Invent a sport women would BTFO men in.
Invent a sport women would BTFO men in
for me its
Giving birth, and literally NOTHING else.
>woman is clearly urinating on camera
Took long enough for the incels to show
Pic related: its you
T. leftypol. Stop defending women on 4channel. >We always hated them even before this whole incel thing.
i NEED that video of that spanish girl peeing outside arsenal stadium NOW
Being angry about shit that happened 3 weeks ago
selling nudes/being webcam whores are you going to name the sport and prove him wrong? Or admit that he's right and just call him an incel anyway.
Apparently, women are better at long-distance swimming.
Mental gymnastics
oh wait
>perez hilton and that TOwens fag
competitive menstruation
speed breast feeding
marathon bitching
who can lift the biggest bag of shoes
is that a tranny? The jaw on that lad
an italian-american man can do all of these things
>marathon bitching
But that's just Yea Forums
I was interested in watching the webm but I closed it when I realized it was not a japanese woman
Vaginal Ping Pong
50% after divorce
Have Sex posting
Vaginal Rejuvination Surgerying
Yeast Making
Ultra-endurance events.
Sandwich artist.