On today's menu:
Second round:
Venezuela - Russia 30 bings
Poland - Argentina 4 bongs 30 bings
Puerto Rico - Italy 1 bong
Spain - Serbia 5 bongs
Ivory Coast - South Korea 30 bings
China - Nigeria 4 bongs 30 bings
/FIBA/ Basketball World Cup 2019
Other urls found in this thread:
It's coming home lads
i already got dubs
BOOMERS have won the title
You have a good team, no doubt cunt, but you lack tradition, that' why you'll get btfo
we got patty thrills
doesnt get more trad than rad pat
Great player, I have him on my fantasy team.
We have won against
All communist countries are down. Our job is done. I don't about further results.
>FIBA has confirmed that Gobert's interference in the closing seconds of France vs Lithuania was illegal. The refs will not call any other World Cup game, but the result stands
At least it's something.
Cant wait to get drunk during lunchtime.
What happened to Russia? I remember good teams
France would have won anyways
Good goy.
>Shitaly getting btfo by Puerto Rico
Wtf Shitaly!!
Italy stop
I think same thing happened in our game vs Brazil.
It's crazy how the FT has to be all net or any nig can jump and throw it out.
Going by the logic we should win +50 vs Spain
Russia also losing lmao
even the ref is same. spain antonio conde.
Spaniards are sneaky bastards, no logic here.
I thought Italy was way better
>I stay hydrated: one liter of salty tears in my flask
Why the fuck are we even scared of Argentina if we had less problems beating russia than them?
Good luck guarding the magician campazzo
... saline water actually dehydrates you, and fast too.
bronze medal for Poland
Yeah that was fucking stupid as well
I don't follow basketball that closely, how good is the US team compared to if they sent another modern dream team with guys like Harden, James etc.
Thanks bro, you too
Are you hanest Yea Forums?
It would be a demolition job.
But, they still can lose, remember 2002 with Reggie Miller, Ben Wallace, Paul Pierce, Andre Miller, Jermaine O'Neal etc...
Literally whos
That's why I'm curious about the roster, what would you rate them as a letter grade compared to what the USA could send? Also just looking at the wiki for the team it seems like a few other big names were in the running to be on the team but opted out or didn't get selected. Any info on that? Seems like USA basketball is basically selecting the bare minimum to win.
Every star player think that their team can now win an nba ring because KD is out from golden state so they want to focus on that
USA only cares about olympics
It would of course be embarassing to lose to Europe on this tournament but we will see
US team is always grade A compared to any other just because of NBA insane schedule and workouts. European player play 1 game per week, American one play 3 or even 4 per week.
the stars and superstars opted out for various intertwined reasons. there's the injury reason (cf. paul george's injury), the money reason (cf. isaiah "brinks truck" thomas), the r&r reason (82 regular season games from fall to spring plus playoffs), the NBA being wide open in 19/20 reason, and the world cup being considered way less important than the olympics reason. the disparity in relevance between the NBA and the rest of the world is just too huge. i mean, the NBA championship is tagged the world championship (except in san antonio).
>but the result stands
It's bullshit but really what can you do? Replay the whole match? No way they'd do that
i warned you about us being shit, but you all thought we were top 5 material
When is Spain vs Serbia playing lads?
like one bong 40 bings
Lmao Shitaly won
13:30 where I live, dunno about greek timezone
>Serbia is a favourite vs Spai...
I bet that they will shoot 50% from 3 today
had a piss earlier and suddenly realized serbia will lose today
>HACKett gets benched
>make up a 26 points deficit
no but on a serious note we were clearly still in disarray over the spain loss, playing some reserves that didn't take part in that shitshow (Tessitori and Filloy namely) heped us a lot
based africans making our shitty coach resign
delete this
>5pts in first quarter
what happened?
>he doesn't remember Shane Heal and Andrew Gaze
They've been in the Olympics top 8 for the last 40 years, mate (except once in 2004).
>you too
Just because they send better players does not mean the team would be better actually, a lot of things depend on the coaching. Typically, the 2016 US Olympics team was on paper much stronger than the 2014 US world cup team. Yet, the 2014 team absolutely obliterated the tournament (2nd biggest average margin for a US team, only the 1992 dream team did better), while the 2016 team did not impressed at all (except in final), barely winning against France by 3, Austalia by 7, and Serbia in overtime.
Any good streaming links for Serbia-Spain?
rts planeta
Bless you!
Not available outside of Serbia due to copyright claims.
>Cote d'Ivoire lost to South Korea
Why are Africans so bad at basketball?
e to, puno hvala susjed
telekom is streaming all games in HD for free online in germany btw, pretty nice. they acquired that deal thinking germany could make a splash in the tournament and work as an advertisement for their bundesliga, euroleague, and eurocup pay tv service.
>mike fucking taylor
always weird to see people associated to my dinky ass local team on the international stage.
Did you bet on Poland already? Free money.
I have a feeling we'll fucking lose this and end up fourth, fucking Spanish cunts always overperform against us and we always underperform against them
who else gonna watch spain-serbia on one screen and F1 on another
>Adomaitis out
cringe, they are getting slammed
damn, I hate the creaky voices of the FIBA commentators
If live-nba doesn't work for you try this
Based Scola.
Scola still dabbing on zoomers
They're not great but I'd much rather watch those than a spanish tv stream
Cuatro commentators are a fucking embarrassment
>siro lopez of all people in my basketball
No fucking thank you
time to retire, boomer
Can't the Poles hire a better Murrikan than fucking AJ Slaughter?
see you in quarterfinals
>implying greece will qualify
See you in the quarters, FREEland
>7 turnovers
How are the Boomers looking lads?
we'll see tomorrow vs france
>serbia averaging 100+ ppg
They're going to destroy us so hard
I hope so, it's about time we trash the shit out of Spain.
30.8 assists is more impressive I think
Maybe if you do we'll finally sack Hackariolo
Well, Serbia will still certainly win this anyway, butSpain is the first team they'll face that can actually defend, so we'll see.
How long has he been the coach? I remember he was there in 2010 lol
milutinov starting
spain seething
He was the coach from 2009 to 2012 and then again since 2015
Link not working anymore. Anyone? Help.
time to get rekt, can't wait
lucic has such a punchable face holy shit
where's sergio rodriguez when you need him
>when your biggest man spends more time on the 3 point line than in the paint
>1 minute
> already 0/2 with 3p
Who are you rooting for? esp or srb?
Based Bircevic, always hits the three at the beginning of every game.
/here/ la
F1 on the big screen of course basketball on the monitor
i expect srb to w but just enjoying the top-level matchup of the qf
I just want to avoid a Serbia-Argentina quarter final.
This is awful
>pierre oriola of all people being the best player
Let's go Spain
Dare i say.. kino?
It'll be kino if claver scores 15+ or more points
Sorry, I don't watch """sports"""".
>basketball in greece has no order
serbia, not that I like them but I did bet 200 euros on them
Ricky Rubio is an old man
>5 minutes in
>already getting rekt
Holy shit Marc is such a clumsy oaf
gg spain
this is over
No matter what score Spain thugs always come back
rubio is trying too hard
>forcing gasol to run and defend in transition
playing rite into srb's gameplan
You know it's a bad day for Spain when Oriola is the only man who has scored so far
> -15
Fuck its cold
I thought bob got a new haircut
Still cold desu
i can't wait to see what new way ferrari will find to completely ruin their racing strategy once again
Someone should tell him that this is not a 3s fest like NBA
For me, it's boktan boktanovic
>Willy "John Wick" Hernangomez
>Cant even get a comfortable lead vs Spain
And this team is expected to win vs America
Cringe reklama
ananı avradını sikeyim amına kodumun geçmişini siktimin yarrakkafası
Didn't know we had a continental mix in this tournament.
why the fuck is boban playing
SVe su nam reklame cringe
what type of ultrazoomer are you
I expected this
just put jokic at 5 idiot
Why can't they settle on a pronounciation of Claver
Every time they say his name they say it a different way
It's not that hard, it's just cla-VÉ
we are the master sandbaggers, look shit tier for weeks to be good randomly, and the other way around as well
What's going on with these Spanish anime grills (males)?
what does it mean, actually?
>We dont need Teo, look at how much we won vs shitters, lol he held the team back!
>those turnovers
wtf srbija
Holy shit lads are we actually going to win or what? What's wrong with Serbia?
literally moaned when that wet ass 3 dropped ngl
good game
>put old fat slowass Gasol on the bench
>suddeny Spain goes all guns blazing
Female voleyball will be top tier lads
ok now we start losing again
is that hernangomez gypsy
Fucking Spain every single time
Some things never change
Don't worry, sooner or later Scariolo will ruin the day with his retarded rotations. Taking out a player when he's playing really well is his signature coaching move
Preview of the final
is getting a T before djordjevic does a signature move of his too
>only good young players are los Hernangomez
this will be the last time
What is the granpa thinking in that moment?
Is there anyone in this WC more unlikable than Rudy Fernandez?
worse, half G*rman
It means "fuck your mom and sister and your whole past family tree dickhead"
"I did not fight in Civil War for this"
Has Spain really a chance to win this
Spain is based but I also support Serbia
both very good teams
I knew we were overrated
Spain by 15
Ricky Rubio and his baby face. No beard can hide it.
It all depends on how long it takes Serbia to get their shit together
they are our Achilles hill
kill me
even when they look bad they can make shots and come back winning out of nowhere
in the end americans win though
Yeah but Rudy is actually a cunt
We're doing some meme defence that will work just for 5 minutes.
>having bald spots growing on your beard
>the ciudad of Pau Ribas
>Score 100p vs shitters
>Holy shit we are so fucking good can anyone fucking stop us
>Win vs Italy because we got a momentum
>Holy shit are we gonna win vs usa +20?
God i want to kill fake sport followers
How the fuck Russia lost to this team?
Ethnic nationalism
>Claver trying play football
no blacks
Spain is our father
T. Serb
>will be lucky to get 30 pts at the half
Absolute state of Serbia's "superb" offense
Russia is not that good, simple as.
second half will be a whole different story, no way spain can keep up this defense
>that defending
serbia down by 7 damn
Literally crying right now. This is so fucking shameful.
you're a bit behind bro
>rating serbia
Hold me bros...
careful they might annex vucevic
But Poland is worst nowhere near better than Russia. It's rape at this point. Russia was tough.
>Rating Poland
>Rating Serbia
>Rating Greece
>Rating slavs
serbs play usa in 1/4 if they lose?
>Meanwhile Pooland losing by 30
what the actual fuck
Glad to see Serbia finally getting exposed.
only thing thats worse then fake sport followers is the i told you so guy.
Serb QTs spotted.
not my fault the stream is like 2 minutes behind
How do you go from beating everybody by 40+ points to struggling against the worst Spanish squad of the decade?
Truly a magic sport lads
At least it's against a good squad and not Turkey. It's only halftime too.
Relax retards, Djordjevic is fucking around with the rotations again.
Serbs always choke when confronted with superior Celtic specimens
>commercial is rapping about going into debt because of taking a vacation
The absolute state of this fucking country
no, either Poland or Argentina
This is the worst they played since a couple of years. No heart at all.
Its disgusting seeing how much hate the Serbs are getting. Its not even a 10 point lead.
And they aren't tanking because they need to win to avoid the US in the semifinal.
Jokić is invisible.
probably resting their players
rubio has girly eyes
well he is playing power forward
they got cocky as fuck so they deserve all of it
give me sauce on that blonde girl
Based Shia Lebouf exposing Slavs
Because he is not playing his position, neither is Bjelica.
Djordjevic needs take this game seriously and stop fucking around with the rotations.
I'm a barcelona fan lads but llull is so likable.
How is the culture in Serbia? Is it degenerate?
>sale nacionale
Who is going to be the next after Bald Fraud?
yes, like everywhere else in the world
Same. Definitely more likeable than Cunty Fernandez and Felipe "whiny bitch" reyes
We’re winning this whole thing you fuckers
We dont have a culture
I remember some lithuanian punched fernandez to the face.
i miss Navarro
You got more culture in a village than European countries have all together.
Trust me, I've been everywhere.
>iran v philippines
is this match relevant at all or are both teams out already?
>When a seething Spanoulis was throwing the ball back and forth with Rudy in EL finals
Absolute win
What about Belgrade?
To me, it just looks like a lot what happened to Spain in 2014: shitting on weaklings or uninterested teams during not "important" games, causing the players and the general "environment" to buy their own inflated hype, then entering the decisive games completely unprepared to face a suddenly much tougher opponent with underdog mentality.
Fortunately for the Serbs, though, this is not an elimination game, unlike what happened to Spain.
even his own fans hate fernandez, actually
Now that's a giant shithole, just like every capital. Way too many people, way too little control.
If you like crazy night life.. Belgrade is more hardcore than Anything on the planet. It's Bangkok-tier fucked up.
This is actually a tank game because Australia>USA
>Bangkok-tier fucked up.
Not really, but it's fucked up and crowded.
Belgrade is brimming with indie music and cinematography. The city also has a world renowned theater plays scene. Serbia in general is a treasure trove of culture.
Why is Scola playing with the game virtually finished? Shouldn't he be resting?
he aint gonna live that long
>this damage control already
lol have some dignity faggot
surprisingly accurate, save the lack of ladyboiz
I'm crying
OUT OF LAUGHTER NEGROS, that is our plan so we won't draw Spain who is going to win now, because we want to meet with them in the final game.
who the fuck cares about theater plays in serbia lol what are you talking about
t. someone whose never lived in Belgrade
Can't wait for boomer Gortat to complain on twitter
If he'd stop he'd die
This is true. The north of Serbia will become Europe's capital of culture in 2021. Was it Novi Sad? That is truly a gorgeous city. I never expected to meet such relaxed and sophisticated culture in fucking Serbia
>not caring about theater plays culture
Get a load of this faggot!
Ye i doubt Serbs engages in that homoness, you guys are solid.
If you'd be kind enough to teach other slavs some manners, Norway would be thankful.
>indie music
misspelled indian/gypsy/redneck music
Guys what was the name of that basketball player who put himself in a wheelchair by smashing his head into the basket post out of frustration
Delusions of post-1945 """patriotism""", being proud of theater plays, sports and similar shit and being buttblasted when you realize noone cares in the outside world.
That's because CNN and friends did their job. Serbia was always war torn, but thoroughly developed by academics who studied in the west.
You'd be surprised. You just have to move around the right clubs.
If Spain wins and you lose then you face Spain in quarterfinals.
But please, by all means, keep laughing.
Boban Jankovic =[
R.I.P. bigman
Yeah that one, thanks
Such a sad story
Not surprising given that your culture consists of sausages and yodeling in big boy shorts and those stupid hats
anyone insinuating that the balkans are anything but europe's butthole is talking out of their fucking mind. the balkans are the #1 source of primitivism and petty crime in europe.
and what's that
See? We are not as bad as everyone said. We can win the whole thing.
I thought Europe's butthole was the North Caucasus
*500,000 rapes happen during Christmas night*
Balkans are the #1 source of petty crime!!1!
sounds like your girlfriend sucked off a balkan dude behind your back
c-can we actually win?
Who is the cute chick they keep showing in the Spain jersey? Gotta be a wife/girlfriend of one of the players.
wtf serbs are so bad, why did everyoene thought they were the next big thing? Its going to be spain usa in the final as always
that's a niche subculture, I was referring more to what's on display, especially what tourists will probably first come in contact with
I have no idea if spain plays good or serbia chokes
Lads this is honestly sad. One thing is besting a country and the other thing is humiliating them. I thought we stopped doing thay when colonisation days were over.
At least they're not being replaced in their own countries.
Every play Bogdan for 3. Lmao kick this baldfraud
>german thinking he's on a higher pane of existence
No dude, you're even worse.
I befriended serbs, i never befriended a german, you're retards, all of you.
The slavic comeback can still happen
Jokic seething lmao
we thought it'd be enough to play just the 1st quarter
proved sufficient thus far
These hotheads aspire to win the trophy? Lmao
Almost got it all
Jokic about the bite the refs head off.
wtf are nuggets nutricionists and conditioning coaches doing? no excuse for the shape joker is in
Euro- Serbia vs Slovenia
Olympics- Serbia vs USA
WC-Serbia vs USA
What final?
>as always
Have you been watching basketball the past few years? Serbia has been better than Spain. They've been to 3 major finals
argentina just atropelated poland
Im sorry guys, I was frustrated
These refs are the worst
desu that wasn't a dead ball but foul but Jokic is just full fucking retard
Balkan mentality
Its ok buddy, you'll get them next time.
>These refs are the worst
oh we know
based Jokić
why does this fat redditot always throw a tantrum like cousins
Based FIBA they started seething with Euroleague so now there's no top 100 refs this WC.
Greece USA final
Calathes Sloukas and Printezis will unjust themselves and take revenge on those goblins
very cultured game by serbia today desu
This refereeing sucks eh.
literally who can stop us
Greece is already eliminated.
Louis Labeyrie
>American rule comprehension
Who let boomer simonovic out?
Terrible lack of knowledge on basic cell metabolism
he is like 31 years old
Šimonović looks like he's 50
Tennis country
Zeljko Obradovic to lead the new generation of serbian basketball
EVERYONE is fucked
Women's Volleyball country.
djordjevic lost his marbles today, gg spain
scariolo took this game seriously
wtf I thought we were the best
Is Spain serbia and Serbia phillipines?
Serbia is getting exposed hard, I was honestly getting into the hype but I realize now that they only played shit teams so far.
This is really amusing to watch given how full of themselves serbs were lately
Enjoy 9th place pleb
no we're puerto rico
it's always like that
Fuck you. Im glad our French brothers raped you
Kosovo je Albania
>FIFA world champs
>Soon to be FIBA world champs
feels bretty gud
I can say it now, WHO THE FUCK can stop us?
high culture country
>lost 2-4 vs Portugal yesterday
>btfo by Spain today
the balkanlar fears the Iberian bvll
This thread is YouTube comments tier.
Ahahahahah FIBA MAFIA
>serbs ruining my bet
Hoping the France-Australia match tomorrow is closer than this.
>mfw 20 up
genuinely baffled lads
>46-22 for Spain in the last 15 minutes
polish bros, you are next
>t. Lucked out with meme teams
Stay mad lol
>serbs are brothers with africans
this explains a lot
>I discuss politics
>mfw tricked by the serbs into believing that they've got a competitive team
19 point lead is The most dangerous one
>betting on Serbs for anything
Chinese QT in Jugo jersey.
Basketball based country is bad at basketball
Enjoy suicide rates
I just dont want the USA to win. Imagine if they win with that squad.
No we're swimming country :^)
>expecting a water polo nation to dominate in basketball
yikes basketball is like the 6th most popular sport in serbia
You can bet on them killing some Analbanians.
Does Jokic being disqualified means he's out for the next game?
This is probably the best game Serbia could lose. This loss should shake them up and make them get their shit together for the quarter finals.
This is Serbia's 7-1.
You will see nigger
I hope this is not just a bad match. For what everyone said in the last matches Serbia was the rival you absolutely didn't want to face. Now we'll have to face them, so I hope that they prove to be a team with many flaws as they are doing today.
Stop posting that doctored burger propaganda, retard.
1995 2019 LMAO
Yeah nothing like playing vs USA in the semis
Gotta enjoy this loss
To be fair Spain are probably the best defense in the WC, whoever Serbia plays next won't be like that
They suck at that too. They've lost every war they've practically been in. Any rationale Serb will tell you that they are perpetual and historical losers.
>killing Albanians is bad
Someone's upset lol
Enjoy being turk rapebaby, slavshit
Don't like, USA has the best offense and best defense. We are the GOAT basketballer country
Im whiter and bluer than you
You can enjoy your imagination
They play us.
I don't know how good we are compared with Spain, but I think that the defense is one of the main attributes of our NT.
2010 replay incoming we are just too good watch
>winning a game with no value
>losing a game with no value
Spain, there is no difference. Also, a champion must lose at some point.
why do people think that the usa have a shitty team when they are full of nbaers and popovich?
why is this Albanian diaspora turd in every thread about Serbia? Get a life and have sex
poopbitch is a fraud
All according to keikaku
Its just a false hope
Reminder that we blew Spain away by 20 points in the semis
Popovich is Serbia sleeper agent.
Because he can't say anything nice bout his country so he grabs onto the single piece of historical relevance his country has which is being a victim lol.
Yeah should have met them in the finals riding the hype train like you did the last time and got dabbed on by 30+. They shouldn't enjoy the loss, they should put their heads down and grind to improve.
That's probably USA desu, their athleticism puts them above any other defense
That Spanish basedboy flexing his arms
So now you're just deluding yourself. At least you stopped laughing.
albanian and bosniak diaspora is usually obsessed with serbia and everything serbian
Who cares when they play USA Lmfao. They'll get btfo regardless.
They almost lost to fucking Turkey
>fouling on a desperate last second 3 attempt
willy you retard
Not an argument
hello i went away to have dinner during the 1Q and what is this
That's just how much depth they have. All their players would be picked by any other team (apart from Serbia that wouldn't change any of their centers).
Don't forget Croat diaspora.
based Chinese brothers being the 6th player
we are winning this lel
If they didn't have Popovic my money would be on Serbia winning.
I think they needed a beating like this before elimination round as they just got too cocky.
Chill guys, this is just so they gve strenght to our people
Sergio KKEKK
Based Chinese cheering for Serbia.
Basedfaces thinking we can beat USA in semis
Jesus Christ
Should have won vs Lithuania at 2015 choked
Should have won vs Slovenia at 2017 choked
Should have won vs Turkey 2010 choked and refballed
Gold is not possible for us
Llull shouldnt play PG
Not really. Croatian diaspora doesnt care
Nah, Croats aren't as bad. They're occasionally butthurt like some Serb diaspora can be from time to time. Bosniaks and Albanians have the true victim mentality.
I hope someone defeats USA, to be honest. If it happens before the finals then even better.
is he fucking disabled
Spoken like folks who've never dealt with Croat diaspora. But yes, Bosnians and Albanians are the worst about it.
I wouldn't change Llull for Marcus Smart
>good rick
Kme kme kme plačipičko
But would you change Llull's rotation for Smart?
L-lads.. we are going to win right?? what's happening
Greece 2006 would have destroyed everyone including the USA(again) if they were still playing
If we lose in the final quarter after dominating the whole match that'll be super embarrassing
Jesus Christ these fiba rules are shite
Will there be a serbs vs turks game?
>Remove kebab
I actually believe this.
are these refs retarded?
Greece 2006 got royally BTFO by Spain 2006
Quick Domagoj, Helma needs her douche washed.
serbia bros why are you losing,I thought this was your tournament ?
silly anons, Polska and Serbia are losing on purpose. that was their plan all along. we had a deal not play against each other in qf.
score some fucking goals
Our dream and redeem teams would btfo rest of the world's elite historical teams combined.
n-no pau rivas is so good next big thing in europe haha
>diaspora talking shit about natives
t. krajisnik
Shitty argument, they were too tired after beating the better team
Holy shit Bjelica
>Argentina was easier to win
still stuck in detoilet?
Yeah sure lad
irrelevant game, we already qualified for the quarterfinals
but still sucks that we're losing
Was the Dream Team in 1992 the best team in all history? Would it be possible to gather a team as good as that in any other era?
nothing goes in fucking hell
Whatever, as if there has been a team that btfoed USA ever again
Nije bas, jer je bolje s Amerima igrat finale nego polufinale. Ali sretno
Curry LeBron kd etc of this era are better than those boomers
I don't fucking get Llull
He either scores impossible 3s o shoots fucking airballs
we winning this easily
Will happen in a few days, just wait
Czech rep gonna steamroll grease
ameri su kurac od ekipe realno, mogu se dobiti
>diaspora calling themselves native names
even more embarrassing
This is good.
Serbia, this is how you learn you're not the best by default.
Next game.... you'll take it seriously.
So for quartes i bet Poland will play a really tight match against spain (Spain wins anyway) and suddenly Serbia will go beast mode against Argentina =(
w-we're just having a bad day, w-we're still going to win the whole thing
Realno su kurac, ali faktor Popovic.
Can't wait for the Serbia - USA game.
it's okay, serbia is a theater country anyway, not a basketball country.
die slavic dog
>that travel
U11 tier
of course, we do this in every competition
but still sucks to lose to spain, i fucking hate these cunts
It's very hard to compare. The 92 dream team played against some litteral amateurs, or who started their club careers in an amateur era. Their opponents were considerably weaker than the opponents their facing now.
When you watch the 92 games now, they were actually very boring and poor. The US players were not even trying, not even training, they just spent 2 weeks fucking whores on the ramblas and beating opponents who were a bit above NCAA level for the best of them.
Yeah, that's what I fear. That they are just saving strength right now and that they'll play a great match in quarterfinals.
shame that Rubio can't play like this in the NBA
South Slavs can't compete with Iberian BVLLS.
ma naravno, you can't even get past spains defence, the niggers will rape you by 30pts
Already 12
Fucj quoted wrong post
South Slavs can't compete with Iberian BVLLS.
he's drastically evolved as a player during his stint with the Jazz
>The "meritorios" from previous rounds should go to the World Cup with the NT
>Rabaseda, Beirán and Colom played 0 minutes today
top fucking kek
Ok Marko "I've been to Krajina two times in my life" Kralevich
So lads do you play competitive basketball in real life?
his shooting improved
went from none existing to below average
bijelica fucking sucks, what's wrong with him
it has to be the first time he is good in a big game with Spain since 2008 olympics final, he has been way better in the NBA than with his national team
Havent played in 3 years
Bjelica is fucking terrible today, totally anemic which is uncharacteristic for him.
>Scariolo finally understands it's good to keep a player on the court when he's doing a good job and rotations aren't always necessary
Took him a long ass time
I like watching basketball but I don't enjoy playing it very much
close, it was one time
but I have a house I need to renovate and a good amount of land
i never played basketball in my life
its all about 3x3 here
I did, like 15 years ago
this desu
What a yikes game, man.
Is the entire crowd serbs or what?
what are decent bball shoes around 100$
kolko ih sere boze
I didn't play it competitively in like the 25 last years. I was bad anyway, I was much better at handball.
Middle school, high school varsity, some D2 college ball. I was really good in middle and early high school but I stopped growing at 5'10 in high school. I'm not black so I don't have the athleticism to make up for the height and T-Rex arms.
Samo smo sebe dobili greškama i nepostojećim sutom.
Some people have hard time learning what's the right thing to do
ricky is DECENT
We will be the champions.
Let me tell you, tho. If Serbia plays this fucking bad and still barely loses, all they need is a day when they don't feel like downies and they'll beat anyone.
Who is this discount store serbian Steve Adams? He is so fucking SHIT, goddamn
ma sale mentol ubacio bobija i mrtvog bjelicu tamo na pocetku druge i sve otislo u kurac
time to watch some cs go
What happened serbia?
Nope. I've been kinda fat my whole life.
>serbian athleticism
Serbia is not playing bad, we are making them play bad. They'll beat anyone that isn't us.
Same, i was actually very good, 6,1' with 14 years lol. But i stopped there and now i'm shit
A vuestra casa
da budem iskren, ako je sad svse otislo u kurac nije ni lose toliko
moramo mi uvek da puknemo partiju
How much shit will all of you eat when Serbia beats US?
nije da nismo igrali protiv bogalja
>Birčević airball layup
Raduljica was a beast in the paint when he was a thicc fatass. He became a basedboy in the last few years and is now shit.
Just to lose agains >us in the final
it's 2006 all over again
to da
mada i protiv italije smo igrali ko kurac
Our lord and saviour Vucic, said we must lose.
We would win this by 15 easily otherwise
da je bila eliminaciona odvalili bi ih
mrzim kad pucamo od ovih govana ciganskih
imaj seks
nekad se mora i izgubiti
damn looks like we're winning it all LMAO
imao sinoc
osvajamo ovo sranje
Nemoj pušiti kurac. Koga briga za Vucica jebo te otac? Isti si kao ovi ameri "orange man bad".
jebiga Raduljici sve praštam otkad je poslao Rvate doma
Especially when it comes to heart. Jokić is Cousins in a white body. Cringe.
blago tebi
Yeah, he needs to control himself sometimes. He almost always argues with refs.
>one sandwich has been deposited to your bank account
How do you think the Serb Saric felt in that moment? It must have been surreal for him.
greece-france if greece passes. You know it's gonna happen again
oh fuck i forgot about the sendvic thing
pic rltd
Betfags, how much money did you lose on this match?
lmao rip
Ćeste, to sto pises je upravo razlog zašto opozicija ne postoji. Nema ništa konkretno osim jebenih sendvica, kao da to pobedjuje na izborima. Paranoja da svako ko ne misli isto kao srpski NPC-ovi je odmah Vucicev bot uzrokuje da se ne prihvata ni jedna konstruktivna kritika na račun opozicije. Vucic je ultimate cuck, a pojedinci koji sami sebe eliminišu sa izbora bojkotom su još veće pizde od njega.
>mfw the only time we beat greece was in a game that both teams wanted to lose
>mfw in every other game we got out-fucking-clutched
Evo jedan vrbaski
treba prava opozicija
Nema opozicije zato sto su 95% ljudi u ovoj zemljo beskicmenjaci. A i realno, govna smo
ladno jos jedan vrbašanin posta ovde
However, Bogdanovic is inept in defense. The Spanish backcourt Rubio and Llull steamrolled the Serbian defense all game long. So Bogdanovic may score 30 pts, but all the things he brings to his team in offense, he blows them in defense. And having a very strong defense is a much more consistant way to have a strong team than having a strong lone offensive guy.
Lmao get fucking wrecked you emo baltic bitch
Serbs are bros
You guys are all retarded truck drivers
We beat them in 2011 Euro quarter final. Diaw was abysmally bad in this game. This meme about ">muh Diaw brings to the team what the team needs" has always been retarded.
zamisli kako je ovdje kad mislis da je tu lose
bolje da ne zivis vamo
>mfw we lose to another latino squad
legit what's the deal with you
if you're just another anxious white teenager latching on to some diaspora roots thrice removed for a teensy bit of identity for want of your own personality, fine, i get it, that's how it is with your generation. if you're entirely unaffiliated and still latching on to a fucking balkan state for a teensy bit of identity for want of your own personality, you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
Ne lupaj. Tu imas opcije. U Srbiji nemas opcije.
Tu ima zakon.
U Srbiji je zakon do koneksta i vrlo zavisi upletenih lica.
>german overthinking banter
>Diasporafag prica koliko mi je dobro u ovoj rupcagi
Pls no
it's a sociological endeavor. i'm trying to figure out the mental state of you kids.
Ono kada dijspora komentarise situaciju u srbiji.
>Ne lupaj. Tu imas opcije. U Srbiji nemas opcije.
ko radi ce da radi u srbiji ili u americi
imas i ovdje dosta propalica
ako mislis na politicke opcije onda lolara ovdje bjeli narod je gotov i ovo ce biti afrika/meksiko za 20-30 god.
sta bi ti? zapad je gotov, ja samo grabim novce da napravim nesto tamo. sad je dobro raditi ovdje al ova drzava nema buducnost
No, you're being a classic arrogant German in his early 20s, thinking you're on a higher level of human development just because you're German, whereas in reality you've amounted to little or nothing.
Being blinded by your confidence in something as vague as origin will never let you understand a wider picture, less to say "analyze us kids" on a meme sport board.
Zapad je gotov. Gotov kao ovakav, da ima prilike za sve. U buducnosti ce biti isti standard isto sve, ali ne i mesta za sve kao danas.
Dok srbija ima da potone i bice nova moldavija
Nisam ti ja kriv sto si debil i tu ostajes. Ja sam pišao krv tu da bih odatle otisao i prestao da kenjam. A, pišam krv i ovde, samo ne kenjam jer nemam zasto.
Tako da, popusi mi kurac, znas duplo manje od nas obojice, jer si samo jednu stranu price iskusio.
Bato ja sam sa madjarskim u Alesundu, samo sam ovde na godisnjem
heard you talked shit about Babac
Lose sam linkovao, unnskyld
imam 29 god. vozim kola 11 god. polozio za A kategoriju. Uveli zakon na dan kada sam podneo zahtev za dobijanje A kategorije da moram da dobijem probnu A dozvolu jer nikad nisam imao probnu dozvolu.
Vozim jebenih 11 godina koji ce mi kurac probna. Retardiran zakon retardirana drzava.
Sa druge strane klinac koji sa 21 polozi za A i imao je probnu za B za koje vreme realno nije vozio jer jebena probna lelele moras sa matorcem dobija full dozvolu
Nisam znao.
Pa, sto onda ne smem da komentarisem na situaciju u Srbiji? Sto mi je to zabranjeno?
Btw taj Ålesund... ziveo sam tu par godina. Mrzeo sam taj grad najvise na svetu.. i kisu, i vetar i ljude i akcenat.. samo mi je fjellstua bila draga zbog pogleda i chilla. Najgori haš imaju i najgori su ljudi na zapadnoj obali.
Sta radis tu?
brate makar ne plaćaš mini hidroelektrane Blažu Đukanoviću
ženi se danas inače
Ne razumem kako ga niko jos nije skinuo.
jebu i nas sa tim mini hidro elektranama. Srbija ima fazon najmanju kolicinu reka po km2 taj neki kurac i to malo sto imamo ce da useru
amerika je gotova kao drzava evropljana, kazem ti.. afrika/meksiko za 20-30 godina. dzabe biti milioner u takoj drzavi
>najgori su ljudi
Ma based rusi
>Sta radis tu?
e ali ne kapiraš, ođe ljudi doslovno plaćaju na račun za struju za rad tih govana, koja su u vlasništvu sina Mila Đukanovića
niđe se bezočno ne krade kao u CG, Srbija koliko god raspala je zlato za ovo smeće od države
makar je Vučić zaustavio zaduživanje, ođe uzimaju pola milijarde da vraćamo kamate, kao što je Jugoslavija raspala radila
vjeruj mi, mnogo gore može
>implying anyone can beat usa where most of the players are on steroids
How do we into steroids without getting caught?
yes, deal with it
sine moj, you seem to be wrong about a lot of things.
have kikes control you
Rusi su korektni. Znaju i poljaci da budu, mada cuvam ih se.
Kul tebra, bitno je cimati se. Kontam da ti je zivot mnogo olaksan madjarskim, moj je bas zajeban ovim srpskim. Jebem ti drzavu i politiku i sve da nasi zivoti vrede kurcu zbog njih, jer smo prinudjeni da furamo to govno od pasosa. Soon tho, soon norveski i freedom.
Are you trying to imply the others don't roid?
>Kontam da ti je zivot mnogo olaksan madjarskim
Ne moram da razmisljam ni o cemu.
Koliko ti je jos ostalo?
Nista. Zavrsio sam sve ispite, sve godine, trajnu boravisnu, upisan na dva mastera i imam posao, samo cekam da skupim 10k da platim sranje i gg.
Srecno ti bilo brate.
Hvala, takodje
Speak human, you heathens
Whats that beef between fiba and euroleague? There are way too many no-name referees.