How the fuck are they even allowed to compete? how did FIFA allow this?

How the fuck are they even allowed to compete? how did FIFA allow this?

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We control fifa with drugs and shiet

t. Vojislav Vučković from Knin

Because they are an officially independent nation
Go back to serbia

Same way they bought the Switzerland game.


Don't insult us all because of S*rbs, they aren't real slavs anyway

Neither are we desu, real slavs are Poles Czechs, Slovenians and russians

you balkans will never stop this drama, will you
just when i was starting to think croats were all grown up

It's not a Croat, its an immigrant serb

And Kosovar/Albanian women beg American soldiers to inseminate them with our superior Celtogermanic seed.

heh, true that, we are 100% natives to balkan, go away slave crofag türkoid scum , don't talk to me and my albanian-dardanian brethren again

kosovo je sjrbia

Friendly reminder that S*rbs aren't human and that Kosovo is a real country .

Every Croat is an immigrant Serb

t.turkish cumrag

Well if Faroe Islands can have a team...

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good thread

Why wont they just merge with albania theyre exactly the same people/culture

s*rbs won't let us

literally immigrants serbs that converted to catholicism

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but I heard kosovars don't associate themselves with albanians from albania and vice versa, is this true?

LMAO, catholic serbs in denial btfo

albanians look upon kosovar shqiptars as lesser beings, kinda like some serbs look upon bosnian serbs lol

Nah it isn't.
Lots of Kosovo Albanians go there for Holidays and such.

>albanians look upon kosovar shqiptars as lesser beings
LMAO nice propaganda you have there chetnik. People like those are in the minority, same as Kosovo Albanians who also think Albanians from Albania are inferior and usually involved in crime.
Stereotypes exist everywhere, even from city to city.

You are scum either way ahahahahahha

>Serbs using their nationality as an insult

pot kettle

Quick rundown on Kosovo?
Who likes them who hates them

>6 times world cup winners

Bulgarian-turkish gypsy vlach.

how can can cuplets even compete

this is your brain on Kurir

The following countries are official #TeamKosovo fan club members:
Aghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Antigua & Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chad, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Eswatini, Fiji, Finland, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Samoa, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovenia, Somalia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkey, Tuvalu, UAE, UK, USA, Vanuatu, Yemen
Everyone else hates them

Bosnians and Serbs literal Turk trash offspring dare to talk to true Slavs.
Consider necking yourselves asap.

Wtf I love Aghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Antigua & Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chad, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Eswatini, Fiji, Finland, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Samoa, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovenia, Somalia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkey, Tuvalu, UAE, UK, USA, Vanuatu and Yemen now?

Go Kosovo then I guess

tfw all serbs died 14th century and nowdays you are speaking to turkish-vlasch rape babies.

>crofag turkoid scum
>ignores the fact that his entire country was under the ottoman rule

good old jovan deretic history

>imagine being a country that literally stole another one's language (the first croatian grammar was written way before any mention of a serbian one) and then claiming shit like this

toppest of keks

based and factual

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how does every thread with balkan countries in it turn into a shitfest? what‘s the scientific equation here

>>imagine being a country that literally stole another one's language (the first croatian grammar was written way before any mention of a serbian one) and then claiming shit like this
>toppest of keks


Balkan threads are the GOAT

oh a idiom, so there is at last intelligent life hiding under that flag

I agree mate, seething croats and albanians can keep me shitposting for hours

Decade of messy wars of secession + Plenty of unresolved territorial issues + Ethnic nationalism used to carve out a national identity after independence = Balkan fighting

I went all over the region earlier in the year on vacation and everyone was much friendlier/hospitable than I expected, would definitely love to go back

Lets settle this once and for all, who does Kosovo really belong to?

my local chipper are Albanians, they're always pleasant and generous with the chips


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>Balkans aren't the niggers of Europe

>officially independent
>no UN seat

I thought they were semi-autonomous or something?

The Aussies


can I have a naughty bit of land there?

No naughty bits there. They kill their newborn females. Not trying to shit on them for it, but they do, that's another way of how they keep spreading.

Because FOOTBALL made that every political differences between nations disappeared. UEFA wants that everybody in Europe play FOOTBALL and forgive they problems. Thanks UEFA and more important THANKS FIFA.

Los Kosovo son Argentinos

Kosovo, our 11th province

Albofag here, I love the balcans, I mean is there a bunch of crazier retards than us down here? We hate each other to death, I lose my shit reading trough all the hilarious comments here, be it a serbcuck or croatbro commenting on shqiptars, bosanac or each other.

We are the master race, imagine the shit we could do if we would unite.

Would it make sense to give Kosovo to Albania and give southern Albania to Greece?

Can't wait to genocide albanians for all the shit they're doing, and it's coming sooner than yall thought.
But the shitty thing is many of them roaches went abroad and the rest of them will run away from Kosovo and Metohija, so they'll be like jews or armenians, crying like pussies till the end of time.

As Bulgarian diaspora I laugh at yugos. We're the chads of the Balkans.

I personally think Kosovo and Albania should unite, Albania was isolated for years because of their turbo communism and Kosovo was occupied by Yugoslavia (Serbia). Same culture, language, it would only make sense. The problem is that Kosovo and Albania are run by the Mafia that has huge ties with the European Leaders. They need those two countries to bring drugs,organs and weapons to Europe. It's like a backdoor for illegal shit.

Southern Albania to Greece? Idk how you come to this conclusion if you visit Korfu there are plenty of albanian speaking people. They are called Arvanites and are Albanians that call themself Greeks but know that they are from an Albanian background. (

shut the fuck up Andorra.

Because southern Albania used to be a part of Greece.

Meanwhile in reality Albanians, Croats, Bosnians etc cleansed the fuck out of serbs lmao. Seethe harder online.

For like a year when Greece invaded the country in WW1, Spiro. Greece has no claim to any land north of its borders and actually got lucky with what land it has considering Macedonia/Thrace/Epirus were filled to the brim with Slavs, Jews, Turks, Albanians etc and somehow ended up with Greece.

What's going on with flag design in Balkans? Bosnia has the same one, yellow pic of the country and random stars on a blue background. Is this some sort of template they use?

If Gibraltar can be a country, then you better believe Kosovo too, now Nicaragua and all the center america shit tier country wannabe towns on the other hand...

It should be an American military installation.

It belongs to everyone

Are we gonna ignore how ireland flag is italia with a snapchat filter?

Albania belongs to Greece. Ship the albanians back to the caucases.

But Greece belongs to Germany, which means Albania belongs to Germany

all i know is that abanians belong in the fucking cacusus. theyd be right at home fucking shit up with all the other niggers there.

shut up and build the wall, make mexicans pay for it.

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So far we haven’t

god damn balkan banter is funny to read

it belongs to god

It's an American colony

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>croats in charge of distinguishing insults from compliments
No wonder war was inevitable.

Go back to /pol/ you degenerates
Croats are weird
Albanians are scum
Serbis are alright unless they're apes
Greeks are alright unless they're weird

There, problem solved

What are Ukrainians just wondering

>you will never be a balkanigger autistically screeching at other balkaniggers all day

feels bad i want to join in on the fun

Ukranians are cute


How is this a sports related thread? This should go to /pol

FIFA is criminal organization.

dobro braco srbi, jeste da se siptarska i bosnjacka dijaspora pretvara kao da su lokalci, al ne morate vi

Turks and jews, some slavs.

Same with kosovo, it was part of albanian for like 3 years

this thred^^^

>this thread

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who /illyrian/ over here?
don't wanna talk with slavshits and roaches

Wait, decide, are we bulgars, turks, romanians, albanians, or orthodox croats i cant follow anymore, am i real? lmfao you are so fucking pathetic, the nation of cope


Kosovo here. If we had to pick just one country out of all those that Kosovo belongs to, as of now it would be probably USA.
Nah fuck that shit, it looks like the same culture and shit to others, but it's really not. The majority of Kosovo people don't actually like to unite with Albania, they just say they do because some stupid fake patriot would start screeching at them. It's probably the same for the Albanians too.
By the way, people who live outside of Kosovo should not be allowed to have opinions on this stuff. I have to say, your opinions are usually shit in general.

hol' up, bre... you be sayin'... that we wuz all Serbs???

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>according to Deretic
Yeah, sure.

it's just a front for running tonnes of heroin into ireland

kojsi ti retard

because serbia wont allow it lol

>He said this one thing wrong therefore everything he says is wrong xD
Jesus Christ just fuck off to Reddit

>If we had to pick just one country out of all those that Kosovo belongs to, as of now it would be probably USA.
And "we" are so dumb to think that.
Fuck being under jewish bullshit. I'd rather unite with Albania and have complete autonomy.

turks, jews and russians mix
have a fleur of romanians and bulgarians, but romanian women are cute(maria lara)

Ubi hrvata, da šiptar nema brata.

It’s not about “thinking”, it’s about facts.
By the way, why do you think uniting with Albania is a good decision? Who the fuck cares about complete autonomy when the people that are in the government are literal idiots who can’t even write.

nuke the balkans


>albanians arent zerg-

sup bro, 100000% pure dynaric-illyrian blood here.


What facts?
If you think being under the United States Government is a good idea you're underage and bluepilled. Same if you are Pro-EU.
These jewish scum/puppets in power will infest us with rapefugees one day.

>By the way, why do you think uniting with Albania is a good decision?
It's not that it's a good decision, it's that we don't have any other better options.
Although this were to ever happen this would probably cause a lot of political problems for Albania in the long run with a lot of countries still not recognizing us as part of Albania and so their relations with other countries would undoubtedly worsen.

Honestly, any way I look at it we're fucked either way.
And it's not just the government or the politicians, let's face it we're simply not very smart people.
We can cry and moan about "muh corruption and muh corrupt politicians" all we want but at the end of the day we have to accept that the real problem lies with the population itself.

They are recognised by all western European democracies, only Russia and their third world tinpot dictatorship allies don't recognise them.

Attached: 500px-CountriesRecognizingKosovo.svg.png (500x227, 65K)

Yeah Spain is such a dictatorship.

they're clearly assmad about it since it reminds them of Catalonia

And I suppose Argentina are still mad about their Malvinas.

Spain is an outlier because if they support a succession then people will ask why it can't happen for Catalonia.
I'm surprised the UK even accepted Kosovo what with the Scotland situation.

Spain views literally everything through Catalonia goggles. They even threatened to block Scottish entry to the EU should scotland become independent even though virtually every single European would support it just to spite Bongistan

UK would have been ready to accept Scotland secession if they had voted yes, they didn't declare the whole thing illegal like Spain did.

>Balkan politics
I give up. You're all so childish. Every argument you have is completely manufactured, arbitrary, literally just made up. Nobody else in the world cares at all about the Balkans because as long as you keep slaughtering each other over this petty shit you'll never amount to anything.

I respect your opinion. Yes, we’re fucked either way, and our people are mostly not just smart enough. They cry about corruption, but if they’re given the chance to do it to gain something, the vast majority would go for it. It’s what happens every day here and it’s pretty damn clear.

>I'm surprised the UK even accepted Kosovo what with the Scotland situation.
Wasn't that way after 2008?

Scots have been whining about muh sovereignty for centuries, we just finally let them prove that they know it's better this way with that vote.

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Byzantine empire


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Well I think our generation might die by the time we're truly fucked but our distant future descendants will probably suffer.

In any case, I think a lot of Albanians dream about us becoming Germany-tier or even Austria or Slovenia-tier someday but I think that likely won't ever happen.

We might go extinct one day centuries from now and assimilate into other nationalities.
We'll be a footnote in history.

It honestly feels like this country was better 20 years ago after the war than it is now. There certainly was more hope and optimism back then and the people were nicer from what I recall...maybe that's just nostalgia though.

Like today even in TV you see so much degenerate nigger culture in our local televisions. It didn't used to be this way and we didn't promote these gypsies I see nowadays on TV. I don't even watch much TV anymore but you're bound to see it if you flip the channels.

I wish it wasn't this way but it is what it is.


thats like asking how is Taiwan allowed to compete in anything

>but the country they seceded from objects!
well boo fuckin hoo.

Dude lmao. Based Tito stopped the forced migration of Serbs into Kosovo.

Because they're based and already better than Serbia at football.

>you'll never amount to anything.
Wtf does this even mean? What is the UK amounting to? Replacing yourselves with foreigners? Fantastic

Whole Balkans is like this. This is why I'm pro-Illyrian Byzantine LARPer. As long as you are or convert to Orthodox, we're good. Orthodox Imperium is the only way. No globohomo West shit, no petty Balkan shit, no gay Pope CIA mafia shit.

They threatened to cleanse one of their neighbors if they weren’t accepted

Which sport is this?

shut the fuck up wh*Te dog

I love this.

We like Kosovo

>imagine the shit we could do if we would unite
Fuck outta here.

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