Best O-Line in football

>Best O-Line in football
>Best tight end in football
>Best kicker in football
>Best defensive coordinator in football
>Best fanbase in football
>Best general manager in football
>MVP caliber quarterback
>Top NFL coach
>Stacked offense
>Stacked defense
Realistically, who is stopping the Eagles this year?

Attached: eagles.jpg (1024x768, 62K)

It's over for you now that the Pats have AB
Also Big Dick Nick left, all you have left is a washed up Wentz

>who is stopping the Eagles this year?
Carson Wentz. If he gets hurt (again) we're fucked.
And I'm an Eagles fan.


I'll agree with this, but this goes for literally every team in the league

Well some teams can recover with their backup QB(s), I don't think the Eagles can based on the backups.

Attached: brady goat.png (845x730, 709K)

Matt Prater is the best kicker in football.

get any legit team, say "if X gets hurt", and they are just wildcard contenders

same panel, say "if X doesnt get hurt", and they are legit champs

>Realistically, who is stopping the Eagles this year?
Injuries. Same with My Boys this year.

>Best O-Line in football
>HoF Tight End
>Best punter in football
>Best defensive coordinator in football
>Real Best fanbase in football
>MVP caliber quarterback
>NFL coach
>Stacked offense
>Stacked defense

No one

Attached: Chip pepelly.png (500x600, 207K)

He was a mistake.

They will go 0-2 against the cowboys, 9-7 overall

Patriots. That secondary can't stop AB

wentz is gonna get hurt in december

But... Didn't the Eagles win the Superbowl with a backup?

>best fanbase
Filthadelphians don't even like their teams

An established veteran backup.

themselves as they get exposed tomorrow like the frauds they are by the fucking redskins, yet people still fucking think this team is a super bowl contender. sad!

So the statement he made only matters in specific circumstances... Got it.

Nick Foles isn't anyone's backup this year.

>>Best fanbase in football

>best fanbase
we've gone soft. even the colts have more passionate fans

Wentz's ligaments will stop him