Don't worry, they're always saying "Kosovo je Srbija", so they can support Kosovo in the Euro when they qualify and Serbia doesn't
We are a basketball nation lad noone plays or cares about soccer here.
>kosovo who is not even recognized by all countries will qualify to a euro tournament while serbia will not
imagine caring about this gay sport are you a faggot or something lol have sex you incel
>serbia and serbias bastard son seething this hard
As expected from these disgusting inbred Shtokavian Croatian speaking bulgaro-turks gypsies.
why is everyone so OBSESSED with serbia?
most obsessed are those who are ''former'' Serbs, like Bosniaks or many Croats
converts hate their former group more than anyone, and this translated to their progeny
they are like orcs from LOTR if you want fantasy comparison lmao
they are uncertain of their identity because they literally speak Serbian language, Muslims in particular know exactly who their ancestors were before they converted, which ''tribe'' they were and so on
basically medieval Croats were actual nation with their own language and culture, but they got fucked up by Turks badly and either perished or ran away from much of medieval Croatia, remaining only in westernmost parts
those vacated regions were then settled by Serbs, who either came with Turks or migrated to escape Turks (mostly this)
some of those Serbs converted to Catholicism (which offered better status in Catholic Austria, obviously), and by the time nationalism came here, they became ''Croats'', as opposed to Orthodox Serbs
this is both documented historically and you can see it by ''dialect'' change (it's not actually dialect change, but Serbian language displacing actual Croatian language) in those regions
>Chakavian was the main public and official language in medieval Croatia from 13th to 16th century.
and then Shtokavian (Serbian) took over, due to migration of Serbs
of course this shit was obfuscated by stuff like Yugoslavism and it became politically correct to pretend we are all ''tribes'' of same nation or that we speak same language, but in reality (actual) Croats and Serbs are different groups which spoke a different language (Chakavian being real Croatian, and Shtokavian literally being Serbian language)
based krasniqi
And theyre gon get cucked tomorrow at their national sport too.
God its a shit time to be a serb. Oh wait, it always is.
your larping will never get old lol
Shtokavian, Chakavian and all the regional dialects - keyword dialects - are all part of the same serbo-croat slav language. It's hilarious that you slavs insist on forging national identities based off REGIONAL differences. This is why every other successful nation in Europe did away with silly sectarian/regional nationalism and forced one language, one identity.
I mean, you have records of Croatian ''father of nation'' declaring himself to as a Serb in order to get accepted as a professor in a Belgrade gymnasium, even writing in Cyrillic and what not (he actually was of Serb roots, only Catholic)
when that failed, he became Serb-hater and ''Croat''
you have such episodes in other places too, like in Montenegro, where a guy named Sekula Drljević was a Serbian turbo-nationalist, and then when faced with setbacks in professional life he became ''Montenegrin'' and even tried to form a ''Montenegrin'' nation on Croatian model in WW2
you also have counter-examples of Catholics and Muslims who declared as Serbs despite their religion (like Nobel-prize winning Ivo Andrić)
nations which get formed on such basis don't really have any future, you can see it in modern Croatia which basically ethnically cleansed or exterminated most of Orthodox population but their politics in large part still revolve around Serbia and Serbs and ''Serb threat'' and what not, it's eternal obsession and psychological burden
I don't think you know what LARPing is lmao
you can say I'm lying, but all I'm writing is logical and rooted in historical facts
You seem to know more about slav culture than ""shiptareqes""..
that's the thing though, they aren't
Chakavian and Shtokavian aren't really mutually intelligible (nor is Kajkavian, which is close to Slovene language)
what you're saying is basically Yugoslavist propaganda my friend, which maybe had good intentions but ultimately failed
for such constructs to work one group has to be dominant and enforce it's culture on other groups (like what happened in Germany), instead in Yugoslavia you had ''tolerance'' and even moves in other direction (like Yugoslav Serbian king banning Cyrillic to suck up to Croats), which failed catastrophically
it made absolutely zero sense for Serbs, which in 19th century had three dynasties and two formed states, to accommodate Croats and Catholic Serbs which had absolutely nothing
>As early as 1530, when the Habsburg official Benedict Kuripe?ic travelled through Bosnia, he was able to report that the country was inhabited by three peoples, One was the Turks, who ruled "with great tyranny" over the Christians. Another was "the old Bosnians, who are of the Roman Catholic faith." And the third were "Serbs, who call themselves Vlachs . . . They came from Smederovo and Belgrade." So important was the Vlach element in the creation of this Bosnian Orthodox population that, three centuries later, the term "Vlach" was still being used in Bosnia to mean "member of the Orthodox Church."
im too drunk rn to read this lmao
What's up with the Japanese hating on us lately? I thought we are bros Japan, what the fuck.
>Yugoslavist propaganda
You can't be this delusional. The Serbo-Croat-Bosnian-whatever south slav country language has been a thing long before the yugoslav commies took over and forced unity. Linguists from all over the balkans openly talked about a unified "Illyrian" language since the 19th century in its modern form. The language started off as Old Church Slavonic a thousand years ago and slowly changed little by little, whether due to neighboring influences from Russia or the splitting of regional south slavic groups by the Ottomans but its all the same shit. Shtokavian, Chakavian, Kaljkavian etc all share a phonetic and historical base, the only issue here is that Shtokavian is the most widepsread dialect and other regional slavs (Croats) were butthurt about Serbs trying to claim yugoslavism as Serbianism.
you have many conflicting and some outright bullshit records so just cherry-picking one or the other is intellectually dishonest
you need to read through many and compare with other evidence
''Vlach'' was used both in ethnic and occupational sense, ''Vlachs'' being shepherds
Serbian Orthodox presence is way older in Bosnia than 16th century
in what's now Bosnia, Croats historically lived in western part (west of Jajce or Travnik, it's not really certain that much), while Serbs lived in eastern parts
denomination meant nothing in that period, and ethnic affiliation wasn't that important either
southern Serbs (like Montenegrins) were Catholic at some point, that is they accepted the supremacy of Roman Pope over Constantinople Patriarch (which was all that mattered, irregardless of actual practices and what not)
in Bosnia you also had ''Bosnian Church'', which was probably Orthodox sect of some sorts (and probably not Bogomilist as later constructions imply), and which was popular among nobility
>''Vlach'' was used both in ethnic and occupational sense, ''Vlachs'' being shepherds
sure buddy.
>The Serbo-Croat-Bosnian-whatever south slav country language has been a thing long before the yugoslav commies took over and forced unity.
Because it was [SERBIAN] language
there is no ''Bosnian'' language
there was Croatian as I said, and it still exists, but it has been displaced
>Shtokavian, Chakavian, Kaljkavian etc all share a phonetic and historical base
dude, all Slavic languages are highly similar, in grammar and even vocabulary
most dissimilar is Bulgarian which lost cases
you can literally read any Slavic language even in 2019. and at least get the idea and meaning behind a text
doesn't mean Russian and Serbian are dialects of Slavic language
what matters is intelligibility and some of these ''dialects'' are literally not mutually intelligible
so you don't even know basic shit yet you want to discuss history? lmao
>The term also became a synonym in the Balkans for the social category of shepherds[4], and was also used for non-Romance-speaking peoples
Serbia (also known as Sergaya, Serbitchia or Gayistan) is a nation of Turks and Albanians with small dicks, beautiful men who are chronically submissive to everything that moves. It is also the only country to have an exclusively gay population. Serbs believe themselves to be a "celestial nation" or Jew, although their Turkish genes always gives them away. Their name is derived from "servus" which is Latin for slave or servant. Serbia also did the phenomenal achievement of starting 4 wars in 8 years and losing them all. Serbia went into the wars owning a lot of land given to them by the British, and came out having nothing but bleeding assholes. They loved it and they want more. Serbia is the gay capital of Europe and enjoys gay visitors from all across the world. Serbia's main exports are bottled Albanian cum, pedophiles, and shit-eating champions. Serbia had no known written history until the early 20th century, except what other countries, such as ancient Rome, said about them. No one in Serbia could read or write, and indeed, even today literacy is less than one percent.
>Because it was [SERBIAN] language
See, that's serb propaganda. Shtokavian is not the main linguistic branch, it's the most widespread branch of serbo-croat. Also the name "serbo-croat" doesn't mean anything, it's just a politically correct (incorrect depending on which slav you piss off) term when in fact it's the language of most southern slavs.
hey alright dude i saw your thread, it's super funny. Now go away please.
You know, not ALL albanians are illyrians, yes there are some who are, but good number of you is also turkish
>See, that's serb propaganda.
but it's not dude
just read what I wrote, and connect the dots
appearance of Shtokavian in those regions I speak of coincided with the migration of Serbs there, which even ignoring all other records is enough to understand what happened
''Serbo-Croatian'' is exactly the political compromise I speak of, made to appease Croats
it's not ''Serbo-Croatian'', it's Serbian
Chakavian is Croatian
by the way, Croatian was never written in Cyrillic and Serbian was never written in Latin
I wonder what the ethnicity of these posters are :)
it was nothing personnel and I hope servia can go through, even though I like ukrainya as well
Thank god for this Montenegrin. In a war context hes worth a 1000 anti-serbs, what a top lad.
So you are basically saying you survived Turks because you cucked to them?
I mean here, look
''cucked to them'' in the same manner Croatian nobility cucked to Magyars when they gained upper hand
yes, Orthodox church was given autonomy under Ottoman Empire in exchange for obedience and that's how Serbian nation survived
Ottomans had a pretty liberal policy for that period
Croats didn't do so great, because
A) Catholicism was the main enemy of Ottomans at that period
B) much of Croatia wasn't overrun quickly, but became a battleground for almost two centuries which devastated much of old Croatian kingdom and caused a huge disruption which led to massive depopulation, which was offset by migrations of Serbs (and others) there. Some came with Ottomans, some came escaping from Ottomans, forming the precursor to what later became Military Frontier
over time of course some of actual Croats moved in too, but it was mostly Serbs, and some of those Serbs adopted Catholicism because it offered a better chance for advancement in a Catholic empire
>Checked and Keked
Go back to throw balls with a stick kid
>to throw balls with a stick
>''Serbo-Croatian'' is exactly the political compromise I speak of, made to appease Croats
The political compromise is that both main southern slav countries avoid pissing each other off
>it's not ''Serbo-Croatian'', it's Serbian
It's not exclusively Serbian if you want to use Shtokavian as the progenitor of the language (which it is not)
>Chakavian is Croatian
It's spoken in Croatia, but mostly in the Adriatic coast. It's also the first written southern slav dialect: see the Vinodol Codex. Modern "Croatian" also includes Kalkajvian and Shtokavian.
>by the way, Croatian was never written in Cyrillic and Serbian was never written in Latin
Again, what is "croatian" to you? Chakavian? The alphabet system doesn't mean anything when phonologically speaking, they are all branches of the same yugoslav/illyrian language.
>throwing balls with a stick
what did he mean by this?
why are the balkans so autistically nationalist?
just out of curiosity what do they teach you about Dubrovnik?
Sorry to interupt you Arben, but whats Illiryan language?
it boils down to albanian diaspora and butthurt croats swarming to talk shit whenever serbia is mentioned. notice we never make threads about them or go to their threads to talk shit. they're obsessed
Imagine if Catalonia, Basque Country, Valencia, and Galicia along with Spain were conquered by foreign powers, split politically from each by said foreign power for hundreds of years and then after gaining independence decided it was a good idea to chimp out over minor differences among their people for the sake of preserving their regional identity. That's Balkan history in a nutshell. If Yugoslavia was a country/empire that existed in the medieval age and was kept intact up until the modern age, you wouldn't see any of this Serb/Croat/Montenegrin/Slovene/Bosnian butthurt amongst each other.
He's not far from the truth. There are too many of non-white subhumans in my country. Vlachs and Serbs are just some goat herders that many modern ''Croats'' descend from.
>'cucked to them'' in the same manner Croatian nobility cucked to Magyars when they gained upper hand
Bogami to nije isto. There was not nationalism and religion was the main indentification. Even than there was a lot of Nobleman who ruled independently like Pavle Šubić regardless of the hungarian King
>yes, Orthodox church was given autonomy under Ottoman Empire in exchange for obedience and that's how Serbian nation survived
Ottomans had a pretty liberal policy for that period
Good, you addmited
>over time of course some of actual Croats moved in too, but it was mostly Serbs, and some of those Serbs adopted Catholicism because it offered a better chance for advancement in a Catholic empire
How do you explain Vlaški Statuti? Oh and the Burgenland Croats are one of the descendants of thoose who fled Turks, how do you explain their language?
>gaining independence decided it was a good idea to chimp out over minor differences among their people for the sake of preserving their regional identity
you're clueless
How do you not get bored of this?
thanks to us and austria.
I would grand him that many race mixed with the Serb Gypsies. But are they the majority in the country like he claims? I doubt
Serves were never good at footy and this thread is pointless. We don't laugh at Scotland for not qualifying do we? Maybe the English do but not the general public of spee.
You people are simply making mountains out of molehills. You bitch more over political nonsense than you do over Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism which is just mind-boggling to me. The modern age of the Balkans has been nothing but petty squabbles and political grabs.
I'm a /his/ and Yea Forums nerd and reading about the balkans is like reading about Lord of the Rings and the elves breaking up into tribes and fighting each other.
Yeah, and you guys are very white. Very German. Very light with blonde and blue eyes, lmao. I bet you yourself are one of those swarthy “non-white subhumans” you speak of.
>Serves were never good at footy
and yet, the greatest success of yugo football never to topped until the end of time was made by a serbian football club :^)
Directed to
>carried by a Croat
And the club was state sponsored unlike others.
Post your eyebrows you turk. Dont even talk to me if you are a scum from k*sovo or tetoves gostivare
You are literally albanian gypsy. You are giving a bad look to everyone who is actually from Albania
Jewish/Turkish/Anglo globohomo anti-Serb agenda, unironically
Read Retard.
top kek
The balkans were a mistake
Post your eyebrows Toni
I dunno man. I don't think that Orthodoxy and Catholicism were such a big deal when no one even read the bible, not to mention when both religious and regal authorities collapsed when turks arived, Whom whould they be loyal to? Whom did few of those woodland bandits answer. The church? Lol. They were on their own.
As for this croats were serbs shitflinging, no one even cared before nationalistic revolutions of 1848.
*half serb half slovak
it must be so hard being a chauvinist croat football fan, taking so much pride in your defeats at the world cup, and still forever being overshadowed by a fucking basketball nation