/cfb/ 3:30 edition

TAMU vs Clemson
NIU vs Utah
CMU vs Wisc
Neb vs Colo

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao Michigan is a fucking joke even the fucking gooks know it



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Styx if you can hear me

Your garden sucks dick bro lmao, hot wife tho

Nebraska is good bros

niners tie it up

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ND and Mishigan are both in the "teams which seem decent but are overrated every season and get embarrased" camp.

How the fuck that far get a hot european wife?


Apologize to him right fucking now!

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they missed the extra point

UTEP? If so, I pity you.
If The Colorado School of Mines, I like you.

literally who?

>nice kick
>was actually short and shitty

>mfw when Nebraska bootyblasts Colorado

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>colorado and nebraska both running spic qbs
the demos are changing

holy shit Lawrence looks just like the overhyped human being everyone with a brain knew he'd be


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if trips then Georgia goes to the playoff

So when will we actually learn if Maryland is a meme or not? I thought Syracuse would be better and they've looked pretty good so far.

real thread here

dont shoot up Walmart whiteboi


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fuck off

do not go there. that is the autist thread.


tamu game?

He has bust written all over him

>mfw when Nebraska's facebook page's comment section is filled with nothing but freaks screaming about balloons

>tExAs A&m CaNt DeAl WiTh HeAt
>DeAtH vAlLeY iS a DiFfErEnT kInD oF eViRoNmEnT
absolute clown world from (((espn)))

Look at that nigger go! Yee haw



In two weeks when they play Penn State.

Okay, friend. I do not know how to feel about you but I do like your mascot.

This is how I picture every college football fan from the south.

Hey at least Nebraska’s head coach isn’t a nigger

For what?



>punting there
am deserves to lose

Wrong Death Valley


Get in here and laugh at mishitgan


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They just beat the United States Armed Forces, stay mad

Imagine not even being able to control your own stadium

It hurts

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Why is Nebraska ranked?

Holy shit Herschel Walker sounds like a fucking cartoon character. I've never heard him speak. He sounds completely retarded.

>t. faggot

it basically is

>That boy a real HOSS ova dare at Davis-Lee Memorial High
>Sho is, sho is
>You figga he come play heah iffin da missus showed him a lil sugga afta suppa?
>Boy might, she his mammy afta all

just die already
fuck new jersey

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Is how I picture everyone from the south


Colorado is of Spanish origin, meaning "colored red." Get husked fags

There's really no difference between American football and interracial cuckold porn

I love that bald coach on Purdue that always yells

Why were you ever born if God made you a Rutgers fan?

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>Bama scores in 13 seconds
>cupcake month

no cap

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Denny's and Wendy's are fucking savage on Twitter.

Which is a shame, because their food is trash.

I mean when everyone's a cupcake who can you play?

As much as I want to see clempson get memed on, ass to mouth is never to be trusted

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Samefag envious of the based south

your mum has never been on camera playing american football

>”You see’at De’ontre’ Williams ova’t Cawtuh (Carter)? Sum’bitch is quick, na. Coach Saban come down hyea, I’d offa muh wafe, God bless’a. So longs’at bwoy brings us a Nationa Championship! ROLL TIDE!!”

Harbaugh cheated his fate.

The Chaos Gods demand tribute.

Wendy’s is the best fast food burger at a national level

>Steven's 8 for 8 with 2 TDS
>Hill averaging 10 yard runs
>defense tossing a shutout

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Wendy's is literally the best and freshest drive-thru burger joint in America

cope and seethe harder about a school you never came close to attending Dixiemutt

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I was at that game. I didn't know what to think as an A&M student. At first I was sad, then I was laughing, and then I felt fucking nothing.

so many butthurt midwesterners in here. Sorry there's absolutely nothing unique about your section of the country.

Between sports and slavery

Not like we’d want someone like you to come here anyway

Plz share link for TAMU game

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>33% of the southern population is black

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Sure there is. It's a great place for pilots to train because if the eject or crash there wont be any damage.

Tell me more about your 400 sqft studio in brooklyn that you pay $2500/month for.


I don't know why they shit on the South when they are equally as shit as them. It's times like this that make me appreciate I left both places in my life to live in New England. Unfortunately I chose Western fucking Mass to live here.


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who the hell wants to go up there anyway? Who has ever said "yeah, lets go on a vacation to ohio"?


Based full house BTFO pussy southerners

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I live in Mississippi, it's eye opening when you actually get here. It's literally like something out of a movie when you see the level of poverty and obesity down here.

>A&M putting a good drive together
get fucked Clumpshit

hold onto the ball martinez

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I always thought pitsfags were weird, but this pic has made me see the light

>nothing unique
>literally the agricultural heart of the country

Also the best spicky chicken sandwich.

>Mexican quarterbacks
Possessed by the spirit of Mark Sanchez.

Clemson looks fucking horrible what the fuck

Auburn would bootyblast ALL of these SHIT teams

what is that blob along VA NC state line?
the great dismal swamp?

I tried the spicy chicken blt the other day and it was delicious

they'll be fine once they start just letting etienne carry them

Can you imagine the butthurt in the B1G if Maryland wins it lol

You niggers better not let Malzahn walk for any fucking reason.

>giving up a first to a fucking swing pass on 3rd and 15


good, stay out you mixed-race liberal faggot and/or toothless cuckservative zionist

South is much better than the midwest in my experience. Great food.
Farms aren't unique to the midwest retard. Midwest education at it again.

KU would bootyblast both these teams

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You’d be surprised, there are legitimately people who travel through the Midwest to see the “real America”

they are dropping 2 games this season, this will be one of them

That is tobacco country. Also used to be full of fabric mills.

Nah, only team they can definitely beat is Rutgers and Indiana is a maybe.

Yeah. Keep The great plains great and plains. Fuck off coastfags.

Do you have to be named Martinez to QB for the Huskers?

Personally, as an Ohio State fan, I would welcome it.

I'm sick of watching Maryland and Rutgers shit up the East. Fucking do something to show why we brought you in.

I wonder why

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enjoy your absolute shells of cities that haven't recovered from all the manufacturing leaving, your corn fields, and your lack of defining characteristics.

I live near a really shitty run Wendy's that I never go to but I drive 15 minutes to a corporate one that is just fresh and piping hot every fucking time.

interesting thanks for a non meme answer

how the hell was syracuse ranked
haven't then been in the worst-team-in-p5 discussion for years

Farms in the south are tiny. You have no idea about the scale of midwestern agriculture if you're never seen it.

>show why we brought you in
they did. the checks cashed.

Clemson milkers desu

>show about 2 city jews moving to a farm
>"""""adult cartoon""""" about "daily life" in the rural south
I see the kikes have started their invasion propaganda

Based Montana

>biggest alcoholic
11 beers in and still getting a 3:1 KD on CSGO during commercial breaks

Jesus those girls looked like trolls. Are those really considered 10/10 at Clemson?

Food in the South is alright, but I get bored by it considering I grew up with it. I prefer to get Vietnamese food and Korean BBQ. (The area where I grew up in Georgia has a bunch of FOB Viets and Koreans. Some absolutely fine stuff they make.)

lmao wrong pic

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Which county is the 85% one?

Rub route

Colorado's QB is crap

Montana is low key a top tier state. Same with Wyoming. I’m probably going to Wyoming when I get a chance

What is it about Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi that they have these big pockets of Asians?

Michigan would booty blast ALL of these SHIT teams

how often are those athletic assistants run a train on

I went to clemson for a weekend and went home with a chick. She jerked me off but wouldn't let me fuck her. What kind of weird shit is that?

You got our media markets. Plus at least Maryland basketball is legit

stop spoiling the secret you fuckhead

Yes there is. I only watch American football 4 days a week

some announcers stated he could go in the first round this year

>doesn't remember the golden age of tv was all rural settings
it's just creative bankruptcy not a conspiracy

Probably whatever county Birmingham, AL is. That place is blacker than shit.


Another fact: that area had the last running American denim mill in the country. It closed two years ago and now there is no way to get American made denim except for a very small amount of deadstock.

t. Fabric historian

>t. cope

Yeah and so can Shea Patterson

Say what you want but Army is easily a top #10-#18 team so Michigan is safe and still on track to win the B1G

>1.1% multiracial
I can assure you that is incorrect. All of these fat white chicks down here get pumped and dumped by black guys constantly.

Bruh that movie looks so gaddman cringy you can include token gaynig Lil Nas X releasing Old town road. My hallowed home is about to be invaded by people who don't belong in country living.

Coast guard would kick everyone’s ass

MD gave up 330 yards through the air to Syracuse. They'll get absolutely bootyblasted by real teams.

I knew girls that would give head to anyone if you just asked but would almost never would actually have sex with someone. Some chicks are weird, my guess is they were molested ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In Georgia it's tech jobs. They come to work for a lot of startups and a lot of those communities have been there decades.

Prove me wrong, the big schools with committed fan bases play these shit teams because there are 5x more change in possessions mean more ad revenue

It is weird they weren't ranked after last year and getting almost everyone back.

ITT: fat neckbeard whities who have never played a sport speaking in niggerlover monkeyspeak slang every chance they get

Run on 3rd and 10

Thinking you are gonna win this game. Ass to mouth would give their left nut for Manzel back.

Clemson will choke

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I'm sure tabacky, pigshit, and niggers fucking your wife while Bostonians move into your biggest towns has all that beat, eh Jimbo?

I’ve looked into property there, it’s not bad, but getting utilities hooked up in those remote areas would be a bitch.

That's the other thing I heard. Blacks don't report to the census so it could be much worse.

link? I drive through the area from time to time

Kek. Not with losses to PSU, MSU, OSU and at least one other team.

Why did we ever allow Colorado into the pac-12. They are an embarrassment every year.

It’s pretty neat desu, I just never understood the background. Thanks user

clemson girls are extremely average looking and weirdly easy from the few time I've visited friends there.

>t. counting games that haven't happened yet


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Trade you for Maryland and Rutgers

Cone Mills White Oak plant. I used to source fabrics for small denim manufacturers. Plant was in Greensboro for over a century.

Why'd she lose weight?


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still recovering from last night

touchdown niners

>Live in expensive neighborhood in Florida, no yard, HOA fees, and generally no fun to live in due to cost of living
>Move to Gulfport for work
>Am now able to afford a 5 bedroom house on 30 acres of land AND STILL have money left over to have fun with
The black folks are kind of annoying but they don't live around me so I rarely interact with them.
It is poverty central but that means that the average man can live like a king.

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You can have Colorado and Cal

oh look here we go

Not to mention. State schools in ga offer in state tuition to a lot of chinks in exchange of some economic incentives. Also, Koreans naturally get GA drivers licenses due to some deal made with a KIA plant. Near UNG, many of the stores take Korean currency. But at least we have low taxes. Also better than niggers and spics I guess

If you're going to be one of those Finnish faggot niggerloving meme users at least use it right not just fucking throwing your faggot "t" shit in wherever you want just for the sake of fitting in with the rest of the niggerlover monkeyspeak buzzword spouting braindead retards that post the same shit over and over

new thread when boys?


Literally unstoppable

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I'm telling you man, if you ever happen to drive through small town mississippi stop in at a walmart or kroger or something. It's unbelievable.

>roughing the punter
alpha shit


>t. seething

*blocks your path to the west division title*

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you play a cupcake schedule.


>t. Fabric historian

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You can get houses in the 45-60k range and with high paying positions ranching or doing fuckall. I have family in Havre and even my cousin who works at a gas station owns a home and two cars.

You're going to get BTFO by Iowa

dont you dare

Anybody remember bo pelini?

>Georgia accent
Sasuga yankee-kun

is ye still at youngstown?

I'm sure Nebraska fans did, staring out from under a 0-6 start.

>kicker stubbed his toe on the ball

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I would cut that nigger right there on the bench

Army is a better football team than Michigan.

It's technically "Textile and Fabric Historian" and I got it as a minor with my Textile Engineering degree. Yes it is a real degree.

His chimpouts were amazing.



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>t. t.

Fuck this jew elf hybrid

Klempsun doing Klempsun things

Who is the mammary monster?

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

That's interesting. Did you go to a southern state school or an art/fashion school?

>that one faggot who said the SEC wouldn't lose six OOC games
>they're on track to lose six OOC games by Week 2.

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next thread when?

need video.

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I’ve got some patches of property all the way out to Iowa, I was looking into areas in south Montana and west Wyoming. I wouldn’t do any fucking ranching though, I’m an I&C Technician in a power plant, and a licensed journeyman electrician. The only thing remotely close to ranching I’ve done is help with hay in the summers as a kid.



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Nice job on that punt morons

Yeah just leave the guy open in the endzone while you stand 10 yards off of him for no reason, surely the scrambling QB won't look for an open guy to throw to.

It's pretty great hella Koreans in Atlanta. Kinda sucks because it brings the poos too but young poo girls can be cute.

Is Cephus an NFL wr?

Louisiana got a large number of Vietnamese immigrants after the war because of the French connection.

>2 clemson wrs stood together deep
>nobody covering them
hilarious scheme


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>tfw younger half brother is black

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I couldn't imagine that smell in the hot, summer climate.

For all intensive purposes this thread is shit

colorado has the shittiest fans in the country. I fucking hate you faggots so much

We have fucked up accents in the upper Midwest, too. I live in an area with a cross section of Yinzer, Appalachian, and midwestern.

why are maryland fans acting like they just beat tOSU?

Lotta factories with technical jobs in Mississippi. Agricultural jobs as well.

>kickoff through the endzone
This shit should be banned

>my mom got blacked

At a regular school. I currently work at Adidas. I help design the fabric used in running shoes.

>Playing a dime defense against A&M
Holy fuck Venables what are you doing?

>2 GT turnovers in a row

please stop pretending Clemson has hotter temperatures than any of the SEC schools

please stop pretending Clemson has a louder stadium than the SEC teams

please stop pretending Clemson has more diehard lifelong fans that the SEC teams

please stop cumming in your pants for every Clemson action

please stop the empty coach speak defending Clemson whenever they fuck up

please, just fucking stop already

There was a Colorado fan that looked like he spat on JD Speilman early in the first quarter.

Simply leave

also because the mississippi delta is almost identical to the mekong delta climatologically


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Murray St. and Jawja tied up


>stop misstate with 2 sacks on their own 40 ish
>punt goes 59 yards to the 4
Southern miss just cant win for losing today

>t. niggerlover

I bet you fags need Roman can't get a hard on


Why is Vince Dooley talking about the Balkan civil war.

oh you

I like how the commercials address boomer issues such as ED and hair loss

You can smell the curry sweat a quarter mile away.

I just find Clemson weird because I remember people calling for Sweeny's head as recently as like five years ago. Now they act like he's the eternal GOAT.


That's cool as shit man. I love hearing about people that do unique stuff.

Electricians are always needed, you are lucky

College fanbases are autistic as fuk

clemson didn't even have the hottest game in the state of SC today.


>basketball playing QBs


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Local 441 checking in
Hail state

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Colorado needs to be sent back to Mountain West



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Is Nebraska finally back or is Colorado just trash?

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t.ie a noose a hang yourself

"Durr did you know Antonio Gates played basketball?"

UWUA here

Nice spic QB you have there

TAMU's QB is fucking garbage

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Colorado is bad

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>-1 rushing yards

They didn't look very good last week either. They're pretty one dimensional imo and the D isn't as good as it's been.

Who will win this years Bo Pelini Wrongful Firing Award?

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Why did moorehead just take out stevens?

>Trevor Lawrence shoulder-clocks defender to get an extra yard
>Justin Fields slides when there's room for at least three more yards to gain
That's why Lawrence was #1 and Fields was #2

Don't you do it

Based R

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I miss him and his freakouts

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we did it reddit

still got the field goal

Georgia gonna be eating poopoo

That kick was clean baby

I know very little about programming/logic/math but I kind of want to try to design a formula that ranks all ongoing games by their potential interest to a neutral observer. So for example an unranked team leading a top 10 in the third quarter would be pretty high, as would a tied game late in the fourth between any two teams, and so on.

You guys ever heard of anything like that?

>Your school and team decapitates in state little cousin
>Arch rival nearly loses and embarrasses themselves against a Military academy
>Your NFL team is going to start their conquest of the AFC North tomorrow

Life is good friends

One will get you killed in the NFL, one will let you continue to play.

that had to hurt

Well no shit the defense isn't as good as it's been, you lost your DC and now he's making an ass of himself in Boulder.

TAMU wins the weather debate

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>thinking buster manletfield will achieve anything
Browns are going 3-13

I don't. Fuck that guy.

pretty much. how has that physicality worked for wentz and newton

shoulder clocks? He got smacked by the guy hitting him lol. The guy went low, Lawrence didn't knock him down.

why have the announcers been sperging out about temps this year

No, that would be nice and all but it’s also just a common sense observation. I guess for the casual fans it would be helpful

Disgusting. Anything south of the Mason-Dixon line is too hot for white people

Stay salty


Florida State lost last week because they were dehydrated. It's legit

>their bodies aren't conditioned to this weather

To make said team look more intimidating probably

Muh climate change muh think of muh chilluns

should i be watching the usf game or the clemson game
this 3:30 slot is fucking garbage
any good memes on?

That's nothing. I have lived in hotter places than the South or Texas.

It's like 80% just because I want a new passion project and also because I find it annoying to scroll through scoreboards to find out which game I should flip to.

>Ass to Mouth already blowing it
>Nebraska pulling away

What do I watch now?

Gus mahlzahn

Fuck off monkeyspeak niggerlover

Georgia and Murray State are tied after 1 quarter.

Roller coaster enthusiasts

What the fuck are they doing to the a&m players? Literally 5 injuries in the 1st half

>Clumpson can't stop heeming Gay&Em players
just put em in the SEC already

>tackle box

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What the fuck happened to Reddit stream subs? That was the only fucking good thing about their whole website

I lived on the sun

Hotter than Florida?

Brutal Dildos marathon.

Refball currently fucking over usf

they were forced to take them down

Ik y’all will say “go back to redit” or whatever but I just got banned from r/cfb for saying “go tigers fuck a&m”
Ffs boys

not even enough updoots for the time spent

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

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where the fuck are those Buff babbies?

nebraska is getting readu to choke

Cedar Point is legit worth it. Being in Ohio and still worth it despite that fact shows how good the park is.

This is just a reminder that UCLA currently has a 4-game losing streak to G5 schools and SDSU could make 5. We need relegation in CFB

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you should vacate this message board and migrate to whence you came

What do you people think of us?

gun deals is good too
and i go on personal finance to laugh at manchildren who've completely fucked up their lvies

reddit LOVES Dat Boy Memey

Try Vietnam.

almost had the sack

r/CFB's entire mod team are apologists for underachieving P5 schools.

Dropping this off

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Kings Island is also great, it’s my home amusement park. I know we don’t have cool beaches and shit but I love Ohio anyway and all those west coast liberals can suck my cock


>college kickers

Or grandmastreams.live

Rare Brotzman

Clemson shoulda used some of that championship money to get bigger TV monitors for their stadium

new thread when?


reminder that Army's kicker could have ended Michigan's season today

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>personal finance to laugh at manchildren who've completely fucked up their lvies
like late 20s guys who pump a bunch of money into Magic the gathering or what?

Pull Mond. He's hot garbage right now. Something got in his head.


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They used it all to protect that stupid Rock from being busted up lol

In 140~ posts

Well Clemson just killed him, so they may have to.

it was a difficult kick desu

>t. reminder i'm a cuck

I want some of that rain

>A&M wasting a timeout on a punt
Jesus get your shit together Fisher

You ever been to Put-In-Bay? Most beautiful part of Ohio for me, especially when the tourists are gone.

Aw gee thanks for reminding me, let me switch on over now!

Is this the white people version of D'aqwon and Shenequa?

nah, like guys i made $300k in btc in 2014 and didn't pay the irs
guys i make $20k/yr and owe $40k on a loan for a subaru i can't pay anymore and it's getting repod
guys how do i pay down $20k in credit card debt
it's great

My father in law is a clemson grad and every week he tells me about the rock and the hill and how it's the best entrance in sports. And every week I have to sit there and act like petting a rock is cool.

Considering how much they exposed Michigan, they pretty much have ended Michigan's season.

But rather than being a swift dagger thrust to the heart, it'll be a death by 1000 cuts as Michigan gets cut up in B1G play.

I think I can say nigger or faggot on this board without getting tattled on

TAMU still going to be completely irrelevant even with a big money coach aren't we?

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>50 yarder
>True freshman
He could have had his drinks covered forever

>it's a true freshman comes in to take over Mond only to be killed by clemson nogs
just keep him in there at this point

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Put-In-Bay is an awesome time, I go up every year.

Colorado your guys are fuuuuucked up

I used to live there. I miss it dearly.

What happens when you say nigger or faggot on Reddit?

Mishitgan’s season is already over. It’s blatantly obvious they will never turn the corner with Harbaugh at the helm. tOSU is doing just fine without Urban, they will win the Big 10 east easily

Its hotter here in Louisiana than shitty Vietnam. I'd kill for some rain.


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Is he fucking hung over or something? He’s been lethargic this game.

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>neighbors are having their weekly orgy again

The cucked and blue pilled mods get triggered and they ban you. Also ((AgainstHateSubreddits))) get whatever subreddit you were on banned as well.

He's getting killed by the Clemson d line

Join them. Knock on the door with your cock

enjoy your stds

Join them user

Reminder that the G5 becomes the G6 if Clemp’s Son goes to the SEC

They’ll probably dox me and then hunt me down and be really mean like call a PI or something on me
By the way fuck niggers and fuck Jannies

>People unironically tried to pump up Mond for styling on Texas State
>are now surprised he's playing like shit

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They banned waterniggas

the rock isn't even meaningful in any way. "Howard" just thought the rock was cool, so they made it "Howard's rock" and put it there. Literally some random stone.

Poor Colorado hopefully will see a comeback

Going tomorrow because i bought a fold pass and i get a free jew pass for this year. I have 3 games recording to watch when i get back so it's going to be a long day

Just make sure you miss the insect swarm week. That shit is old testament wrath of God stuff.

>Redditors know how to dox

How many? How do you know it's an orgy?

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Justyn Ross shits on niggers fuck refs and fuck jannies

From what? Drinking beer?

>muh academic standards
>muh unpaid recruits

Serena is going for his 4th trophy

Don’t do this, you’ll end up like that Slav that was talking about how it isn’t gay to have some other dudes balls in your mouth

outclassed all around, clemson is about to bootyblast the shit out of the aggies

No because amateur conference rules are retarded so 1 ooc loss is basically meaningless

Fisher was supposed to be some sort of QB whisperer. What in the fuck! What is he even doing with all that oil money he's taking in?

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Kek good point


what kind of nigger tier name is that

Fabric historian? Heard of the Textilaku March?

>cars show up 4:30 every saturday
>music gets louder
>moaning and pounding on walls from more than two people
it's miserable

>Vandy lost to Purdoo

Antonio Brown to the pats. Lel

Guys we're having another Clemson boo game

>ineligible reciever penalty

Should I turn it off now?

>the worst team in the SEC lost to a middle-tier B1G team
wow so surprised

The mod who banned me also muted me and I feel like that’s pathetic

of course

A&M's conditioning coach needs to be fired. What the fuck.


Lads, I went to see It 2 and to the gym. What did I miss?

Look homie these refs are out to get us yada yada yada go tigs

sounds like easy fap material

A&M needs to steal some of clemson's Ostarine and mainline that shit because that's like 7 injuries in the 1st half.

>The Heat!
>The Heat!
>The Heat!
>The Heat!
>The Heat!

Your gym doesn't have TVs?

Purdue is one of the worst teams in the B1G and the worst SEC team is Ole Swiss

Michigan saved by refball against Army
Nebraska is back
Clemson shitting on A&M

>B1G East final standings
1. tOSU
2. PSU
3. Maryland
4. MSU
5. Michigan
6. Indiana
7. Rutgers

>B1G West final standings
1. Wisconsin
2. Nebraska
3. Iowa
4. Purdue
5. Northwestern
6. Illinois
7. Minnesota

It's about A&M players faking injuries

The dash dont be silent


purdon't went 5-4 in conference last year and beat Ohio State the fuck down. Beat Iowa too. They're middle-tier.

Lel didn you literally just steal him away from FSU by throwing an oil tankers worth of contract money at him?

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Agreed but flip Nebraska and Iowa

>last year

Dumbass Ass to Mouth player

>le roughing the passer

Forreal though. These niggers are not hurt
Also they just roughed my passer fucking faggots

Looks like I can skip this season

Yeah I'm sure they're faking injuries while the clock is running

Yeah, you can base how good a team will be this year on how they did last year. What are you basing your guess on? Nothing? Literal retard.

The Wisconsin Taylors won't beat Nebraska.

come the fuck on

>muh tall corners

Is a&m massively overrated or is Clemson literally unstoppable

He’s a tribal, he was probably looking at Lawrence like a wild beast in the jungle

Why not both?

>Judge Purdue by how they did last year
>but judge Ole Miss by how they're doing this year

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A&M DBs lost. Rest of the D is playing pretty well. Mond is drunk or something.

These niggers are “hurt”

clemson loss goes against the script for Bama-Clemson part 22

Fisher is actually a mediocre coach

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Jimbo can't coach worth a hoot.

Clemson skullfucks everyone this year and only Alabama makes it "close". Saban created CFB's worse nightmare in Clemson.

It does. I try to really concentrate on my workout. The better I focus, the more productive I am.

What the hell happened to Syracuse?

When has A&M NOT been massively overrated?

looks like clemson is covering

look lost*


its over faggies

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A&M look like shit. Nothing good offensively, Mond is hot trash, their secondary doesn't know how to defend either.

is south dakota any good?

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before they left the Big 12

>Old Miss is worse than Vanderbilt

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Damn straight

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This, he only won a title because he ducked Saban and got to play an overrated Auburn team that had two miracles happen to get them there and predicably the team was BTFO.

>29 posts early
Will you fuck off?

>30 posts early

aTm and Mizzou are proof that the sec cock sucking done by espn is real as shit
no one gave a shit about them until they moved to the sec

Both starting DTs go down and Clemson runs up the middle and uses play action, this game is over lol

South Dakota St? Not as good as NDSU but I wouldn't want to play either.

well it's ready boys no worries i'll take care of them all today

nice vintage Braves hat

Piss off

Besides Nebraska who else /back/???

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Who cares about ole miss? We're talking about Vandy and Purdue. Vandy will finish last or 2nd to last in the worse of the 2 SEC divisions Purdue had a winning record in the B1G. Vandy won like 1 SEC game.

Which is worse guys? Someone making the new general too early or too late causing multiple threads?

Boise State



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Likely a ban for at least a month first offense, permaban thereafter

no the south dakota coyotes
ou plays them today

>Vandy will finish
>Purdue had
Are you truly not seeing the issue here?

someone should start a real one so the autist learns his lesson

Vandy finished bottom last year too retard


Better defense than Houston


just skip to clemson vs. alabama part 5 already

Forced re-education camp where landwhale Tumblr-inas plow your boipucci with strap-on dildos

doesn't take much to get that m8

Tennessee finished bottom

No Tennessee did bitchtard

I'm thinking 1 Clemson 2 Texas 3 army 4 Oklahoma for the semis this year

Good thing I dont have a boi pussy because they dont exist and there isnt a bitch alive who can force me to do shit

allright whos got the next thread?

lol white fragility

so 2nd to last isn't "the bottom"? Seems a lot worse than to finish middle of your pack in your side of the b1g with a winning conference record but that's just me.

how dare espn interrupt an interesting cfb game with depressing nfl news

They both finished 6-7 you fucking retard go look at fucking wikipedia