/Heem/ Who won the story edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/details/Hallili_201807/انا جنوبي.mp3
archive.4plebs.org/sp/search/text/sheikh style/

why is he so scared

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tony's knee gives out during the khabib fight
screencap this

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>walk forward
>punch Khabib

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>Toilet Till
>Latrine Ladd
>Urinal Urijah aka team Omega Manlets
>Outhouse Ortega aka T-CTE Roidtega
>Gent's room Gustafsson aka Anus Gus
>Restroom Rockhold aka Flushed Puke Cockhold
>Washroom Woodley aka Tyreese Snoozley
>Men's room McGregor aka Gab Gooby
>Potty Poirier aka Pissoir Poirier aka Dustbin Poorier
>Loo Lee aka Gevin-up Pee
>Cesspool Cerrone aka Clogboy Cerrone
>Diaper Dodson
>Chan Sung Dung
>Doo Doo Choi
>Kakalina Kohlercowicz aka Dookie Kookie
>Bathroom Borg
>Portajon jones aka Junkheap Jones
>Scat Zingano
>Cholera Gadelha
>GloryHoley Holm
>W.C. D.C. aka Drainpipe Daniel
>Ben Rotsmell
>Pissrael "The Last Stoolbender" Adesanya
>Blendin Shart aka Sexuality Hybrid
>Commody Garbrandt
>Diarrhea Dos Santos aka Face Plantos
>Poobert shittaker akd Doobby Wheetkaker
>Valenpeener Shitstinko aka Foul Bullet
>Stinkpee Miocic ake Sleepe Stenchic
>Rose Namurinas aka Thud Rose
>Alistair Diarrheem aka Pottychair Odorstream aka Garbagepail Urinestream
>Shogun Pooa
>TakePee Sperguson aka El Cacuy aka Tony El-Poo-Poo-Wee Ferguson
>Soil Stack Smith aka LyingTurd
>Wandiarrhlei Silva aka Uma C-T-Eicia
>Farticio Werdum aka Febrezetheroom Offumes
>VolCAN Poozdasmear
>NateCan Diarrhiaz
>Henwee "The Cringelord" Cepoodo
>Cumarpoo "Nigerian Sewer" Poosman
>Min Hollogay
>AlexCANder VolCANovski
>Crap Barry
>Cuckby "Cuckos" Cuckington
>Rafael Poos Canjos aka Raphael dos Baños
>Grug Sharty
>Lames Dick
>Franpiss Manguano
>Dirtdick “Black Fece” Lewpiss
>Tai Pooivasa
>Yarear Rodrepiss
>BM Punk aka CM Puke
>“Smellin’“ Sam Alvpee
>aCANda Lionpiss Poonez
>Boy's room benavidez aka mr Olivi
>hard-stool sterling
>Jorge "inbred" Massivepile
>Ass Rotten
>Puke Thomas
>Jackoff Slack
>Shitt Okamoto
>Faggy Shartin
>United Cumdom aka Poonited Pissdom
>Bumerica aka PooSA
>CUM Championship

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is he trying to get killed?

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woah... its that easy..

Khabib finally has a good win

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could you imagine if conor really wrote it

tony is the one to defeat khabob

his hand is halfway up his arm, almost touching his delt

that's a brutal choke poor guy looks like he's being hung

You will see

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conor unironically would win rematch

Dustin was winning until he lost

dubs of truth

>A Welterweight who cuts to 155 to fight a Featherweight

Wew lad

Is he the lone wrestler killer?

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tony is the biggest meme in the UFC

he loses to colby or usman, easily

The virgin basedrier

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ben wins 999999 in 1000000 times they fight

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Look inside your heart.
You know full well pic related is the only man who stands a chance of beating Khabib.
Tony, Gaychee, all these guys, they cannot do it.
The Goobster is the only man who can do it.

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oh hes not out.

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Healthy goober wins the rematch with ease

>i objectively have the lowest iq here
what does "objectively" mean?

Fuck asscream
Fuck that sellout cuckington
Fuck that coward PUSSman
Fuck wrestling

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In this episode Colby and Masvidal are jumping and touching the roof with their heads for 45 minutes.Kino of the year

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still mad at that maia loss eh

jon jones and khabib, 2 guys literally unwilling to fight without cutting weight arguing over who should be p4p #1 lmfao

no one here is dumber than me get it through your fat hat you stupid fucking retard

thoughts on ankle diving as a sport?

>thinking GOATby and Masvidal actually have fallen out
You are being worked by an angle a 9 year old pro wrestling fan wouldn't be fooled by
GOATington has worked the entirety of the MMA community into a seething shoot

'Ate it and love it at the same time. Im a faggot.

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finally a chance to cover her fivehead and she doesn't the lad from aspen's name is quasimodo



how is it possible to be this ugly and short and stupid

Tony Ferguson is The Joker of UFC

who is the kevin nash of the ufc?

your first spot is being attacked my man
better defend it you might end up 3rd


Hm, you mean the undisputed GOAT whose has been slandered and lied about by seething rEddietors?
Would have to be Conor "Goobert" McGregor

khabob is so fucked bros

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i don't care it's always sunny is generally funny and it does it without a laugh track, i don't care if that makes me a millennial or a zoomer either.

>Diaz actually memed his way into having the ufc make a bmf bely

Tiramisu is unequivocally, undisputably fucking finished lads

Jon Jones vs Dennis
who wins?

hate khabib so goddamn much

God I despise this retard

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i actually thought he was joking while posting these

Based Diaz bruder

have sex incel, because sure as hell dildo danis has it every night!

have sex coping incel



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Dustin lost because he’s a mental midget. I saw it coming with his whole
‘I’ve been an underdog my whole life’
‘I don’t know how but I found of a way’
shtick leading up to the fight. People lose against khabib because they train stand up and stuffing takedowns instead of training wresting/grappling, then they panic when they can’t stop the takedown and expend a shitton of energy trying to escape, gas and quit instead of just wrestling with him.

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Praise be to your name, Dustinallah Al-Almas Pourarhi!
Your mercy have no bounds! After Khabust's wife Zubaira discgraced herself by haram acts with kaffir from Londonistan, it was your turn to execute swift punishment on her husband. Nobody but you could've been so holy to even think of forgiving that majnun.
You saw his father's eyes, the shame he felt at this moment. He was waiting for your bicepswords to swing. deep into his neck. But you let go.
Tears in his fathers eyes became your tears. Only qdis like you could let go of his fame and legacy to spare this kalb. And thus those who are not blind saw why your name is Al Almas. Your heart was pure like one, and so were your tears. Biggest diamonds known to man couldn't fit jasim of your heart. This was the miracle we all were blessed to observe.
And as for that mirhad nasir you spared, he will face his punishment. Tonajhi Al 'iiblis Ferghoury will slice his eyes and take him to end of the world to walk back home blind...

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>just wrestle bro
>it cant be that hard
based intelectual swiss found the key to beat khabib

يمارس الجنس مع نفسك

>What the hell? This isn't the newest slow burn bone chilling gut wrenching atmospheric character development driven Dustin fight, this is a Khabib domination! SHUT IT DOWN RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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damn, dustin should have spent his entire training camp focusing on wrestling or something then

that left hand shot will land in the rematch

Based, i spammed "bone chilling" threads on Yea Forums for weeks.

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wrong. Standup is the way to beat Khabib. notice that literally the only time any has any success with Khabib is standup.

Walk forward + volume = win

kek Gaychee entering Conor's comment section desperate for the red panty night but getting btfo by some random guy

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Khabib is undefeated

>the way to beat Khabib
no such thing

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tibau won

>mirhad nasir, ai em not imprezsed bai your peerfomens
>noy legasi fight for you, even benzhamen asscream bend your majnun ass into bagel that you are

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I unironically want to see Humble, Mature Conor return, start fighting mid-level LWs, and wokr his way up to winning the belt again. Would be a fantastic come-back story. Unfortunately, there is a very low chance of that actually happening. And Conor will probably just continue to talk shit from the sidelines like a loser

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me when i see a match has a muslim fighter

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on paper, dustin had just about everything you could ask for. experience, he's a veteran, amazing striking, came up big against the other top fighters in the division, has the mindset and drive of a champion, had a perfect training camp, focused on wrestling to deal with his opponent, and he still got absolutely decimated. it's kind of beautiful in a way

>m-muh tibau

its over

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gaychee has to be the dumbest person in ufc

tibau won the fight



This, no matter what the fighter does he stands zero chance against khabib.

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Who's the Dale Earnhardt of MMA?

you're not the same race as Khabib
just stop browncel

Why don't fighters ever use their feet and push their opponents away? Is it illegal?

Wrong, khabib won the staredown, fight and story.

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I'm still not following you, what is the object that goes through my fat hat?

Khabib lost everything including the story

Tibau also wins the rematch

>focused on wrestling to deal with his opponent
and that is why he lost

When did i claim that? stop seething kaffirboi.

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Just how powerful WAS this man?

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its over

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>Khabib retires undefeated
>Islam replaces him as champion
>Zabit reigns in featherweight
>Askarov rules flyweight
>Sadulaev transitions to MMA
It's literally over. MMA has been solved.

Diego is a nightmare fight for Khabib

Name a good Khabib win

>Khabib manages to beat roided up monkey (tibau)

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oh no no no no no......

Thing is, Khabib has literally NOTHING for Tony. Tony owns him anywhere.

1. On the feet. Tony pieces up khabib and his sambo SHITboxing. Khabib will not be able to find where he's coming from. His face will get torn up from elbows. His elusiveness will have Khabib crying to his corner after one round.

2. Wrestling. Okay, Khabib is good at this, we get it. But Tony is a NCWA wrestling champion and he played football. He easily has enough experience to stuff Khabib's takedowns and keep the fight standing.

3. On the ground. Tony is a KILLER here. Everyone tries to stand back up when Khabib is on them, which gasses them. Tony don't give a fuck. He will stay in guard and MURDER khabib with ELBOWS. His submission threat is like NOTHING khabib has ever experienced before. HE IS A 10TH PLANET BLACK BELT. There is no shortage of ways Tony can win from here.

4. Conditioning. Tony is a freak. Once he starts, he never stops. He IMPROVES over rounds. Khabib's only chance is to get a flash KO (he wont). Tony is an animal.

5. The X-factor. Khabib's whole deal is that he's a Russian "tough guy." I'll give him that. But Tony is a literal PSYCHOPATH. Khabib has never been locked in a cage with SOMEONE LIKE TONY!

It's time for the real champ to step up!

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Islam is a complete and utter shitter and got dropped by the no name unranked Hue can the UFC put in front of him last night for an easy win

This, muslims dominate UFC now.
name a bad khabib win

I'm going to give a you out of pity since you tried so hard to write this unfunny retarded shit

>Khabib has only beaten cans
I agree, he's ducking Tony and Colby

Tony can't handle Khabib on his back.

In hindsight, why did we think Dustin had elite grappling? He didn't even do better than MJ.

el cuckuy is finished, khabib will flush him.

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>But Tony is a literal PSYCHOPATH.

I'll give him that one. He is legit mentally unstable

Best post ITT
There's a reason why Dana is trying his best to stop the fight from happening. It only goes one way and that's El Cucuy's way.

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t. Eddie Bravo

>clean headkick to the temple, still not out
based Mexican chins

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2 days ago dustbin was your champion tho, what happened? why are you shitting on him so much calling him a can, i thought he was going to finally stop khabib.

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>Khabib getting on Tony's back

Lol, he will have to survive 3 fully locked D'arces and an Anaconda before that happens so don't get your hopes up

zabit is the muslim we deserve, if he had khabibs wrestling he would be goat
islam is crap
the rest are no names


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Oh boy Tony looks done here!!!! Lando will win for s- oh wait

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>Implying connor is not the main character of the anime

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*emotionlessly 30-26'es you*

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>I-I just can't get him off me *sobs*

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that webm is fucking hard to watch, god damn.
and tony won, holy fuck.
also lads, do you need UFC fight pass AND ESPN+ ? Feels like some fights just aren't on Fight Pass now and it's updated less frequently

these were my picks, browncel

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How humiliating to have to wear that shirt. You didn't deserve that Dustin

Caucasian chad straight fucked up that cumskin degenerate with tattoos.



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>implying dana isn't

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Even the shirt wraps around his body! :^) xD

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What does Uncle Chael mean by the underground forums? I bet he is a sherdog fag but a part of me hope that he reads our shitposts.

Born and raised in Arizona. Mexicans have the shittiest chins and it's such a pleasure watching black thugs knock out dirty Mexican "gangsters". Mexicans lose every time.

khabib has plenty of good wins this meme is ridiculous

Imagine actually thinking we're not currently living through the timeskip where at the end of it Conor will return to the storyline more powerful than ever

>gets manhandled
>cries to his corner
>cries some more
>receives pity bucks
>i-ill be back

dustbin got flushed

Chael is here, if not in body in spirit; Chael lives inside us, rent free of course

sucker punches?

chael is the spammer

This kills the dagestani

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It's our shit.

I caught that too in one of his last week's videos.

He had mentioned a few of our memes.

Send location.

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From the Mexicans, yes. But, they also can't hit for shit so they usually get their brains battered regardless.


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>Goof's stream cleaning interns now have to go through 100 posts of revved abdula gathering 0 usefull information about stories/matchups/excitement
>All youtube comments are filled with mindless monkey noise spam
>khabozo's subscribers worth 1/20 of Gooby's or Ronda's at the very most
>betting podcasts cazzies are extremely disinterested in MMgAy style, weird cards, shit matchmaking to the point they don't even discuss it no more
>drowning good fighters/contenders in useless interim/buildup fights to serve shitty new "stars" who can't even heem people
Stupid bald prick. Enjoy watching box at events and your "fight once in a year" leghumpers/counterstrikers.

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name 1

Name one win

>he believes colby and jorge hate each other

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Tibau won Khabib lost

Anybody have the webm of the punch that landed on khabib?

I need to study this tape for my next fight


Why of course Gleison Tib- oh wait

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who da fook is dat guy?

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>The UG is so dead newfags don't even know what it is

>location: toilet

>Says he's famous now
>Can't keep Conor out of his head even when being interviewed after his win

wew lad

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you now remember the 9/11 of ufc

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>gives Kebab a delayed heeming, puts permanent cracks his chin that allows Dustin to rock him and have him stumbling about the cage like a drunken chimpanzee
In many ways Gooby is the Ngannou to Khabib's Stipe. He may have lost the decision but in the long term he won

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I shit in bus

Who were the dancing israelis in that context?

What can you tell me about your next fight? Good luck btw

Might as well take a trip down memory lane

Dana White

I didn't watch the post fight interview, what did Khabib say?



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Still seething about Conor

Makes sense

*wins the forematch press conference*

gooby wins the rematch

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"inshallah /heem/ will see this a good win."


when will they learn?

is this real?

he wore dustins shirt, said he will sell it and give the money to dustin.

He said his next fight was with a "boorger dubble chayz".

Askren literally kills him in the rematch.

Too much coke taken for that to happen now.

He basically ducked all of the questions about fighting Tony.

In many ways I am happy he won because now he has two dogs at him waiting to bite!

He can't escape Tony and Conor now... if Tony declines the fight Dana will book the rematch with Conor... if he refuses he will get stripped!

You can't run now, kutbib!!!


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Based security
>You 20 drunk fellas are here for what reason exactly?
>Oh vey, don't stand in the cold, come in come in

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Yes, cazzie! this is the only time until dustin that khabib had ever faced "adversity".

Too much coke taken for that that happen now.

my boy Dustin was never all there honestly

mmm you convinced me, time to larp as a Tony fan once again

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>hit one time
christ Rogan is a retard

Tony can't fight Khabib so the UFC calls in Conor.
Khabib refuses to fight Conor.
Dana White strips Khabib and books Conor vs Dustin for the belt.

Wat do, /heem/?

>hyped for announcement of a card
>get real hyped for the month leading up to a card
>get REALLY hyped during the fight week of a card
>fall asleep watching the card
Every time

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He was practically out on his feet

Laugh when Dustin commits seppuku in the ring and seals his legacy away as the man forever in Conor's shadow

Honestly if he inserts himself in that fight before Tony gets it then I hope he get fucked again. He needs at least one fight with a top 155lbs guy to prove there's still something to see there.

Ortega would have finished that guillotine

Does Islam make khabib more powerful? should /heem/ convert?

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why didnt dustin stick his tongue out?

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Khabib will remain undefeated, he will make tony tap, challenge GSP and if GSP accepts defeat him then retire, if GSP declines fight someone else and retire with a perfect record and go down as the GOAT.

At the end of the day, Khabitch will lose to either Tony or GSP. Dustbin was never meant to be the one

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Khabib had a choice...

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Unironically it would be funny if Dana offers Conor a fight.............

Against Barboza! :^)

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Based belal

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somebody call Jordanfag's mom, he's getting out of control

>Dustalah gonna cut khabib's head off
lmao. Somebody shoop an arab dagger in there

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He is a manlet

Why are most combat sport fighters sporting neckbeards?

Are you the same kike from yesterday who kept shilling for dustbin?

He knows he'll get his ass whooped, but he also know he'll make a shitload of money, and it's only business.
That's B A S E D in my book

Jeez, /box/ is absolutely obsessed with us. Quite sad actually.

If Dustin had clapped while Khabib was in the guillotine his energy levels would have multiplied exponentially and he would've been able to finish it

Gillespie beats Khabib if you disagree you're an caz

i'm 204 cm

Dustin gets ppv points right?

>dustin "pay more attention to your corner" poirier
what the fuck was he thinking

Heh get on my level kiddo. I am 370 cm.

Me on the right.

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no one can beat khabib, get over it silva.

Conor lost the first fight on purpose. It`s part of a long mental warfare against Kebab and at the end of the day he will make more money than if he retired the muzrat at the first opportunity.

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holy fuck LITERALLY ME on the left except taller


Me on the left

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I know it's easier said that done, but for fuck sake somebody gotta time kebab's takedown with a knee
>Shoots for a takedown
Like a fucking clock. I guess fighters are just too shook, understandably

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Hey Infidels,
My name is Khabib, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever performed any suicide bombings? I mean, I guess it’s fun shooting random innocents in the streets for Allah, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of Clawja.
Don’t be an American. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of Al Quaeda, and starter on my Sambo team. What sports do you play, other than “Canor McGregor Won The 3rd Round”? I also get undefeated fighting streaks, and have a banging hot 12 year old girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all infidels who should just kill yourselves in a horrible bombing. Thanks for listening. Inshallah.

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>Allāhu Akbar fawqa kaydi l-muʿtadī Allāhu li-l-maẓlūmi xayru muʾaydi Anā bi-l-yaqīni wa-bi-s-silāḥi saʾaftadī Baladī wa-nūru l-ḥaqqi yasṭaʿu fī yadī Qūlū maʿī Qūlū maʿī Alhamdulilah brother Dusthamad

What was jorge saying to Dana

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they think it soften the blow when they get hit on the chin

seriously i know they are pro fighters but have you seen their tweets?! horrible grammar and 90 percent of them use emojis like fucking kids

Because he had a BJJ black belt and has more subs than Ferguson?

Reality is: those happy meal black belts mean jack shit against 20 years of submission grappling experience. Khabib was LITERALLY winning submission grappling world championships against brown-blackbelts while Ferguson was a meme-planet purple belt.


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You need to be an utter mental midget to btfo Khabib. Guys like Conor and Dustbin think too hard about it and overanalyse and get beaten.
Masvidal would walk in there and wipe the floor with Khabib because he would just walk forward and swing hammers at Khabib until he could launch the knee

Pride rules honestly stopped this shit from happening, Kabob does so well out of cutbabby/boolshit rule design

Tibau, tony, GSP, Gillespie, Healthy Conor all beat Khabib


Horrible suits. Really wtf is wrong with them.

Tony has 8 submissions, Dustin has 7


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Conor did land a knee on Khabib's first takedown but it was useless because Khabib already had his head on the other side of Conor's leg. The way Khabib shoots, it's near impossible to land a flush knee. He shoots towards the outside of your lead leg, so it'd have to be a switch stance knee.

They are trying to act white

>Allāhu Akbar fawqa kaydi l-muʿtadī Allāhu li-l-maẓlūmi xayru muʾaydi Anā bi-l-yaqīni wa-bi-s-silāḥi saʾaftadī Baladī wa-nūru l-ḥaqqi yasṭaʿu fī yadī Qūlū maʿī Qūlū maʿī
that's gaddafi's libya anthem, why are you posting it retard?

why is Zabit so fucking based?

holy shit i never thought about that
the reason he ended aldo so quick was because he knew he would be moving up to 155 since he was dying cutting weight so he left him eating dust
now he draws out khabib into a long mind game even taking a break to fight floyd and make a quick e z breezy 100m

god damn 4d chess right there!

there's a reason i love conor and trump... they both trigger the fucking dumb fucks so e z.

only masterminds understand the art of the war and the art of the deal

someone screencap this post it is for the 200 iq individuals.

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a lot of people say they are criminals but i see taxi drivers and 7/11 store owners

Max is so fucking lucky to avoid Khabib. Imagine the compound cte he could have got if he actually fought khabib

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Masvidal wins the belt
Challenges Khabib
Lays him out in 4 seconds

Wat do?

Would snap Jones's legs with his beefy hummingbird-trained leg kicks

Based for effort, its still low quality though, also add a wound to his neck as if khabib already sliced it.

>bell rings
>Khabib trots into the centre of the cage
>Masvidal launches himself at hyperspeed into Khabib and kicks him in the dick
>Khabib stumbles back against the cage
>Masvidal spams hooks, absolutely battering Khabitch
>Khaballbag tries to shoot
>Gets kneed into the stratosphere
>gets hit with 3 petty smacks after he is knocked out cold
>Joe brings the mic over
>WHAT A FINISH MASVIDAL.... did you expect this to happen?
>why is that
>cuz he's a bum
>crowd goes insane
>all crowd members tear off their towels and sew back on their foreskin, convert to Christianity on the spot
>ey dana 50 g's mayn

Attached: IMG_7046.jpg (696x399, 31K)


>last hope for whites to defeat muslim bull are spics

pathetic, khabib will remain undefeated inshallah.

>the amount of coping in this thread

Max beat Frankie who is better than Khabib

Even worse would be the embarrassment in front of his son front row in the crowd
Rush would just go home with his new dad Khabib that night

Khabib is white

If MayMac never happened Conor would still be the champ.

Khachad is unbeatable

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every jordanese "man" is closet gay

Tony & Bravo are on JRE soon. Let the hype commence. MSG main event here we fucking go

Attached: illegal nose poke.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

I would root for Khabib to snap Masvidals neck

>conor is a can who tapped in round 4, dustin is totally gonna destroy hi-

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You mean civilized?

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>Some gook can with zero ground game

Attached: illegal nose poke closeup.webm (720x720, 2.91M)

Wrong, khabib is muslims first of all, then dagestani.
Proxy?? talk to me cousin, do you speak arabic?

archive.org/details/Hallili_201807/انا جنوبي.mp3

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The card was so boring. Only the last fight was interesting. Muslims are all leg humpers

Just a brutal power move by Khabib


fuck off with the swapping seats, I don't want a brawl breaking out
Shame really, would have been amazing to see these two fuck up the other fighters


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Khabib would mercifully sub him with a kimura or take his back. Max is nowhere near Dustin's level of grappling, never mind Khabib.

Only casuals like Khabib.

If you've followed the Lightweight division for a long time you would understand.

But you haven't... so you can't.

>loses to Al Iaquinta

If BJ Penn won't be in thenufc for a bar fight, why does Connor think he'll be back after punching and old fella?

masvidal was robbed

muslim isn't a fucking ethnicity you utter mong

Lads give it to me straight. My beard is as thick as Tony's all over my face after 9 days. Is that too thin to grow a proper beard? Just turned 20 btw

Attached: 011_Tony_Ferguson.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 81K)

>leave the goatfucker to me

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archive.4plebs.org/sp/search/text/sheikh style/

Thoughts on mental illness?


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Good thing Dana said he will match whatever the shirt Khabib wants to sell ends up selling for. He kind of knew what Khabib was doing and knows that the shirt with Dustin's name won't sell as much.

Max would beat Khabib


Bader is lucky he found a way out

Max has much better grappling than Dustin. If he had a year to bulk up he'd have a decent chance against Khabib.

>so it'd have to be a switch stance knee.
yup, that's it, no chance, wrap it up everybody, go home, can't hit a switch stance knee, never been done, completely impossible, let's just crown this goat fucker the actual GOAT so he can go fuck himself I guess

Exactly whiteboy, muslims are muslims, doesn't matter if dagestani or arab or turk, its over kaffir.

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Who da FOOK is this ConNor you all faggots speak off!?

Sure is summer in here!

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MAde me kek, saved

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What does It matter to you that he is muslim?

im glad we wont see the footage of khabib getting the belt from al laquinta
made me seethe everytime

you're retarded m8

you want to go back to the frankie edgar era?


just fucking shave it off you beanpole looking, bean curd munching, minus test mouth agape poofter

Max beat Dustin. Very few people recognize this

ANY era. This one sucks balls... literally... it's like Khabib is trying to suck a penis as he grabs your legs!

It really was. Old school, Ancient warfare shit in all honesty

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wait wtf
i didn't watch that fight, but tibau landed more strikes and landed the only takedown, how the fuck did khabib win that by decision?

>using wrestling against Khabib has never worked a single time
>fighters still try to do it
fuck this semen slurping single digit IQ sport


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Shave it off. I am on the same boat. I recently turned 20 and my beard looks like a meme. Not even tony tier but less.

>Gets mounted

i'm not that guy but i'd advocate a shifting right uppercut (from southpaw) to stand him back up then just wing a fucking left gaymaker at his body. repeat until the khabob folds over like a lawn chair, or get him overreacting to the body shots and then go to the head. the low IQ dagestani will fall for it every time i guarantee he won't make the proper adjustments.

>t. le apathy nihilist

go discuss rich and morty with your soiboi friends on reddit

>those dsl

Oh for sure let me just react in less than a millisecond and perfectly time a switch knee before Khabib puts me on my ass. Ezpz.

I am a beanpole tbf lad

Barely, fucking boring fight with the much bigger guy doing nothing after 5 minutes.

Calma los huevitos


he shouldnt have tried to guillotine khabib, he lost way too much energy. he was surviving well on the ground and fighting well on his feet, maybe he could hit a TKO on 4th round.

Wh*teoids still seething lmao

>9 days
you gotta grow it for at least a year like a fucking lumberjack before you decide, also you're twenty, beards are for fat old men so they look tough, just shave it for now and keep your powder dry

>Nobody knows what gazelles are anyways. This is America, get it right motherfucker.

Should have made Penn-Edgar 4 the co-main

theres no apathy or nihilism, it was just extremely unfunny and immature topped off by a retarded faggot sperg flapping his hands and screaming how much he liked it

shut the fuck up bitch

a switch knee won't have as much power, you might just be handing him your leg

But how incredible would it have been if he won with that guillotine, and we find out if khabib taps, or if he just goes dark?

I'm exited for Diaz-Masvidal even if my boy Nate is probably going to get heemed


Not my fault his mom can't spell his name right on the birth certificate.

Why Dustin just didn't do this to Khabib?

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>react in less than a millisecond
so you're admitting it's not impossible

>shut the fuck up bitch

he types on his keyboard... yeah, that'll show em whose tough! Don't confuse cynicism for intellectualism

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>It's his mom's fault because they are from Ireland but they should be using English variations of the name

Kill yourself.


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>people talking about beards.
Chinlets need to fuck off.

Askren vs Khabib,who wins?

i like khabib you utter mong, why do you sandniggers always need to cling onto somebody because of their religion instead of nationality or ethnicity

I want you to hang yourself tonight.

Conor is a male given name of Irish origin. The meaning of the name is "Lover of Wolves" or "Lover of Hounds". Conchobhar/Conchubhar or from the name Conaire, found in Irish legend as the name of the high king Conaire Mór and other heroes. It is popular in the English-speaking world.

Askren loses to everyone, and Robbie got robbed

askren wins with herb dean refereeing the fight

Because religion is more important than race retard, this is why we will succeed in establishing an islamic caliphate eventually while /pol/cels dream about their ethnostate in their moms basement.

oh are you triggered by mean things? so sorry

>Don't confuse cynicism for intellectualism
you shouldnt confuse being a drooling pseud retard with a monkey brain as enlightened, things are funny, that wasnt, cumstains on humanity like you arent

Off yourself tonight before the night ends!

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Remind me, what is the primary language spoken in Ireland?

I rest my case


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cerrone heems gaethje
khabib mauls tony
conor heems cerrone
khabib vs conor 2
conor heems khabib

looks disproportial as fuck

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Plastic paddies getting upset.

Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge nah Eireann) is a Celtic language spoken by 138,000 people as a first language, and by another 1,000,000 people as a second language in Ireland with 276,000 first-language speakers worldwide (Ethnologue).The language is sometimes referred to as Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, or Erse.

I rest my balls on your forehead!

Attached: Conor_Chokes_A_Can.jpg (791x486, 85K)

>4th day of no fap
no can do

>accuses others of being triggered
>continually replies with profanity and attacks

We're all laughing at you, not offended

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not sure in normal circumstances, but there in abu dhabi with his father and family there and in a muslim country, im pretty sure he would prefer to die than to tap

are you literally retarded, i would rather support some balkan muslim than i would support an arab muslim, because you're so different and more deluded

you're so mad

Learn to talk shit about CONOR by using his Proper (12) name you dumb casual!

UFC 229 was a mistake!

People say the irish midget did better than Dustin, but I'm pretty sure none of them did any damage to Khabib. This is like Al Iaquinta bragging he got toyed with for 5 rounds by Khabib.

He also called out Conor for tapping like a chicken. I think he kinda can't tap out now

Conor won a round though

It’s not that Khabib is good. It’s that rest of the weight class is absolutely fucking garbage.

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wait a minute khabib is only donating a few hundred bucks to poirers charity lmao

i thought he was giving away a percentage of his purse but it's literally just the value of the tshirt hahaha

Dustin landed significant strikes while Conor didnt, AL had Khabib gassed and did nothing with it.

Will they ever learn?

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Don't worry, Masvidal is a bum

some retard will buy that shit for 10 grand or something stupid, and dana said he would match it. So maybe 20-30 grand for dustins charity.

Stop replying to me, dyslexic casual.

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Didn’t he say something like “I’m donating all my money to Poirier” during the octagon interview?

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Goobster return, when?

What language do you think Conor's mom speaks?!

Off yourself!

Attached: ConorFightsACanThreeTimesHisSize.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

this man has fought for less than one round in all of 2019 and is the heavyweight champion of the second biggest mma promotion
how does he get away with it bros?

I'm praying to Jesus, allah, and every other god out there that he rematches Poirier and heems him all the way out of the UFC

all the money from the t-shirt sale you roach

He will beat Khabib just like he beat Dustin.

No, he clearly said he will donate the money the shirt sells for to dustbin, it was all literally just to make dustbin wear a khabib shirt.

Same as rogain when he kept repeating the 100 hunnid percent stuff nonstop when live commenting. Part cringe, part based.

>o-oh n-no he’s c-cursing!!


>Conor bitches and moaned for PPV main event with no belt
>ufc told him to fuckoff
>ufc makes Masvidal vs Diaz main event PPV with no belt

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this but unironically, i just want dustbin out, that retard didn't even pass 9th grade and he thinks he can be champ.

I just want him thrown back in with Khabib to piss off all the Tony Fans, Khabib Fans, MMA Fans, and Make all the Cazzies happy. I could harvest the salt for a lifetime supply. My grandchildren will be set for life if he heems Khabib, but that would just be icing on the cake

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That’s fucking pathetic

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oh fer ser, b 100 hunnid

i agree but disagree

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Nate is 2-0 against the running Irishman

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So Khabib is going to switch southpaw and orthodox during the fight and check hooking every Max entry into the pocket?

Think about it

conor heems khabib and decides to hold on to the belt for another year while he trains for his welterweight fight against future champ colby and pisses even more people by holding up two division again

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Henry TRIPLE C Cejudo, gold medalist wrestler and first inter-gender champion would utterly embarass the mudslime. Dana is afraid, Kebab is his new cash cow.

The most based timeline

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why is khabib getting this much money

is the ppv and gate numbers out yet?

>his reality is constructed around the emotional reactions of others

Nothing interesting over there. It's much more warmer here. Many more friendlier people, many suchs cases. Not sad!

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some sheik probably wanted the match there or something stupid like that. It's like WWE going to KSA because they're getting millions from the prince

he's a drawl

>tfw you realize Khabitch and JJ are the new DJ
>cutbabbies too afraid to legitimate their legacy by becoming CHAMP CHAMP

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Holy kek, I actually called it. You really are a dumb aspie

On a serious note, has the LW division ever been so shallow as currently? Did Habibi mostly get lucky with timing his prime when there were not other fighters?

Abit like Tyson Gay who had the bad luck of competing at the same time as Usain Bolt, but opposite.

>Gooby heems Khabib
>Gooby fights Colby

Reddit loves khabib, hates Conor and Colby. They would be foaming at the mouths if this happened. Would love to see it. Who would they even root for in the Conor/Colby fight?

>implying i didn't have it saved on my "schaub folder" already?

You believe everything people tell you online?!

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PPV numbers aren't being released anymore.

oh too bad, so only gate?

I believe you're a loser that never has anything of value to post

I think Dana said they didn’t actually “control the gate” for this one kek


opinion discarded.

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>Khabib fights Ferguson
>Wins with another rear naked choke
>Nate fights Whorechata
>Wins via rear naked choke winning the BMF belt
>Conor v Nate 3 for the BMF belt (the only one that matters now)
>Conor wins via KO in brutal stand up brawl
>becomes first true triple champion in UFC history
>Conor v Khabib 2 for BMF and Lightweight Championship unification belt
>Conor wins via rear naked choke
>Conor goes down as the greatest of all time forever becoming a mystical figure like Bruce Lee but better because he is white

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Yeah but they don't have the gate for this event though.

flag checks out

And your opinion is of value to me?!



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Lol probably the the oil gangsters ran UFC's shit

Based and El Cucuypilled

kek i remember that, but i was sure they would get the numbers, since it seemed it was filled up


Haha whiteoidds BTFO :)

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Based and Cucuypilled

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I loved the part where Khabib went to hug Dana and Dana gave him that hug you give to your least favorite child.

Dana was probably like... well... I'm stuck with you I guess!

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Reminder if Aspen Ladd wasn't fat she would have 100,000 followers too

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>Bruce Lee
>Mystical figure

It's unironically Brian "Ortega" T-City. If you disagree, please leave this board.

I'm not the ortegafag btw.

Attached: t-city laughs at a hater.jpg (696x392, 31K)

>tony is a killer on the ground!

Attached: tonysubmittedbyliteralwho.webm (640x360, 1.97M)

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No, Khabib is going to take Max down and slap a kimura on his stick arm within the first 3 minutes.

Muslim pedos don't like t h i c c WOMEN.

kek saved

she based

cerrone heems gaethje
khabib mauls tony
conor heems cerrone
khabib vs conor 2
conor heems khabib

>he do alot of charity stuff

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are you going to shill this tape from 10 years ago every time someone mentions tony right?

conor boxes GGG the year after
conor fights for 185 lb belt the year after that (cause 170 is full of pussies)
after holding up lw division for over 2 full years, conor retires without defending











Just like Frankie

Unironically who is the worse champion?

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Who is this semen demon

dustin cried because he took a bribe from the sheikhs to throw the fight

My wife. Keep your filthy hue eyes away

it's pathetic that you post that but tony is truly the type of guy to not tap

kofi for sure, but marty is shit too

What is kabib's hat called and where can I get one? It will be winter soon and that hat looks like it could really keep my head warm.

A dunce cap

easily Kofi. Literally handed the title, at least Usman dominated Woodley.


>tfw no chubby white muslim gf

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the dark side has been good to him

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was this really worth the effort lad? i mean was it? was it really?

>JJ lost
>Rose lost
>Andrade lost
>literal insekt is the champ
Now is the time for Ronda's comeback

Do muslims care about race? For instance, if I claimed muslim and went on vacation to muslim country would some poor goat herder be cool with me marrying his daughter?


Sick of these fake 6 million numbers getting thrown around

>comparing a wrestler to a sambo submission grappler
>comparing a FW manlet to Khabib

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She's mentally shot but there are still a lot of relevant fighters that lost to Honda

Leave Khabib to me.

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insekts will be hard to beat, they are good at studying, discipline, and then sticking to a plan. The one thing they really lack though is creative problem solving skills.That's the way to beat them. But she will beat any fighter who doesn't have a high fight iq

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Joe is getting his own back for all the midget comments, uploading a picture of Megan in a thong and covering it.

Attached: thong.jpg (720x835, 447K)

he was so perfect bros

Gillespie beats Khabib through wrestling, Gaychi and Tony beat him through relentless pressure, Ryan Hall by a switch kick.

>comparing a Lightweight champion italian stallion to a lightweight chump
Yeah not a good comparison i guess. Khabib is more like Andre Fili

I think it's a quality ladd. Infinitely less work than trying to find one good khabib win

Maybe he'll uncover it if we make him angry enough. Let's all be mean to Joe Benavidez on the internet

Australians are so fucking stupid they're the only ones that like Khabib

Training for astronaut every day,specialized in aerodynamics,trying to find the perfect balance in every situation,managing his gravity center as noone else in the business,inventing new training techniques.a fitness freak with the best conditioning in mma,an ADHD+sociopath type of a guy,a perfectionist and fearless he doesnt care if his face is full of blood,he breathes the same as of the start,a slow burner but he finds his rythm easily,UNPREDICTABLE(the key for a succesful mma career) but Ferguson took unpredictability to another level

Not only you couldnt know tonys gameplan in a fight but also you cant guess his sequence of moves.You dont know whats next,i think he does it also cuz he likes to experiment alot in the fight.Imagine how secure and confident must be someone to do such a thing

Finallly i dont think its fair to have this guy in any division,ranking or promotion.Tony Ferguson doesnt belong anywhere.Its crystal clear that this guy is like those gurus,full of wisdom that put you in the most difficult path full of obstacles where only him managed to pass them at a younger age

Tony Ferguson isnt an mma fighter
Tony Ferguson is water

Attached: Bruce.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>implying ufc isnt glorified mandrama

I ain't reading that shit

too bad khabib takes forever to fight

Uh huh yeah and grease isn't a country it's a beachfront welfare office.

Fuck you motherfucker I'll fight YOUR fuckin ass

it would be easier to hack an instagram admin account and get the uncovered version.

Megan nudes are disappointing.

Drink water my friends

Oh do they fight in wwe? Last I checked it was fake

Pay your debts before I beat them out of your ass

Need money to give money away.


Attached: Tonytoogoodforcowboy.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Don't think it works like that

Do they fight in UFC all I see is grown men hugging for 3-5 rounds.

brad pitt vs tony ferguson

>LOLby stole his whole schtick from WWE
Yes, UFC is Man Drama now

I'm sure they had hometown fights in china and abu dookie purely by coincidence.

Ufc hasn't been real in years you dumb fuck

Surprises me she wears that she doesn't seem like the type

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>Ronda coming back while Nunes is champ
top heh my man

never forget

Attached: Street Jesus kills Askren.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Forever welfare
I want to be forever welfare
Do you really want to debt forever?
Forever, and ever

>I-it's mandrama too
Go back you fags you all saw what happened to cm Punk

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She's on tv she's a literal whore, the fact you projected your fantasies on her doesn't change that

Inshallah mashalah

didn't brock also come from WWE before his UFC stint and won the HW belt

Why did cm punk even think he could do it?

Its not like someone coming from another combat sport where you actually get hit proper.

He'll American footballers have better odds in mma.

Any reports on the PPV numbers?

>implying i like mandrama
>Triple Meme
They're the biggest names but there are other MMA fighters who are acting like WWE Chumps

>mike perry
The unimportant fights featuring drug addicted losers aren't scripted because they're literal cannon fodder but at the top all fights are scripted dumb ass

ding-dong diddly dilate ya simp

Bro! Is that really you!?

Yeah but he was a D1 wrestler. There are a couple legit athletes who have been in wwe. Kurt Angle was an Olympic gold medalist in wrestling he would have been good in mma too, maybe better than Bork.

How does he beat khabib? What round?

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You haven't proved it's fake while wwe is openly scripted drama. Besides I don't just watch ufc like some cazzie.

>How does he beat khabib?
In your dreams

every way. every round

He puts his neck in khabib's arm and gets himself chocked out.

Wait what was the questio

Yeah I'm sure you would know. They definitely wouldn't want Conor to beat Khabib right? I mean everyone knows a Russian muslim is more marketable than the biggest star in mma history. Again, you saw what happened to cm Punk and he had one of the longest reigns in wwmeme history kek.

not mma related, but based none-the-less

First round anaconda choke after making Khabib bleed on the feet
>Khabib desperately goes for double
>caught in guillotine
>tries to drop his hips to escape
>tony transitions to anaconda choke
>everyone agrees Khabib was never good

he gets destroyed with a triangle choke on round 3

Habibi is really gonna get to death by this guy

Irish: 5 million
Russian: 150 million

Stay in school kaffir

>Doesn't know the gypo Mick will come back and stop khabib 30-0 after kebab makes it 29-0 against GSP.
>People think Dana will give Ferguson a shot.

You know they don't sell PPVs in Russia right? Dumb cazzie.

kek at punk tho, he was so fucking shit and was pretty shitty in wwe in the actual wrestling

>Maybe if I make stuff up people will think I'm right
Damn big if true

Has anybody claimed Kapoopy Nurmagopoopoff? Because if not I would like to make an official claim with the Poopy Name Invention Council please

Jones and Holm sort of do with those oblique kicks.

I was speaking to Eddie Bravo. It must be true, that guys not a conspiracy theorist or nowt, he knows shit.

He was fucking delusional he actually bought his own hype and thought he could hang in the ufc because he was a wwe champ. It was definitely hilarious watching him get beat up by Mickey Gall. Too bad the second fight they matched him up with another shitter who couldn't finish him, but the guy still beat his ass the whole fight haha. I wish I knew punk's thought process that convinced him he could hang

Eddie was on a fight companion yesterday saying he hopes Khabib wins so that the Tony fight will be huge.

Imagine if Tony won.
How much would Eddie's Gym membership shoot up?

>How many muzrats will send death threats?

kek at that whole fight with jackson, i remember the training stuff they posted with punk, where petits talks about him having raw talent and other stupid shit. Amazing that none of the people at Rofus gym didn't tell him he was pure shit

It's called a teep kick they do it all the time


Attached: gooby riding to khabitch funeral.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

doctor stoppage

Attached: TsuThrust.webm (1280x720, 565K)

>valuing shekels above everything no matter what
Flag checks out

R3 Doctor stoppage after Tony cuts his eyelid from the guard.


Attached: Yes.png (616x831, 343K)


excuse me? where can i find these?

Only Toto shall brin us freedom.

How the fuck can he do all that absurd shit and not get injured and then get absoltely dabbed on by a cord on the ground?

I now believe.