Who is the most clutch player in sports? Both in history, and today. After pic related obviously

Who is the most clutch player in sports? Both in history, and today. After pic related obviously.
I'd say Ronaldo is a distant second in the modern era, and Jordan and Bird are both up there in the history of sports.

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Today, it's obviously tom brady. History? That's a tough call.

The greatest athlete of the 21st century

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I wouldn't say Tom Brady is the most clutch person on his team, in history I would say woods in golf and then Roy in hockey bird in nba.

The legend

Well, you'd be wrong.
For me, it's Messi.

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History? Michael Jordan.

Jordan got the flu, carried his team to a win, and then had to be helped off the floor out of exhaustion.

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Fabricated. It was a quality storyline for its day though. Decent acting but if you go back and watch the tapes it was an obvious redemption arc.

We are talking about clutch, not choking

what an awful opinion, have you not watched a single soccer match in a cup tournament in over 4 years or something?

>enters the arena

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>hasn’t been to the owl in almost a decade

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>hasnt been to the owl in a decade
>has been absolute shit for the past 5 years

I dont think you know what clutch means.

Jesus, someone get the Chad posting going! Here's the first beta cuck for juxtaposting

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MJ is 6-0 tho



Ben Stokes

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