>Report: Kawhi Leonard's sister accused of murder

>A sister of NBA superstar Kawhi Leonard is one of two women charged with robbing and killing an 84-year-old woman at a Southern California casino, the Riverside Press-Enterprise reported Saturday.

>Kimesha Monae Williams, 35, is being held without bail at the Indio (Calif.) Correction Facility after the incident at Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula. Authorities say that on the morning of Aug. 31, Williams and Candace Tai Townsel, 39, attacked Afaf Anis Assad in a bathroom, broke her skull and then stole her purse.

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Te-mec-u-la sunrise

check out this siick new beat i just made thinking of this news guys

n n n n n n n n n n n n n n


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Can't she just ask Kawhaii for money? Wtf

well thank goodness he is out of toronto, wouldn't want this bullshit hanging over the team all season.

thanks for the 'chip.

>You can take the monkey out of the jungle...

does she have beard stubble

>84 year old
Bet she was white...

They aren't even the same species

>Killing Assad
More than the CIA could do

>Afaf Anis Assad
Yeah my fucks went out the window

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Christians BTFO

kawhi seems like a guy who wouldnt let a friend borrow 5$ DESPITE having millions

Do you think Kawhi manages his own money is a low-risk portfolio focusing on long term flexibility and semi-liquidity?

He's definitely a Boglehead

Nigs will nig

>Candace Tai Townsel
>Afaf Anis Assad
>the absolute state of American names
What the fuck happened to Jack and Emily and John?

stfu white boy stay mad in ur 3rd world country

Liberal importation policies for low cost labor

t. Kawhi Anis Monae

What the fuck is wrong with black people?

>nig attacking some nig or middle easterner
another day in USA

The victim was a white lady

Jack, Emily, and John don't like cleaning their own toilets or plucking chickens. They're too good for that.

That's a man

fuck off boomer

>Afaf Anis Assad

you cannot convince me that's a woman gtfo this nigga got a beard

He'll be broke and in debt 5 years after his career is done.

Different parents

At least you tried

>Afaf Anis Assad
You don't even read the green text

Arabs are sincerely considered "white" by the US census...at least we make the distinction

Sheboons gonna boon

Looks white to me. The first arabs who came to america were Christian lebs and syrians and kinda looked like italians. So the gov considered them white

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checked and correct

imagine your last breathe in this world is a 2 bit bathroom casino with your had bashed in

that thing isn't white

Ain't white, not that she deserved it. I guarunfuckingtee the pavement ape thought she was white though.

oh ni nyaet my had

The Moor is quite capable of Civilisation, far moreso than the Oriental, Negro or Indian. It takes only a night at a Turkish bath or Persian Bazaar to see that these are men of Character and women of Virtue. They are in fact whiter than the Irish, who oft still live in tribal squalor.

People who live like that die like that. These are High Desert Casino people. If she had kids they’l likely joke and reminisce about her and dad being absent gambling addicts

Lmao I love 19th century racial pseudoscience. Who said this stuff?

>nigger permabans shitskin and it's own wrongfully granted freedom
nice to hear good stories sometimes

niggers should all hang for our benefit and entertainment

Based & redpilled.

Based face blind retards

haha white genocide and population replacement is a myth goy haha but you deserve it and your grandkids will be brown haha

Niggers are gonna nig. I wish I could thanos snap them all away.

looks british

Imagine being a millionaire and not helping your sister. Dumb ape.

Even her brother look mad and confused about that shit.
Black Rose Kennedy ass lookin.

imagine how kahwi reacted

So after getting a ring in Toronto, goes to Clippers on a max contract, gets counter sued by Nike is sister murders someone... The only thing left to complete this JUST story is to see Leonard's knee collide with Paul George's and they both suffer season ending ACL tears

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aka he’s not a moron and didn’t let this crackhead leech off of him. I’m sure he’d already seen something like this coming

I first thought Kawhi had killed someone and they found his sister unconscious on a casino for some reason.
Is this badly worded or am I a retard?

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This, considering modern blacks and how they are. It just makes sense

Someone was actually there and was recording as the news broke, heres a link to the video.


This would be my Christmas. Kawhi gonna be begging to come back here but we have already moved onto Giannis.

>Jack and Emily and John
haha nothing like those original native american names

Temecula, not even once

>the absolute state of Argie names
What the fuck happened to Facundo and Ezequiel and Natalia?