as a pig, what are you trying to tell us user?

the big brain league is for me

leads by example and gives his all

I fell asleep lads. Next over HazleGOD knocks Buttler over. A bit sad.

a high iq is needed to understand the correlation between SmothGODs fidgeting and his dominance with the bat

classic 'academic', trying to find an answer where there isn't one. bet your parents are proud of you wasting your time at uni, studying philosophy so you could pretend autistic cunts do the stupid shit they do for a reason.

BASED Dharmasena and Erasmus bringing elite, fair and accurate umpiring
>dat cheeky grin when Erasmus gave Overton LBW outside the line and it was overturned by the 3rd ump
They knew the GODs had been screwed over by the somali ump

on neetbux lad, dropped out in year 11, haven't missed a single ashes ball since 2013-14
bit of a cric seer tbqh

You mad because your brain can't into undisclosed correlations?

based you


what does that symbol mean anyway?

you should ask him

Does he bowl? I had no idea. Any good?

Definitely not Stokes because the risk of it affecting his form is unacceptable. I think it has to be Broad, even with his reputation for shit DRS use (which probably wouldn't be so bad if it was someone else bowling). England should really look to appoint a bowler because appointing a batsman always seems to ruin him.

Excellent idea.
A kiwi captain of the test team.
Irish ODI captain.

Insider here lads. Just got off the phone to Smoth.
Plans to bat for 5 days for an elite draw.
Heard it here first

tbf Stokes came over when he was a kid and is definitely a product of the English cricket system.
Morgan qualified as English because rules and although I don't like it he's not the first man to leave the island to earn his living and I wouldn't begrudge him, even now with test status we still aren't getting much in the way of international matches.

His two innings at The Oval... 138 and 53NO.

Oh dear.

>crucified by the media
>was going to quit
>emerges from hiatus
>singlehandedly retains the ashes while rising to number 1 test batsman in the world

Attached: 312cbe2e3eccd1cb48defe871ab7053e.jpg (649x487, 34K)

Thanks for the history lesson but England have a long history of plundering smaller nations to "improve" their own side. Tony Greig. Alan Lamb. Robin Smith. Andrew Strauss. Nasser Hussein. Kevin Pietersen. Without Stokes and Archer they'd have lost every test in 3 days. And without Morgan they would still be sitting on zero world cups. #restoftheworld

What a groundbreaking series lads.
>New star found in Lasagne
>Smoth elevated to god status
>Cummins elevated to god status
>4 horsemen deliver and will only strengthen as a unit
Our openers are still fucked but AusGODs have a newfound confidence and Im thinking we're going to be blessed with a new era of AusGOD dominance after this series.
LOVE cricket lads

Attached: 4bbed900-d286-11e9-8efb-f82cd6845e13.jpg (800x450, 46K)

I'm aware of all this just pointing out that Stokes isn't exactly in the same category, and having a usual little rant about the status of Irish cricket :^)


who can stop punished Smith

i wanna unironically learn to play cricket but i assume all the people who play it in america are indians and pakistanis and i dont think they would accept me

Strauss and Hussein both came to the UK at a young age for non-cricketing reasons and would never have played for any other nation.

I would guess that they're actually very keen to spread cricket to wh*te Americans and don't like the idea of cricket being stereotyped as an ethnic sport.

perhaps i'll look to see if any local teams are welcoming new players

cricket is very accessible at a social level the majority of clubs are usually very welcoming to new players, it might be different over there but if it's majority sub-continental lads it won't be, they'll be delighted to have you and if you're not actually racist you'll make friends easily over cricket

bairstow - the tim paine effect

yeah i think it's more of an issue of finding a place where new players are actually welcomed, considering there's basically no places at all to play to begin with i'm assuming
i got into cricket this summer with the world cup and have really enjoyed it, watched almost all the ashes so far even though it's on early as fuck for americans, but not sure how accessible playing is. will look into it.

are you for real? smith and cummo were already gods. they went into this series as already the best batter and bowler in the world. and as for lasagne, he has been a talent for the last 12 months.

if you are a freshie, thats fine, but try not to embarrass the australian flag next time you post.

>bowler captain
Not good
he'd waste every review in the first 2 overs

2 little abo bastards tried breaking in this morning, you could've saved us a lot of trouble here brits

>Tim Paine captained an Ashes series victory in England

This is going to look so odd when looking back on history.

Attached: 1542537626898.jpg (983x632, 59K)

See if there's any cricket clubs in your local area and contact them with your story.
As a sport cricket is not elitist, not at all, anyone and everyone is welcome in so long as they're gentlemanly, which I can tell you are mate.

He'll unironically be remembered as a great leader who took a broken and spiritually destroyed team and took them to the pinnacle.

The ban was an unknown over how it would affect him, if anything it helped him, fair call on Cumgod but the Ashes on English soil was a real test for all of them.

Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
>Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
>Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
>Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
>Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans
Eat shit and taste defeat you fucking disgusting a*gloid subhumans

hate myself lads

Seems about right

Know the feeling. Thinking of doing something about it though.

you are quite contemptible, yes.

thx dude. i'll do some googling, will look into it. would love to try my hand at batting, looks like a blast

true. most of the wickets that fell from the pace bowlers would have gotten most people out though. cummo and hazleGOD are elite.

Imagine, just for a moment, that you were ACTUALLY English lads.... Imagine not being a able to beat a team of men descended from the scum of your society, living in a country with a population ~40,000,000 lower than yours, at a sport to YOU invented. Truly grim stuff.

would still rather be english than irish though

>tfw live in the best country in the world

Attached: AUS.png (965x536, 729K)

based switzerland

Is he the most based man in australia?

Attached: englandbtfo.jpg (1080x1080, 155K)

based aussie cricket man

what beers are those

>descendants of ejected criminals sharting all over Englel hallowed turf
this is far too based

> criminals
Crown lie. Political dissidents, no different to those sent to labor camps by stalin, mao, north korea etc. Australia would have ended up like the Pitcairn Islands when Fletcher Christian and misfits settled them if we were what the crown claimed.

true lad, thought criminal created more seethe for englel thread watchers. great day to be an aussie lad, just enjoyed 15 minutes of salt from the end of the guerilla day 5 stream

another grim thread dominated by sebbo talking to himself.

pretty aggressive looking huddle.

the ashes retaining australia

well done m8.

Absolute TRUTHIE

English seething online everywhere
Youre welcome New Zealand

Just woke up, how much did we draw by?

business idea: let england win everything from now on to keep test cricket alive

poots highest score this ashes is lower than smiths lowest score

Attached: poot.png (1352x1080, 169K)

cricket idea: field 11 batsman and bat deep for the last test so it ensures a draw

would like to see the combined average of both teams tailenders compared to the average of the openers

thanks m8.

this is the post

starc just about equaled the sum of all our opening stands so far in one innings at a run a ball

Imagine if they don't drop the Coward Poot from the captaincy after this.
Imagine if they don't fire their head coach and do a complete rebuild.

found god lads

The Joshua Tree is objectively a fantastic album don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about U2.

you're not wrong.

what do people think about U2

Lot of people only seem to know about their shitty pop era stuff and their knowledge of the band is limited to going on about how much of a cunt Bono is.


I mean seriously what a fucking song.

makes me think of that giant shit southpark episode

prefer their war/boy era

Bit unnecessary, this.

>but he should have been banned for life
Reminder the ICC only said to ban him for 3 or 6 months iirc
>but Archer had him cornered
Reminder that Australian pitches are known for bounce and pace many Aussir players learn to play it, the reason why Smith was hit is because of the way to ball was moving of the pitch
>but we dont have James Anderson
Reminder that world class bowlers should know their limits and do their vest to be fit for as long as possible, ala Pat Cummins who has played a lot of cricket past 6 months
>but if Stokes didn't walk we would have drawn the match
Reminder that Paine would havr reviewed that and it was out
>but Root is out of form
Reminder he has apparently been out of form for a long time now. Face it, he is cooked

Was quite leery at first, but NZ Today is quite funny lads

>Last two innings at The Oval Smith has scored a century in both
English pooicide on the cards lads

>English cricket is still dead and Australia is still in possession of its ashes

Attached: 1464849951203.jpg (433x417, 85K)

Why is media allowed in this? This shit is for the closed group only. Who the fuck is taking pics and sharing them in this day and age of cancel culture and hyper-PC sensitivity.
Now smith will have to "apologise" to everyone with poor eyesight

As a vision-impaired person, I take great offence at Steven Smith making fun of people with glasses tbph.


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Bancroft (Specialist Fielder)
Wade (Specialist Fielder)
Paine (C) (Wk)

You deserve it. England cricket is a disgrace and it needs a complete fix now. We got the World Cup, we now need to ensure we can actually compete. But, much like football or rugby, it'll be 'Oh we won it once, we don't need to do it again'.

>it's a start getting offered bulk interviews for grad jobs months after I applied and have already signed a contract for one episode

Head is one of our highest scoring batsmen bra

based retard

Then replace Head for Wade
Not like the middle order matters
I'd rather have safe hands in the team

Buisness Idea: Smith forced to bat left handed to give England a chance next test

Finch (specialists 6 and out hitter (still 6 more than warner))
the Paki
Sir Donald Bradman (2.0)
Carey (wk)
Paine (can't bat, can't bowl, can't keep, specialist captain)
Starc (specialist WALLOPer)

>We are the ultimate test
Okay England, we passed your 'test', can we play with real Test nations now?

the sad thing is literally no one will care about one day cricket for the next three years which is your only strong format

>a unit that has lost 10 wickets within a single session four times in three years
>hard to avoid the impression that Root is increasingly in denial about the holes within his England side
>Only one man in the team averages as much as 36

>Joe Root has insisted he "definitely" wants to carry on as captain of England
>Root has led two unsuccessful attempts to win the urn

Bringing Finch back would be great for the lolz

>Reminder the ICC only said to ban him for 3 or 6 months iirc
not even, it was like one or two tests for Bancroft, don't even know if they included Smith and Warner
but I disagree about the pace bowler bit, we were utterly exposed by Bumrah at home
And nobody is talking about Stokes walking

Can Archer still go back to play for the West Indies?

I doubt he'd do much good with consistency but he's got two things going for him:
>he's a right hander
>it's literally impossible for him to be any worse than what we've got now

Plus he has the chance to fire every now and then and absolutely demolish a bowling attack.

>it's literally impossible for him to be any worse than what we've got now
I'm joking mate, he's fucking awful. Worse than Roy

>hasn't watched any post match press conferences or analysiseses

Plenty of people are talking about Stokes walking.

England idea: don't expose Root to the new ball

Yeah and Roy is better than Warner, Finch at least usually gets a couple handsome drives off down the ground before he throws away his wicket.

It is a shame, yeah. Still, hopefully the World Cup win will give a boost in funding and people playing it in general. UK never used to be good at Olympics, then gave it a lot of funding and are now the 2nd best in the world in total and I think 3rd in capita behind you and USA. But that's what investment can do. We should be putting it into cricket. But we also need to boost stuff like netball, ice hockey, basketball (though I'd prefer not) and perhaps baseball (we have a Baseball World Cup too) and American Football.

As for cricket, we're a bit of a disgrace and I think the World Cup crumpled us due to exhaustion over the Super Over and generally nobody particularly wanted to do the Ashes. It sucks but, Double Chance ruined because >England >Good.

*moves further down the order*

Not possible mate, the only way England take the shine off the ball is by letting it cannon into their stumps.

/nrl/s up

>wake up
>reports of The Cowards death by overdose haven't come to fruition


>A total of 3.212 million viewers (Metro: 2.211 million / Regional: 1.001 million) tuned into Nine’s broadcast of the fifth day of the Fourth Test between Australia and England.

>Google Stokes
>"Mark Taylor praises Ben Stokes for walking at Old Trafford"
ah yes expert analysis from tubbs.
They're only going on about it to prolong the "remember when Broad didn't walk lol" narrative, I doubt anybody is suggesting it had an impact on the game

Perhaps you'd appreciate hearing Ian Chappell harshly critiquing his captaincy:


meant to reply to If they are suggesting it had an impact on the game they're wrong

Loved that scene.

>but I googled it

Poor effort lad, two examples which immediately spring to my memory:
>Root asked about it in his post match press conference
>Michael Vaughan asked about it on his Cricbuzz report

Now of course both of them completely dismissed it as having no effect on the game, but the fact that they were asked about it shows that people (idiots) have indeed been talking about it.



>Finch is better than Warner, the guy averaging around 5 and with 3 ducks
Even if that were true and I reckon it's debatable it's a very low threshold, I think his average wasn't much higher when he was playing at home
Bancroft is the best person to bring back, he at least faces a lot of balls and puts a dent in the new ball, which is exactly what we need
I'd rather have some absolute shitter brought in to open like D'Arcy Short or Lynn over giving that fat cunt another shot

Not convinced on Bancroft, never have been, but at least he's a right hander yeah?
Definitely worth a go over warner if so.

This, bring Rogers back with Bancroft
Tell them to face 60 balls each, then throw away their wickets to let Labuschagne and Smith come to the crease

>hmm why would they ask irrelevant and pointed questions to fuel the heroic Stokes narrative and prolong the interview
tbf I didn't explain properly, when I said "And nobody is talking about Stokes walking" I meant in the context of impacting the match as you say, sure the meaning of it in the context of the hero Stokes and the coward Broad is still a talking point


Loved that man, such a shit technique for doing anything other than blunting the new ball, had an enormous string of 20-30s and I never batted an eyelid at his selection because he almost never failed to at least see off the newball which was 90% of his job.

It would be absolute pottery if the guy Warner exploited and threw under the bus was the very same guy to take his spot after he abjectly failed on the biggest stage in Australian test cricket.
Fuck I hope it happens

No they were pointed questions trying to see if they could get the interviewee to critique stokes for walking and throwing away the game.
That was my interpretation upon hearing them anyway.




Aussie test players who are done:
Warner, Khawaja, Head

Aussie test players in glorious ascension:
Smith, Lasagne, Cummins

He really didn't look that far off in the first two tests, much better than Warner easy
He's faced 25, 31, 66 and 40 balls this series, fairly shit but infinitely better than Harris and Warner. When we've got a firing middle order and Labushagne is fairly decent at facing the new ball but still an important wicket all we need is someone soaking up the strike at the top, the aggressive opener meme needs to die if we haven't got anyone good enough for it
And yeah he's a right hander, a lefty/righty partnership with Harris is the way to go, although throwing in two guys with limited experience is a bit risky (but can't be any worse than what we've got)

Your interpretation is wrong sorry mate

>He's faced 25, 31, 66 and 40 balls this series

I can't fucking stand all these nigger collision threads I fucking hate Americans so godamn much

>I know because although I didn't actually watch any of the post match media, I googled "stokes"

Not sure you're an authority on the subject matie

Just woke up, time for WoW Classic and a billy.

please don't use that word on /cric/ thanks

He will come good, next captain Smith possibly, assuming Labuschagne doesnt seek to be it or shits the bed

*be based*

Reminder for all who are doubting Warner that he is one of the best openers on the last 6 yeara also
>In spite of his flatlining form, Warner remains one of the most deadly second-innings batsmen in the game, especially when presented with the chance to build on a lead.
Just bring Bancroft in again for Harris and trust in Warner.
If he doesnt come good during the Aussie summer where is record is great then drop him for good

Here's Warner for contrast: 14, 8, 17, 11, 94, 2, 2, 6
And Harris: 12, 39, 24, 16
I think Burns shows that you just want someone who can settle in, get a bit of luck and see out the new ball. When you've got guys opening in this fucking atrocious England weather at the beginning of the day or right before play ends the odds are completely stacked against you, there's very little hope of playing aggressively and succeeding
Actually I did watch the post match stuff, I don't remember Atherton asking Root anything about stokes at the end of play last night and if he did it was a very minor point. You're talking about the glut of post match media shit where people are trying to wring it out and bring up new angles to earn their paycheque
I actually follow and understand cricket quite a bit and can use my rather large brain to understand that Stokes walking wasn't very insignificant to ultimate decision of the match, it's more about his big strong heroics, I don't need to rely on blog shitters on cricinfo to inform my understanding

Just need 3 for symmetry m8

joe burns deserves a crack

A full strength Queensland too order

need to keep head for all the '[insert bowler name here] gets head' headlines

Here is the truth
Stokes knew he nicked, Paine was gonna review it 100%
So instead he walks in hopes that a brave display of sportsmanship rallies the team to bat on for a draw to redeem Stokes
Stuff like walking is all a mental game and used to try and counter the momentum of the bowling side

Or maybe he just knew it was out and couldn't bear hanging around for a review
It's really not that big of a deal mate, don't get sucked into all this bullshit oversaturated media. There's definitely some class to it but it's doesn't deserve all this focus

a full strength Sebbo

Joe Burns
Usman Khawaja
Marnus Labushugne
simple as
also chuck in Neser for Cummins and Stanlake for Starc as a laugh

I'm salivating at this

The post match press conference lad, not the on field interview.

stop LARPing as an Australian you fucking dick

No m8
Cricket is a mental game as well as a physical one
Which is why declarations are done even at 9 down with plenty of time left
There was no doubt Stokes walking helped the English dressing rooms morale a bit, he is the leader pretty much and doing something like that is seen as brave
Stupid nevertheless but can help team morale weirdly

>watching Robelindas McGrath vs Atherton video

Kinda feel sorry for him lads.... looked like a nice guy..

>stop LARPing as an Australian you fucking dick

Attached: ƃud˙60ǝ.png (645x729, 61K)

Reminder Englabd announce their squad for next match later today/tonight/tomorrow depending on which country you live in. Put down predictions
Same team honestly, and same order they had last test. England are often that dumb

almost definitely the same team, Overton is the only one in doubt but he played a good game and the brains trust will salivate over his batting

I predict a couple minor changes of players you didn't expect and no change for the glaring ones.

yeah fair there's some element of morale to it
Had they been waiting for that inevitable review it would have drowned their hopes even more

listened to a presentation on whorephobia today lads

Imagine all of Billy Stanlake's 2.04m of height charging in at England's top order with the new ball. Giving me goosebumps just at the thought


end yourself

Joe Burns
Matt Renshaw
Marnus Labushagne


>*everyone behaves differently to me, I am autistic

Attached: 1561862216585.jpg (720x945, 95K)

the coward Joe Root

Very Queenslandish

That’s the joke

based in intelligence every 15 minutes for 4 hours
keep wade?

No cricket on lads.

For now yes, find another candidate for the next series ASAP


Grimly weeping

World XI
Graham Gooch
Rahul Dravid
Donald Bradman
Steven Smith
Steve Waugh (C)
Jacque Kallis
Adam Gilchrist (wk)
Dale Steyn
Wasim Akram
Glenn McGrath
Shane Warne

what's your /cric/ XI?

the Joward Roe Coot

Zerog00se (c)
Sebbo (wk)
Richo (rafm)
Convict (rals)
Forgot who else is in /cric/ or has been
I hate tripfags

Good job putting sebbo behind the wickets. BMI is too high to play anywhere else desu.

His BMI is enough to cover up to fourth slip as well

implying based sebbo wouldn't btfo everyone with his medium pace spin bowling

>fraudull won

actually lmaoing here

these is the most reddit team ive ever laid my eyes upon

Fine then, you caught me, i really wanted Aussie players for the full 11
Let us face it, Australia have so much depth in each spot that 2 teams could easily be made to vs each other just from Australia

grim but at least I managed to get a bet on him to win the pen when he was $1.4

waqar was better than wasim reddit akram comfortably

far too much ego

would self destruct in an afternoon

>Afghan's first test win might get rained out
utterly grim

world xi

mo yousuf

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Bangladesh should be forced to declare

For me, Dale Steyn is better than all other pace bowlers
Then Glenn McGrath
Third Seamer/Pace bowler definitely a throw up between a few players though


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forgot kallis haha fml drop one of the openers

Just heard the news lads

RIP Spud

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>No Kallis in your team who happens to be the best all rounder ever to exist

tell me about Zahir Khan

Literal who m8

>22h22 hours ago
>I am disgusted that people don't value the cricket has been displayed in the #BANvAFG Test.
>Every team started somewhere, so what if it doesn't have the history of the #Ashes. If you love Test Cricket, you love all Test Cricket!

So fucking true
The cazzies in this thread could learn something from this

yeah hes the greatest cricketer ever he slipped my mind for some reason though

so true

Best World XI coming through
Matthew Hayden
Justin Langer
Adam Voges/Ricky Ponting
Steven Smith
Donald Bradman
Steve Waugh (C)
Adam Gilchrist (Wk)
Glenn McGrath
Pat Cummins
Dennis Lillee
Shane Warne

did you just google stats you cazzie

What would an XI look like if you stacked it with the best batsman? And Vice Versa?
Both sides have Kallis by default

somehow think he could be taking the piss
absolute state of you

>not knowing we meme Voges as a great batsman
cazzies need to leave
It is why i put a serious player like Ponting in at 3

They already have a test win mate



I have been eternally redeemed after calling for his inclusion into the fucking test squad already for at least a year before it finally fucking happened.

Ayan: "how are the WTC points calculated ?? Australia won 2 away matches and drew one they have got 56 points, while India won 2 away matches and got 120 points. " -- Every series is worth 120 points, distributed equally over the number of Tests.
Can't believe India have more points for heeming the west indies in two tests than the bonechilling slow burn that this ashes series has been

a win against a semi-credible cricket nation then

See It is prettt funny when people like you are outed as cazzies in /cric/

Just how much of a meme is nigera rising.
Sorry for being a caz

amazing what ten tests against the windies and New Zealand can do to your average

I have said it before, and I'll say it again
India are guaranteed to make every test champ final as they mostly play against shit teams, while SA, Aus, and Eng vs each other and India more often then other nations

>what's your cric XI
Glad you asked.

1. Joshy
2. Daniel
3. Goosey
4. lawnGOD (c)
5. FHG Ltd.
6. Shitspouter (wk)
7. Zach
8. Hue
9. Trinibro
10. Ivan
11. Richo


My world XI:
MJ Slater
ML Hayden
RT Ponting
ME Waugh
SR Waugh (c)
DR Martyn
AC Gilchrist †
SK Warne
B Lee
JN Gillespie
GD McGrath

Oh wait that was an actual fielded team....

I thought they were going to adjust points based on the form of teams but if they're going with a set amount per series I guess I'm wrong
utterly grim, they should use a fluctuating ranking system like the current one used to determine test nations.
Also they should be penalised for refusing to play the only other half competent team in the subcontinent

Retain the Ashew s and still rent frwe, been oen the piss sionce 6am, celebrating weith the boys
fucking losers lmao

Attached: article-2525109-1A276E9000000578-194_636x382.jpg (1908x1146, 291K)

im an elite off spinning all rounder btw
a right armed shakib


You first

>Voges averaged 90.5 after 14 tests

>when tubs was interviewing them in the dressing room and some of the lads sprayed him with beer and he just says "yeah good on ya"

kino series

Sounds more like channel for thing

how can /cric/ stop nadaL?

who /thirsty/ here?

Attached: 0763f293956503794e45ff3171df9fa81e9946d1.jpg (1600x1067, 117K)

replace the roid cream for his knees with liquid mercury

>4x tinnies

a man of exquisite taste

hate swann
love pietersen

simple as
even love his commentary because hes vagely camp like a south african boris becker , whereas swann is insufferable

You can't stop the spanish bull, submit pommie!
(and give back gibraltar)

His bat's rubber has a bit of phimosis by the looks.

listening to cirno's perfect math class lads
happy 9/9

That's why you're at 7, part-time bowler, part-time with the bat. The quintessential part-timer.

If England win the next test it's a draw

>you will never be a part of these teams
It hurts

>Warner celebrating as though he played a significant part in this test.
Grim stuff, they should put him in the corner with a dunce cap.

swann is a seething mess in the box
so is pietserson tbf but it's funny as fuck

Yeah and what about Brad Haddin and George Bailey - they didn't even score a single fucking run!
What are they celebrating for? Nonces.

that's from the 13/14 series mate
notice his gay little moustache?

did you know nonce is pommy prison slang standing for Not On Normal Communal Excercise

capitalism more like cringealism

More like
>notice that half the people visible in that picture have been retired for years
Think that's what gave it away for me.

that too haha


there's a lot of weird slang that's supposedly prison slang but really isn't

LMAOing at the morons who thought this shit would end after colonialism.



Ah yes the fat expert

>The entire Australian squad singing True Blue with Glenn McGrath.


Based CA TV.
Don't know what I'd do if my country was so shit at cricket that their national team didn't even have a youtube channel.... I'd probably be so depressed I'd go shag a sheep or something.

kek and so true


Sounds right.

Ah yes the based sebbo

sebbos weighs 7643377272722 tonnes

Seeing as India runs cricket, it is only fitting that this is the Worlds best Test XI
Kohli (c)
Dhoni (Wk)


a full strength zaheer khan


Holy shit lads. They've done a 4k re-release of Taboo II.

>didn't even bother putting them in the right order

Thought i did desu
Phone posting is a grim life

Sebbo posting is back.

Yes finally! Sebbo posting is comfy as fuck

Attached: 1565745287427.jpg (539x960, 44K)

six and a half metres

did you know that the most aesthetic cover drive of all time was possessed by barely known yasir hameed


is james hildreth the fawad alam of england? is he actually test quality tragically overlooked or is he a meme?

Attached: hildreth.jpg (160x200, 12K)

just went for a massive jos buttler to meet the ed smith i dropped earlier on

>that noise off the bat

Attached: 1460251898023.png (420x420, 21K)

Business idea: play a super over at the end of the next test if England win

are jason roys dismissals in the 1st and 2nd innings the most remarkably similar pair of dismissals of all time?

Ding ding ding, ohayou wake up; onegai zomato zomato


Why is it that bowling around the legs to knock the stumps/bails the best wicket to watch?

Senna was the dhyanchand of F1


Business idea: import a Subaru and then take it to Japanese mountains and drift around the corners

Import a Subaru from Japan and take it to Japan?

less ian botham
more bob willis

Zaheer Khan

>The failure of Jason Roy, a man who has never batted for two sessions in his entire first-class career, as opener was not just predictable but raises questions about the judgement of the selection panel.

Attached: 1480908555194.png (397x389, 226K)

ed smith has been picking brainletbash shitters for years now and it was never going to work

extremely overcast day in early september here in bongland

f for danny frawley my /cric/ family

another glorious day in the great state of queensland

>And it's not as if Roy is a one-off. Ollie Pope, who had never come in before the 20th over of a first-class game and batted No. 6 for Surrey, was asked to come in at No. 4 - and in the first 10 overs of the innings - when he represented England last year. Joe Denly, who gave up opening years ago, has been asked to take up the role once more at the higher level.
>Remember Sam Curran being preferred to Stuart Broad in Barbados? Dom Bess being preferred to Moeen Ali last year? The grim refusal to accept that Keaton Jennings wasn't up to it or that Denly wasn't the spin-bowling all-rounder England required ahead of the World Cup? Increasingly, the judgement of Ed Smith is looking suspect.
the brains trust getting absolutely eviscerated here

Oh NOW it rains

queensland is the heart of Australia

while comfy is just a codeword for boring
sebbo is a codeword for based, elite, and (above all) an end to all forms of boredom

based retard

faggot pedophile

summer has been so obscenely short this year
remember needing a jacket in mid june and now the temperature has dropped again already

afghan have put in a truly dominating performance in bangladesh. dont think any other side could have achieved this except india

>Indeed, it may be Buttler who most exemplifies this team. Yes, he's talented. Yes, he can hit a white ball as well as anyone in the world. But he goes into the final Test of this series as a specialist batsman coming in at No. 7 and averaging just 16.25. Various other players - the likes of Pope, Moeen, Bairstow and Stokes - have been moved to accommodate him. But the return on the investment is modest and the reputation, in Test cricket at least, is bigger than the achievement.
>His returns shouldn't surprise us. He averages just 32.12 in first-class cricket. He's made only five first-class centuries in his entire career of 99 games. But his raw talent - his ability to hit balls to the boundary, really - has seduced the selectors into thinking he's something he's not and concluding that he can turn those figures around at the higher level. It's poor logic. He's been living off promise for years.
>That's, basically, the story of this England side. It's full of batsmen with big reputations and small averages. Batsmen who can impress for an hour or two but lack the old-school skills required to build match-defining innings. And bowlers who, while honest, were put in the shade by the sustained excellence of Cummins and Hazlewood. Yes, England did wonderfully well to win the World Cup. But in Test cricket, at least, they're not as good as they think they are. They need an honest appraisal of where they are - much like Jamaica in 2009 - if they are to move forward.
fattest truthnuke I have ever read

Bought her the ring, lads.

f, my dad said he was in the year before spud at school

literally doesnt matter if its not an official result. bangladesh have lost this match and its an only test

onion ring?

>England will only have their miserable winter to look towards after this loss
grim, english cricket will totally die off once all their fans commit suicide

there should probably a rule desu that means you '''officially'''' lose a game when youve been as outplayed as this

When's your vasectomy?

honestly lads, all this calling cricket matches "games" is just NOT on
cricket is not a game
it is a competition
it is a struggle
it is a sport

shut up sebbo



this but for an ashes series

Bought him the ring, lads.

aghanistan should at least be awarded more points on the table than for an outright draw. something inbetween a draw and a win

Does Steve Smith get knighted or nah?

he is a paedophile,
he is a nonce,
he is a perv,
he is a slot badger,
he is a two pin din plug,
he is a bush dodger,
he is a small bean regarder,
he is an unabummer,
he is a nut administrator,
he is a bent ref,
he is the crazy world of Arthur Brown,
he is a fence foal,
he is a free willy,
he is a chimney bottler,
he is a bunty man,
he is a shrub rocketeer,
he is an anal buccaneer,
he is a chutney ferret,
he is a rump ranger,
he is a back door bandit,
he is a cock gobbler,
he is a pillow biter,
he is a coprophiliac,
he is a randy bumgardener,
he is a knight of the pork sword,
he is a rear admiral,
he is a cockpipe cosmonaut,
he is a shirt lifter,
he dances to the beat of a different drum,
he is a sausage jockey,
he is a bone smuggler,
he is an anal astronaut,
he is a harry hoofter,
he is a donut puncher,
he is a marmite miner,
he is a shit stabber,
he is a booty buffer,
he is a ring raider,
he is a crafty butcher,
he is a butt rustler,
he bats for the other team,
he is a uphill gardener,
he is a rectal pioneer,
he is a mattress muncher,
he is a bumhole engineer,
he is a urethra spelunker,
he is a buttock bungler,
he is a rectal conductor,
he is a back-passage dipper,
he is a twink fetishist,
he is a sausage gagger,
he is a sphincter connoisseur,
he is a baguette receiver,
he is a bottom feeder,
he is a basket gazer,
he is a uros voyeur,
he is a bear chaser,
he is a sheep sodomizer,
he is piratical cottager.

found a pic of sebbos car online lads

Attached: sebbo.jpg (720x960, 195K)

ignore him

fuck off with your gigantic post dumb fucking pom

unsurprisingly he's in a handicapped spot

>he is a twink fetishist,

there is literally nothing wrong with this

also i'd never fucking drive an american car

>he bats for the other team,

You wish m8.


They arent even in the running for it m8
Bangas dont even get points for it as well

Attached: 1565338944274.jpg (500x458, 13K)

Just give Louis a go t bh, put him in the nets for a day and he'll probably be better.

Royal Commission into the continued omission of Fawad Alam by the corrupt murderer Inzamam

Shut the fuck up LARPer

>t. nonce sympathizer

The 0.9 or 1.0 jew unit one?

Unpopular opinion: You shouldn't retain the ashes if it's just a draw, it should be vacated. There's enough fucking draws in test cricket.


a draw in cricket is earned unlike in other sports, more of a refusal to lose than a non-resukt


dont understand what you mean

*be's harder to bat*

>A total of 3.212 million viewers (Metro: 2.211 million / Regional: 1.001 million) tuned into Nine’s broadcast of the fifth day of the Fourth Test between Australia and England.

who are all these people?

fuckken saved

what are we going to do about the leaf problem lads?
reckon you can't call yourself an anglosphere nation if you don't play rugby and cricket

Based sebbo one hundred percent for me lads

All the poos here on dodgy visas.

Centipede Hz was a classic Animal Collective album sabotaged by Pitchfork

not a fan of it

literally everyone I know was watching it, even girls who literally have not watched a ball of cricket before
redemption arc of Steve Smith got everyone drawn in

Didn't it come out almost a decade ago? Get over it mate.

seven years

last time Pitchfork exerted any influence on music

Attached: Screenshot_20190909-175142.jpg (1080x2160, 965K)

not given it much of a listen but ive heard many people say the same. feels will always be their best album though. their only release that has distinction and couldnt have been made by any other band

Imagine a Louis Theroux documentary where he investigates the absolute dire state of English cricket
>My time with Trevor Bayliss, Ed Smith and James Taylor had come to an end. Throughout my journey I had learnt some of the key logistical failings and ineptitude through which English cricket has been systematically destroyed. The unjustified selections and bizarre logic by some of the most baldly unqualified selectors throughout history had been fascinating to absorb. Although represented through various media outlets as "the brains trust" and other adulating descriptors, their sheer mental deficiency made me finally realise just awful English cricket has become at all levels

Feels and Strawberry Jam are the peaks I reckon

Here Comes The Indian is up there too

Merryweather yeah was quite generic really just pop songs

why didn't England just do this to get Smith out

Grim. Not even a slither of hope for him to end his conclusion on.

You never really see him act so negative, usually he's pretty unbiased




feels mogs on strawberry jam. strawberry jam is pretty bland imo but obviously this is all entirely subjective

it's on at the perfect time right after dinner and before bed, plus there were supposed to be guaranteed wickets in Roy and Denly

Why would you do that on the first ball?

fucking HATE early CUNTS