

Attached: 1566235464602.jpg (835x1024, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is this image hockey related?

Sticks in holes
Pucks in goals

i see

Attached: 1539554660327.webm (1190x670, 2.95M)

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does poland want a green card in exchange for being my live in bf (male)?

We are waiting for Orange Man to do something about the visas.

Worst team in the Pacific this year

that’s easily the kings or oilers

you have been randomly selected for a routine checkup. keep calm and it will all be over in a hurry. i would like to see some papers stating how many beavers currently inhabit your country.

Attached: 1565538583677.jpg (957x621, 68K)

Just walk in like a Honduran. Also bring a kid.

What? I'm posting it because thats a one really suspicious duck.

Theyll beat the kings, nucks, Oilers at a minimum

Way too fuckig much. Went fishing last week, near my house and saw 4 of those cocksuckers

It's a
>at ducks poster
Poland, it's best to ignore his retardation or just tell him to fuck off

all good then. have a nice day sir

Attached: 1547813261873.jpg (2014x2468, 1.21M)

>ducks making said playoffs
>tfw you get blamed for other user’s posts just like bracketcuck

wtf I love sweden now



had a dream I was being mauled by a panther
kitties 2020 cup?

Power is finally back on. Fuck hurricanes

Why pit bulls are still a legit breed that hasn't been killed to extinction? Defending pit bulls and blaming the "bad owners" is a great way to recognize a retard btw.

Attached: 1556758703958.jpg (547x594, 101K)

You are right. My dog on pic rel, fucking great skull hunter

Attached: PT_155.jpg (416x555, 186K)

someone needs to remind Poland that /hoc/ is a Christian and /beav/ nation

I've no problems with the team just the weather pattern

I like beavers, I just think there are too many of them now.

Attached: PT_141.jpg (416x555, 188K)

>not having problems with the randycanes
I have a problem with YOU

quit policing his posts bro


Attached: IMG_20181205_184400961.jpg (3072x4096, 2.69M)

Wtf it looks like a stick
I think it is pretty much related to hockey desu

>posting a 3000x4000 pic of a literal turd

Attached: Screenshot17-24-34-1.png (720x958, 442K)


Please go watch your evening news and drink yourself to sleep without posting again.

Attached: 4dnamUd.png (483x664, 768K)

I probably would after four beers

tfw no lesbo wine aunt mommy

post your team, one team that you think has decent fans, and one team that has shit fans. then let everyone else figure out which is which.


>blue bombies

not funny


Leafs - shit
Canes - your team
Flames - decent
Flames - your team
Oilers - shit
Blue Jackets - decent
Vegas - shit
Avs - decent
Sharks - your team




>1 Nashville
>2 Sharks
>3 Blues
>4 Flames
>5 Knights
>6 Avs
>7 Oilers
>8 Wild

Attached: F347758A-8F59-4BFD-8AA4-420C2C8279A2.jpg (828x993, 676K)

not in vagene she eight it

oh god please don't tell me you're a Vegas fan


Attached: 1556154058187.gif (465x262, 2.9M)

Okay excuse me but what the fuck. Are NFL games always this early or is it just weekend thing like in NHL?

fun fact: that rock didn't have cracks before the picture was taken

always same schedule
1pm games, 4pm games and one 8:30pm game every Sunday
one 8:30pm game every monday and thursday

Always this time of year lad

>"It's Mile High, and so am I"


You can never win

ENJOY this well earned (You)

Not that I will ever watch nfl, but I was getting a bit jealous because of the hours. Thanks for explaining

Hockey, hockey, 1-2-3.

im patriots fan because they cause so much butthurt on Yea Forums

except there are two games tomorrow

People like you have no soul, so I won't explain to you that you hurt my feelings =(

If I was to choose. Indianapolice Horseshoes would be my team.

i almost got excited but then i saw it was the raidnigs

that's the best selection ever

>the Baltimore Colts were named after the hand gun, not the pretty ponies

posting lies on an anonymous sri lankan shoe repair forum

>checking if my team is where I actually think it is
I was right. What about you

Attached: nhl-map-complete.png (1337x789, 264K)

there is no explaining Baltimore and that cities sporting obsession with firearms

Attached: 1539933987712.jpg (794x794, 48K)


It should be one team for one state imo

While I appreciate the recognition and (you) this legitimately wasnt bait.

I mean it's pretty fitting if you think about it

Thought winnipeg was the northern most team

Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion

From now on you should be scared every time you walk home. I'll be watching.

Fucking fag

tell me about wyoming
why is it so small in terms of populus

>poland using mongrel dogs for shed hunting

Kek your country sucks.

This Polish thing is getting out of hand

No major cities so the niggers dont wanna live there.

uh yeah umm huh i'm thinkin i'm based

hahahaha just imagine if your dick were stuck in the stone and she just sat there hahaha gross like just imagine

Sounds like a haven

manlets rise up

But how did your dick get in the stone still attached to your body?

hockey gave me the clap

made a cup of coffee

took a shit

He would eat your piglike pitbulls in a minute. 1v4

>from Warsaw
tell me a Polish joke, Polish man

I grew up in Montana and spent a lot of time in Wyoming. It's a beautiful place with quaint towns, great skiing. Wyoming is very agrarian outside of its oil industry. I don't think it ever experienced a considerable gold rush like neighboring states. There are a few decent sized towns like Cheyenne, Casper, Sheridan. Tons of ranches and farmland, some Indian reservations but not as many as Montana. Wyoming is pretty red and casts its limited votes Republican every time. Conservative retirees and MAGA-hat white folks move there as well as South Dakota, where land is quite cheap right now.

did you drink dish soap while waiting for it to brew?

It's the evening where you are. At least my cup of coffee makes sense right now

dupa yash

Poszedł facet z buldogiem do parku, a tam odbywały się wyścigi hartów. buldog mówi do faceta:
- zapisz mnie proszę. na pewno wygram! zobaczysz...
- co ty buldog, nie dasz rady.
- mówię ci, że dam. proszę zapisz mnie
więc zapisał facet buldoga na wyścigi. po chwili wszystkie psy stanęły na starcie, a wśród nich buldog. sędzia dał znać, otworzyły się boksy i psy wystartowały. pierwsze okrążenie i buldog przebiega linię mety ostatni. właściciel zaniepokojony wydziera się z trybun:
- no i co? jesteś ostatni!
- spoko spoko
drugie okrążenie i pies znów przebiega przez metę na samym końcu. facet się wydziera:
- buldog, co jest?!
- spoko spoko
przed ostatnim okrążeniem pies znów ostatni przebiegł linię mety. facet krzyczy:
- buldog, co jest? dasz radę?!
- dam, spoko spoko
na ostatniej prostej pies znów był najgorszy i przybiegł na metę ostatni. po wyścigu podchodzi do niego pan:
- no i co? mówiłeś, że wygrasz. Buldog, co się stało?
- kurwa. nie wiem.


Sunday footbawl day

give hockey

let's go kitties

Attached: 16256cf4.jpg (960x1280, 70K)

It sounds fine in google translate aswell

My Rottweiler would tear that mutt apart you stupid fucking polack. That dog looks like it weighs 60lb tops.

A guy with a bulldog went to the park, and there were greyhound races. bulldog says to the guy:
- save me, please. I will definitely win! you will see...
- What a bulldog you can't do.
- I tell you I'll give. please sign me up
so he signed up the bulldog guy for racing. after a while all the dogs stood at the start, among them a bulldog. the judge let me know, the boxes opened and the dogs took off. first lap and bulldog runs the finish line last. the concerned owner yells from the stands:
- so what? you are the last!
- cool cool
the second lap and the dog again crosses the finish line at the very end. the guy yells:
- Bulldog, what's up ?!
- cool cool
before the last lap the dog crossed the finish line again. guy yells:
- Bulldog, what's up? you can do it?!
- I'll give you, cool
on the last straight the dog was the worst again and came last. after the race you approach him:
- so what? you said you would win. Bulldog, what happened?
- whore. I do not know.

No niggers in /hoc/

are great danes /hoc/ approved?

Attached: cutepupper_7.webm (640x360, 1.52M)

I would like to thank Norway for creating this thread

Wtf nigger. It is 58kg Anatolian. It destroys everything on its way.

norway will betray you when you least expect it
>t. sage from the future

No fucking way that dog weighs that much.

Well, so will I

>being mad at pit frens

Attached: 5ba2ee7b65eac.image.jpg (1200x1634, 282K)

It's all muscles.

Attached: Varish.jpg (2304x1728, 1.29M)

Are poles slavic? I can't remember.

Would /hoc/ rather have Matthews or MacKinnon on their team?

Rotties are fine
Dobermans are great
Huskies too
Danes are cool
Pits just require too much and most owners are niggers.

>need to have pet chiken in hand to distract him from eating her face

Poles are the best Slavs

Most pitbull owners are spics

They're all the same
Spic is just another breed of nigger


/hoc/ is more informed and has a better knowledge of the game than reddit.

Just be a good owner la ykt.

Attached: nannydog.jpg (1920x1200, 409K)

Bracketnon is the real nigger

jasmin > basmati

Pitbulls love mauling children and owners that raised them since puppies

polish humour sucks

Ain't no body got time for that unless your jobless


Marner. Fuck both those guys

no user, there's a difference between "black person" and "nigger." Most pit owners are niggers regardless of skin color.

Finns and Swedes tell me about your upcoming prospects

My first dog was an Alaskan Shepherd. That thing would eat anything - crayons, Christmas bulbs, wallpaper... one time it ate a whole turkey left on the stove in less than 2 minutes, bones and all. I loved that dog and she loved us.

bitch ass poland must be retarded

Aatu Räty desu

Marner isn't on the same level as Austin and MacK

>people with jobs don't have the time to not abuse their puppers

Attached: u.jpg (630x425, 84K)

t. Mitch

Abuse and neglect are different things m8

How is his skating and shot?

pitbulls are good puppers are you'll never convince me otherwise
>you only convince me how ignorant you are

This particular user.
Is right

Everyday about 7pm there is this one leaf coming out of his cage just to bully me in one post and then hide for whole day.

what are you paying him, I'll do it for half


Both are his strenhgts. Quick hands too.

football games are starting

You seethe at pitbulls, but surely that doesn't include staffies?

Attached: 6253476566_9c145c2223_b.jpg (1024x683, 95K)

Arttu Alasiurua
Write that name down

Florida Panthers in the wrong spot.
Carolina hurricanes are a little off, if the center of the logo is supposed to be over the arena

poland has a few metal and rock bands i like so i dont mind him too much

Rotweilers are the best dogs

Attached: rottweiler.jpg (736x1104, 135K)

gonna go pour another cup

You better get used to me because I'm staying

Attached: 46252452-broken-tree-stick-isolated-on-white-background.jpg (898x1300, 59K)

always did think it was weird that we just have a giant palm tree shaped group of lakes at the top of our country
like what's up with that

also why the fuck is that tip on top of Wisconsin not just part of Wisconsin, why's it fucking Michigan

do you even know hokkei

what is your favourite team

Attached: hoc fanbase tier chart.png (822x412, 34K)

the toledo war. yes, ohio and michigan fought a tiny mini-war with each other once.


I'm here for a week. Was here when the 2018/19 season started. Keep up with the threads god damn it

i'm pretty sure the toledo war had nothing to with the upper peninsula

fuck yourself poland


>at Poland
>for no reason

When I watch any team from Ohio I do it with more than a desire to see them lose. This is a visceral rage and I take any sympathy towards Ohio as an act of aggression to myself. I hope Baker breaks his fucking neck this afternoon. I hope OBJ gets outed on the front page of the New Yorker tomorrow. Knowing Columbus is trying to replace arguably the best goalie and winger they've ever had, what they gave up for duchene, and that dzingel (the Ohio boy himself) spurned the jackets. Fuck Ohio and fuck Ted

>whiteknighting po' land

Remnants of a continental ice sheet you geolet

pooland is the land of many pools

Fuck off badgerwanker


Michigan got the chad UP territory and virgin incel Ohio got the small little strip

are you the kayak renting pole?

For me, its snuggling with kitties

Yup. Now bowling alley pole. Now fired pole

get a grip asswipe

No, you get a grip moose ass

im more wealthy than all of you and ive got more life experiences than most of you.


Chad Kentucky virgin ohio
Chad Michigan virgin ohio
Chad Penn virgin ohio
Does he ever catch a break?

Tell me about dakotas, why do they wear a mask

at least i'm not a mongoloid

because your a smelly turd poland

Fuck that I'm out. Gonna post when this slug fucker is asleep

poland cant handle the bants

You're not going anywhere, this is /hoc/
no one leaves

Shhh. I'm kidding. Reverse psychology is gonna work in a minute

kind reminder that canada supports pedophiles

Poland's a mouth breathing dog sympathizer. No room for that in my /hoc/

could you explain
which Pedo is Canada funded

that coach one

Eldergod nations of /hoc/:

reminder that hockey is not for everyone

I'll make a note of that
>and inform and educate others

reminder that hockey is the largest sport in Switzerland


who are you quoting?

Tertiary countries of /hoc/

reminder that Switzerland has a creamy, chocolate center and is never on /hoc/

Shakespeare, now go back to licking windows

a smelly foreigner

Thinking about snot and how my body is able to produce so much of it.

do you have a cold?
>thats to bad, if true

Good countries
>us (not including the south, anything west of Oklahoma, Ohio, Minnesota, new yorks)
Good visitors
>everything else

who got da props?

Give Minnessota to Canada and there is nothing linking you with them. Not even pedos.

Attached: hoc.png (500x375, 282K)

Justice for Norway

You will see whats gonna happen when the season starts. I've got a bomb I tell you.

Thinking about bullying someone where’s ted

kaapou kaakou desu

Attached: IMG_0326.gif (300x189, 1.95M)

I'm sorry but you are posting the worst team of the decade

i'm watching a red zone stream
>cause youtube tv ain't got that
I could use hulu
but I'm not

Just a sweet Carolina, just a rockin' little mama
Just leave my baby in old Alabama


Attached: 14-142664.png (708x572, 228K)

no one gives a fuck you fag

Hurrican Dorian btfos sunbelt and doesnt afraid of Nukes. Based

I do

Canada the only thing defending your country is the fact that somehow Metric members where born in there.

Also bagged milk

Also bagged mikk.

poland is a little bitch

Based poland working this leaf into a seethe

If I were to vacation in Poland where's the best place?

Fucking hell Poland is based

Australia just btfo Englel in the ashes after a long fucking series
Its 4am and I have toil in 3 hours
Would like to acknowledge our hoc brothers and hope you all have a good day
Goodnight, cunts

bitch ass poland

Yes fren. Getting better though, just have a runny nose now.


who is the wayne gretzky of canada

/cric/ is our bitch, Stralia
pop a fosters for me

go breathe your germs into Sweden and infect their frail bodies

I hung out with Metric after a show once. They are cool people.

cheer up everybody


mario lemieux

*sung to the tune of Hoes Mad*
Poles Mad (x24)

*dodges Canadas smooch*

kiss my ass

Will you watch Norge rape Sweden in grass hockey in 20 minutes boys?

CFL alumni Cameron Wake

watch handegg
it's a cultural thing we Merricaburgers do on Sunday instead of commune with God
>cause he abandoned us


beat it, princess

i don't even know what that means norge


Attached: merk.png (1000x1000, 1.43M)

it's 2:30pm

It's not even noon yet

Speak for yourself heathen

It's also the weekend.

Attached: MacKinnon-Matthews.png (2474x674, 200K)

real pacific brunch hours


>I'm sorry but you are posting the worst team of the last two decades

bangin song

>reeee how dare you say a cute girl is attractive incel incel incel have sex reeeeee I love sucking cocks reeee

based preemptive strike poster

both old and goodie

matthews fucking sucks, big body but never uses it

one time watched him demolish shea weber in a corner and then he never did it again

Attached: Polak.jpg (850x560, 231K)

>Matthews sucks
That's not what the stats say, kiddo

gonna do a mid afternoon matthews, didn’t get it all out during my morning marner

im just disappointed he's not using his girth when he clearly can, if he learned to work in the corners leafs win the cup immediately

>he's not using his girth
heh heh

i you calling babcock's coaching into question?
why don't they hire you then?


Babcock more like Buttcock

Attached: warning.png (538x846, 551K)

>literal shitposting
i just this moment got that
well done

Attached: bobsbehindbabs.jpg (960x540, 70K)

Attached: McDavid-MacKinnon.png (2488x676, 207K)

n. fag



Attached: Lanny.jpg (809x898, 204K)

Attached: power.jpg (1413x673, 449K)

Fuck n*ggeregg

Attached: 1545271316306.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

Is he a hockey?

based LanE

Lanny is hockey yes

looks like she has lockjaw

Just like based New York Islanders legend Ryan Smyth?

Ryan Smyth is a bum!!

Wow, what a rude dude!

starting to rain again, lads

I'd like her to lock her jaw onto a certain something if you get what I'm implying

i assure you I do not

Rain is change

don't forget to bring an umbrella

Attached: 174058550.jpg (466x466, 19K)

are you drunk?

I (You)'d the wrong post

meant for

Not yet

heading to the hardware store

Related to Seppo R in any way?

Javelin is cool.

classic cam pass.

Keep us updated
and rain is not change,
I can't save rain and take down to the bank and save it
Rain is water, and water is not what you need
You need beer

Rain is very often used in film to signify change though (as in something different happening, not money).
*sips rum and coke*

yo guys do you know any qt asian girls that watch hockey

Kippers mainly watches the Canucks

select one (1)

Attached: Keller-Tkachuk-Rantanen.png (2480x872, 269K)


You know damn well I don't
Are you asking for a fat lip? cause it's gonna be a long drive, regardless of where you live

kippers is a man is a dress


i cant help it its a condition
buddy not even people in canada know where i live

finna HEEM the entire pacific coast

Could you please HEEM Florida while you're at it?

I heard she (he) has a 8inch dick

Hey /hoc/ chads, thought you'd want to know that australia just retained tbe ashes

Well, then it's gonna take even longer
Look, do you want to this fat lip or not?
>I not your buddy, friend!!

ashes? is that a nickname for your country?

Sure babe :3

Attached: practice.png (370x370, 257K)

Thanks... friend :)

dont make me post a photo of alina li

Nah m8, its a little bit of burnt equipment in a trophy that a newspaper started as reverse banter 140 years ago

What happened, /hoc/??
when did it all go so terribly wrong?

Not gonna lie, that's a pretty neat story


Very based

crows are cool

for me it's ravens, smart cunts

Got a bird feeder in my yard and tons of sparrows and finches shiwup but also a Male and female blue Jay. They are fucking huge too, easily the size of a magpie or crow

>baker assfield

holy yikes at the state of ohio some more

no one gives a shit about handegg

For me, it's the Idaho Spuds

For me it's watching people give themselves CTE then switching to commercials at least 40 times in a few hours

Handegg and baseball teams lost today lads


just dinged

For me it's not being cool enough to post in the real NFL threads so I shit up /hoc/ with NFL posting.



a wad of doll hairs

I have no idea how >my city's handegg team is doing or if they're even playing today.

Imagine being proud of ignorance

something random and funny

For me it's being too cool to post in a general filled with tripfags, anime, news, schedules, mouthbreating southerners, literal homosexuals, diagnosed autists, and people that think Twitter is the end all be all of all social commentary

canada you should fight poland

why would you? this is /hoc/
Who won the Non-sequeter Joke Contest??
cause it sucked

all of my money for this

For me it's only following sports mostly accessible by middle class+ folks

Then why are you posting here

poor taste to beat up retards

For me, it's my friend and good times at /hoc/, the only community for me =D

But you're poor?

fuck i wish hockey was cheaper for kids to play, its ok when you are an adult and can buy used gear that will fit you for the rest of your life, but I think of all the sacrifices my friends parents had to make in rural ontario to get them to play hockey and how impossible it would have been for my parents to support us 4 kids through it and I weep. Hockey is such a fun sport to play, but every year it becomes more and more expensive. Outdoor rinks with the boys are basically the closest you can get to affordable hockey because you don't have to buy 10000 pieces of gear.

Did you think we would forget?

>*clap clap clapclapclap*

Back from work. I had really retarded clients 10 minutes before closing. It wasnt clear for me at the start, but after investigating their retarded behavior a little more, I could tell with no doubt that they were the seething canadians from this thread. Shame on you.

get lost you greasy pole bitch

I work with a lovely polish lady, she is very kind.

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I hope the rcmp catch the pedo coach and his jackoff cousin too

wait, his cousin fucked a midget?
that doesn't make him a pedophile, just weird

>checked Indianapolice score in handegg because they are my favourite team since yesterday
>losing 7:0
Fuck this sport. I dont want to hear about handegg ever again

Sweden would be unstoppable if they focused on a real sport like hockey instead of divegrass.

Me too. I joke alot but kids dont deserve to have their life ruined by a pedophile

>tfw failed penis inspections and never got any ice time from coach

Attached: 1564283951674.jpg (183x182, 8K)

tfw you'll never, EVER see Norge qualify

Indiana Police Department just lost there young celebrity QB
cut them a break, land of Poles

>they are my favourite team since yesterday

Attached: thumb.png (418x465, 490K)

You're literally guranteed a playoff spot m8

get lost you greasy pole bitch

Is there any college league in hockey? Im pretty sure there was.

We have a long tradition of choking those against the likes of Turkey and Bulgaria.

Poland is elite

Cumming on this jersey would show appreciation or hate?

Attached: Screenshot.png (720x1280, 968K)

Perhaps. But I believe in you this time Norway. I just KNOW you are going to do it.

Attached: dogball.webm (854x480, 521K)

NCAA in America

Canada has college/university teams but they don't matter.

do it for the lulz anyways

for me, it’s college slags

Not feeling like fapping now BUT I can do it in 9 hours

for me, it's the Frozen Four and Dartmouth

>tfw did nothing but sleep all day yesterday and today

Attached: 48bfb36.jpg (960x942, 38K)

love being american lads

Hey, look at this fag, he loves America


I'm a good boy

im a bad guy

We know you are, champ.


Haven't heemed anyone in far too long

We are /hoc/

Give of yourself unto /hoc/

Did you have anyone in mind?

I'm a sad man

the leaf with the pedo uncle

cousin, not uncle

you've literally never even thought about heeming anybody in real life ya pusy

I'm sadder

I thought he just wanted to fuck midgets?

>finland in-charge of winning anything

why doesn't finland have a qt tennis dyke

>tfw your literally whos SCAARRRRR

Attached: open.gif (374x280, 348K)

Business idea: replace the ref review with a popular vote over the official NHL app.

>Toronto wins every challenge

Give me a small portion of your SWF, say, 10 mil, and I'll make it happen


Attached: Burnzie ass.gif (445x256, 2.25M)

What's wrong?

He's a greasy pole bitch and he hasn't gotten lost yet

>Canada is STILL seething hours later
Based Pole

my friends are better at vidya than me. cunts


this but the opposite

how about a round of cards?

Hankering for some Gwent.

who the FUCK plays gwent

I did all the time back before they gutted and tried to reinvent the entire game and just ruined it.

couple rounds of gwent oughtta set me straight

Hankering for some PUSSY

i uninstalled like 2 years ago

i forget how bad my other teams are besides the islels

Attached: scott chan.jpg (1106x1098, 251K)


islels are shit too


Attached: red.gif (260x360, 1.68M)


Not really since at least they make the playoffs and have proper coaching and a front office. Those two dont.

scaarrr again


Who are you quoting


Imagine thinking pro sports arent all rigged.

would've been rigged for boston lad

That's what >they want you to think. Lol boston wins again wasnt popular last year tho. It was better for a new market to get a cup.

I doubt you've ever heemed anyone

Would 1v1 any seether

1v1 halo 3 right now

Said the weeb


You'd BTFO that canuck

Rocket league you say?

Attached: po.png (479x369, 9K)

go canes go!!

thank you, friend

5th scaarrr

Carolina reddit Poland reddit anime reddit sunbelt reddit

We've missed you, Sam.

This is it


BREAKING: Anaheim Ducks are nearing a deal to acquire W Patrik Laine, per sources. Could be done announced as early as Tuesday. More to come.

>unknown source
if dreger/rosen says this sure I will believe

seems legit

hmm i dunno about this one

If Laine goes then I go (back to being a caps fan)

Why in the name of god would Sam like the Washington fucking Capitals.
Don't you live in Winnipeg?

If they actually trade Laine they might as well just relocate the fucking franchise again.

>that torturous time of the year where there's handegg but not hockey

Attached: 1563494204842.png (672x505, 431K)

I knew it

I was a Washington fan for years since we didn't have a team when I was born and Ovechkin is BASED

It's happening.

Attached: thrashers blue (3rd).png (270x270, 12K)

he was like 1 of 3 players that showed up for them in the playoffs, and now there backline is gutted too

the ducks do know they're not going to be a competitive team for a while, right?

There are plenty of prospect tournaments on right now.

apparently Tampa Bay's Sosunov is 6'8"
what the fuck

Attached: downtown-yuma.jpg (650x399, 92K)

>it's a S*m episode
See y'all after he browns out

They got a 1st round pick out of it, but they dumped Trouba for a guy who wasn't even going to make the Rangers top 6.

winnipoo is destined for 10 years of rebuilding, the most recent casualty of the CBA

Bet he doesn't even hit

how was the football game sam

Not a weeb m8

Maybe they shouldn't have given Blake Wheeler 8.5 million per year at age 32.

Also they have enough capspace to sign Laine right now. They are just being cheapskates.

I didn't go to the Packers raiders game btw for anyone that was still wondering

wheeler is pretty much worth it, they might be semi-relevant still with him, scheifele and connor but one or more of them will leave eventually to

You already admitted it

How is Barkov so ELITE in shootouts? Non-meme answers only

he does 1000 push ups every morning

What the fuck is his problem

Attached: boeser.jpg (922x813, 191K)

Biggest problems for the jests are the Kulikov and Ehlers contracts. Kulikov because he sucks and has for ages, and Ehlers because his game went completely to shit, he's their version of Willie Nylander. I'd also submit that the jests can't possibly hold onto him, Wheeler, Laine, AND Connor all long-term anyway. A winger's got to go, can't build a championship team where wingers are your #1 strength.

He doesn't have one. Looking for a team-friendly bridge deal, nucks are just being autists about demanding term at the same pay rate as a bridge deal.

blaze that shit up nigga

>no hokej today
>łyszczarczyk still not in the NHL
>canada still seething because there is a better red and white flag
Going to bed guys, goodnight

if your flag can be made within 2 seconds on mspaint, there's a problem

The Wheeler contract is retarded because he was always a good player, but had his "breakout" season at age 32, and they gave him 8.5 million a year until he's going to be 38. Have fun with that.

Kulikov is up after this season.
Ehlers can bounce back but whatever.

They have more than enough room to sign Laine. They are just playing hardball. Trading him would be pants on head retarded. They need to commit to him long term and start building around him, not handing out shit contracts to players over 30.


Attached: 4805256.gif (500x250, 868K)

>adds leaf
>we swear we are not Peru guys

>removes blue
>we swear we weren't raped by russians!


>doesnt remove blue
>guys look, we are like russia, BUT GAYER

Attached: Canada_Pearson_Pennant_1964.svg.png (240x120, 5K)

if you ever post anything like this again i am going to fuck you up

Thinking I might gas myself

That looks nothing like the russian flag, but i'm sure you are on your 3rd bottle of vodka so it does.


shut the fuck up you polish asswipe


Polack vodka is pretty based if I'm being honest with you

Attached: ci-belvedere-vodka-b7de37dfaedcad34 (1).jpg (400x600, 10K)

Got the next thread ready.

All vodka is the same, the only difference is what it is made from.

Delete it, I've had one ready for months

shit, you guys have one ready too?


vodkalet revealed
Ofc they taste different, they also give you different effects day after

>they also give you different effects day after
Yes, depending on what it is made from. Potato vodka is the worst, wheat vodka is better, Vodka made from corn is the best.

Agreed. I do really think their best chance for this core is to trade Ehlers for a D and then get Laine and Connor signed to term ASAP though. Instead they're gonna trade Connor to keep Laine.
>t. futureman

It is also about how clean each vodka is. There were secret tests going on near my city and iot comes out that zubrowka is the purest vodka of all, and the worst is stock and wyborowa





This is /hoc/, not your diary

"based" is an acronym
the "B" stands for "Bulju"


Stop lying