Tfw too smart for american football

>tfw too smart for american football

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But still a muslim shitbrain



What our local leftypol american is gonna white knight for roaches too

super mad

If Europe cared about handegg we would dominate because of our superior athletes


>most strategic sport isnt understood by the third world

Football is about high IQ coaches and quarterbacks, and middle linebackers commanding a bunch of low IQ brutes around like pawns. It's basically contact chess. They have to gameplan for a whole week between games.

>not "to smart"
why tho

Also centers and free safeties tend to be generals of the o-line and dbs.

But inferior military strategists

>>most strategic sport

Fuck this goddamn shit """""""""sport""""""" for fat niggers. Fuck off to Yea Forums with that garbage.

Yeah I can't wait to watch a due get tackled and then lay on the ground for an hour because "ouch I have to hold it until it stops hurting!"

I 100% agree with that post

quarterbacks are literal retards

Europe will never care because they already have rugby, and its better/faster.

Lie. You lie on the floor. You lay a tray down. You lay mines. Helpful sentence 'A chicken lies down to lay eggs'. I was lying on the bed when the doorbell rang.

>Doesn't know the shape of an egg or an American football
Seethe harder europoor trash

to dumb for football

get bent erofags

>please notice me big, strong americans

It's literally unwatchable from the side view

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