The 2022 World Cup: What if the USA wins it?
The 2022 World Cup: What if the USA wins it?
in her mouth
We're not even going to make it to the World Cup. We lost to Mexico last night, after all.
Why do our white girls look great next to niggers and their long dickies?
they will never win it if they can't beat Mehico, so don't make these thread
coom, etc
every time
perfect porn face desu
op is a seething acorndick from an asian subreddit lol
its literally always a seething asian or hapa
ngl i used to be one of the retarded who seethed over the blacked spam but as soon as I found out it was insecure little azn boys i immediately stopped caring
my dick might as well be black compared to them LMAO
your tranny OPs are so much better
white women were a mistake
>women were a mistake
i honestly think arab/turkish/etc ones are okay
Go away jew
shut up abdul
I'm just saying our girlies look great next to a dumpster.
>not BLEACHING docile brown wimmen
you wont see shit like in the OP with them
t, hasan mashalah hawari
yes, this is the thread