Why is this allowed, why is kosovo allowed to compete. they're not a country, fifa & uefa are corrupt organizations.
Why is this allowed, why is kosovo allowed to compete. they're not a country, fifa & uefa are corrupt organizations
keep seething
>a fucking pineapple
Why are you, a S*rb not hopping on your tractor and fucking off from Croatia?.
something doesn't quite add up
Shqiptars btfo sl*vs again. Nothing new here.
Imagine how many Serb organs had to be sold to bribe these fuckers enough to let kosovo compete
Then you realize same people cry how Crimea is Ukrainian
t. Đorđe Jovanović from Srb
My private, humble opinion is that i certainly don't believe in kosovo independence (rather it was serbija partition). The revolted terrain should be carpet bombed by SAF and our flying squadrons than maybe this maulers would show some respect to their rightful masters. One bombing a day keeps k*sovian dogs away (from stealing more clay obviously)