Tony's coming for yooooouuuuuuuu.....
>gets submitted in the 3rd round
>Gets sly elbowed into oblivion in round 2
>oh no he beat up our champ, what we do boss ?
>send him number 29
Kek. Stay mad faggot.
mad ?me ?
lmao im celebrating ,one of yours got btfo hahahahaha
Yay the champ is a white man!
the eagle 28-0!!
not impressed with wrestlefuck...yeah yeah cope seethe, etc. etc. etc. NOT IMPRESSED.
praise allah
Maximum cope
This lmao
It's not impressive as in "spectacular", what is impressive is that he keeps doing it and keeps winning. Winning streaks like that are always impressive. It's not as if wrestling is OP and everyone can abuse it, Khabib does something very right very consistently and that should make you impressed.
COLBY will fuck this muslim in the asshole.
>All these brown people celebrating a superior white GOAT because they believe the same thing as he does
Blood is thicker than water shitskins
Not impressed. He is just able to pressure other fighters that are FIGHTERS not wrestlefuckers. COLBY MAGA will fuck this allah akbar fucker in the allah asshole.
>incel Muslims like many Arabs, Indonesians and Pakis bandwagoning the success of a Caucasian
Khabib is so funny to me he’ll do all five prayers with sunnah and everything and then he go whoop you ass mashallah what a man he is
thing you do not understand, when you a muslim you leave your ethnicity secondary because you a muslim first and every muslim are Brothers .
thats how it is, and its contibuting to the fact that world is fearing us
i know you cannot manage to understand that but idgaf :)
Khabib is more mongoloid than caucasian
>Young bob ross
oh no
>every muslim are Brothers
>Muslims kill Muslims in millions
yeah sure
no one is fearing you dude, some Muslim countries like Iran have spine (hated by most of other Muslims, ironically), much of rest are playgrounds for geopolitical fuckery of other states
Lol, this point defeats any muzzie. If muslims truly stood united then US/Israel wouldn't be fucking them so hard in Middle-East.
>yeah sure
thats the rule ,dont blame me if some does not respect rules
>no one is fearing you dude
yeah ,thats why since 1979 they try to destroy us or divide us…
This, brother. K*ffars will never understand the power of the Ummah. They still cling to their petty racial, cultural and linguistic divisions. Very sad and atomised existence.
>shit talking Bob Ross
you got a point if you talk about corrupted leaders
you are totally wrong if you speak about the people
I love how the fake dustbin fans instantly turned on him, call him a can and shit all over him after he tapped, exactly as i predicted, khabib is the GOAT.
not true. Black american revert here. They treat me like crap, like unwelcome. I do salat at home in secret. i'll slide in for zakat on a friday. then roll back home. nobody knows.
rule no one obeys is basically worthless
>divide us
they are succeeding because you're weak and degenerate
by the way, why aren't you living in a Muslim country?
>inb4 I'm le conquering it for Islam XDDD
grow a pair
Brother, those aren't real Muslims. If they treat you poorly due to the colour of your skin, then they're literally going against the word of Allah Ta'ala. Disregard their ignorant, haram behaviour. They'll be judged in the hereafter.
if you talk about nation of islam they are total kufars (they worship a guy who pretended to be god (starfulah) and said islam belonged to blacks) so dont stay around them there is some black people who practice true islam so seek for them instead.
why aren't you living in a Muslim country?
but user, i am :)
you are aware they'll grow tired of your crap and you'll end up like Jews? no one goes under the knife peacefully, not even cucked Westerners
drop the LARPing and in Rome do as Romans do
this is just friendly advice, idgaf in any case
we fought them and we won (algeria) so im not scared even a bit :)
that's because you're dumb
you fought them in Algeria, in reality they just grew tired
I doubt they'll grow tired in France if shit hits the fan
we'll see ;)
Is khabib whiter than ferguson?
I see it already though
good for you, mister "i know all".
gb2 wwe
don't know all but I know history quite well, among other things
you're fucking annoying dude. you're not hot shit like you think.
>don't know all but I know history quite well, among other things
in regards to that brother first stuff.
He's a s*rb, a people who spend the last 30 years shrinking their country in half by starting and losing 6 wars in the span of like 4 years. LE RACE WAR AGAINST MUSLIMS is the only fantastical LARP they have left to hold onto because their reality is so grim.
How does it feel knowing you are the butt of most jokes, you get stereotyped every where you go and its hilarious. People are waking up and seeing you for what you all are, back to your shithole you desert dwelling sub human piece of shit