Got a second interview on Monday, wish me luck bros

Got a second interview on Monday, wish me luck bros

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I hope you get rejected and starve to death cunt

Wew, trips of doom

drive thru or front counter?

Good luck friend. Is it for a job or something like an internship?

sup princip, u cool mate?

Good luck.

I just told my boss on Friday that I'll be quitting this month. Unemployment here I come.

>wanting to be a wagecuck

That's not very nice user

future janny right here

web designer and digital manager for a local well-funded community center
basically pitched them a Wordpress-based redesign of their 2005-era site and a baby-tier social media plan for promoting their gym and theater productions, and they ate it up

sounds cozy user

>second interview
I hope it ends there and you get the job. I had a 3-tier interview process that ultimately I didn't get. shit was only like a 62k/year job too. fuck that noise.

I only needed one.

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thanks bros
this would be about 50k which isn't the best but hella better than the dead-end startup I've wasted 6 years working for
top-tier medical benefits and free gym membership (run by powerlifters so it has actual equipment)
would be a good stepping stone anyway

good luck Juan, take dem jobs

Where do you live?
It's really weird that you can't live okay with 4000 dollars monthly.

nice man, hope it works out for you

>on your cv you list watching sports in your interests but you don't mention playing them

Best of luck bro.

i have to write an application today

what the fuck is wrong with his face

>mfw didn't get an interview for 2 tutoring jobs I applied to in my university even tho my gpa is 3.9 in the hardest bracnch of engineering(electrical)

should have clarified
been working for dead-end startup making 35k (basically 28k take home after taxes) which is borderline poverty tier
50k is a massive step-up, not what I'd consider "stable career, start a family" money, but more than enough to have a nice place without roommates and afford to do nice things on occasion

Fuck off Mr Krabs

What the fuck is Herzegovina anyway?
Never ever heard of it except in the context of "Bosnia &".
Whereas Bosnia itself crops up quite a lot historically.

haven't gotten a raise at dead-end startup for 3 years, am basically managing a department
doesn't even do 3% increases for cost-of-living, have asked them continuously, showed I'm valuable but they give bullshit reasons every time
only reason I stayed was I was in a bad funk for the past two years since I pushed a girl that loved me away because I couldn't afford to give her the life she deserved
things are better now and I'm taking control back
the startup is going to be fucked without me, I wear 4 different hats and they won't be able to find someone to replace me that can do all that at the money they're offering, can't wait to see the looks on their faces

You got this. Good luck, OP!

God I hope you kill yourself

Get laid

Good for you man.
How much does apartment cost where you live?
Herzegovina is the southern region. It's name literally means ''Duchy''. There's also a region in north of Serbia (Vojvodina) that means the same.


how thick are you

>tfw lost job and haven't been accepted for a new one in two months despite a few interviews
only three months until my savings are burned through. i'm thinking i'm fucked.

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>I pushed a girl that loved me away because I couldn't afford to give her the life she deserved
>give her the life she deserved
mega cringe

Ba ba ba ba baaaa, wage cuckin' it

>going for engineering internship
>score in the top 2 percentile for the cognitive ability test they make us all do
>do pretty well in the actual interview, providing decent answers to questions
>thinking I have it in the bag
>interviewer whips out a "pop quiz" to see my "problem solving ability"
>it's on shit I did a year ago and promptly forgot
>flounder through the process and only get 1/3 right
thats some top tier bullshit right there, tricking me up on shit I don't remember. I guaruntee if I had 20 minutes to revise the topic I would've got 3/3