Turn left

Cup @ Indy

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cocaine fueled from 33rd

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is that the non unionized mexican richard childress?

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Thats Mike Harmon, a legend in NASCAR and the local Applebees


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are the tv ratings so bad that they have to do radio memes?

>those empty seats

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im not sure, but some say if you meet him at the Applebees... nevermind ive already said too much.

rate my collection so far Yea Forums
i have a little over a half dozen more on the way from various drivers

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also ib4

no one likes Indy because its a terrible race. That and they pair it with opening week for the NFL and the ratings today will be abysmal


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>jeff gordon
that will be a 0/10 from me big guy

>MRN Broadcast
Yup, he's a boomer.

understandable, enjoy the race




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very nice, here's my main shelf, haven't bought any lately though

>"GG JJ"

fuck him hes won enough

>t. Gordon


well this race can't let me down anymore than monza earlier or the dolphins absolutely shitting the bed rn

>gg jj
he doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs

shit forgot the pic

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that's a hot collection
good work chileanbro

Based sebbo

damn chileanon! thats a nice shelf.

>volume is 95% cars
>can barely hear the announcers, sometimes not at all
this is already a contender for race of the year

the announcers could stop talking almost completely and the race quality would increase 100%

>those empty seats

holy cow... should've move the race to ORP or whatver its called now

turnleft cant be this dead

It's indy, one of the worst races of the year

>opening week of football
it never stood a chance today

nigball is on, im sure we lost a few

Its just this Indy race. Its gonna be terrible and everyone knows it

expectations: cant be lower

I'll still be disappointed and feeling like I wasted my time for having watched

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they should just stop trying and race on saturday when football starts.


Just deport Suarez already

Why don't they change it up a bit and turn right?

Saturdays are for /cfb/

I have no idea what happened in the Xfinity race yesterday because /cfb/ is king on Saturdays

>yellow for that

Suarez just did that and look at him now

Shut up

Sorry mate know absolutely nothing about the lads who drive the cars don't know who he is

They needed to bunch the field up again

They will do it for every excuse they can at this track

sorry to be an idiot but what's /cfb/ surely it's not CLF?

Hahaha fucking crash in pit lane

college football
i.e hero worshiping of students doing an extracurricular activity
i don't get it

NCAA handegg

oh fuck, I completely forgotten about that.

I guess it can't be helped then.

>chase leliott

college foot ball lad

its where we watch our alma matter disappoint us and embarrass our schools on national tv

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I know those feels WVU user


if lelgano wins, penske will have both the 500 and 400 on the same year with the same car number

>its a rebuilding meme year

Also: Thats too much smoke from Krut, he's gonna have to pit

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Is this track small or something? I know these cars can do 200

nascar brass neutered them with less HP and more down force

going to Big 12 was the worst mistake ever. WVU should be in the SEC playing against Tennessee and Kentucky. Also, /missbackyardbrawl/

Oh yeah. That happened last year right? They got rid of restrictor plates but did some new thing

You now remember the 2008 Brickyard, where the tires were so bad they had to throw a caution every 10 laps and Tony Stewart got in trouble for talking shot about Goodyear after the race where he plugged Hoosier tires and was told to STFU by NASCAR

it started this year, but they started reducing hp back in 2015

that's also the year indy did their merger and started tanking nascar
it's all been downhill since

the problem with the Big 12 is there are no local rivalries and no rivalries for WVU at all really

When I was there, Va Tech was our real rival. I still hate Va Tech ti this day.

>vettel, mission spinnow at monza
>miami, getting absolutely slaughtered right now
>/turnleft/, harvick is leading at for the moment at least

better start drinking user

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What was the biggest screwup at indy? 2005 F1 or 2008 NASCAR?

2005 F1 for sure

>ruins Gimmie's career

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was there for that, could not believe the amount of garbage people threw onto the track.

can't compare, f1 was a monimental fuck up at a world stage, but turnleft marked the end of the peak popularity period

i don't blame them at all

qt spotted at the 22 pit

2005 F1 was terrible


NASCAR has never had a race where the majority of the teams refuse to take to the track

it was very trashy for people to do.

>NASCAR has never had a race where the majority of the teams refuse to take to the track
in the modern era, remember everyone shit their pants the first time they went to talladega


landon cawshun

holy shit Landon. I hope your ok bro

Look at da rooof

>David gilliland Pirates of the Caribbean car
God-tier taste

jesus christ, i thought he flipped from the damage i saw on the roof

That must have fucking hurt

after that upside down /lebackflipman/ crash, yeah, they were not excited about dega with the spoiler that made the car airborne after it got backwards

it's a sadler car actually

sweet Gaughan South Point car

that hit was hard and fast. Landon will be hurting for sure

Landon probably just Joonyer'd his brain.

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I mean when they first opened the track back in '69 the top guys didn't want to race and had to fill the field with grand national drivers
ah yes the road america win, love the wet weather tyres on that one

>harvick exposing everyone

>jones boi

holy shit bread, I hope you;'re ok man

not cool man

holy shit another hard one

Nice camera work...

Jesus. Brutal crashes today

Oof that was a big one

let me just park this right here

I wish steak was on the same lap


Someone is going to fucking die today

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bread's hit was brutal.

>bred ded

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>yeah bro just leave it wherever

Yeah, I'd imagine those tires are gonna be on discount after that

I can't imagine how bad Brad's crash would have been if those tires weren't there.

Is that the spot where Dixon went flying a few years ago?

I wish I had my computer close to my tv, I cant type shit because I'm focused on the race

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Dude he legit would have died

Is that you Jeff?

Red flag out

gotta rebuild the tire barrier that saved bread's life

My dad has a garbage bag filled with sealed cars and I got a kitty litter bucket filled with my old cars. Can't wait to dig through it one of these days.

is it just me or is nascar losing more public year by year?

>imma head out

how dumb is this mother fucker?

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try hard twitter trolls are just that. let them do their thing

It seems like NASCAR fans look for reasons to bitch and complain more than any other motorsport fan

Some brutal hits today. Anyone know how much higher the corner speeds are compared to last year?

Gets and nobody dies today and everyone will be safe :3

190 and change into the corner, about 165 in the apex of 1

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170+ through turn 2 on fresh tires where this happened

he wont be using that car again

>nappin newman

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Well yeah, I mean it's not a 90° angle. I was thinking the same thing when I heard him say that.

I hope bread's ok

one of the few stand up guys left in NASCAR

LeFart was saying kesnutz hit the wall at 90 degrees.

He seems okay, just a little pissed off.

shit cup cars arent made for this shithole

did someone got the pic of Newman sleeping?

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based jean girard

Thank you

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say you like crepes

Indy oval is replaced with the road course that Indycar runs here. Good or bad idea?

they were talking testing it out by running Xfinity on the road course this year but it never happened

That Silverado commercial reminds me that I should be able to see the back up camera in my vehicle as an option

why isnt this a thing? the camera is already there

$$$$$$$$$$$$ is the reason

yeah, but what $$? The camera is there, its just switching the display from stereo to camera

Wow the stands are empty for this race

they get money from ask extra money from it

desu it looks better this year, is not full but is not totally empty as used to look, Indy always had public attendences in NASCAR and few years ago they even put sponsors in the stands

>trustfund faggots infesting the starting line
NASCAR is fucking dead

Did anyone else just see that Ark Encounter ad?

I thought that shit went out of business

is it supposed to be some bible story exhibit

Dont you want to see the big boat that held 2 of every animal and wasnt built with modern tools?

just noticed Kroger on the back bumper of that 1 car

good to see a new sponsor for Krut

i am suprised that this is being broadcasted on NBC of all fucking channels

if was FOX it wouldnt be expected, but NBC is kinda weird and uncanney

they were all the time there, just like M&Ms promote shops that sell M&Ms on Kyle´s back

NBC doesnt have Sunday football untill tonight.

no you dont got what i meant

the expected this ad wasnt suposly to be broadcasted AT ALL

I understand now.





kryle done

Jimmie isn't making the playoffs is he

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yes!!! haha yes!! fuck u busch!!!

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get BFTO Egoman

he is out front man. He has a chance

Who is the most based NASCAR driver in history and why is it Leeroy Yarbrough?

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>be professional nascar driver
>blow out your engine

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not sure if it's good or bad, depends if everyone stops at the end of the stage

fuck I actually wanted kyle to win this... meh, if logano wins is all fine tho

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ooh hahahaha oh hahahahhahah

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this does put a smile on my face

it looked that was break faluie

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that flaming wheel from kryle was kino

>jj radio: man i thought we had one

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we dont got what we want, hue
besides you have pretty cringy driver chooses

>de bris

its me or Harvick is running like people drive on Indycar trying to clean the draft?

>dubree cawshun
haven't seen one of those in a while

now that force yellows isnt more necessary they throw real yellows nowdays

that metal piece would easly blew an tire and fuck someone´s race

>finishing the stage under yellow for a dubree cawshun

>4 laps of caution for a piece of metal



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Damnit, Gimmie just spun Krut

Goodbye Jimmie.

F for JJ



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>jj retirement announcement incoming

Gimmie's spotter fucked up


Byron a shit.

Krut is fucked with that newly flattened back end

Byron you retard

Show the rest of the wreck already you nbc fucks

>we're done guys
fuck zoomers desu, gimme is gimmie-aggressively mad

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that sucks bad

end of an era boys

Gimmie wins LOL is dead

imagine if happens and someone makes an documentary about this crash named "the crash that killed JJ carreer"

Hendrick is done

10 years ago I would jump up and down and cheer whenever jimmie would wreck and not get the championship, now I feel nothing, What can I do to rekindle the passion?

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No Jimmie in the Chase. Hopefully those Gibbs faggots get knocked out before the final round.

come on man, you know a JGR car win the chip

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nah they will be fine
they need focus in 2021 car tho

Now that the dust has settled and his career is over, favorite Jimmie Johnson moment?

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tfw we're looking at two seasons without a jj win

I hate saying it but it's pretty much guaranteed that two of them will make the final four. I'm pulling for my boy Blaney to go on a run and win in Homestead to take the championship.

>Bubba in the top 10


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How is Ryan Newman even alive right now...jesus christ


GG. ;_;

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Fucking drive away with it Blaney, please

We need a good guy to win this

Please god let Newman miss playoffs

>sneaks into the final four and steals your championship without any wins

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I've been a lifelong Roush fan, but I hope that no neck shithead misses it by 1 point.

this ally commercial is just a big insult now

>man who thought he had no hope left loses additional hope he didn't know he had.jpg

I like Blaney. I am pretty sure that after Krut retires, Blaney will be the guy I am rooting for to win each week

Gimmie looks a lot better with his beard

grow back the playoff beard Gimmie

He's been the only one to give Harvick a challenge all day. If he doesn't get screwed over on a pit stop or restarts then he has a very good chance.

That just means 4 SHR cars in including Cunt Bowyer.

Cunt and Bones should just shrek each other desu

Huh, wait so it was Kruts fault for Jimmies crash?

>Bubba 4th
wtf is happening

cant wait for jim to retire

Jimmie's spotter was calling him 2 wide and Byron fucked up and wrecked him

I think he blames Kurt for going 3 wide, giving Byron and himself no room

He's got a fast car. I'd lose my shit if he won. Bubba sneaking into the playoffs at the last minute would be amazing.

it was byron's fault, but can't throw his teammate under the bus so blames krut




>bubba 3rd

It's fucking happening

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Nice job Krut

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>larson out
>JJ out
>Penske and 4 on front

this race is going have an shitty ending right?

Its a good day to not listen to Krut's radio

unless you enjoy listening to constant F bombs

>Newman a little mad

"Remember what I did in 2013 to that little peanut in the 42. I'll hammer the 41 to the top of the tire barrier and make Brad's deal look like a carnival bumper car accident."

>this race is going have an shitty ending right?
buddy, I could have told you that before the order to start engines

>bubba about to pull a sneaky win

would honestly be better than anything I hoped for today

Does Bagley have Scotch tape on his front teeth?!?

>uh oh sorry bubba timing is wrong. we checked you are actually a lap down. whoopsie.

fuck you 88

>heat-seeking Bowman


lol this whole fucking race

I almost skipped this race because I thought indy was boring.

hey guys i'm from the future. just letting you know newman and bowyer take each other out.

i hate the constant wrecking

>bubba actually competitive
i don't want to end up even more disappointed (if it's even possible) but a bubba win would be nice

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this race became based and redpilled in a hurry

bubba is gonna wreck everyone

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Are those tire barriers made from magnets or something? Seems like everyone goes straight to them today.

>bubba wins and gets into the chase
>wins the title

the salt would be unbelievable.

Thank you God, I knew you existed

never doubted

i like the moto, but no open wheeled cars?

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I wouldnt even be disappointed

the 43 back in victory lane? A chip for the 43?


>tfw HMS fan

Yea imma just go....

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My brother threw out a bunch of late 90s diecast nascars and I was able to save a bunch of them. even have the bodine tabasco car.

>14/6 take each other out and get into a huge fistfight
>43 gets the win

bro, its just not your day. time for a few beers

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no need to throw them out, ebay is a thing and they eventually sell

Harvick wins lol


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hoping for a tire failure and a 12 or 43 win

open wheel cars are in another shelf

Your brother sounds stupid.

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>commercial with less then 15 left.

thanks I hate it. even a meme crash happened during it.

no, we need a colored driver, ya know for diversity and stuff...

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i thought newman was going to be aggressive but it's swarez who's starting to wreck people

That crash looked like something out of the nascar sega arcade game.

bubba putting the 43 back in victory lane would probably end racism

You can do it suarez

Cockblock Newman out of the playoffs

i spoke with the CEO of racism and they confirmed this

>We did it Mr.Petty we ended racism.

As the CEO of racism, I can confirm, this would end racism

give me a job nigger

we're on /pol/ and we do it for free

how ass blasted would newman be if the mexican squeaked by him for the final spot

>prestigious crown jewel

Bubba's car is legit, he didn't just meme his way up there

What the heck happened with Denny there?!? His car was like rubber banding like his was playing online with a shitty connection

it was a glitch in the simulation

Come on Bubba, make this happen

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You saw nothing.

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Bongs, with your quads, call upon those who need to be called upon for a Bubba win

Anyone have a gif of this? Rewound to the restart but I'm not seeing it

another scenario is 4 and 22 dq bubba wins


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he may not have won but bubba drive a good one



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>Newman with the cheeky playoff birth
He drove that car in excess of its potential the whole season. Kinda deserves it

Based Newman keeping the playoffs Mexican-free

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i was at that rained out Bristol race. Stewart and Harv tandem burnout was cool.

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>bubba 3rd on a damaged shitbox
at least something positive came out of this

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based just put Newman on the border.

Crowd as checkered flag fell.

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Was going to say he kept it 100% white but then I remembered Larson

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>bunch of position changes going on in the upper top 5 or so
>ignore them to watch some losers riding around single file to determine who gets knocked out in the first round of the playoffs
This is why your TV product sucks NASCAR


based Ryan "The South Wall" Newman

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>le boomer cactus man meme win
>Newman in the playoffs
Bad end.

cry more dumb zoomer nigger

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i need to add that one

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Zoomies btfo

Literally only 2-3 zoomies in the playoffs while everyone else is old as fuck

Harvick sloshed that sloots head.

>but no Gimmie

>veterans with years of experience outperforming younger drivers

w h o a . . . .

Why doesnt the Chevy family of SUVs include the Yukon or Suburban?

save the sarcasm for plebbit you numale


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Why are they not interviewing Bubba Wallace?


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because racism